HomeMy WebLinkAboutCBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes - March 29, 2023 Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Board of Police Commissioners Minutes
March 29, 2023
10:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
2nd Floor, City Hall
320 Esplanade Sydney, NS
Commissioner Eldon MacDonald called the meeting to Order.
Present: Commissioner Eldon MacDonald, Chair
Commissioner Ken Tracey
Commissioner Lorne Green
Commissioner Dale Deering-Bert, Citizen Appointee, Vice Chair
Commissioner Tom Vickers, Citizen Appointee
Commissioner Noelle Gouthro, Provincial Appointee
Staff. Police Chief Robert Walsh
Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Superintendent Reg Hutchings
Inspector Bill Turner
Desiree Magnus, Communications /PR Advisor
Sharon MacSween, Recording Secretary
Absent: Commissioner Helen Luedee, Citizen Appointee (Regrets)
Also Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill
Present: Councillor Gordon MacDonald
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 2
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
Board of Police Commissioners
Summary of Decisions
1. Land Acknowledtement
2. Administration of the Oaths of Office for Newly-Appointed Commissioners:
The Municipal Clerk administered the Oaths of Office for the newly appointed members
of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners, namely Citizen Dale Deering-Bert and
Citizen Tom Vickers.
3. Roll Call
4. Election/Selection of Vice Chair:
Commissioner Dale Deering-Bert was declared Vice-Chair of the Board of Police
5. Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda and addendum. Carried.
6. Approval of Minutes:
➢ November 23, 2022
Motion to approve. Carried.
7. Cape Breton Regional Police Services -Proposed Budget 2023-2024:
CBRPS Cost Recovery:
Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the $5 nominal fee option
with respect to Criminal Records Checks for volunteers. Carried.
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 3
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
Cape Breton Regional Police Services -Proposed Budget 2023-2024 (Cont'd):
Motion that the proposed 2023-2024 Police Services Budget as presented by Chief
Robert Walsh be recommended to Council for approval. Carried.
8. Divisional Reports:
For information only.
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 4
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
Call to Order
1. Land Acknowledgment
2. Administration of the Oaths of Office for Newly-Appointed Commissioners:
The Municipal Clerk administered the Oaths of Office for the newly appointed members
of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners, namely Dale Deering-Bert and Thomas
3. Roll Call
4. Election/Selection of Vice-Chair:
The Chair called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Police
Commissioner Tracey nominated Commissioner Deering-Bert for Vice-Chair of the
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners and the nomination was seconded by
Commissioner Green. Commissioner Deering-Bert accepted the nomination.
The Chair asked if there were any further nominations. Hearing none,
Commissioner Dale Deering-Bert was declared Vice-Chair of the Board of Police
Commissioners for 2023.
5. Approval of Agenda:
The Chair noted that Chief Walsh had circulated an Issue Paper on CBRPS Cost
Recovery as an addendum for today's agenda.
Moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Tracey, to approve the
March 29, 2023 CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Agenda and Addendum.
Motion Carried.
6. Approval of Minutes:
Moved by Commissioner Green, seconded by Commissioner Tracey, to approve the
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes of:
➢ November 23, 2022
Motion Carried.
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 5
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
7. Cape Breton Regional Police Services -Proposed Budget 2023-2024:
The Chief of Police presented the proposed CBRPS Budget for the 2023-23 fiscal year.
He advised that the total forecasted budget is $30,500,486, an overall increase of
$2,630,357 from the 2022-23 budget. $2.4 million of the proposed budget is attributed to
contractually negotiated wages, salaries and benefits, and $122,000 for recruitment
incentives which is part of a pilot project to be funded through Operational Reserves.
Chief Walsh advised that the MOU with the integrated traffic services with the RCMP
has been discontinued due to CBRPS no longer having extra capacity and the positions
being underfunded. As a result, there is a $348,000 reduction reflected in our cost
recovery for 2023-24. As vacancies are filled, there may be the capacity to renegotiate the
MOU in the future.
Chief Walsh reviewed the adjustments being requested to the budget line items.
It was noted by Chief Walsh that there is a $95,000 increase in existing revenues, and the
potential for an additional $35,000 in new revenue, depending on the decision of the
Commission related to the fee restructure.
CBRPS Cost Recovery:
The Police Commission then recessed to provide an opportunity for its members to read
and review the Issue Paper included in the Addendum regarding cost recovery.
Police Commission Recessed at 10:28 a.m.
Police Commission Reconvened at 10:32 a.m.
Chief Walsh reviewed his Issue Paper and noted that fees for services have not changed
since 2008 and the demand for these services has grown significantly with some of
services costing money to provide. A comprehensive environmental scan of other police
services was carried out. The increased fees being proposed are for police records checks,
fingerprints, peace bonds and collision reports to align with other jurisdictions and the
fees more accurately reflect today's cost of doing business.
It was noted that annually, between 6400-6500 record checks are requested with
volunteer checks estimated at approximately 2000. It was recommended in the 2022
issue paper that a nominal fee of $15 be charged for volunteer applications. As the cost
may have impact on the volunteer sector, and fee waiving could be determined on a case-
by-case basis with respect for the applicant's financial and personal situation.
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 6
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
CBRPS Cost Recover (Cont'd):
Following the report by the Chief, discussion included:
Criminal record checks for groups of individuals
Costs associated with document service
• Fees would become part of a policy and cost increase tied to the annual Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
• Potential revenues re Cost Recovery were not included in the proposed budget
Charging volunteers a nominal fee of$5 criminal record checks
• Annually, a number of volunteer criminal record checks are not picked up
After discussion, the following was put forward:
Moved by Commissioner Tracey, seconded by Commissioner Green, that a
recommendation be made to Council to approve the $5 nominal fee option with respect to
Criminal Records Checks for volunteers.
Motion Carried.
Cape Breton Regional Police Services -Proposed Budget 2023-2024 (Cont'd):
Chief Walsh also noted as part of the budget, a Civilian Business Manager is being
proposed to allow police managers to implement a key recommendation from the Org
Review to the operation and that it is cost neutral position. At present, there are two
vacant staff sergeant positions, and this is an ideal time to move forward to better
administrative functions workflow analysis of the Department.
Moved by Commissioner Tracey, seconded by Commissioner Deering-Bert, that the
proposed 2023-2024 Police Services Budget as presented by Chief Robert Walsh be
recommended to Council for approval.
Motion Carried.
8. Divisional Reports:
Superintendent Reg Hutchings reported on the following:
Hi2hli2hts and Initiatives
• Eight new Constables were sworn in to service as a result of an ongoing recruitment
campaign to fill existing vacancies and maintain our compliment of front line
officers keeping our communities safe.
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 7
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
Divisional Reports (Cont'd):
• Held the 15'h annual "Shop of the Class" in conjunction with the Mayflower Mall
and Cape Breton Regional Center for Education, helping to fulfill wish lists for 38
deserving students with Mayflower mall gift certificates and additional shopping
money donated by local businessmen as well as winter jackets from Sport Check.
• Through checkpoints and targeted traffic enforcement Cape Breton Regional Police
Traffic Safety and Patrol Officers stopped and checked more than 5,000 vehicles
with assistance from MADD Cape Breton for increased education and awareness of
the importance of sober driving. No impaired drivers were identified but police
issued approximately 50 tickets to drivers for operating vehicles without valid and
required paperwork.
• Participated in the Opening Ceremony for the Red Dress Commemoration Park in
Membertou, in honour and memory of murdered and missing Indigenous women,
children and men. The community chose to develop this park at our police building,
where it will be a symbol of our ongoing commitment to the rights of Indigenous
peoples to be and feel safe.
• Fifteen Cape Breton Regional Police members were presented with the Queen
Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Medal recognizing their service and contributions to
our communities.
• Charged a 31-year-old man with Second Degree Murder of Christopher Allan Reid,
after an extensive investigation by the Cape Breton Regional Police Major Crime
Unit, with the assistance from Forensic Identification officers and the Medical
Examiner's Office.
• Dedicated extra patrols to address community concerns in the Plummer Avenue area
of New Waterford, leading to multiple arrests for outstanding warrants and
information for further investigation and enforcement.
Divisions: North/Central/East
• Training
• Patrols
• Lockup
• Membertou Division
• K-9 Unit
• School Liaison Officer
CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes 8
March 29,2023 Approved June 19,2023
Divisional Reports (Cont'd):
Following the report by Superintendent Hutchings, Chief Walsh responded to questions.
He advised that there are four police officers in 4 high schools with the majority of their
salaries being funding through the Centre of Education. Additionally, Chief Walsh
advised that CBRPS is below compliment by 24 members, 41 permanent members are
off, and 2 officers are presently on modified duties.
Inspector Bill Turner then presented on the following sections of the Report:
Operational Support:
• Traffic Safety Unit
Street Crime/Drug Unit
Community Safety Enforcement Unit
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN)
• Major Crime/Domestic Violence Unit
General Investigation Section/Arson Investigator
• Internet Child Exploitation Unit(ICE)/Computer Forensic Unit
• Forensic Identification Unit
Solid Waste
• Mental Health Liaison Officer
• Polygraph Unit
After the update from Inspector Turner, discussion included:
Safer Communities positions and the Act
• Proceeds of profits from crime secured are surrendered to the Crown
• Derelict buildings used for criminal activity
For information only.
The Chair noted that there being no further business on the agenda, the meeting is
Adiourned at 11:22 a.m.
Commissioner Eldon MacDonald Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk