HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes April 11, 2023 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY
Council Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2023
6:02 p.m.
Council Chambers
2nd Floor, City Hall
320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill called the meeting to order.
Council: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Councillor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Deputy Mayor James Edwards
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Councillor Lorne Green
Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Demetri Kachafanas, KC, Regional Solicitor
Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development
Kirk Durning, Director of Parks, Recreation, Buildings and Facilities
Paul Burt, Manager of Building, Planning & Licensing Laws
Cindy Hynes, Recreation Program Coordinator
Laura Goode, Recreation Program Coordinator
Jonathan Penney, Recreation Program Coordinator
Joe Costello, Recreation Program Coordinator
Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant
Angela Ross, Recording Secretary
Absent: Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger (Leave of Absence)
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April 11, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 2 of 10
Summary of Decisions
Mayor McDougall-Merrill welcomed everyone to Council Chambers. She read the 2023
Volunteer Week Proclamation and discussed the importance of the many volunteers in
Items 2.2 was dealt with at this point of the meeting.
2.2 Presentation of 2018 Volunteer Awards:
a) Gary McDonald Memorial Award
Awarded in recognition of an outstanding community project.
Recipient: Sukhmani Sahib Society
b) Anne Holland Memorial Award
Awarded in recognition of an outstanding community volunteer.
Recipient: Clare Bishop
c) Youth Volunteer Award
Awarded in recognition of an outstanding youth volunteer.
Recipient: Christopher Kaiser
The Mayor noted that Council will now revert to the order of business in the agenda.
Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
O' Canada
Motion to approve the April 11, 2023, Council Agenda as circulated. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
2.1 Proclamation: 2023 Volunteer Week:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim April
16d' to 22nd, 2023 as "Volunteer Week" in recognition of the splendid efforts of our
volunteers who provide service to our residents and communities. Carried.
3.1 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council hereby declare
the month of May, 2023 as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month" in the Cape Breton
Regional Municipality. Carried.
4.1 Request for Street Closure—Beach Street, Glace Bay (PID 15740988:
• to approve of the closure of Beach Street, Glace Bay as identified on Attachment "A"
and survey plan Attachment"B" to the staff Issue Paper dated April 11, 2023 pursuant
to MGA; and
• to deem the property lot identified on survey plan as identified as Attachment "B"
essential to the needs of the municipality for the Glace Bay Wastewater Treatment
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
5.1 By-laws:
a) Second/Final Reading:
i) P-500: Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law (and Repeal of
Taxi By-law):
Motion to approve for second/final reading the P-500 Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-
law as presented. Carried.
Motion that staff be directed to prepare an Issue Paper outlining the options to amend the
Schedule of Fares found in Schedule "C" of the Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law to
include a provision for a service fee of$2.00 per transaction for the use of Debit or
Credit. Carried.
b) First Reading: N/A
6.1 Council—January 17, 2023:
a) Municipal Rodent Control(Rats):
Motion that staff be directed to develop an educational campaign to provide guidance to
property owners on how to mitigate rodent issues on private property. Carried.
8. Review of Action Items from this Meeting:
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Mayor McDougall-Merrill welcomed everyone to Council Chambers. She read the 2023
Volunteer Week Proclamation and discussed the importance of the many volunteers in
Items 2.2 was dealt with at this point of the meeting.
2.2 Presentation of 2018 Volunteer Awards:
d) Gary McDonald Memorial Award
Awarded in recognition of an outstanding community project.
Joe Costello, Recreation Program Coordinator, provided background information and
criteria for the Gary McDonald Memorial Award.
The District 5 Councillor provided background information on Sukhmani Sahib Society.
Recipient: Sukhmani Sahib Society
Presented by: Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Representatives from the Society thanked Council for the Award.
e) Anne Holland Memorial Award
Awarded in recognition of an outstanding community volunteer.
Jonathan Penney, Recreation Program Coordinator, provided background information and
criteria for the Anne Holland Memorial Award.
The District 2 Councillor provided a biography on Clare Bishop.
Recipient: Clare Bishop
Presented by: Councillor Earlene MacMullin
Clare Bishop thanked Council for the Award.
f) Youth Volunteer Award
Awarded in recognition of an outstanding youth volunteer.
Laura Goode, Recreation Program Coordinator, provided background information and
criteria for the Youth Volunteer Award.
The Deputy Mayor provided a biography on Christopher Kaiser.
Recipient: Christopher Kaiser
Presented by: Deputy Mayor James Edwards
Christopher Kaiser thanked Council for the Award.
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The Mayor thanked volunteers and staff for the special celebration and noted that Council
will now revert to the order of business in the agenda.
Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
O' Canada
Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve
the April 11, 2023 Council agenda as circulated.
Motion Carried.
2.1 Proclamation: 2023 Volunteer Week:
Moved by Deputy Mayor Edwards, seconded by Councillor Darren O'Quinn, that CBRM
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim April 16d' to 22nd, 2023 as
"Volunteer Week" in recognition of the splendid efforts of our volunteers who provide
service to our residents and communities.
Motion Carried.
3.1 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month:
Moved by Councillor O'Quinn, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that CBRM
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council hereby declare the month of May,
2023 as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month"in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.
Motion Carried.
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4.1 Request for Street Closure—Beach Street, Glace Bay (PID 15740988):
Mayor McDougall-Merrill called upon the Regional Solicitor to present the issue.
Demetri Kachafanas reviewed the report included in the agenda package and advised that
the formal street closing is required for the closure of the public street known as Beach
Street, Glace Bay which forms part of the site essential for the construction of the Glace
Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. He noted that Beach Street is identified as PID
15740988 and shown on the map as Attachment A to the staff report in the agenda.
The Solicitor advised that pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, a Public Hearing is
required. He noted that the Cameron's Building Supplies has an encroachment that will be
permitted to remain as it will not impact the project. CBRM will be installing a permitter
road around the oceanside as a turnaround for trucks.
Public Hearing:
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request for street
closure, seeing that there was no one the following motion was put forward:
Moved by Councillor Tracey, seconded by Deputy Mayor James Edwards,
• to approve of the closure of Beach Street, Glace Bay as identified on Attachment "A"
and survey plan Attachment"B" to the staff Issue Paper dated April 11, 2023 pursuant
to MGA; and
• to deem the property lot identified on survey plan as identified as Attachment "B"
essential to the needs of the municipality for the Glace Bay Wastewater Treatment
Motion Carried.
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5.1 By-laws:
a) Second/Final Reading:
i) P-500: Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law (and Repeal of
Taxi By-law):
The Mayor advised that the Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law and the Repeal of the
Taxi By-law is on the agenda for second and final reading. She noted that the Public
Hearing had already taken place at the February 28h, 2023 Council meeting.
Paul Burt, Manager of Building, Planning & Licensing Laws, advised that he is
providing the follow up requested at the February 28h meeting, where a motion was
made for staff to allow the Taxi By-law Review Working Group more time for dialogue
with the taxi owners to provide clarification needed.
Paul Burt then reviewed the documents that were included in the agenda package and
provided an update on what was discussed at the meeting held on March 30'h that was
attended by the Taxi By-law Review Working Group as well as members of the Taxi
Paul Burt indicated that if requested by Council, staff could provide Council with an
Issue Paper that would address the use of Debit and Credit fees. However, for today's
meeting he recommended that the second and final reading of the By-law be approved.
During Council discussion, Paul Burt responded to a question and explained that there
has been some concerns in the taxi industry about the service fees for Debit and Credit
cards, however if the By-law is changed to include same, another public hearing would
have to be scheduled.
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BY-LAWS & MOTIONS: By-laws - Second/Final Reading:
ii) P-500: Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law (and Repeal of
Taxi By-law) (Cont'd):
After Council discussion, the following motions were put forward:
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Green, to approve for second/final
reading the P-500 Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law as presented.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that staff be
directed to prepare an Issue Paper outlining the options to amend the Schedule of Fares
found in Schedule "C" of the Passenger Vehicle for Hire By-law to include a provision
for a service fee of$2.00 per transaction for the use of Debit or Credit.
Motion Carried.
6.1 Council—January 17, 2023:
a) Municipal Rodent Control(Rats):
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development, reviewed the Issue Paper included in
the agenda package and recommended that Council direct CBRM staff to develop an
educational campaign to provide guidance to property owners on how to mitigate rodent
issues on private property. He advised that if Council wishes to escalate the issue further,
Council should consider advocating for Provincial operational funding to retain a
consultant for the purposes of implementing an Integrated Pest Management Program, such
as those pioneered in other jurisdictions.
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Tracey, that staff be
directed to develop an educational campaign to provide guidance to property owners on
how to mitigate rodent issues on private property.
Motion Carried.
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8. Review of Action Items from this Meeting:
Meeting adiourned at 7:21 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk