HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes March 14, 2023 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 14, 2023 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers 2nd Floor, City Hall 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS Deputy Mayor James Edwards called the meeting to order. Council: Deputy Mayor James Edwards Councillor Gordon MacDonald Councillor Earlene MacMullin Councillor Cyril MacDonald Councillor Steve Gillespie Councillor Eldon MacDonald Councillor Glenn Paruch Councillor Steve Parsons Councillor Ken Tracey Councillor Darren O'Quinn Councillor Lorne Green Staff. John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk Demetri Kachafanas, KC, Regional Solicitor Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development Kirk Durning, Director of Recreation, Parks & Grounds, Buildings & Facilities Chief Michael Seth, Director of Fire & Emergency Services Paul MacDonald, Manager of Facilities Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant Angela Ross, Recording Secretary Absent: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill (Regrets) Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger (Leave of Absence) Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 2 of 11 The Council In Camera March 7a', 2023 in accordance with Section 22(2) (e) of the Municipal Government Act. Summary of Decisions Land Acknowledgement Roll Call O' Canada 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve the March 14, 2023, Council Agenda as circulated, noting that item 4.1 will be referred back to the Fire and Emergency Committee. Carried. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes from: ➢ Council—January 17, 2023 ➢ Council—February 14, 2023 Carried. 3. PROCLAMATIONS: 3.1 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, as "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. 3.2 World Water Day: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim Monday, March 22nd, 2023 as "World Water Day" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in hopes that residents will be inspired and encouraged to take action in their own lives to change the way they use,consume and manage water. The world is encouraged to celebrate by remembering our need for clean water to support the most basic human needs. Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 3 of 11 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd): PROCLAMATIONS (Cont'd): 3.3 Purple Day for Epilepsy: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim March 26, 2023 as "Purple Day" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in an effort to raise epilepsy awareness. Carried. ADDENDUM: 3.4 Impaired Driving Prevention Week: March 19-25, 2023: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim March 19-25, 2023, as Impaired Driving Prevention Week in collaboration with MADD in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. 4. BUISINESS ARISING: 4.1 Fire & Emer2ency Services Committee: a) Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment: This item was referred back to the Fire and Emergency Services Committee. 5. CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: 5.1 REQUEST FOR EASEMENT — NSPL• Morrison Road/Broughton Rd., Birch Grove Area (District 8) PID 15688906/15553001/15523533: Motion that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Easement Agreement in favour of Nova Scotia Power Incorporation across the CBRM properties subject to items 1, 2 and 3 outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated March 14a', 2023. All costs and fees associated with the Easement shall be the responsibility of NSPL Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 4 of 11 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES (Cont'd): 5.2 Request for Street Closure — PID 15740988: Beach Street, Glace Bay (District 10): Motion that the Legal Department be directed to proceed with the request of a formal street closure under Section 315 of the Municipal Government Act, for the closure of Beach Street, Glace Bay (as identified in Attachments "A" and "B" in the staff Issue Paper dated March 14a', 2023) for municipal purposes. Carried. 5.3 Request to Take Ownership of Emera Centre Northside: Motion to agree to accept ownership of the Emera Centre Northside. Carried 5.4 Mandatory Policy Update—En2a2ement Programs: Motion that staff be directed to draft the required amendment to its Public Participation Programs Policy in alignment with the Regulations Respecting the Content for Engagement Programs for consideration at the next regular meeting of Council; and request feedback from Membertou and Eskasoni on if and how they would like to be engaged within the scope of this policy. Carried. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: N/A 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 7.1 CBRM to January 31, 2023: For Information Only. 7.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to January 31, 2023: For Information Only. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 5 of 11 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 8. Review of Action Items from this Meeting: The Deputy Mayor noted that the Fire Services issue will be referred back to Committee. Added Item: CBU Medical Facility: Motion that staff be directed to write a letter to the Premier of Nova Scotia and the President of the Cape Breton University (CBU), David Dingwall, to express Council's appreciation for their hard work and funding for the new Medical Facility at CBU. Carried. Adjournment. Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 6 of 11 The Council In Camera March 7a', 2023 in accordance with Section 22(2) (e) of the Municipal Government Act. Land Acknowledtement Roll Call O' Canada 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Deputy Mayor Edwards noted that item 4.1 will be referred back to the Fire and Emergency Services Committee. Motion: Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Tracey, to approve the March 14, 2023 Council agenda as circulated, noting that item 4.1 will be referred back to the Fire and Emergency Committee. Motion Carried. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, approval of the Minutes from: ➢ Council Meeting—January 17, 2023 ➢ Council Meeting—February 14, 2023 Motion Carried. 3. PROCLAMATIONS: 3.1 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination): Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald,that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, as "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 7 of 11 PROCLAMATIONS (Cont'd): 3.2 World Water Day: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim Monday, March 22nd 2023 as "World Water Day" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in hopes that residents will be inspired and encouraged to take action in their own lives to change the way they use, consume and manage water. The world is encouraged to celebrate by remembering our need for clean water to support the most basic human needs. Motion Carried. 3.3 Purple Day for Epilepsy: Motion: Moved by Councillor O'Quinn, seconded by Councillor Paruch, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim March 26, 2023 as "Purple Day" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in an effort to raise epilepsy awareness. Motion Carried. ADDENDUM 3.4 Impaired Driving Prevention Week: March 19-25, 2023: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall-Merrill and Council proclaim March 19-25, 2023, as Impaired Driving Prevention Week in collaboration with MADD in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. 4. BUISINESS ARISING: 4.1 Fire & Emergency Services Committee: a) Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment: This item was referred back to the Fire and Emergency Services Committee. Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 8 of 11 5. CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: 5.1 REQUEST FOR EASEMENT—NSPL• Morrison Road/Broughton Rd., Birch Grove Area (District 8) PID 15688906/15553001/15523533: Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, reviewed her Issue Paper in the agenda package and recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Easement Agreement in favour of Nova Scotia Power Incorporation across CBRM properties as noted. During discussion,the staff answered Council questions regarding the compensation being paid by Nova Scotia Power and the property location within a watershed area. After discussion on the issue, the following motion was put forward. Motion: Moved by Councillor Tracey, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Easement Agreement in favour of Nova Scotia Power Incorporation across the CBRM properties subject to items 1, 2 and 3 outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated March 14a', 2023. All costs and fees associated with the Easement shall be the responsibility of NSPI. Motion Carried. 5.2 Request for Street Closure—PID 15740988: Beach Street, Glace Bay (District 10): Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, reviewed her Issue Paper in the agenda package and recommended that the Legal Department be directed to proceed with the request of a formal street closure under Section 315 of the Municipal Government Act,for the closure of Beach Street, Glace Bay as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated March 14a', 2023. After the presentation, the following motion was put forward: Motion: Moved by Councillor Tracey, seconded Councillor Parsons, that the Legal Department be directed to proceed with the request of a formal street closure under Section 315 of the Municipal Government Act, for the closure of Beach Street, Glace Bay (as identified in Attachments "A" and "B" in the staff Issue Paper dated March 14a', 2023) for municipal purposes. Following discussion, the Deputy Mayor called for the vote. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 9 of 11 CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES (Cont'd): 5.3 Request to Take Ownership of Emera Centre Northside: Kirk Durning, Director of Parks, Recreation, Buildings and Facilities, reviewed the Issue Paper in the agenda package. Director Durning noted that the Emera Centre Northside remains in good condition with a significant lifespan. Municipal ownership would result in CBRM owning and operating a major ice/community facility in North, Central and East Divisions of the Municipality. Given all this, and at the risk of losing an important community facility, staff recommended that Council agree to accept ownership of the Emera Centre Northside. Director Durning referenced the Emera Centre Board Members who were in attendance in the gallery. He also advised that CBRM Facilities Manager Paul MacDonald was available for any questions. During Council discussion, some of the issues raised included: • Emera Centre brings no debt CBRM contributions to other arenas • Building should undergo engineering structural review • Projected revenue/expenses and subsidy Staffing and current employees • Emera's naming rights After discussion, the following motion was then put forward: Motion: Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded Councillor Gordon MacDonald, to agree to accept ownership of the Emera Centre Northside. Following discussion on the naming rights for the building, the Deputy Mayor called for the vote. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 10 of 11 CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES (Cont'd): 5.4 Mandatory Policy Update—Enmement Programs: Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development, reviewed the Issue Paper in the agenda package, and recommended that Council direct staff to draft the required amendment to its Public Participation Programs Policy in alignment with the Regulations Respecting the Content for Engagement Programs for consideration at the next regular meeting of Council. Director Ruus also recommended that CBRM request feedback from Membertou and Eskasoni on if and how they would like to be engaged within the scope of this policy. Motion: Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that staff be directed to draft the required amendment to the Public Participation Programs Policy in alignment with the Regulations Respecting the Content for Engagement Programs for consideration at the next regular meeting of Council; and request feedback from Membertou and Eskasoni on if and how they would like to be engaged within the scope of this policy. Motion Carried. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: N/A 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 7.1 CBRM to January 31, 2023: For Information Only. 7.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to January 31, 2023: Council Meeting- Minutes March 14, 2023 Approved May 23, 2023 11 of 11 8. Review of Action Items from this Meeting: The Deputy Mayor once again noted that the Fire Services issue will be referred back to Committee. Added Item: CBU Medical Facility: Councillor Green asked to provide a comment on the recent funding announcement by the Province for the medical school at Cape Breton University (CBU). He requested that an expression of gratitude be sent to the Premier and CBU President on behalf of Council. Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, that staff be directed to write a letter to the Premier of Nova Scotia and the President of the Cape Breton University (CBU), David Dingwall,to express Council's appreciation for their hard work and funding for the new Medical Facility at CBU. Motion Carried. Deputy Mayor Edwards said that seeing that there is no further business on the agenda,this meeting is adjourned. Meeting adiourned at 7:07 p.m. Deputy Mayor James Edwards Deborah Campbell Ryan Municipal Clerk /acr