HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes - November 8, 2022 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY
Council Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2022
6:02 p.m.
Council Chambers
2nd Floor, City Hall
320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall called the meeting to order.
Council: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Councillor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Councillor Lorne Green
Staff. John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Demetri Kachafanas, KC, Regional Solicitor
Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development
Kirk Durning, Director of Recreation, Parks & Grounds, &Buildings & Facilities
Paul MacDonald, Manager of Facilities
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager
Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant
Angela Ross, Recording Secretary
Absent: Deputy Mayor James Edwards (Regrets)
Council Meeting- Minutes
November 8, 2022 Approved January 17, 2023 2 of 14
Summary of Decisions
Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
O' Canada
Motion to approve the November 8h, 2022, Council Agenda as circulated.
Motion for approval of the Minutes from:
➢ October 11, 2022 —Council
3.1 YMCA Peace Week -2022:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of
November 12'h to 19'', 2022 as YMCA Peace Week in the Cape Breton Regional
Municipality. Carried.
3.2 Restorative Justice Week—2022:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of
November 19'h to 26h, 2022 as Restorative Justice Week in the Cape Breton Regional
Municipality. Carried.
3.3 Trans2ender Day of Remembrance:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim Sunday,
November 20'', 2022 as Transgender Day of Remembrance in the CBRM. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
3.4 Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the month of
November 2022 as "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month" in the Cape Breton
Regional Municipality and join and spread awareness to better understand these
diseases to find a cure. Carried.
A Point of Order was raised by Councillor Gordon MacDonald that CUPE Local 933
were outside City Hall in support of democracy and their rights in the Collective
4.1 Sydney Waterfront Development:
A presentation was provided by Doucet Developments on the proposed Sydney Waterfront
Development project.
For information only.
5.1 Council Meeting—May 24, 2022:
a) Selling of Centre 200:
Motion to retain Centre 200 and endorse it as a key asset for future investment for
community use and economic development purposes. Carried.
5.2 Nominating Committee Meeting—October 26, 2022:
a) Council Appointments to CBRM Committees and External
Agencies —2022 to 2024:
Motion to approve the recommendations from the Nominating Committee, except for the
Police Commission, to appoint the following Council members to the CBRM Internal
Committees and External Agencies for 2022-24:
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
BUSINESS ARISING-Nominating Committee Meeting—October 26, 2022- Council
Appointments to CBRM Committees and External Agencies—2022 to 2024:
Motion (Cont'd):
Heritage Advisory Committee (2 minimum)
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Audit Committee (4 Required)
Deputy Mayor James Edwards, plus:
Councillor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor Lorne Green
CBRM Fences Arbitration Committee (1 Required)
0 Councillor Cyril MacDonald with Councillor MacMullin as the Alternate.
Library Board (3 Required)
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Pitu'paq (2 members)
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Parsons
NS Solid Waste—Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee(1 Required)
0 Councillor Cyril MacDonald
REN Liaison & Oversight Committee (2 Required)
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Steve Parsons
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November 8, 2022 Approved January 17, 2023 5 of 14
Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
BUSINESS ARISING-Nominating Committee Meeting—October 26, 2022- Council
Appointments to CBRM Committees and External Agencies—2022 to 2024:
Motion (Cont'd):
Fire & Emergency Services Committee (4 Required)
Deputy Mayor James Edwards, plus:
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
A Point of Order was raised by Councillor Gillespie, and he withdrew his name as a
nominee for the Police Commission.
Motion to appoint the following Council Members to the Police Commission for a 2-year
Police Commission (3 Required)
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Lorne Green
b) Regional Enterprise Network (REN) Liaison & Oversight
Committee—CBRM Staff Appointments:
Motion to appoint Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development, as one of the
CBRM staff representatives on the Liaison & Oversight Committee for the REN, and that
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, be reappointed as the second CBRM staff
representative on the LOC. Carried.
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6.1 Request for Street Closure -Portion of Undeveloped Road-Falmouth
Street, Sydney(District 5):
Motion that the Legal Department staff be directed to initiate the process for the street
closure pursuant to Section 315 of the Municipal Government Act, for that portion of the
undeveloped road as outlined in red on Attachment"A" included with the staff Issue Paper
in the agenda package and deem that portion surplus for the purpose of finalizing the
transfer documents related to the 2002 agreement made between CBRM and Stephen's
Building Supplies. Carried.
6.2 Lease—Lyceum Heritage Society, 225 George Street, Sydney
(PID 15058696/15176761)
Motion to deem the property located at 225 George Street, Sydney, and identified as PID
15058696 and PID 15176761 in Attachment"A" of the Issue Paper in the agenda
package, surplus to the needs of the municipality. Carried.
8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
8.1 CBRM to July 31, 2022:
For Information Only.
8.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to July 31, 2022:
For Information Only.
8. Review of Action Items from this Meeting:
The Mayor reviewed action items from this meeting.
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Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
O' Canada
Mayor McDougall advised that over the past couple of weeks, conferences have been held
by the Association of Municipal Administrators and the Nova Scotia Federation of
Municipalities where Long Service Awards have been presented. She recognized and
congratulated the following Council and staff who were honoured with Long Service
• Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger—30 years
• Councillor Eldon MacDonald— 10 years
• Toni DeLorenzo - 35 years
• Deborah Campbell Ryan—30 years
• Demetri Kachafanas —25 years
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve the
November 8h, 2022, Council Agenda as circulated.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Tracey, approval of the Minutes
➢ Council - October 11, 2022
Motion Carried.
3.1 YMCA Peace Week -2022:
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that CBRM
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of November 12'h to 19'',
2022 as YMCA Peace Week in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.
Motion Carried.
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3.2 Restorative Justice Week—2022:
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Green, that CBRM
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of November 19'h to 26h,
2022 as Restorative Justice Week in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.
Motion Carried.
3.3 Trans2ender Day of Remembrance:
Moved by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Green,that CBRM Mayor
Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim Sunday November 20'', 2022 as
Transgender Day of Remembrance in the CBRM.
Motion Carried.
3.4 Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month:
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Paruch, that CBRM Mayor
Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the month of November 2022 as "Crohn's
and Colitis Awareness Month" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and join and
spread awareness to better understand these diseases to find a cure.
Motion Carried.
At this point in the meeting, Councillor Gordon MacDonald raised a Point of Order to
recognize members of CUPE Union Local 933 who were outside City Hall in support
of democracy and their rights in their Collective Agreement.
4.1 Sydney Waterfront Development:
Mayor McDougall advised that the purpose of the Report is to introduce to the community
the proponent who successfully went through the Expression of Interest (EOI) for the
proposed Sydney Waterfront Development project. She advised that no decision will be
made tonight, and that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be developed to
frame how the development goes forward which will come back before Council for
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November 8, 2022 Approved January 17, 2023 9 of 14
REPORT- Sydney Waterfront Development(Cont'd):
Doug Doucet, President and Founder, introduced the team in attendance from Doucet
Chris Baldwin, Chief Financial Officer
• Dave Wallace, VP of Real Estate
• Trevor MacLeod, President of the Grey Group/Investor
Mr. Doucet provided background information on Doucet Developments and their
Chris Baldwin, Chief Financial Officer, provided a project overview noting the
• Design Elements
• Master Schedule and Phasing
• Construction Phasing
• Next Steps
For information only.
Mayor McDougall thanked the Doucet Development team for their presentation.
5.1 Council Meeting—May 24, 2022:
a) Selling of Centre 200:
Paul MacDonald, Manager of Facilities, reviewed the Issue Paper in the agenda package
that was requested by Council outlining the pros and cons of selling Centre 200. He
recommended that Council retain Centre 200 and endorse it as a key asset for future
investment for community use and economic development purposes.
After the presentation, Council discussed and shared their views on the issue. The
following motion was then put forward:
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Earlene MacMullin, to
retain Centre 200 and endorse it as a key asset for future investment for community use
and economic development purposes.
Motion Carried.
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5.2 Nominating Committee Meeting—October 26, 2022:
a) Council Appointments to CBRM Committees and External Agencies
—2022 to 2024:
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, presented the Council appointments as
recommended by the Nominating Committee, as outlined in the agenda. She advised that
some Committees had more interest than required,which resulted in an election being held
for the Police Commission and Fire & Emergency Services Committee. The results are
included in the excerpt from the Nominating Committee.
Council discussed the issue of continuity vs. the opportunity to gain experience on various
committees and how to deal with the nominations at this point.
Mayor McDougall suggested that Council deal with the Police Commission nominations
separately after the remainder of the Committees which can be dealt with in one motion.
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons,to approve the
recommendations from the Nominating Committee, except for the Police Commission, to
appoint the following Council members to the CBRM Internal Committees and External
Agencies for 2022-24:
Heritage Advisory Committee (2 minimum)
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Audit Committee (4 Required)
Deputy Mayor James Edwards, plus:
• Councillor Earlene MacMullin
• Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor Lorne Green
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November 8, 2022 Approved January 17, 2023 11 of 14
BUSINESS ARISING Nominating Committee Meeting—October 26, 2022:
Council Appointments to CBRM Committees and External Agencies—2022 to 2024(Cont'd):
Motion (Cont'd):
CBRM Fences Arbitration Committee (1 Required)
0 Councillor Cyril MacDonald with Councillor MacMullin as the Alternate.
Library Board (3 Required)
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Pitu'paq (2 members)
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Parsons
NS Solid Waste—Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee(1 Required)
0 Councillor Cyril MacDonald
REN Liaison & Oversight Committee (2 Required)
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Steve Parsons
Fire & Emergency Services Committee (4 Required)
Deputy Mayor James Edwards, plus:
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
• Councillor Steve Parsons
• Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Following discussion on the issue, the Mayor called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
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November 8, 2022 Approved January 17, 2023 12 of 14
BUSINESS ARISING Nominating Committee Meeting—October 26, 2022:
Council Appointments to CBRM Committees and External Agencies—2022 to 2024(Cont'd):
A Point of Order was raised by Councillor Gillespie and he withdrew his name as a
nominee for the Police Commission.
Mayor McDougall advised that as a result of Councillor Gillespie's withdrawal, there is a
requirement for one more position on the Police Commission. Councillor Gordon
MacDonald then nominated Councillor Lorne Green, who accepted the nomination.
Mayor McDougall called for additional nominations, and hearing that there were no further
nominations, the following motion was put forward:
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor MacMullin, to appoint the
following Council Members to the Police Commission for a 2-year term:
Police Commission (3 Required)
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Lorne Green
Motion Carried.
b) Regional Enterprise Network (REN) Liaison & Oversight
Committee CBRM Staff Appointments:
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk,reviewed the Memo in the agenda package and
recommended that Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development, be appointed as
one of the CBRM staff representatives on the Liaison&Oversight Committee for the REN,
and that Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, be reappointed as the second CBRM
staff representative on the LOC.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Ken Tracey, to appoint
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development, as one of the CBRM staff
representatives on the Liaison & Oversight Committee for the REN, and that Jennifer
Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, be reappointed as the second CBRM staff
representative on the LOC.
Motion Carried.
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6.1 Request for Street Closure -Portion of Undeveloped Road-Falmouth
Street, Sydney(District 5):
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, reviewed the Issue Paper in the agenda package and
recommended Council approve the initiation of the process for the street closure pursuant
to Section 315 of the Municipal Government Act.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that the Legal
Department staff be directed to initiate the process for the street closure pursuant to Section
315 of the Municipal Government Act, for that portion of the undeveloped road as outlined
in red on Attachment"A" included with the staff Issue Paper in the agenda package, and
deem that portion surplus for the purpose of finalizing the transfer documents related to
the 2002 agreement made between CBRM and Stephen's Building Supplies.
Following discussion, Mayor McDougall called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
6.2 Lease—Lyceum Heritage Society, 225 George Street, Sydney
(PID 15058696/15176761):
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, reviewed the Issue Paper in the agenda package and
recommended Council deem the property PIDs (15058696/15176761) surplus to the needs
of the municipality.
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Paruch, to deem the
property located at 225 George Street, Sydney, and identified as PID 15058696 and PID
15176761 in Attachment "A" of the Issue Paper in the agenda package, surplus to the
needs of the municipality.
Following discussion, Mayor McDougall called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
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8.1 CBRM to September 30, 2022:
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, advised that the financial statements in the
agenda package are for the 6-month period ending September 30'', 2022. She advised
that these financials are the baseline for the forecast will be presented to Council in
December for the remainder of this fiscal year.
For Information Only.
8.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to September 30, 2022:
Mayor McDougall advised that at the last Council meeting it was agreed to request the
Port of Sydney staff to present their financials at the December meeting of Council.
For Information Only.
9. Review of Action Items from this Meeting:
At the conclusion of the meeting, Mayor Amanda M. McDougall noted that Council would
bring CBRM's federal and provincial partners together to have conversations about Centre
200 and funding opportunities going forward, and make it known that Centre 200 is one of
the priorities of Council as per the motion.
For information Only.
Meeting adiourned at 7:41 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk