HomeMy WebLinkAboutCBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes - March 7, 2022 Cape Breton Regional Municipality Board of Police Commissioners Minutes Monday, March 7, 2022 10:00 a.m. Via Video Conference The Chair Called the Meeting to Order. Present: Commissioner Eldon MacDonald, Chair Commissioner Steve Gillespie (arrived at 10:55 a.m.) Commissioner James Edwards Commissioner Lloyd Bailey, Citizen Appointee Commissioner Dale Deering-Bert, Citizen Appointee, Vice-Chair Commissioner Helen Luedee, Citizen Appointee Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer Police Chief Robert Walsh Deputy Police Chief Steve MacKinnon Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk Acting Superintendent Reg Hutchings Inspector Paul Muise Inspector Jodie Wilson Staff Sergeant Gil Boone Staff Sergeant Ken Routledge Desiree Magnus, Communications /PR Advisor Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant Tanya Nicholson, Recording Secretary Also: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Attending: Councillor Gordon MacDonald Councillor Glenn Paruch Absent: N/A CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 2 Minutes,March 7,2022 Approved June 20,2022 Board of Police Commissioners Summary of Decisions 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes: ➢ November 8, 2021 Motion to approve. Carried. 3. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the March 7, 2022 CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Agenda. Carried. 4. CBRPS Proposed Budget 2022-2023: Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the hiring of a Civilian Exhibit Custodian as part of the Forensic Identification Unit to take full responsibility of exhibit storage. Carried. Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the restructure of the Organization Chart for operational efficiency by adding two additional Staff Sergeant positions to offset the attrition of two Inspector positions and implement a Watch Command System and a Staff Sergeant position dedicated to Professional Standards. Carried. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 3 Minutes,March 7,2022 Approved June 20,2022 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) CBRPS Proposed Budget 2022-2023 (Cont'd): Motion that a recommendation be made to Council: a) to approve the following fee schedule for Police Records Services: • Criminal Record Check: $30 (no change) for standard; $30 (from $15) for Students; $15 (from $0) for volunteers - an increase of approximately $35,000/yr. • Collision Reports: $30 (from $23) - an increase of approximately $ 1600/yr. • Collision Investigation File: $345 (from $0) - an increase of approximately $1000/yr. • Collision Reconstruction Report: $1500 (from $0) - an increase of approximately $3,000/yr. • Peace Bond: $75 (from $0), unless related to a Domestic matter being investigated by police - an increase of approximately $35,000/yr. • Statements (CD Format): $25 (from $0) • Photos (CD Format): $50 (from $0) • Fingerprinting: $50 -no change and b) to direct staff to develop a CBRM policy for this Fee Structure, tied to align with annual increases in the CPI(Consumer Price Index). Carried. Motion that the proposed 2022-2023 Police Services Operating Budget be recommended to Council for approval. Carried. 5. Divisional Reports: For information only. Adjournment CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 4 Minutes,March 7,2022 Approved June 20,2022 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes: (previously distributed) Motion: Moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Bailey, to approve the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes of: ➢ November 8, 2021 Motion Carried. 3. Approval of Agenda: Motion: Moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Deering-Bert, to approve the March 7, 2022, CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Agenda as presented. Motion Carried. 4. CBRPS Proposed Budget 2022-2023: Police Chief Robert Walsh introduced the proposed 2022-2023 Operating Budget for the Police Services, noting the requested budget is $27,870,130, an overall increase of $1,033,475 or 3.85% from the 2021-2022 budget which reflects the increases of wages, salaries and benefits that were previously negotiated in contracts with all three (3) unions representing employees in the Police Service. The Police Chief reviewed the Issue Papers in the agenda package and is recommending approving the hiring of a Civilian Exhibit Custodian, implementing a Watch Command system with a Staff Sergeant position dedicated to Professional Standards, the fee schedule for Police Records Services, and the CBRPS Proposed Budget 2022-2023. After the Commissioners discussion, the following motions were put forward: Motion: Moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Bailey, that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the hiring of a Civilian Exhibit Custodian as part of the Forensic Identification Unit to take full responsibility of exhibit storage. Discussion: Following discussion regarding this new civilian position, the Chair called for the vote. Motion Carried. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 5 Minutes,March 7,2022 Approved June 20,2022 CBRPS Proposed Budget 2022-2023 (Cont'd): Motion: Moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Deering-Bert, that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the restructure of the Organization Chart for operational efficiency by adding two additional Staff Sergeant positions to offset the attrition of two Inspector positions, and implement a Watch Command system and a Staff Sergeant position dedicated to Professional Standards. Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Gillespie, that a recommendation be made to Council: a) to approve the following fee schedule for Police Records Services: • Criminal Record Check: $30 (no change) for standard; $30 (from $15) for Students; $15 (from $0) for volunteers - an increase of approximately $35,000/yr. • Collision Reports: $30 (from $23) - an increase of approximately $ 1600/yr. • Collision Investigation File: $345 (from $0) - an increase of approximately $1000/yr. • Collision Reconstruction Report: $1500 (from $0) - an increase of approximately $3,000/yr. • Peace Bond: $75 (from $0), unless related to a Domestic matter being investigated by police - an increase of approximately $35,000/yr. • Statements (CD Format): $25 (from $0) • Photos (CD Format): $50 (from $0) • Fingerprinting: $50 -no change and b) to direct staff to develop a CBRM policy for this Fee Structure, tied to align with annual increases in the CPI(Consumer Price Index). Discussion: During discussion on the motion, the Chair clarified that with respect to concerns raised on the cost of the criminal record check for volunteers, Chief Walsh will provide Council with further information and potential opportunities to be considered. Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Commissioner Bailey, seconded by Commissioner Edwards, that the proposed 2022-2023 Police Services Operating Budget be recommended to Council for approval. Motion Carried. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 6 Minutes,March 7,2022 Approved June 20,2022 10. Divisional Reports —November 1, 2021, to February 28, 2022: Chair Eldon MacDonald called upon Staff Sergeant Ken Routledge and Staff Sergeant Gil Boone to present the CBRPS Divisional Reports. Staff Sergeant Routledge reported on the following: Hi2hli2hts and Initiatives • Held the 14'h annual "Shop of the Class" in conjunction with the Mayflower Mall and Cape Breton Regional Center for Education, helping to fulfill wish lists for 40 deserving students with Mayflower mall gift certificates and additional shopping money donated by local businessmen as well as winter jackets from Sport Check. • Participated in Operation Christmas — a province wide campaign to reduce impaired driving. Throughout the month of December, members of the Traffic Safety Unit and Patrols conducted checkpoints across CBRM Divisions: North/Central/East • Training • Patrols • Lockup • Membertou Division • K-9 Unit School Liaison Officers Staff Sergeant Boone reported on the following: Operational Support: • Traffic Safety Unit Street Crime/Drug Unit Community Safety Enforcement Unit Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) • Major Crime/Domestic Violence Unit General Investigation Section/Arson Investigator • Internet Child Exploitation Unit(ICE)/Computer Forensic Unit • Forensic Identification Unit Solid Waste • Mental Health Liaison Officer • Polygraph Unit After discussion, the Chair thanked the Staff Sergeants for their report. For information only. CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 7 Minutes,March 7,2022 Approved June 20,2022 Adiourned at 11:38 a.m. Commissioner Eldon MacDonald Deborah Campbell Ryan Chair Municipal Clerk /tcn