HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Cape Breton Regional Municipality Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 19, 2021 4:32 p.m. Via Videoconference The Municipal Clerk called the meeting to order. Present: Councillor Cyril MacDonald, Chair Councillor Steve Gillespie Citizen Louise Gillis Citizen Douglas Foster, Vice-Chair Citizen Sarah MacPherson Citizen Veronica Merryfield Citizen Linda Murray Citizen Elaine Swartz Staff: Kirk Durning, CBRM Accessibility Coordinator and Manager of Recreation Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk Paul Burt, Manager of Building, Planning and Licensing Laws Sharon MacSween, Recording Secretary Absent: Citizen Jenny-Rachel Lind Citizen Marcie Shwery-Stanley (Regrets) Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 1 Summary of Decisions 1. Call to Order: The Municipal Clerk called the meeting to order. 2. Election/Selection of Chair: Councillor Cyril MacDonald was acclaimed Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 3. Roll Call 4. Election/Selection of Vice Chair Citizen Douglas Foster was acclaimed Vice-Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 5. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve the October 19, 2021 Accessibility Advisory Committee agenda as circulated. Carried. 6. Citizen Vacancy – Jenny-Rachel Lind: The Clerk advised that Jenny-Rachel Lind has moved to Newfoundland for employment purposes and therefore is no longer eligible to serve on a CBRM Committee. The Nominating Committee will be advised of this vacancy. For information only. Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 2 Summary of Decisions (Cont’d) 7. Request for Proposals (RFP) – CBRM Accessibility Plan: The Accessibility Coordinator advised that the RFP has been completed and will be submitted to the Purchasing Department for advertising before the end of October. For information only. Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 3 1. Call to Order: Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, called the inaugural meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee to order. 2. Election/Selection of Chair: The Municipal Clerk advised that before calling for nominations for the position of Chair, the Committee Terms of Reference state that the term of the Chair will be for two years. Further as recommended during Committee Orientation, that the Chairperson position be filled by a Council Member for staff liaison and continuity purposes. Once the Chair is selected, the Chair will preside over the meeting and then call for Nominations for Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair position is for a term of one year. The Clerk then called for nominations for Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Councillor Cyril MacDonald for Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Councillor Cyril MacDonald accepted the nomination. The Clerk asked if there were any further nominations for Chair. Hearing none, Councillor Cyril MacDonald was acclaimed as Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Councillor Cyril MacDonald then assumed the Chair. Councillor Cyril MacDonald expressed thanks and appreciation to Committee Members with entrusting him in the role as Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 3. Roll Call Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 4 4. Election/Selection of Vice Chair Councillor Cyril MacDonald called for Nominations for Vice-Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Citizen Elaine Swartz for Vice-Chair of the Committee. Citizen Swartz declined the nomination. Citizen Louise Gillis nominated Citizen Douglas Foster for Vice-Chair of the Committee. Citizen Foster accepted nomination for Vice-Chair. A third and final call for Nominations for Vice-Chair of the Committee was made. Hearing none, Citizen Douglas Foster was acclaimed as Vice-Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 5. Approval of Agenda Motion: Moved by Citizen Gillis, seconded by Citizen Swartz, approval of the October 19, 2021 Accessibility Advisory Committee agenda as circulated. Motion Carried. 6. Citizen Vacancy – Jenny-Rachel Lind: Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, reviewed her Memo included in the agenda package, and advised that Citizen Jenny-Rachel Lind recently moved to Newfoundland for employment purposes. As a per Council policy, citizen appointees on CBRM Committees must be residents of the Municipality and therefore Ms. Lind is no longer eligible to serve on the Accessibility Advisory Committee. It was also noted that the Nominating Committee will address the vacant seat. Continued… Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 5 Citizen Vacancy – Jenny-Rachel Lind (Cont’d): At this point in the meeting, the Chair reminded the Committee of the Terms of Reference and Rules of Order, noting that all Committee Members will have an opportunity to speak for 5 minutes on each issue, with a second opportunity for 2 minutes. The Chair asked that Committee Members either raise their hand or use the chat feature to request to speak, and that the Chair will respond to the speaking requests in the other that they are received. Following the staff report, discussion took place regarding:  Current committee representation and composition in accordance with legislation  Committee Members’ discretion to disclose personal information i.e. disability  Nomination and appointment process for citizens to CBRM Committees and Boards  “First voice” knowledge, specific to disabilities including disabilities that are not visible, i.e. hearing, vision, etc. For information only. 7. Request for Proposals (RFP) – CBRM Accessibility Plan: Kirk Durning, CBRM Accessibility Coordinator, reviewed his Memo the Request for Proposals included in the agenda package. He advised (RFP) for the CBRM Accessibility Plan was complete and the document was prepared using a similar format as other municipalities in the province and current best practice for meeting accessibility plan requirements under the . Nova Scotia Accessibility Act Mr. Durning advised that the RFP will be submitted to the Purchasing Department for advertisement before the end of October. With the timeline, it is anticipated that a consultant will be selected for the project in December 2021. Continued… Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 6 Request for Proposals – CBRM Accessibility Plan (Cont’d): Following the staff report, discussion took place regarding:  Accessibility is a relatively new consulting field  Individuals with “first voice” should provide opinion in concert with a consultant on any assessments.  Hiring a consultant to facilitate development of the Plan is a best practice across the province.  The consultant will be working with the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) and the supplemental staff committee, as well as citizens in CBRM.  Staffing, municipality size and comparisons to Halifax Regional Municipality, Wolfville and Kentville  The Rick Hansen Standards are a “gold standard”, however it was pointed out that the Rick Hansen Standards lack consideration of Amended: January individuals living with sight challenges, as well as mobility, chronic 20, 2022 pain, respiratory, and mental health disabilities. In response to questions, the Accessibility Coordinator advised that he will share the RFP document with the Committee once it is publicly available. There is a budget of $50,000 for the RFP award for the Accessibility Plan and this was based on other RFP awards and the size of the Municipality was considered. Inquiries were made regarding Committee Member involvement in the evaluation and awarding of the RFP. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that he will check with Finance regarding the process. At this point in the meeting, the Committee agreed to allow Citizen Foster an additional 2 minutes to speak on the issue. Citizen Foster advised that speaking time limits are too restrictive. He further suggested that a “first voice” individual participate in the scoring and awarding of the RFP. Continued… Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 Approved January 20, 2022 Page - 7 Request for Proposals – CBRM Accessibility Plan (Cont’d): The Chair noted that the speaking times in the Rules of Order are important for the Committee to stay on task, however if the Committee decision is to relax the rules, it can be done but noted the importance to give all Members an opportunity to speak. Councillor Gillespie noted that in the selection of a consulting firm from the RPF process, CBRM as a municipality must follow a rigid process, and although understanding the selection and whether individuals have certain criteria and training, clarifications on those items can be obtained. The RPF evaluation process may not be something that the Committee will be permitted to be involved in under the purchasing and tending policy. For information only. The Chair thanked the Committee and staff for their involvement and great discussion during the meeting. Adjournment at 5:14 p.m. _________________________ _________________________ Councillor Cyril MacDonald Deborah Campbell Ryan Chair Municipal Clerk /slm