HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes November 9, 2021 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 9, 2021 6:03 p.m. Council Chambers 2nd Floor, City Hall 320 Esplanade Sydney, NS Mayor Amanda M. McDougall called the meeting to order. Council: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Councillor Gordon MacDonald Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin Councillor Cyril MacDonald Councillor Steve Gillespie Councillor Eldon MacDonald Councillor Glenn Paruch Councillor Steve Parsons Councillor James Edwards Councillor Ken Tracey Councillor Darren O'Quinn Councillor Lorne Green Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development Chief Michael Seth, Director of Fire & Emergency Services Deanna Evely, Director of Human Resources Kirk Durning, Manager of Recreation Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager Karen Butterworth, Occupational Health and Safety Manager Karen Neville, Senior Planner Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant Angela Ross, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger (Leave of Absence) Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 2 of 20 Summary of Decisions Land Acknowledtement and Smudge Ceremony Roll Call O' Canada Moment of Silent Reflection 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes from: ➢ Special Council—September 28, 2021 Carried. Motion to approve minutes from: ➢ Special Council—September 29, 2021 Carried. Motion to approve minutes from: ➢ Council—October 12, 2021 Carried. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve the November 9, 2021, Council Agenda as circulated. Carried. 3. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: 3.1 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim November 25'', 2021, as "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women"in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and will participate in the be "oranged" campaign on this day by illuminating City Hall—orange to help spread awareness to combating violence against women and girls. Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 3 of 20 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd): 3.2 Restorative Justice Week -2021: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of November 21"to 28th, 2021 as "Restorative Justice Week" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. 3.3 Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the month of November 2021 as "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and join and spread awareness to better understand these diseases to find a cure. Carried. 3.4 Proiect Red Ribbon Day -2021: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim November 1st 2021 as "Project Red Ribbon day"in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. 3.5 James Delorev Day—2021: Motion that Cape Breton Regional Municipality Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council declare December 4th, 2021 as "James Delorey Day"in the CBRM. Carried. 3.6 Nova Scotia Housing: Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program —Review: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council request staff write a letter to the Honourable John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting a review of the Policy regarding the household income eligibility for the Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Programs and to provide rationale for such a large discrepancy in combined income for this program. Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 4 of 20 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 4. PRESENTATIONS: 4.1 Port of Sydney Development Corporation: a) Port of Sydney Update: b) Waterfront Project: Motion that Council approve and support, in principle, the Port of Sydney Development Corporation's Waterfront Project as presented. Carried. 4.2 Deferral from Special Council Meeting - October 26, 2021 a) ACAP Cape Breton: Eco-Partnership with CBRM: A presentation was provided on the Eco-Partnership between CBRM and ACAP Cape Breton For Information Only. 5. PLANNING ISSUES: 5.1 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: a) Zoning Amendment Application—1085: Harbourside Business Park Zone, Sydney: Motion for approval to advertise Notice of a Public Hearing to consider the application by Nova Scotia Lands Inc. for land within the Harbourside Commercial Park to amend the boundaries of the subzone categories of the Harbourside Business Park (HBZ) zone to allow for stand-alone sales and service uses to facilitate the sale of the property. Carried. 5.2 CBRM Si2na2e Strate2V Update: An update was provided on the CBRM Signage Strategy. For Information Only. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 5 of 20 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 6. BUSINESS ARISING: 6.1 Council Meeting—July 6, 2021: a) Northside Business Park: i) Northside Business Park Land Pricing and Sales Conditions Policy: Motion to adopt the Northside Business Park Land Pricing and Sales Conditions Policy as presented. Carried. ii) Property Management Policies (Amendment): Motion to approve the Amendments associated with Property Management Policies as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 9, 2021. Carried. 6.2 Council Meeting—October 12, 2021: a) COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy: Motion to approve the COVID — 19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy as presented. Carried. 7. CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: 7.1 Former East Bay School(PID 15334170) 3546 East Bay Hwy, East Bay (District 7) Request to Deem Surplus: Motion that the former East Bay School (PID 15334170) be deemed surplus to the needs of the municipality and call for Expressions of Interest pursuant to the Property Management Polices. Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 6 of 20 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES (Cont'd): 7.2 Request to Purchase CBRM Land: Portion of PID 15009723 —Keltic Drive, CBRM (District 4): Motion to accept Option 41 in the staff Issue Paper dated November 9, 2021, which is to deem parcel "A" surplus and offer for sale to the applicant, subject to the following conditions: a) A waterline easement in favor of CBRM for existing infrastructure. b) Private sewer/water easements registered between the respective property owners of Lot 2021-IAB and Remainder Lot 2021-2 as depicted on the plan in Attachment"B" c) Final Subdivision approval from the Planning Department, Department of Transportation, and Department of Environment d) The applicant complies with all paving requirements as outlined in the Land Use By- Law; compliance of existing and new approved permits, including requirements related to the installation of driveway accesses for the proposed subdivided lots on the plan in Attachment"B". Carried. 8. COUNCILLOR AGENDA REQUESTS: 8.1 Renaming the MacKessev Drive Playground: Motion that staff be directed to provide an Issue Paper for the December Council meeting on the renaming of the MacKessev Drive playground located in Victoria Mines to The Cody Burke & Sonya Chiasson Playground, and this park will be dedicated to the memory of both individuals. Carried. 8.2 Proceeds of Sale—Former Foodbank Building: Motion that staff be directed to provide an Issue Paper for the next meeting of Council outlining the current appraisal of the Station Street foodbank property, the financial capacity of the CBRM, and to provide the Society with the appraised amount as we await the status of sale and provide any additional information on available avenues of timely financial commitment on behalf of the CBRM. Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 7 of 20 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 9.1 Nova Scotia Solid Waste Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee: An update was provided on a recent meeting of the Nova Scotia Solid Waste Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee. For Information Only. 10. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 10.1 CBRM to September 30, 2021: For Information Only. 10.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to September 30, 2021: For Information Only. 11. Review of Action Items from the Meeting: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall reviewed her list of Action Items from the meeting. ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 8 of 20 David Meuse, Cultural Ambassador for Membertou First Nation, provided the Land Acknowledgement and a Smudge Ceremony to Council. Roll Call O' Canada Moment of Silent Reflection Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin acknowledged the passing of former CBRM Councillor and MLA Brian Boudreau and offered sincere condolences to his family. Councillor Steve Parsons acknowledged the passing of former Chief of Eskasoni Blair Francis and offered sincere condolences to his family. Councillor Cyril MacDonald acknowledged the passing of former Chief of Eskasoni Leonard Paul and offered sincere condolences to his family. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, approval of the Minutes from: ➢ Special Council Meeting—September 28, 2021 Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Paruch, approval of the Minutes from: ➢ Special Council Meeting—September 29, 2021 Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Tracey, approval of the Minutes from: ➢ Council Meeting—October 12, 2021 Motion Carried. Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 9 of 20 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, to approve the November 9, 2021, Council Agenda as circulated. Motion Carried. 3. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: 3.1 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim November 25th, 2021, as "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and will participate in the be "oranged" campaign on this day by illuminating City Hall — orange to help spread awareness to combating violence against women and girls. Motion Carried. 3.2 Restorative Justice Week -2021: Motion: Moved by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of November 21" to 28th, 2021 as "Restorative Justice Week" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. 3.3 Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Paruch, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the month of November 2021 as "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and join and spread awareness to better understand these diseases to find a cure. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 10 of 20 PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd): 3.4 Proiect Red Ribbon Day -2021: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Green, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim November 1st, 2021 as "Project Red Ribbon day" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. 3.5 James Delorev Day—2021: Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, that Cape Breton Regional Municipality Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council declare December 4th, 2021 as "James Delorey Day" in the CBRM. Motion Carried. 3.6 Nova Scotia Housing: Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program —Review: Motion: Moved by Councillor Edwards, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council request staff write a letter to the Honourable John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting a review of the Policy regarding the household income eligibility for the Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Programs and to provide rationale for such a large discrepancy in combined income for this program. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 11 of 20 4. PRESENTATIONS: 4.1 Port of Sydney Development Corporation: a) Port of Sydney Update: b) Waterfront Project: James Kerr, Chair of the Port of Sydney Development Corporation Board, discussed the following: • Cruise is back • Articles of Association • Port Board minutes are now available to the public • Transition of the Pavilion and Fisherman's Cove area • Not enough retail businesses on the waterfront • How to entice cruise passengers • Ask is for Council to approve the Capital Program Marlene Usher, CEO, Port of Sydney Development Corporation,provided information on the following: • State of the cruise industry • Concerns, protocols, and mandates with cruise resumption • Preparing the community for cruise in 2022 • Atlantic Canada Port Protocol development • Cruise recovery dashboard • Passengers -very low rate of positive COVID cases • Development Plan and Capital approval • Urban Market • South Dock repairs • Fisherman's Cove • Pittman Hall • Connecting the Downtown Sydney Boardwalk to the Port • Financing from the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments Richard Morykot, CBCL, provided technical information on the Fisherman's Cove platform, cruise pavilion and the required repairs to the South Dock. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 12 of 20 PRESENTATIONS Port of Sydney Development Corporation (Cont'd): Following the presentation, some of Council's discussion included: • Issues with the South Dock • Cruise revenue and profit • Downtown Sydney Waterfront and ideas for other CBRM ports • Class B estimate • Boardwalk opportunities and being open year-round • Projections and timeline for this upcoming season • Communications with other CBRM organizations Marlene Usher noted that she will require a statement from Council to proceed. The following motion was then put forward. Motion: Moved by Councillor Edwards, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that Council approve and support, in principle,the Port of Sydney Development Corporation's Waterfront Project as presented. Discussion: During discussion, it was clarified that there is no funding committed, but that Council is supportive as the Port of Sydney moves forward with their Capital Plan to seek funding from other sources. Motion Carried. 4.2 Deferral from Special Council Meeting - October 26, 2021 a) ACAP Cape Breton: Eco-Partnership with CBRM: Kathleen Aitkens, Executive Director, and Jen Cooper, Habitat Restoration Lead - ACAP Cape Breton, provided a presentation and highlighted the following: • Planetary Boundaries • Regenerative solutions • Eco-partnerships • Engagement through ReConnecting • The Trashformers • 2021 Impacts • Water conservation • Climate Change and Source Water Protection • Stormwater • Legacy • Moving Forward together Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 13 of 20 PRESENTATIONS ACAP Cape Breton: Eco-Partnership with CBRM (Cont'd): After the presentation, some of the issues discussed included: • The ecosystem in British Columbia • Litter and the Trashformers • Relationship with Divert Nova Scotia The Mayor thanked Kathleen Aitkens and Jen Cooper for their presentation. For Information Only. 5. PLANNING ISSUES: 5.1 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: a) Zoning Amendment Application—1085: Harbourside Business Park Zone, Sydney: Karen Neville, Senior Planner,provided background information on the issue and advised that the Planning and Development Department has received a request from Nova Scotia Lands Inc. for an amendment to boundaries of the subzone categories of the Harbourside Business Park(HBZ)Zone to facilitate the sale of the property as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated October 27, 2021. Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Paruch, approval to advertise Notice of a Public Hearing to consider the application by Nova Scotia Lands Inc. for land within the Harbourside Commercial Park to amend the boundaries of the subzone categories of the Harbourside Business Park(HBZ) zone to allow for stand-alone sales and service uses to facilitate the sale of the property Motion Carried. 5.2 CBRM Si2na2e Strate2V Update: Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development, provided background information on the issue, noting that a motion of Council in June 2019 regarding CBRM Signage Strategy was passed regarding the enforcement measures for unauthorized signage on utility poles. The bylaw development process was put on hold due to the onset of COVID- 19. Director Ruus advised that with restrictions easing, staff have reconvened the working group. The process going forward and next steps were discussed as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 2, 2021. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 14 of 20 CBRM Signage Strategy Update (Cont'd): Following the presentation, Council discussion included the following: Signage on non-commercial properties • Effects on small business CBRM Forward and Wayfinding Mayor McDougall thanked Director Ruus for the update. For Information Only. 6. BUSINESS ARISING: 6.1 Council Meeting—July 6, 2021: a) Northside Business Park: i) Northside Business Park Land Pricing and Sales Conditions Policy: Tyler Mattheis, Director of Economic Development — CBRM Regional Enterprise Network, provided a report to Council highlighting the following: • Background • Land Pricing and Sales Conditions Policy • Marketing and Promotion • Pricing and Fair Market Value • Minimum Construction Value • Enforcement and Administration • Financial Implications • Impact on Other Policies Next Steps Deputy Mayor MacMullin provided some history on the Northside Business Park and the following motion was then put forward. Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, to adopt the Northside Business Park Land Pricing and Sales Conditions Policy as presented. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 15 of 20 BUSINESS ARISING Council Meeting—July 6,2021 -Northside Business Park (Cont'd) ii) Property Management Policies (Amendment): Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, noted the Policy just adopted by Council specifically related to property within the Northside Business Park. As a result, staff is recommending Council amend policies within CBRM's Property Management Polices which address the Northside Business Park. The Property Manager advised that in addition to those amendments related to the Northside Business Park, staff is putting forward a series of housekeeping amendments to the property Management Policies. The purpose of these amendments is to improve the implementation of property management policies and facilitate the sale of CBRM property in an efficient manner. The proposed amendments are outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 9, 2021. Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve the Amendments associated with Property Management Policies as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 9, 2021. Motion Carried. 6.2 Council Meeting—October 12, 2021: a) COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy: Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor, discussed the proposed COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy included in the agenda and advised that employees will have to be double vaccinated and show proof by December 31, 2021 or be sent home on unpaid leave. Any violation of policy is subject to discipline up and to termination of employment. During discussion, Councillors shared their views on the issue, including the following: Work from home provision • Medical exemptions Number of CBRM employees who currently have not provided proof of double vaccination • Booster shots • Federal and Provincial mandates Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 16 of 20 BUSINESS ARISING Council Meeting—July 6,2021 - COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy(Cont'd): Motion: Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin to approve the COVID — 19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy as presented. Discussion: During discussion, Councillors shared their concerns and support on the issue, and it was advised by the Director of Human Resources that there were currently no requests for vaccination exemption, and that she hopes the number of unvaccinated employees with be down to zero in December. Motion Carried. 7. CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: 7.1 Former East Bay School(PID 15334170) 3546 East Bay Hwy, East Bay (District 7) Request to Deem Surplus: restroom break check audio Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, provided background information on this issue. Following an internal review, staff recommended to deem the former East Bay School located at 3456 East Bay Highway,East Bay, surplus and to call for Expressions of Interest for the purchase and redevelopment of the property. Motion: Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Paruch, that the former East Bay School (PID 15334170) be deemed surplus to the needs of the municipality and call for Expressions of Interest pursuant to the Property Management Polices. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 17 of 20 CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES (Cont'd): 7.2 Request to Purchase CBRM Land: Portion of PID 15009723 —Keltic Drive, CBRM (District 4): Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, provided background information on the issue and advised that CBRM received a letter of interest from the Crate Escape Doggy Daycare asking to consider selling a portion of the property lying adjacent to the applicants existing property, as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 9, 2021. Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Parsons, to accept Option 41 in the staff Issue Paper dated November 9, 2021, which is to deem parcel "A" surplus and offer for sale to the applicant, subject to the following conditions: a) A waterline easement in favor of CBRM for existing infrastructure. b) Private sewer/water easements registered between the respective property owners of Lot 2021-IAB and Remainder Lot 2021-2 as depicted on the plan in Attachment"B" c) Final Subdivision approval from the Planning Department, Department of Transportation, and Department of Environment d) The applicant complies with all paving requirements as outlined in the Land Use By- Law; compliance of existing and new approved permits, including requirements related to the installation of driveway accesses for the proposed subdivided lots on the plan in Attachment"B". Discussion: In response to a question,the Director of Planning and Development confirmed that CBRM will work with the business to obtain an easement on the property for any issues that may arise with CBRM infrastructure. Motion Carried. At this point in the meeting, Council agreed to continue the meeting past 9:00 p.m. Continued... Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 18 of 20 8. COUNCILLOR AGENDA REQUESTS: 8.1 Renaming the MacKessev Drive Play2round: Councillor Green noted that CBRM does not have a policy concerning renaming of playgrounds and therefore requested an Issue Paper from staff to be brought to the December Council meeting regarding renaming of the MacKessev Drive Playground in Victoria Mines. Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Paruch, that staff be directed to provide an Issue Paper for the December Council meeting on the renaming of the MacKessev Drive playground located in Victoria Mines to The Cody Burke & Sonya Chiasson Playground, and this park will be dedicated to the memory of both individuals. Motion Carried. 8.2 Proceeds of Sale—Former Foodbank Building: Deputy Mayor MacMullin provided background information on the issue and advised that the North Sydney Foodbank Society is requesting Council to consider transferring the current appraised value of the former Foodbank building to their organization with the understanding that if/when the Station Street Building is sold, any additional proceeds outside the original amount also be transferred to the society. Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that staff be directed to provide an Issue Paper for the next meeting of Council outlining the current appraisal of the Station Street foodbank property, the financial capacity of the CBRM, and to provide the Society with the appraised amount as we await the status of sale and provide any additional information on available avenues of timely financial commitment on behalf of the CBRM. Discussion: During discussion, Deputy Mayor MacMullin provided clarity on the issue and Council and staff discussed the following: • The appraised value • Zoning issues with the property • Potential precedent setting • Sale of the building Motion Carried. Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 19 of 20 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 9.1 Nova Scotia Solid Waste Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee: Councillor Cyril MacDonald provided an update on a recent meeting of the Nova Scotia Solid Waste Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee and highlighted the following: • Minister Tim Halman—Environment and Climate Change Outgoing Chair, Tim Taggart • Divert NS Update • Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act(Bill 57) • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) The Mayor noted that she is also a member of this Committee as the NSFM representative. She also advised there is a vacancy on the Climate Change Task Force if any Council member is interested in same. For Information Only. 10. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 10.1 CBRM to September 30, 2021: For Information Only. 10.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to September 30, 2021: For Information Only. 11. Review of Action Items from the Meeting: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall provided her list of action from the meeting, as follows: 1. A detailed letter to be sent to Honourable John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs, regarding the Nova Scotia Housing: Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program 2. The Municipal Planning Strategy and what we can do with the environmental lens 3. Two-Eyed See training for Council and staff 4. Councillors interested in being a part of the Climate Change Task force can contact the Mayor or ACAP Cape Breton. 5. Look into the implementation of a bin system for Solid Waste 6. Research what it would look like to host a waste summit in CBRM 7. Theme meeting on November 22, 2021 on Affordable Housing Council Meeting- Minutes November 9, 2021 Approved December 14, 2021 20 of 20 Meeting adiourned at 9:43 p.m. Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan Municipal Clerk /acr