HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes July 6, 2021 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY
Council Meeting Minutes
July 6, 2021
6:01 p.m.
Via Video Conferencing
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall called the meeting to order.
Council: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor James Edwards
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Councillor Lorne Green
Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor
Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development
Bill Murphy, Director of Recreation, Parks Grounds & Buildings
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager
Karen Neville, Senior Planner
Kristen Knudskov, Planner
Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant
Angela Ross, Recording Secretary
Absent: N/A
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Summary of Decisions
Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
Mayor McDougall recognized and congratulated Councillor James Edwards who received
an Award of Merit from Hockey Nova Scotia.
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Special Council Meeting—May 26, 2021
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Special Council Meeting—June 3, 2021
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Council—June 15, 2021
It was agreed that item 8.1 be dealt with at the end of the meeting.
Motion to approve the July 6, 2021, Council Agenda as amended and Addendum as
circulated. Carried.
3.1 2021 Pride Week:
Motion that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall, Council and staff continue their support for a
community where we embrace, recognize, and celebrate diversity, inclusion, respect, and
fellowship for all of our residents and recognize August 5h to August 12�', 2021 as Pride
Week in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
3.2 Hiroshima Memorial Day—August 6t'', 2021:
Motion that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council of the Cape Breton Regional
Municipality proclaim August 6h, 2021, as "Hiroshima Memorial Day"here in the Cape
Breton Regional Municipality; a day to remember the devastation of the Hiroshima in
1945, and to renew our commitment to ensuring freedom from the threat posed by nuclear
weapons, here and everywhere. Carried.
3.3 Equalization:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council call upon both the
Provincial and Federal Governments to provide answers to the questions put forth by the
NSEF at the February 23, 2021 Council meeting regarding the administration of the
Equalization Program as outlined in Appendix "A" attached to the Resolution. Carried.
4.1 Northside Business Park—Proposed Policy, Procedures, and Pricing
Motion that the CBRM REN and CBRM staff be directed to review existing land sale
processes and policies related to property within the Northside Business Park. Carried.
a) Case 1083: Request for a Three-Unit Apartment at 52 King Street,
North Sydney(PID 15024383; District 2):
Motion for final approval of the application by Lisa Penny to permit a 3-unit apartment at
52 King Street,North Sydney,by amending the zoning for PID 15024383 from Residential
Urban C (RUC) to Residential Urban 3-Unit(RU3). Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
PLANNING (Cont'd):
a) Renaming of a Portion of Eighth Street, New Waterford:
Motion to approve the renaming of a portion of Eighth Street,New Waterford, as outlined
in red on the map attached to the staff report dated June 21, 2021,to"Charlesworth Street".
6.1 By-laws:
a) Second/Final Reading—Public Hearing:
i) Parking Meter By-law T-5 —Proposed Amendments (Parking
Area Request):
Motion that the amendments to the Parking Meter By-law T-5 be approved for second/final
reading as presented. Carried.
b) First Reading: N/A
7.1 Council Meeting—June 15, 2021:
a) Sydney Harbour Investment Partners (SHIP) —Formation of
Steering Committee:
Motion that the composition of the CBRM Steering Committee for Sydney Harbour
Investment Partners shall consist of three (3) Council members, the Chief Administrative
Officer, and a staff member from CBRM Regional Enterprise Network (REN) to assist in
the advocacy and work required to move the project forward. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
BUSINESS ARISING: Council Meeting—June 15,2021: Sydney Harbour Investment
Partners (SHIP)—Formation of Steering Committee (Cont'd):
Motion to appoint the following Councillors to the CBRM Steering Committee for Sydney
Harbour Investment Partners:
• Councillor Steve Gillespie
• Councillor Eldon MacDonald
• Councilor Lorne Green
b) SHIP/Novaporte—Council Actions and Support:
Motion that Council provide a letter of support to the Canadian Infrastructure Bank
supporting a loan request from SHIP. Carried.
Motion that Council send correspondence to the Premier of Nova Scotia signed off by
CBRM Mayor and Council offering unanimous support for the container terminal
development and the need for investment support towards rail reconstruction. Carried.
7.2 Nominating Committee—June 23, 2021:
a) Report on Call for Expressions of Interest: Citizen Representatives
on Committees:
Motion to approve the recommendation of the following citizens to the Nova Scotia
Minister of Community Services for appointment to the Cape Breton Island Housing
Authority Board for a three-year term:
• Candidate 41
• Candidate 43
• Candidate 44
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
BUSINESS ARISING: Nominating Committee—June 23,2021: Report on Call for
Expressions of Interest: Citizen Representatives on Committees (Cont'd):
Motion to appoint the following citizens to the Port of Sydney Development Corporation
Board for a three-year term:
Expertise in Marketing
Candidate 46
Expertise in Business and Commerce
Candidate 48
b) Diversity Committee—Community Member at Large (vacancy)
Motion to appoint the applicant as outlined in the staff Memo of June 28, 2021,to the
Diversity Committee as a Community Member at Large for a two-year term. Carried.
7.3 Audit Committee—July 6, 2021:
a) Banking Services RFP:
Motion that RFP P08-2021 — Banking Services be awarded to the Bank of Montreal.
7.4 Fire & Emergency Services Committee Meeting—June 29, 2021:
a) Cape Breton Regional Fire Chiefs' Association Report — "Specialty
Services" Financial Support:
Financial Support for the Specialty Services was discussed.
For Information Only.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
Item 8.1 was dealt with later in the meeting.
8.2 The Kinsmen Club of Sydney/Horizon Achievement Centre
Motion to approve the request to release the condition in the deed so that the Kinsmen
Club of Sydney can sell the property and use the funds toward the construction of the new
Horizon Achievement Centre, and to authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim
Deed releasing the condition and interest CBRM has in the property as outlined in the staff
Issue Paper dated June 25, 2021. Carried.
8.3 Fees for the Provision of Tax Information:
a) Provision of Tax Information By-law (Draft):
Motion to approve the proposed increases in tax information fees and approve first
reading of"T-300 Provision of Tax Information By-Law." Carried.
b) Tax Certificate Resolution (Proposed Amendment):
Motion to approve by resolution the revised fee for the issuance of Tax Certificates in the
amount of$75.00. Carried.
9.1 Renaming Indian Beach—North Sydney:
Motion that staff be directed to provide an Issue Paper outlining steps and consultation
requirements to begin the process of changing the name of"Indian Beach". Carried.
10. UPDATE—2021 Audit:
The Chief Financial Officer provided an update on the year-end reporting and monthly
financial statements.
For Information Only.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
Corporate Services Issues (Cont'd)
8.1 Harbour Royale Development Limited—Request for Extension of
Waterfront Pre-Development Agreement:
Motion that staff be directed to provide an Issue Paper exploring options for a new central
library outside of the waterfront development proposal. Withdrawn
Motion to go In-Camera immediately to discuss the details of the current Waterfront Pre-
Development Agreement and letter received from the Harbour Royal Development
Limited. Carried.
It was agreed to continue the meeting past 9:00 p.m.
The Council meeting moved In-Camera at 9:1 S p.m. and resumed open session at 10:03
Motion that the request for the extension of the Waterfront Pre-development Agreement
be granted. Defeated.
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Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
Mayor McDougall recognized and congratulated Councillor James Edwards who received
an Award of Merit from Hockey Nova Scotia.
Moved by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Paruch, approval of the
Minutes from:
➢ Special Council Meeting—May 26, 2021
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, approval of the
Minutes from:
➢ Special Council Meeting—June 3, 2021
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Green, approval of the
Minutes from:
➢ Council Meeting—June 15, 2021
Motion Carried.
Mayor McDougall asked that item 8.1 be dealt with at the end of the meeting to allow for
a more fulsome discussion. AGREED
Moved by Councillor Edwards, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, to approve the
July 6, 2021, Council Meeting Agenda as amended and Addendum as circulated.
Motion Carried.
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3.1 2021 Pride Week:
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, that Mayor
Amanda M. McDougall, Council and staff continue their support for a community where
we embrace, recognize, and celebrate diversity, inclusion, respect, and fellowship for all
of our residents and recognize August 5h to August 12'', 2021, as Pride Week in the Cape
Breton Regional Municipality.
Motion Carried.
3.2 Hiroshima Memorial Day—August 6th 2021:
Moved by Councillor Edwards, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, that Mayor Amanda M.
McDougall and Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality proclaim August 6h,
2021, as "Hiroshima Memorial Day" here in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality; a
day to remember the devastation of the Hiroshima in 1945, and to renew our commitment
to ensuring freedom from the threat posed by nuclear weapons, here and everywhere.
Motion Carried.
3.3 Equalization:
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Green, that CBRM
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council call upon both the Provincial and Federal
Governments to provide answers to the questions put forth by the NSEF at the February
23, 2021 Council meeting regarding the administration of the Equalization Program as
outlined in Appendix "A" attached to the Resolution.
In response to a question, it was clarified that Council are permitted to act as a conduit for
community groups and have done so in the past.
Councillor's discussion included the following:
• Language used in the questions by NSEF
• Clarity that Appendix "A" is considered part of the Resolution
• That the CAP and Equalization be considered as separate issues
Motion Carried.
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4.1 Northside Business Park—Proposed Policy, Procedures, and Pricing
Tyler Mattheis, Director, Economic Development—CBRM Regional Enterprise Network,
provided a presentation on the Northside Business Park proposed policy, procedures and
pricing review, highlighting the following:
• Background
Current vs. Potential Future Process
• Roles and Responsibilities
Sale Conditions to be considered
• Is there current demand?
Next Step
In response to a question, Director Mattheis clarified that if approved, changes and options
to consider would come back to Council for approval.
Mayor McDougall thanked Tyler Mattheis and his team for their presentation.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, that
the CBRM REN and CBRM staff be directed to review existing land sale processes and
policies related to property within the Northside Business Park.
• Clean up strategy for unsightly properties
• Transportation network and the effects of construction will be included in future
Motion Carried.
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a) Case 1083: Request for a Three-Unit Apartment at 52 King Street,
North Sydney(PID 15024383; District 2):
Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on the issue.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gordon
MacDonald, final approval of the application by Lisa Penny to permit a 3-unit apartment
at 52 King Street, North Sydney, by amending the zoning for PID 15024383 from
Residential Urban C (RUC) to Residential Urban 3-Unit(RU3).
Public Hearing:
The Planner noted there were two (2) public submissions received; one (1) in favor and
one (1) opposed to the application. She also noted that she received two calls requesting
information on the application.
Motion Carried.
a) Renaming of a Portion of Eighth Street, New Waterford:
Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on the issue noting that
Council passed a motion to close a portion of Eighth Street in New Waterford which
resulted in two street segments both named Eighth Street which do not connect to one
another and therefore each street segment should have a unique name and the segment with
the fewest addresses should be renamed.
Planner Knudskov advised that affected residents were invited to suggest a new name,
however no suggestions were received. She advised that the Beaton Institute also provided
a list of names of several Cape Breton Highlander veterans who served during World War
1 from the new Waterford area and Private George Charlesworth was selected by random
draw, therefore Charlesworth Street was recommended.
Moved by Councillor O'Quinn, seconded by Councillor Parsons, to approve the renaming
of a portion of Eighth Street, New Waterford, as outlined in red on the map attached to the
staff report dated June 21, 2021, to "Charlesworth Street".
Motion Carried.
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6.1 By-laws:
a) Second/Final Reading—Public Hearing:
i) Parking Meter By-law T-5 —Proposed Amendments (Parking
Area Request):
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development, provided background information
on the issue.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that
the amendments to the Parking Meter By-law T-5 be approved for second/final reading as
Public Hearin,:
Director Ruus advised that no public hearing submissions were received.
Motion Carried.
b) First Reading: N/A
7.1 Council Meeting—June 15, 2021:
a) Sydney Harbour Investment Partners (SHIP) —Formation of
Steering Committee:
Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer, advised that at the June 15, 2021 Council
Meeting, a motion was passed approving the formation of a CBRM Steering Committee
and the next step for Council is to decide on its composition. She advised the composition
could include the following:
Some Council and staff(noting staff could include REN staff)
Some Council and no staff
• All Council
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BUSINESS ARISING: Council Meeting—June 15,2021: Sydney Harbour Investment
Partners (SHIP)—Formation of Steering Committee (Cont'd):
Mayor McDougall provided a brief update on what has been happening in the interim and
expressed the need for Council direction on how to move forward.
Some of Council discussion included the following:
Council make nominations and vote at the current meeting
Councillors shared their thoughts on the make-up of the Committee
• Point of Order was raised by Deputy Mayor MacMullin that the committee
members should be recommended to Council by the Nominating Committee
In response to a question,the Municipal Clerk suggested that Council decide on a definitive
number and composition of the Committee and noted that Council has the right to appoint
members at this meeting or receive recommendations from the Nominating Committee.
After discussion, the following motion was put forward.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that the
composition of the CBRM Steering Committee for Sydney Harbour Investment Partners
shall consist of three (3) Council members, the Chief Administrative Officer, and a staff
member from CBRM Regional Enterprise Network (REN) to assist in the advocacy and
work required to move the project forward.
During discussion, Tyler Mattheis, Director of Economic Development for the CBRM
REN, advised that he was willing to serve as the member of the CBRM REN on the
Steering Committee.
Motion to Amend:
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to change the
number of Councillors on the Steering Committee to five(5) Council members, along with
the CAO and member of the REN.
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BUSINESS ARISING: Council Meeting—June 15,2021: Sydney Harbour Investment
Partners (SHIP)—Formation of Steering Committee (Cont'd):
Motion to Amend (Cont'd):
Discussion on the Motion to Amend:
Quorum requirements
• The Mayor is an ex officio member on all Committees
• Process to appoint Council members
Several Councillors expressed concern that five(5)Councillors on the Steering Committee
was too many, and with the agreement of the seconder, Councillor Green withdrew the
motion to amend.
Amendment Withdrawn.
Main Motion Carried.
It was Agreed that Council would nominate members and move forward with a vote.
• Councillor Green nominated Councillor Gillespie who accepted the nomination.
• Councillor Parsons nominated Councillor Eldon MacDonald who accepted the
• Councillor Eldon nominated Councillor Edwards who accepted the nomination.
• Councillor Earlene nominated Councillor Gordon who accepted the nomination.
• Councillor Parsons nominated Councillor Green who accepted the nomination.
• Councillor Paruch nominated Councillor Bruckschwaiger who declined the
Hearing no further nominations, nominations ceased.
Council was directed to vote for three Councillors and John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief
Administrative Officer, agreed to act as a scrutineer of the votes via private chat and
provide the results to Council.
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BUSINESS ARISING: Council Meeting—June 15,2021: Sydney Harbour Investment
Partners (SHIP)—Formation of Steering Committee (Cont'd):
Later in the meeting, the results were provided to Council and the following motion was
put forward:
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, to appoint the
following Councillors to the CBRM Steering Committee for Sydney Harbour Investment
• Councillor Steve Gillespie
• Councillor Eldon MacDonald
• Councilor Lorne Green
Motion Carried.
b) SHIP/Novaporte—Council Actions and Support:
Mayor McDougall advised that subsequent to Council's decision to extend the
Development and Option Agreement with Sydney Harbour Investment Partners (SHIP),
there have been two requests made of Council to extend support in advancing the project,
as follows:
1. Provide a letter of support to the Canadian Infrastructure Bank supporting a loan
request from SHIP.
2. Send correspondence to the Premier of Nova Scotia offering general support for the
container terminal development and the need for investment support towards rail
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, that
Council provide a letter of support to the Canadian Infrastructure Bank supporting a loan
request from SHIP.
In response to a question, the Mayor clarified that there is no CBRM financial obligation
associated with the support.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Edwards, that Council send
correspondence to the Premier of Nova Scotia signed off by CBRM Mayor and Council
offering unanimous support for the container terminal development and the need for
investment support towards rail reconstruction.
Motion Carried.
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7.2 Nominating Committee—June 23, 2021:
a) Report on Call for Expressions of Interest: Citizen Representatives
on Committees:
Deborah Campbell, Municipal Clerk, advised that the Nominating Committee reviewed the
citizen applications for various Committees and recommendations were made and provided by
candidate number for Council's consideration.
She advised that Council should deal with each Committee separately, and after Council passes
the motions approving the citizen nominations by candidate number, the citizens will be
contacted. Once they have accepted the positions and any required background checks have
been completed, the names of the successful candidates will be publicly released at a future
Council meeting.
Cape Breton Island Housing Authority
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve the
recommendation of the following citizens to the Nova Scotia Minister of Community
Services for appointment to the Cape Breton Island Housing Authority Board for a three-
year term:
• Candidate 41
• Candidate 43
• Candidate 44
Motion Carried.
Port of Sydney Development Corporation
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint the
following citizens to the Port of Sydney Development Corporation Board for a three-year
Expertise in Marketing
Candidate 46
Expertise in Business and Commerce
Candidate 48
Motion Carried.
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BUSINESS ARISING: Nominating Committee—June 23, 2021 (Cont'd):
b) Diversity Committee—Community Member at Large (vacancy)
The Municipal Clerk advised that the Clerk's Office received notification that a member of the
Diversity Committee would not be able to continue as a member and therefore has resigned
from the Committee.
It was pointed out that at the June 23rd meeting,the Nominating Committee was advised that of
those applicants who were not selected during a recent recruitment process,there is a potential
candidate who could serve on the Diversity Committee as a Community Member at Large. The
Committee recommended that staff contact that individual and ask if they would be interested
in re-offering to serve on the Diversity Committee as a Community Member at Large.
This applicant was contacted and has indicated they want to re-offer. Once Council approves
the appointment,their name will be publicly released at a future Council meeting.
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Green, to appoint the applicant as
outlined in the staff Memo of June 28, 2021, to the Diversity Committee as a Community
Member at Large for a two-year term.
Motion Carried.
7.3 Audit Committee—July 6, 2021:
a) Banking Services RFP:
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer(CFO),advised that on May 11,2021,the Audit
Committee directed staff to issue a Request for Proposals for Banking Services. The RFP
was issued June 1, 2021 via the Nova Scotia Government's Tender Notices website and
advertised weekly in the Cape Breton Post. The date of closing was June 24, 2021.
The CFO advised that three eligible bids were received and evaluated by herself and
Finance Manager Adam MacNeil. The Audit Committee reviewed the staff Report at a
meeting earlier this date and their recommendation was circulated to Council.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that RFP
P08-2021 —Banking Services be awarded to the Bank of Montreal.
Motion Carried.
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7.4 Fire & Emer2ency Services Committee Meeting—June 29, 2021:
a) Cape Breton Regional Fire Chiefs' Association Report — "Specialty
Services" Financial Support:
Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger referenced the motion from the Fire & Emergency
Services Committee and advised that after discussion, the need to accommodate funding
for the Specialty Emergency Services provided by the Volunteer Fire Fighters of CBRM
is not a requirement at this time and will be brought back during Budget deliberations.
Deputy Mayor MacMullin noted that the motion was made prior to discussion at the
Committee meeting, but it was made clear that the Volunteer Association would be okay
this year and the issue would be considered for next year's budget.
Item 8.1 was dealt with later in the meeting.
8.2 The Kinsmen Club of Sydney/Horizon Achievement Centre:
Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor, provided background information on the
issue and advised that in 1983 the former City of Sydney transferred land on Upper Prince
Street in Sydney to the Kinsmen Cub of Sydney and the building on the land was used to
house the Horizon Achievement Center. There was a condition in the deed that the lands
can only be used for community betterment and cannot be conveyed to a third parry.
The Solicitor advised that the Horizon Achievement Centre is moving out of the building
and have no use for the building. CBRM staff have determined the Municipality has no
use for the building and does not want the property reconveyed to the Municipality.
The Kinsmen Club have requested that the condition in the deed be released so that they
can sell the property with the intent to use the proceeds of the sale toward the building of
the new Horizons Achievement Centre.
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CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: The Kinsmen Club of Sydney/Horizon Achievement
Centre (Cont'd):
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve the
request to release the condition in the deed so that the Kinsmen Club of Sydney can sell
the property and use the funds toward the construction of the new Horizon Achievement
Centre, and to authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed releasing the
condition and interest CBRM has in the property as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated
June 25, 2021.
In response to a question, the Solicitor advised that he is not aware of a potential sale of
the building and does not feel there is any concern for the upkeep of the building if it is not
Motion Carried.
8.3 Fees for the Provision of Tax Information:
a) Provision of Tax Information By-law (Draft):
b) Tax Certificate Resolution (Proposed Amendment):
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), provided background information on
the issue as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated June 25, 2021.
The CFO reviewed the following recommendations:
1. Increase the fee to $15 per account per billing for the provision of tax
information to financial institutions in order to align with fees charged by
other municipalities;
2. Approval of a statement and bill reproduction fee of$10 per reprint;
3. Increase the fee for the provision of tax information other than those
described above to $30, bringing CBRM's fee in line with other regional
4. Increase the fee for tax certificates to $75 per account to bring CBRM's fees
in line with those charged by other regional municipalities;
The CFO advised that in order for the above changes to take effect, the following steps
are required:
1) Approve the proposed By-law in accordance with the Municipal Government
2) Repeal the current"Provision of Tax Information Policy"upon approval of
the proposed By-law;
3) Pass a resolution approving the revised Tax Certificate fee of$75.
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Corporate Services Issues: Fees for the Provision of Tax Information (Cont'd):
During the discussion, some of the issues raised by Council members included:
• Review of cost recovery and service fee increases
• Timing and implementation.
• Suggestion to defer the issue to the Budget
After discussion, the following motions were put forward.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve the
proposed increases in tax information fees and approve first reading of"T-300 Provision
of Tax Information By-Law."
During discussion Councillors shared their concerns regarding the fess being passed on to
CBRM taxpayers.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, to
approve by resolution the revised fee for the issuance of Tax Certificates in the amount of
Motion Carried.
9.1 Renaming Indian Beach—North Sydney:
Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin advised that many local groups and individuals have
reached out to her over the last few weeks to discuss the issue. Although at one time the
name did not mean to offend but to acknowledge indigenous culture, that time has passed.
To begin the process of renaming the beach will provide us an opportunity to learn more
and understand the historic, indigenous importance of the area. These last few weeks have
been very difficult and the intent of this request is to show our commitment to the pursuit
of achieving vibrant and inclusive communities throughout the CBRM.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, that staff be
directed to provide an Issue Paper outlining steps and consultation requirements to begin
the process of changing the name of"Indian Beach".
Council discussed the intent of the motion, and the process for public consultation.
Motion Carried.
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10. UPDATE—2021 Audit:
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, provided an update on the year-end reporting
and monthly financial statements.
For Information Only.
8.1 Harbour Royale Development Limited—Request for Extension of
Waterfront Pre-Development Agreement:
Mayor McDougall referenced the letter addressed to Mayor and Council dated June 23,
2021, from the Harbour Royal Development Limited (HRDL) requesting an extension of
the Pre-Development Agreement which expired the end of June. She noted that this is the
first time Council is meeting since receiving the request which requires a decision of
Council on how to move forward.
The Mayor noted some options, including extending the agreement in its current form,
negotiating a new agreement, explore other possibilities for the location of a new library,
or issue a new RFP for the development of the waterfront. The Mayor also pointed out that
Council may have to go In Camera to discuss details of the request.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, that staff
be directed to provide an Issue Paper exploring options for a new central library outside of
the waterfront development proposal.
• Clarification on the letter and motion put forward
• Options available are better discussed In Camera
Point of Order by Councillor Parsons that the vote on the motion should wait until after
The Regional Solicitor advised Council on their options available and noted that discussion
on the request should be done In-Camera.
The Municipal Clerk discussed options available to deal with the current motion if Council
wanted to go In-Camera for discussion.
Following discussion, the mover and seconder agreed to withdraw the motion.
Motion Withdrawn
Council Meeting- Minutes
July 6, 2021 Approved August 24, 2021 23 of 23
CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: Harbour Royale Development Limited—Request for
Extension of Waterfront Pre-Development Agreement(Cont'd):
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that Council
move In-Camera immediately to discuss the details of the Waterfront Pre-Development
Agreement and request received from the Harbour Royal Development Limited.
Councillors and the Solicitor shared their opinions on going In Camera immediately or
scheduling a meeting for a future date.
It was agreed to continue the meeting past 9:00 p.m.
Motion Carried.
The Council meeting moved In-Camera at 9:1 S p.m. and resumed open session at 10:03
After the In-Camera session, the following motion was put forward.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that
the request for the extension of the Waterfront Pre-Development Agreement be granted.
Motion Defeated
Meeting adiourned at 10:06 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk