HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Police Commissioners Minutes - March 29, 2021 Cape Breton Regional Municipality Board of Police Commissioners Minutes Monday, March 29, 2021 2:04 p.m. Council Chambers 2nd Floor, City Hall 320 Esplanade Sydney, NS The Municipal Clerk Called the Meeting to Order. Present: Commissioner Eldon MacDonald, Chair Commissioner Steve Gillespie Commissioner James Edwards Commissioner Lloyd Bailey, Citizen Appointee Commissioner Dale Deering-Bert, Citizen Appointee, Vice-Chair Commissioner Helen Luedee, Citizen Appointee Staff. Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer Acting Police Chief Robert Walsh Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk Acting Superintendent Reg Hutchings Inspector Paul Muise Desiree Magnus, Communications /PR Advisor Tanya Nicholson, Recording Secretary Also: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Attending: Absent: N/A CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 2 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT Board of Police Commissioners Summary of Decisions 1. Call to Order The Municipal Clerk called the meeting to order. 2. Administration of the Oaths of Office for Commissioners: The Municipal Clerk administered the Oaths of Office for the newly appointed members of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners. 3. Election/Selection of Chair: Commissioner Eldon MacDonald was declared Chair of the Board of Police Commissioners. 4. Roll Call 5. Election/Selection of Vice Chair: Commissioner Dale Deering-Bert was declared Vice-Chair of the Board of Police Commissioners. 6. Approval of Minutes: June 22nd, 2020 Motion to approve. Carried. 7. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Carried. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 3 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT Board of Police Commissioners Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 8. Training for Police Commissioners by Department of Justice: Acting Police Chief advised the Board of Police Commissioners of the upcoming training for Police Commissioners by the Department of Justice. The Acting Chief also acknowledged the past service of retiring Chief of Police Peter McIsaac. For information only. 9. CBRPS Proposed Budget 2021-2022: Motion that the proposed 2021-2022 Police Services Operating Budget be recommended to Council for approval. Carried. 10. Divisional Reports: For information only. Adjournment CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 4 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT 1. Call to Order As this is the first meeting of Commission since the Municipal Election and appointment of new Council members and citizens, the Municipal Clerk called the meeting to order. She also acknowledged Karen Butterworth for developing a plan so the Board of Police Commissioners could meet in the Council Chambers, which is the first meeting held in the Chambers since the pandemic began. The Clerk then advised that the first order of business was the administration of the Oaths of Office. 2. Administration of the Oaths of Office for Commissioners: The Municipal Clerk administered the Oaths of Office for the newly appointed members of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners. 3. Election/Selection of Chair: The Municipal Clerk called for nominations for the Chair of the Police Commission, noting that as per the Committees RC4 Policy, the appointment of Chair to the Police Commission shall be for a term of two consecutive years, and the Chair shall also represent CBRM on the NS Association of Police Governance Board. Commissioner Gillespie nominated Commissioner MacDonald for the Chair of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners and Commissioner MacDonald accepted the nomination. Commissioner Edwards nominated Commissioner Gillespie for the Chair of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners, however Commissioner Gillespie declined the nomination. The Municipal Clerk asked if there were any additional nominations for Chair. Hearing none, Commissioner Eldon MacDonald was declared Chair of the Board of Police Commissioners for a term of two years. 4. Roll Call Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 5 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT 5. Election/Selection of Vice-Chair: The Chair called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Police Commission. Commissioner Gillespie nominated Commissioner Deering-Bert for Vice-Chair of the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners and Commissioner Deering-Bert accepted the nomination. The Chair asked if there were any further nominations. Hearing none, Commissioner Deering-Bert was declared Vice-Chair of the Board of Police Commissioners for 2021. 6. Approval of Minutes: (previously distributed) Motion: Moved by Commissioner Gillespie, seconded by Commissioner Edwards, to approve the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Minutes of: ➢ June 22nd, 2020 Motion Carried. 7. Approval of Agenda: Motion: Moved by Commissioner Luedee, seconded by Commissioner Bailey, to approve the March 29, 2021 CBRM Board of Police Commissioners Agenda. Motion Carried. At this point in the meeting, the Chair recognized former Provincial Appointee, Mr. Joseph Gillis for his service on the Police Commission, and thanked him on behalf of the citizens of the Municipality for all his work on the Board of Police Commissioners. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 6 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT 8. Training for Police Commissioners by Department of Justice: Acting Police Chief Robert Walsh congratulated everyone on their appointments to the CBRM Board of Police Commissioners and noted the transparency link between citizens and the Police Service to bring forward issues of public concerns and ask questions about service delivery to ensure the Police are meeting the needs and values of the Community. The Acting Chief advised the Department of Justice offers important training to all Boards of Police Commissioners to help explain and understand the authority and governance in Commissioners roles, as outlined in the Nova Scotia Police Act. The training is being offered virtually on April 19th, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. At this point in the meeting, Acting Police Chief Walsh acknowledged retiring Police Chief Peter McIsaac who served CBRM for 35 years, 10 years in the capacity as Chief. He noted that former Police Chief McIsaac did great things and was involved in many community groups, noting that he publicly shared his personal struggle with PTSD to raise awareness about his issues for other first responders. 9. CBRPS Proposed Budget 2021-2022: The Acting Chief of Police noted the revised 2020-2021 budget was $672,885 less than projected and reflected a 50% decrease in projected revenues from fines and record service charges, such as criminal record checks. Budget line items such as travel, training, meeting expenses, and fuel were cut due to pandemic restrictions, while other budget line items such as operational materials and supplies were increased in order to purchase items like personal protective equipment. The Acting Police Chief then introduced the proposed 2021-2022 Operating Budget for the Police Services, noting they are not seeking any increase in the operational budget. He advised that the budget request for the 2021-2022 fiscal year is $26,839,154 million which reflects increases of wages, salaries and benefits that were previously negotiated in contracts with all three (3) unions representing employees in the Police Service. He noted the forecasted conservative increase in the revenue streams from fines and record service fees to about 80% of where they were prior to the pandemic, based on current trends. The Acting Police Chief thanked Chief Financial Officer, Jennifer Campbell; Daria Durham, Senior Accountant, and the CBRPS management team and staff, and respective union executives for their cooperation with the budget process. During the discussion, some of the items raised included: Online training Cost recovery Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 7 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT CBRPS Proposed Budget 2021-2022(Cont'd): Motion: Moved by Commissioner Gillespie, seconded by Commissioner Bailey, that the proposed 2021-2022 Police Services Operating Budget be recommended to Council for approval. Motion Carried. 10. Divisional Reports —June 13, 2020 to March 26, 2021: Inspector Paul Muise and Acting Superintendent Reg Hutchings reported on initiatives, divisional and operational support. Hi2hli2hts and Initiatives • Throughout the pandemic response, to date: received a total of 850 calls for service related to Covid-19 — in the form of questions and clarification about what's allowed as well as complaints about not adhering to self-isolation, social distancing and gathering limits; ticketed a total of 108 violations under the provincial State of Emergency: 5 under the Emergency Management Act for entering prohibited areas (closed beaches and parks) and 103 under the Health Protection Act—3 for not self- isolating and the remainder for not social distancing; and facilitated 474 referrals to monitor compliance with self-isolation under the PHAC Quarantine Act and Nova Scotia Public Health regulations. • Officially opened the new CBRPS Building in Glace Bay — the first building constructed specifically for policing. It is a cornerstone landmark for the community of Glace Bay, centrally to the community's overall efforts to create a safe and stronger downtown. • Addressed increasing Outlaw Motorcycle Gang activity in the CBRM through searches and charges as well as education provided by a subject matter expert to council and the business community • Hosted Cadet Constables from the Atlantic Police Academy for on-the-job training each assigned to a CBRPS Coach Officer for mentoring. The APA Cadets provide service to the CBRM community at zero cost, conducting foot patrols as well as general duties. • Eight new constables were sworn into service as a result of a recruitment campaign to fill existing vacancies and maintain our compliment of frontline officers on the streets in our communities. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 8 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT Divisional Reports—June 13,2020 to March 26,2021 (Cont'd): • Held the 13'h annual "Shop of the Class" in conjunction with the Mayflower Mall and Cape Breton Regional Centre for Education, helping to fulfill wish lists for 39 deserving students —who joined virtually this year from the safety of their Individual schools by way of Google Meets. Divisions: North/Central/East • Training • Patrols • Lockup • Membertou Division • K-9 Unit Operational Support: • Traffic Safety Unit Street Crime/Drug Unit Community Safety Enforcement Unit • Major Crime/Domestic Violence Unit General Investigation Section/Arson Investigator • Internet Child Exploitation Unit(ICE)/Computer Forensic Unit • Forensic Identification Unit Solid Waste • Mental Health Liaison Officer • Polygraph Unit Following the report, Inspector Paul Muise indicated he would provide the Commissioners with a breakdown of where the 108 violations under the provincial State of Emergency currently stand (i.e. the number of tickets not paid; the number of charges dropped; and the percentage not followed through). Discussion also included the following: • Policing staffing (five (5)new cadets, number of active police officers, recruiting more diverse groups) Speeding concerns • Available resources to help with returning to work Spike in calls regarding traffic, speeding, and ATV's in the summer months Acting Chief Walsh advised that the Police Services cares and is listening and encouraged residents to call if they witness in any traffic violation. For information only. Continued... CBRM Board of Police Commissioners 9 Minutes,March 29,2021 DRAFT In closing, the Chair recognized retiring Police Chief Peter McIsaac for his professionalism and availability and wished health and happiness to him and his family. Adiourned at 3:13 p.m. Commissioner Eldon MacDonald Deborah Campbell Ryan Chair Municipal Clerk /tcn