HomeMy WebLinkAboutNominating Committee Minutes February 9, 2021 Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Nominating Committee
February 9, 2021
4:25 p.m.
Via Videoconference
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall called the meeting to order.
Present: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall, Chair
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Deanna Evely, Director of Human Resources
Sharon MacSween, Recording Secretary
Absent: N/A
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 2
Summary of Decisions
1. Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the February 9, 2021 Nominating Committee Agenda as circulated.
2. Appointments to CBRM Accessibility Advisory Committee:
Motion that the Clerk be directed:
• to call for Expressions of Interest for up to eight (8) CBRM citizens to serve on the
Accessibility Advisory Committee for a two-year term, noting that half of the
Committee members must be persons with disabilities or represent persons with
• to poll Council inviting two (2) Council members to put their names forward to serve on
the Committee; and
• to bring back a report to the Nominating Committee at a future date.
3. Report on Call for Expressions of Interest - Citizen Representatives on
Committees -Diversity Committee:
Police Commission
➢ Candidate 4P-1 -North Division
➢ Candidate 4P-6 - Central
➢ Candidate #P-11 - East Division
Audit Committee
➢ Candidate#A-1
Diversity Committee
The applications for the Diversity Committee were addressed later in the meeting.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 3
Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Diversity
Heritage Advisory Committee
Nominations took place for the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Motion that nominations to the Heritage Advisory Committee cease. Carried.
The following Candidates nominated were acclaimed to the Heritage Advisory Committee
➢ Candidate 4H-3
➢ Candidate 4H-1
➢ Candidate 4H-2
➢ Candidate 4H-4
➢ Candidate 4H-5
Cape Breton Regional Library Board:
➢ Candidate 4L-2
➢ Candidate 4L-5
Port of Sydney Development Corporation:
Expertise in Business and Commerce:
➢ Candidate 4 Port-2
➢ Candidate 4 Port-4
Licensed to Practice Law:
➢ Candidate 4 Port-9
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 4
Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Diversity
Diversity Committee:
Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to appoint to the Diversity Committee,
Candidate 4 D-1 as the African Nova Scotia Community representative and Candidate 4 D-
8 as the Disability Community representative. Carried.
Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to appoint to the Diversity Committee,
Candidate 4 D-2 as the Mental Health Community representative and Candidate 4 D-4 as
the First Nations Community representative. Carried.
➢ Candidate 4 D-3
Women's Group:
➢ Candidate 4 D-5
Community Member at Large:
➢ Candidate 4 D-7
➢ Candidate 4 P-12
➢ Candidate 4 P-14
It was noted that no applications were received from the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered
Community, Cape Breton University and the Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board.
Motion that staff be directed to re-advertise for individuals to fill positions on the Diversity
Committee for a representative from the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered Community, Cape
Breton University, and the Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board, now known as the
Cape Breton Victoria Regional Centre for Education, when the call for expressions of interest
for the Accessibility Advisory Committee takes place. Carried.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 5
Summary of Decisions(Cont'd):
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Diversity
Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to appoint to:
• CBRM Board of Police Commissioners:
o Candidate 4 P-1 -North Division
o Candidate 4 P-6 - Central Division
o Candidate 4 P-11 - East Division
• Audit Committee:
o Candidate 4A-1
• Heritage Advisory Committee:
o Candidate 4 H-1
o Candidate 4 H-2
o Candidate 4 H-3
o Candidate 4 H-4
o Candidate 4 H-5
• Cape Breton Regional Library Board:
o Candidate 4 L-2
o Candidate 4 L-5
• Port of Sydney Development Corporation
o Individuals with Business and Commerce Expertise:
■ Candidate 4 Port-2
■ Candidate 4 Port-4
o Licensed to Practice Law:
■ Candidate 4 Port-9
• Diversity Committee:
o African Nova Scotia Community
■ Candidate 4 D-1
o Disability Community
■ Candidate 4 D-8
o Mental Health Community
■ Candidate 4 D-2
o First Nations Community
■ Candidate 4 D-4
o Newcomer Community
■ Candidate 4 D-3
o Women's Group Community
■ Candidate 4 D-5
o Community Member at Large:
■ Candidate 4 D-6
■ Candidate 4 P-12
■ Candidate 4 P-14
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 6
Summary of Decisions(Cont'd):
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Diversity
Motion that the Clerk be instructed to destroy all electronic ballots. Carried.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 7
Roll Call
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, approval of the
February 9, 2021 Nominating Committee agenda as circulated.
Motion Carried.
2. Appointments to CBRM Accessibility Advisory Committee:
Ms. Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, provided background information on this
issue and advised that a motion was passed at the January 26 meeting of Council approving
the Terms of Reference for the CBRM Accessibility Advisory Committee.
The next step is to call for expressions of interest for citizens to serve on the Committee,
noting that the Committee must include a minimum of two (2) members of Council.
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that the Clerk
be directed:
• to call for Expressions of Interest for up to eight(8) CBRM citizens to serve on the
Accessibility Advisory Committee for a two-year term, noting that half of the
Committee members must be persons with disabilities or represent persons with
• to poll Council inviting two (2) Council members to put their names forward to serve on
the Committee; and
• to bring back a report to the Nominating Committee at a future date.
Motion Carried.
3. Report on Call for Expressions of Interest - Citizen Representatives on
Mayor McDougall acknowledged the positive community response to the recent call for
expressions of interest for Citizen Representation on Committees, an indicator that the
community is engaged and wants to be involved in the democratic process. She thanked
those who made an application to become involved in the process.
Ms. Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, advised that an ad was placed in the Cape
Breton Post on January 9, 2021 with postings on the CBRM website and social media, calling
for expressions of interest for citizens to serve on various internal and external Committees,
with a January 21,2021 as deadline for submissions.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 8
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees (Cont'd):
The Clerk advised that a total of forty-seven (47) applications were received, which included
two late submissions. She recommended that the late submissions not be considered. Four
applicants made application to multiple committees and that information was included on the
matrix. Current members of the Committees have been noted on the matrix.
The Clerk then reviewed the next steps,which included nominating applicants, manner in which
to reference applicants throughout the meeting, and voting on nominations when required. She
advised that Deputy Chief Administrative Officer John MacKinnon would assist with the
tallying of the votes by private chat.
Ms. Campbell Ryan advised that from this meeting, the recommendation to Council will
reference the applicant numbers only and once the citizens have accepted the appointments and
any background checks complete, their names will be publicly released at a future meeting of
Police Commission
Three (3) citizens are required for a two-year term. It was noted that past practice has been to
appoint one representative from each Division of the Municipality (i.e. Central, East and North).
The Clerk advised that three (3) applications were received from North; 7 from Central and four
4 from East Divisions. Further, notification was received today that one applicant for Central,
Candidate 4P-8, has withdrawn their application. The Clerk has recommended that the
Committee deal one division at a time.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the North Division Candidate.
Councillor Gordon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4P-3
Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Candidate 4P-1
Seeing no other Candidates, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer facilitated the vote with
the Committee via secret ballot. Once the votes were cast and tabulated, it was announced
that Candidate#P-1 was the successful Police Commission, North Division nomination.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Central Division Candidate.
Councillor Eldon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4P-6
Councillor Steve Parsons nominated Candidate 4P-7
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate 4P-5
Seeing no other Candidates, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer facilitated the vote with
the Committee via secret ballot. Once the votes were cast and tabulated, it was announced
that Candidate #P-6 was the successful Police Commission, Central Division
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the East Division Candidate.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 9
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees—Police
Commission (Cont'd):
Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Candidate #P-11
Councillor Steve Parsons nominated Candidate 4P-12
Seeing no other Candidates, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer facilitated the vote with
the Committee via secret ballot. Once the votes were cast and tabulated, it was announced
that Candidate#P-11 was the successful Police Commission, East Division nomination.
Audit Committee:
The Clerk advised we require 1 position for a two-year term on the Audit Committee, and 3
applications were received.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Audit Committee.
Councillor Steve Parsons Nominated Candidate # A-1. Seeing that there were no further
nominations, Candidate#A-1 is acclaimed and would be recommended to Council to serve on
the Audit Committee.
Diversity Committee:
The Clerk recommended that the applications for the Diversity Committee be addressed at the
end of the meeting.
Heritage Advisory Committee:
Ms. Campbell Ryan advised we require three to five positions for a two-year term, and that 8
applications were received. It was noted that updated information for Candidate # H-6 was
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Councillor Eldon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4H-3
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate 4H-1
Councillor Steve Parsons nominated Candidate 4H-2
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate 4H-4
Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Candidate 4H-5
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that nominations
for the Heritage Advisory Committee cease.
Motion Carried.
The Clerk advised that the 5 Candidates nominated are acclaimed and would be recommended
to Council to serve on the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 10
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees (Cont'd):
Cape Breton Regional Library Board:
The Clerk advised that 2 representatives are required for the Regional Library Board and 8
applications have been received.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Cape Breton Regional Library
Councillor Steve Parsons nominated Candidate 4P-9
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate 4L-2
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate 4L-5
Councillor Eldon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4L-4
Councillor Gordon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4L-1
Seeing no further nominations, the Committee was directed to vote for 2 Candidates. The
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer then facilitated the vote. Once the votes were cast and
tabulated, it was announced that Candidate#L-2 and Candidate#L-5 were successful and
will be recommended to Council for appointment to the Cape Breton Regional Library
Port of Sydney Development Corporation:
Ms. Deborah Campbell Ryan advised that 1 individual licensed to practice law in the Province
of Nova Scotia is required for the Port of Sydney Development Corporation, however 3 were
received. The Board also requires that two individuals be appointed with Business and
Commerce Expertise. It was noted that 10 applications were received.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Port of Sydney Development
Corporation with Expertise in Business and Commerce.
Councillor Steve Parsons nominated Candidate 4P-7
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate #Port-2
Councillor Gordon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4Port-4
Councillor Eldon MacDonald nominated Candidate 4Port-1
Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Candidate #Port-3
Councillor Steve Parsons nominated Candidate #Port-4, however that Candidate was already
Seeing no further nominations, the Committee was directed to vote for 2 Candidates. The
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer then facilitated the vote. Once the votes were cast and
tabulated, it was announced that there was a three-way tie between Candidates Port-2, Port-
4 and P-7.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 11
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Port of
Sydney Development Corporation(Cont'd):
At this point in the meeting, discussion took place regarding clarification on applicants P-7
and Port-7 noting that Councillor Gillespie thought that P-7 was Port-7. Discussion took
place regarding the voting process through Zoom and removing or destruction of ballots.
The Clerk consulted with the Solicitor and then asked how many Committee Members
voted for P-7 instead of Port-7; with Councillor Gillespie being the only one. It was
suggested by the Solicitor that only Councillor Gillespie resubmit his votes.
Following Councillor Gillespie re-submitting his vote, the Deputy Chief Administrative
Officer then counted the votes and announced that Candidates Port-2 and Port-4 were
successful and would be recommended to Council for appointment to the Port of Sydney
Development Corporation as the representative with Expertise in Business and Commerce.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Port of Sydney Development
Corporation Candidate Licensed to Practice Law in Nova Scotia.
Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Candidate #Port-9
The Chair called 3 times for any further nominations. Seeing none, Mayor McDougall declared
Candidate#Port-9 as acclaimed and would be recommended to Council for appointment to the
Port of Sydney Development Corporation as the representative Licensed to Practice Law in
Nova Scotia.
Diversity Committee
The Clerk explained that 12 positions are required from 8 community stakeholder groups that
are listed in the Terms of Reference of the Diversity Committee Governance Policy that is
included in the agenda package and noted that 10 applications were received. All stakeholder
groups require one representative, with the exception of the Community at Large which requires
3 representatives. There were some applications received for multiple committees including the
Diversity Committee. The Clerk advised that no applications were received from the Gay,
Lesbian & Transgendered Community, Cape Breton University, or from the Cape Breton-
Victoria Regional School Board, and that one individual is required from each sector. The
Clerk further advised that representation from these stakeholders can be included with the call
for citizens to serve on the Accessibility Advisory Committee. It was also pointed out that the
former Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board is now the Cape Breton-Victoria Centre
for Education and as a housekeeping item, that reference should be corrected for the next time
the Diversity Committee Governance Policy is reviewed.
At this point in the meeting, the Clerk pointed out that since the matrix was circulated, updates
have been received from D-8, and P-12 and P-14, all of which were originally listed on the
Police Commission matrix.
Mayor McDougall polled the Committee, and it was agreed to review applications by each
stakeholder group for the Diversity Committee.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 12
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Diversity
The Clerk assisted with the process.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Steve Parsons, that a
recommendation be made to Council to appoint Candidate # D-1 as the African Nova
Scotia Community representative and Candidate # D-8 as the Disability Community
representative on the Diversity Committee.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Steve Parsons, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that a
recommendation be made to Council to appoint Candidate # D-2 as the Mental Health
Community representative and Candidate # D-4 as the First Nations Community
representative on the Diversity Committee.
Motion Carried.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Diversity Committee Newcomer
Community representative.
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate#D-3
The Chair called 3 times for additional nominations. Seeing no additional nominations were put
forward, Mayor McDougall advised that Candidate#D-3 has been acclaimed as the Diversity
Committee Newcomer Community representative and will be recommended to Council.
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the Diversity Committee Women's
Group representative.
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate#D-5
The Chair called 3 times for additional nominations. Seeing no additional nominations were put
forward, Mayor McDougall advised that Candidate# D-5 has been acclaimed as the Diversity
Committee Women's Group Community representative and will be recommended to
Mayor McDougall opened the floor for Nominations for the three Diversity Committee
Community Members at Large representatives.
Councillor Steve Gillespie nominated Candidate#D-6
Councillor Gordon MacDonald nominated Candidate#D-7
Councillor Glenn Paruch nominated Candidate#P-12
Councillor Eldon MacDonald nominated Candidate#P-14
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 13
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees -Diversity
Committee Cont'd :
The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer facilitated the vote for the 3 Community at Large
representatives for the Diversity Committee.
The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer announced that Candidate # D-6 and Candidate
# P-12 received the highest number of votes for the Diversity Committee, Community
Member at Large, and that there is a tie between Candidate # D-7 and Candidate #P-14.
At this point in the meeting,the Clerk asked the Committee to vote for one candidate, either
Candidate#D-7 or Candidate#P-14.
Following the addition of the votes, the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer announced
that Candidate # P-14 was successful and will be recommended to Council along with D-6
and P-12 as the Diversity Committee, Community Members at Large.
The Clerk then asked for a motion regarding the vacancies on the Diversity Committee.
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that
staff be directed to re-advertise for individuals to fill positions on the Diversity Committee for a
representative from the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered Community, Cape Breton
University, and the Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board, now known as the Cape
Breton Victoria Regional Centre for Education, when the call for expressions of interest for
the Accessibility Advisory Committee takes place.
Motion Carried.
At this point in the meeting, the Clerk asked for a motion to refer all recommendations to
Council and noted that applications will be referred by candidate number. It is anticipated
that this report will be going to the February 23 meeting of Council.
In response to a question by Mayor McDougall, the Clerk advised that all unsuccessful
candidates will be notified, however not until after all successful candidates have been
contacted, in the event that a successful candidate changes their mind to avoid having to
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 14
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees (Cont'd):
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that a
recommendation be made to Council to appoint to:
• CBRM Board of Police Commissioners:
o Candidate 4 P-1 -North Division
o Candidate 4 P-6 - Central Division
o Candidate 4 P-11 - East Division
• Audit Committee:
o Candidate 4A-1
• Heritage Advisory Committee:
o Candidate 4 H-1
o Candidate 4 H-2
o Candidate 4 H-3
o Candidate 4 H-4
o Candidate 4 H-5
• Cape Breton Regional Library Board:
o Candidate 4 L-2
o Candidate 4 L-5
• Port of Sydney Development Corporation
o Individuals with Business and Commerce Expertise:
■ Candidate 4 Port-2
■ Candidate 4 Port-4
o Licensed to Practice Law:
■ Candidate 4 Port-9
• Diversity Committee:
o African Nova Scotia Community
■ Candidate 4 D-1
o Disability Community
■ Candidate 4 D-8
o Mental Health Community
■ Candidate 4 D-2
o First Nations Community
■ Candidate 4 D-4
o Newcomer Community
■ Candidate 4 D-3
o Women's Group Community
■ Candidate 4 D-5
o Community Member at Large:
■ Candidate 4 D-6
■ Candidate 4 P-12
■ Candidate 4 P-14
Motion Carried.
Nominating Committee
Minutes February 9,2021 Approved May 11,2021 Page- 15
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest- Citizen Representatives on Committees (Cont'd):
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Steve Parsons, that the
Clerk be instructed to destroy all electronic ballots.
Councillor Gordon MacDonald recognized at this point in the meeting that the list of
candidates in the matrix were exceptional and that he believes that no one should feel that
they have been left out. It was a very difficult decision-making process to go through,
especially with the exceptional quality of the candidates that put their names forward as
everyone is very deserving.
Mayor McDougall advised that there have never been more applications for Citizen
Appointments to Committees and Boards and that speaks volumes about our community.
She expressed thanks to all those who took the time to participate in the process, showing
passion and dedication to the community.
Motion Carried.
Adjournment 5:37 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk