HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes - January 26, 2021 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY
Council Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2021
1:41 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall called the meeting to order and noted the following
participants in the Video Conferencing:
Council: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor James Edwards
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Councillor Lorne Green
Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor
Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development
Bill Murphy, Director of Recreation, Parks Grounds & Buildings
Ray Boudreau, Senior Manager of Public Works
Francis Campbell, Manager of Solid Waste
Kirk Durning, Manager of Recreation
Paul Burt, Manager of Building, Planning & Licensing Laws
Christina Lamey, Communications and Information Officer
Karen Neville, Senior Planner/Heritage Officer
Kristen Knudskov, Planner
Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant
Tanya Nicholson, Recording Secretary
Absent: N/A
Council Meeting- Minutes
January 26, 2021 Approved February 23, 2021 2 of 20
Summary of Decisions
Call to Order
Roll Call
Moment of Silent Reflection
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Council Meeting—November 24, 2020
➢ Council Meeting—December 8, 2020
The Mayor noted that approval of these Minutes will be deferred to a later date.
3.1 Bell Let's Talk Day:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council hereby proclaim
Thursday, January 28a', 2021, as Bell Let's Talk Day in the Cape Breton Regional
Municipality and encourage support of this campaign. Carried.
3.2 2021 African Heritage Month:
Motion that Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council proclaim the month of February
2021 as African Heritage Month, and encourage all residents, businesses, and community
groups to participate in the activities and celebrations and to take the opportunity to reflect
on the story of Nova Scotia's vibrant African Nova Scotian Community. Carried.
3.3 Nova Scotia Health Decision to Relocate Health Records:
The Mayor advised this Resolution was withdrawn from the Agenda.
3.4 Paid Sick Days:
It was agreed to defer this issue to a future meeting.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
4.1 Solid Waste Mobile App:
An update on the Solid Waste Mobile App was provided.
4.2 CBRM Winter Operations:
An update on CBRM Winter Operations was provided.
5.1 Staff Appointments:
a) Staff Appointment: Parking—Infraction Ticket Administrator:
Motion to appoint the Manager of Building, Planning & Licensing Laws as the CBRM
Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator responsible for the Administration and
Enforcement of the CBRM P-100 Parking Bylaw and the applicable sections of the Motor
Vehicle Act pertaining to parking enforcement. Carried.
b) New Staff Appointment—Bylaw Enforcement Officer:
Motion to appoint Chris Tobin as a By-Law Enforcement Officer responsible for the
Administration and Enforcement of the CBRM P-100 Parking Bylaw, T-100 Taxi Bylaw,
V-100 Vending Machine Bylaw, V-200 Vendors Bylaw and the sections of the Motor
Vehicle Act pertaining to parking. Carried.
c) Appointment of Angelo Canova and Jason MacDonald as CBRM
Building Officials:
Motion to appoint both Angelo Canova and Jason MacDonald as CBRM Building
Officials responsible for the Administration and Enforcement of the Provincial Building
Code and the CBRM Building By-Law in addition to their current duties and
responsibilities. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
6.1 Terms of Reference -Accessibility Advisory Committee:
Motion to approve the Terms of Reference to allow for the process of committee formation
and plan development to begin. Carried.
6.2 Tax Sale Format During the Provincial State of Emer2ency:
Motion to authorize staff to call for tenders for tax sale-eligible properties under the
authority of Section 141(2) of the MGA until such time as the Provincial State of
Emergency is lifted. Carried.
6.3 Proposed Positions within Mayor's Office:
Motion for approval of the hiring of a Municipal Indigenous Advisor for the Mayor's
Office through the CBRM Human Resources Department using the hiring process outlined
in the Memo dated January 20, 2021, included in the agenda package. Carried.
Motion to approve the hiring of a Community Consultation Coordinator for the Mayor's
Office through the CBRM Human Resources Department using the hiring process outlined
in the Memo dated January 20, 2021, included in the agenda package. Carried.
Council recessed at 4:41 p.m.
Council reconvened at 6:03 p.m.
7.1 Sydney Central Library Study: Service, Programs and Operational Plan:
A presentation was provided on the Sydney Central Library Study.
Motion to approve in principle the Service, Program and Operational Plan as submitted
by TCI Management Consultants Report and to arrange a meeting of all funding partners
to come together to discuss the funding options for the Design and Development phase of
the project. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
7.2 Update on Federal Initiatives:
Mr. Mike Kelloway, Member of Parliament,provided an update on Federal Initiatives.
a) Case 1074—Land Use Bylaw Text and Map Amendment Request from
3264937 Nova Scotia Limited to Allow Motor Vehicle Sales on PID
15046881 (Kings Road, Howie Center, District 4):
Motion final approval of amendments to the CBRM Land Use Bylaw to permit motor
vehicle sales on PID 15046881, Kings Road, Howie Center, Case 1074, subject to site plan
approval conditions. Carried.
b) Case 1077—Land Use Bylaw Map Amendment Request from John and
Theresa MacNeil to Allow a Self-Storage Facility on a Portion of PID
15225733 (Upper Prince Street Area, Grand Lake Road, District 6):
Motion to deny the request to amend the Land Use Bylaw to allow a Self-Storage Facility
on a Portion of PID 15225733 (Upper Prince Street Area, Grand Lake Road, District 6).
a) Case 1076—North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Land
Use Bylaw Text Amendment Request from Kevin Colford to Amend
Parking Requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506;
District 5):
Motion to schedule a Public Hearing to consider the request made by Kevin Colford
to amend parking requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506;
District 5) at an upcoming meeting of Council. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
a) Case 1078 — Municipal Planning Strate2V Amendment to Allow a
Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Road, Sydney (PID 15105133 and
Motion that staff be directed to conduct a Public Participation Program regarding the
request to allow a medical clinic at 46 Cottage Road, Sydney. Carried.
Motion to proceed with the Council meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. Carried.
9.1 FINAL APPROVAL - Request for Municipal Heritage Property
a) Lyceum, 225 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058696 and PID
Motion to approve the request to register the Lyceum located at 225 George Street, Sydney
as a Municipal Heritage Property. Carried.
10.1 Council—December 8, 2020:
a) Mandatory Policy Reviews:
i) Hospitality Policy:
ii) Travel Expense Policies:
• Elected Officials:
iii) Audit Committee Policy:
Motion to re-adopt the CBRM Hospitality Policy and to approve the revised the Travel
Expense Policy for Elected Officials, the Travel Expense Policy for Staff, and the Audit
Committee Policy as presented. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
11.1 Tax Protection for Low-Income Seniors Who Own Home:
Motion to direct staff to develop an Issue Paper to investigate the options available to help
low-income seniors with the potential increase in tax burden if the Province of Nova Scotia
amends or removes the legislation on Assessment CAP. Carried.
11.2 Seeking Hither Office:
Motion that staff be directed to prepare an Issue Paper regarding members of CBRM
Council who seek nomination for a higher office such as a Member of the Provincial
Legislature (MLA), Member of Federal Parliament(MP), or leadership of a provincial or
federal parry. Carried.
a) CBRM to November 30, 2020:
For Information Only.
b) Port of Sydney Development Corporation to November 30, 2020:
For Information Only.
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Call to Order
Roll Call
Moment of Silent Reflection
Councillor O'Quinn recognized the passing of former CBRM Municipal Clerk, Bernie
White, and offered condolences to his family and friends.
Councillor Tracey recognized the passing well-known Glace Bay Little League icon,
Henry Boutilier, and offered condolences to his family and friends.
Moved by Councillor Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger
approval of the following Minutes as previously circulated:
➢ Council Meeting—November 24, 2020
➢ Council Meeting—December 8, 2020
With respect to the November 24, 2020 Minutes, Councillor Green noted there is a motion
missing in regards to Planning issue Case 1075 and asked that it be corrected. He also
noted that since Council only received the December 8, 2020 Council Minutes one day
ago, approval be deferred to a later date to enable him and other Councillors time to review
The Mayor noted that approval of these Minutes will be deferred to a later date.
Councillor Bruckschwaiger asked that the Minutes be circulated to Council in a more
timely fashion.
3.1 Bell Let's Talk Day:
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that
CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council hereby proclaim Thursday, January
28a',2021, as Bell Let's Talk Day in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and encourage
support of this campaign.
Motion Carried.
Mayor McDougall noted there will be a flag raising for Bell Let's Talk Day on Thursday,
January 28a', 2021 at 11 a.m. at City Hall and encouraged CBRM residents to use the
hashtag Bell Let's Talk.
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3.2 2021 African Heritage Month:
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Paruch,that Amanda M. McDougall
and CBRM Council proclaim the month of February 2021 as African Heritage Month, and
encourage all residents, businesses, and community groups to participate in the activities
and celebrations and to take the opportunity to reflect on the story of Nova Scotia's vibrant
African Nova Scotian Community.
Motion Carried.
3.3 Nova Scotia Health Decision to Relocate Health Records:
Mayor McDougall advised that Councillor Gordon MacDonald has withdrawn this
Resolution from the Agenda as Nova Scotia Health has rescinded their decision.
3.4 Paid Sick Days:
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that Mayor
Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council request staff to write a letter to the Premier of
Nova Scotia, the Minister of Labour and Advanced Education and all CBRM MLAs
providing our support to updating the Labour Standards Code to enshrine ten(10)paid sick
days in the next Legislative session.
After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed to defer this motion to a future meeting in order
to provide more information after consulting with Canadian Federation of Independent
Business, Nova Scotia Federation of Labour and Provincial Departments with expertise in
this area.
4.1 Solid Waste Mobile App:
Mr. Francis Campbell,Manager of Solid Waste,provided a presentation on the Solid Waste
Mobile App highlighting the following:
Waste Collection Calendar Reminder System
• Material Look-up Tool called "Waste Wizard"
CBRM Solid Waste is available free of charge from the App Store(Apple), Google
Play (Android), and www.cbrm.ns.ca/solidwaste
• Residents will continue to have the option to contact the Waste Management
Hotline or send an email for information.
For information only.
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REPORTS (Cont'd):
4.2 CBRM Winter Operations:
Mr. Ray Boudreau, Senior Manager of Public Works, provided a presentation on CBRM
Winter Operations highlighting:
• 4 Major Winter Operations
o Roadway Salting
o Roadway Plowing
o Sidewalk Plowing and Ice Control
o Snow Clearing/Removal
• Levels of Service
o Who Plows my Road?
o CBRM Winter Maintenance Map (only CBRM roads)
• Interactive Map Available
For information only.
5.1 Staff Appointments:
a) Staff Appointment: Parking—Infraction Ticket Administrator:
Mr.Paul Burt,Manager of Building,Planning&Licensing Laws,noted that with the recent
retirement of Mary Ann Vuletich, Assistant Bylaw Manager; and the reclassification of the
vacant position to Bylaw Enforcement Officer,CBRM requires a Parking-Infraction Ticket
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint the
Manager of Building,Planning &Licensing Laws as the CBRM Parking-Infraction Ticket
Administrator responsible for the Administration and Enforcement of the CBRM P-100
Parking Bylaw and the applicable sections of the Motor Vehicle Act pertaining to parking
Motion Carried.
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b) New Staff Appointment—Bylaw Enforcement Officer:
Mr. Paul Burt, Manager of Building, Planning & Licensing Laws, advised the position of
Bylaw Enforcement Officer is responsible for the administration and enforcement of
several CBRM bylaws and sections of the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) relevant to parking
and Chris Tobin was hired to replace Mary Ann Vuletich whose position was re-classified
from Assistant Bylaw Manager to Bylaw Enforcement Officer.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint Chris Tobin as
a By-Law Enforcement Officer responsible for the Administration and Enforcement of the
CBRM P-100 Parking Bylaw, T-100 Taxi Bylaw,V-100 Vending Machine Bylaw , V-200
Vendors Bylaw and the sections of the Motor Vehicle Act pertaining to parking.
Motion Carried.
c) Appointment of Angelo Canova and Jason MacDonald as CBRM
Building Officials:
Mr. Paul Burt, Manager of Building, Planning & Licensing Laws, provided background
information on this issue and reported that Assistant Building Officials Angelo Canova and
Property Maintenance Inspector Jason MacDonald have both successfully completed the
Professional Studies Program as Level 1 Building Officials and they have received their
Qualification of Diplomas.
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Green, to appoint both
Angelo Canova and Jason MacDonald as CBRM Building Officials responsible for the
Administration and Enforcement of the Provincial Building Code and the CBRM Building
By-Law in addition to their current duties and responsibilities.
Motion Carried.
6.1 Terms of Reference-Accessibility Advisory Committee:
Mr. Kirk Durning, Manager of Recreation, advised as per the Nova Scotia Accessibility
Act, municipalities are mandated to establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee and
develop a municipal accessibility plan by April 1, 2022.
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve the
Terms of Reference to allow for the process of the Accessibility Advisory Committee
formation and plan development to begin.
Motion Carried.
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6.2 Tax Sale Format During the Provincial State of Emergency:
Ms. Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer advised that due to the pandemic and the
tight restrictions on gathering limits announced by Public Health, CBRM had temporarily
suspended tax sale procedures. Ms. Campbell highlighted the following:
• Impact on CBRM
• Policy
Other jurisdictions (Halifax and County of Inverness)
• Process
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald seconded by Councillor Paruch, that staff be
authorized to call for tenders for tax sale-eligible properties under the authority of Section
141(2) of the MGA until such time as the Provincial State of Emergency is lifted.
Motion Carried.
6.3 Proposed Positions within Mayor's Office:
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall removed herself as Chair and asked Deputy Mayor
MacMullin to assume the chair to allow the discussion on this issue.
Mayor McDougall advised that she is proposing two new positions to work out of the
Mayor's Office; one being a Municipal Indigenous Advisor and the other a Community
Consultation Coordinator. Mayor McDougall noted that the CBRM Human Resources
Department will fully develop the job descriptions and advertisements, and the hiring
process will be open to the public and hiring will transpire entirely through Human
Resources to ensure the best candidates for the positions are sought in a fair manner.
Mayor McDougall clarified that these positions would be a four-year appointment during
the mandate of this Council and would report directly to the Mayor, with regular updates
on their work to be provided to Council.
After a lengthy discussion, the following motions were put forth.
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CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES—Proposed Positions within Mayor's Office (Cont'd):
Moved by Mayor McDougall, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to approve the hiring of
two positions in the Mayor's Office, namely a Municipal Indigenous Advisor and
Community Consultation Coordinator, through the CBRM Human Resources Department
using the hiring process outlined in the Memo dated January 20, 2021, included in the
agenda package.
Council members requested that these two positions be dealt with under separate motions.
With the agreement of the seconder,Mayor McDougall revised the motion to state approval
of the hiring of a Municipal Indigenous Advisor for the Mayor's Office through the CBRM
Human Resources Department using the hiring process outlined in the Memo dated January
20, 2021, included in the agenda package.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Mayor McDougall, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve the
hiring of a Community Consultation Coordinator for the Mayor's Office through the
CBRM Human Resources Department using the hiring process outlined in the Memo dated
January 20, 2021, included in the agenda package.
Following a lengthy discussion, the Deputy Mayor called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
Council recessed at 4:41 p.m.
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Council reconvened at 6:03 p.m.
7.1 Sydney Central Library Study: Service, Programs and Operational Plan
Mr. Greg Young, CMC, Director - TCI Management Consultants
Mayor McDougall introduced Mr. Greg Young, CMC Director — TCI Management
Consultants and his team Jon Linton, Beth Ross, and Spyro Trifos.
Mr. Young, provided a presentation on the Sydney Central Library Study highlighting the
• Background Since 2016
• Purpose
• Research Activities
• Caveats and Assumptions
• Consultations
• Library Board and Staff
• Stakeholder Groups
• Partnerships
• Some Enthusiasm but No Funding Imminently Available
• Letters of Support
• Proposed Waterfront Location Offers Significant Benefits
• Determinants Affecting Future Library Space
• First Nations Component
• Service Review Components Affecting Future Library Space
• Library Space Required
• Capital Cost Implications
• Potential Capital Funding Sources
• CBRL Current Operating Cost Snapshot
• Operating Cost Implications to CBRM
• Long Term Benefits
Mayor McDougall asked Deputy Mayor MacMullin to assume the Chair so she could join
in the discussion and offer thoughts on this issue. After Mayor McDougall's input, she
returned to the Chair.
After a lengthy discussion, the following motion was brought forward:
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons, to approve in
principle the Service, Program and Operational Plan as submitted by TCI Management
Consultants Report and to arrange a meeting of all funding partners to come together to
discuss the funding options for the Design and Development phase of the project.
Motion Carried.
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PRESENTATIONS—Sydney Central Library(Cont'd):
Mayor McDougall noted she will work with staff to set up a meeting with representatives
from various levels of government and departments that would be influential in providing
the funding necessary to build a new Central Library and will reconvene with Council to
verify that date and in quickest time frame possible.
Mayor McDougall thanked Mr. Young and his team for their work on the Library Study.
7.2 Update on Federal Initiatives:
Mayor McDougall welcomed Member of Parliament Mike Kelloway to the meeting.
MP Kelloway provided an update on Federal Initiatives, highlighting the following:
• Fall Economic Statement
• Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP)
Green Infrastructure
J.A. Douglas McCurdy Airport
• Basic Income
• Mutual Priorities
Following the question/answer dialogue with Council Members, Mayor McDougall
thanked MP Kelloway for participating in the meeting.
For information only.
a) Case 1074—Land Use Bylaw Text and Map Amendment Request from
3264937 Nova Scotia Limited to Allow Motor Vehicle Sales on PID
15046881 (Kings Road, Howie Center, District 4):
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on this issue.
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, final approval of
amendments to the CBRM Land Use Bylaw to permit motor vehicle sales on PID
15046881, Kings Road, Howie Center, Case 1074, subject to site plan approval conditions.
Public Hearing:
Planner Knudskov noted there was a letter received from the property owner in favour of
the amendments, as well as 7 written submissions and 2 phone calls from the public
opposed to the amendment.
Motion Carried.
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b) Case 1077—Land Use Bylaw Map Amendment Request from John and
Theresa MacNeil to Allow a Self-Storage Facility on a Portion of PID
15225733 (Upper Prince Street Area, Grand Lake Road, District 6):
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on this issue.
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to deny the
request to amend the Land Use Bylaw to allow a Self-Storage Facility on a Portion of PID
15225733 (Upper Prince Street Area, Grand Lake Road, District 6).
Public Hearing:
Planner Knudskov reported that they received 4 written submissions opposed to the
amendment. After a lengthy discussion regarding access to the property and concerns of
area residents, it was pointed out that the self-storage facility would be permitted on the
property outlined in blue in the staff report. Furthermore, if this motion passes the
applicants have a right to appeal Council's decision to the URB.
Motion Carried.
a) Case 1076—North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Land
Use Bylaw Text Amendment Request from Kevin Colford to Amend
Parking Requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506;
District 5):
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on this issue and
reviewed the results from the online survey regarding this proposed amendment.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Edwards, to schedule a
Public Hearing to consider the request made by Kevin Colford to amend parking
requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506; District 5) at an upcoming
meeting of Council.
Planner Knudskov explained the requirements for a Public Hearing under the MGA.
Motion Carried.
Mayor McDougall noted the Municipal Clerk advised that a Special Meeting could be
scheduled for this issue if the 14-day window to advertise can be achieved.
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a) Case 1078 — Municipal Planning Strate2y Amendment to Allow a
Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Road, Sydney (PID 15105133 and
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, advised that the Planning Department received an
application from Dr. Margaret Fraser to establish a business development at 46 Cottage
Road, Sydney (PID 15105133 and 15270382). The applicant would like to operate a
medical clinic at this location and initially it would consist of a family practice, but over
time it may include other physicians. The properties are zoned Residential Heritage
Dwelling (RHD) and while the RHD Zone does permit some non-residential uses, it does
not permit a medical clinic.
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that staff be
directed to conduct a Public Participation Program regarding the request to allow a medical
clinic at 46 Cottage Road, Sydney.
During discussion, Council members stressed the importance of Medical Offices. The
Planners explained the precedent-setting nature of this amendment if approved, and that
spot zoning was not an option.
Motion Carried.
At this point in the meeting, Mayor McDougall asked if Council wanted to go beyond the
hour of 10 p.m. and if so, required a motion.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, to
proceed with the Council meeting beyond 10:00 p.m.
Motion Carried.
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9.1 FINAL APPROVAL - Requests for Municipal Heritage Property
b) Lyceum, 225 George Street, Sydney (PID15058696 and PID
Ms. Karen Neville, Heritage Officer/Senior Planner, provided background information on
this issue.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Edwards, to approve the request to
register the Lyceum located at 225 George Street, Sydney as a Municipal Heritage
Heritage Officer Neville explained that the property owner is CBRM and CAO Marie
Walsh has indicated that she has no additional comments to submit; therefore there will be
no need to open the floor to comments from the property owner.
Motion Carried.
10.1 Council—December 8, 2020
a) Mandatory Policy Reviews:
i) Hospitality Policy:
ii) Travel Expense Policies:
• Elected Officials:
• Staff.
iii) Audit Committee Policy:
Ms. Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, provided background information on this
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, to re-adopt the
CBRM Hospitality Policy and to approve the revised the Travel Expense Policy for Elected
Officials, the Travel Expense Policy for Staff, and the Audit Committee Policy as
Motion Carried.
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11.1 Tax Protection for Low-Income Seniors Who Own Home:
Councillor Gordon MacDonald noted Seniors are concerned about the removal of the CAP
and how it will affect property owners on a fixed income.
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Green, to direct staff
to develop an Issue Paper to investigate the options available to help low-income seniors
with the potential increase in tax burden if the Province of Nova Scotia amends or removes
the legislation on Assessment CAP.
Motion Carried.
11.2 Seeking Hither Office:
Councillor Gillespie provided an introduction to the issue and noted there are no rules or
guidelines in place if a member of Municipal Council seeks nomination for a higher office
such as a Member of the Provincial Legislature (MLA), Member of Federal Parliament
(MP), or leadership of a provincial or federal parry.
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that staff be directed to
prepare an Issue Paper regarding members of CBRM Council who seek nomination for a
higher office such as a Member of the Provincial Legislature (MLA), Member of Federal
Parliament(MP), or leadership of a provincial or federal parry.
Motion Carried.
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a) CBRM to November 30, 2021:
The CFO responded to questions regarding cost recovery of wages.
For Information Only.
b) Port of Sydney Development Corporation to November 30, 2020:
For Information Only.
Meeting adiourned at 10:14 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk