HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes - November 24, 2020 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 24, 2020 6:00 p.m. Main Concourse Centre 200 481 George Street, Sydney, NS Mayor McDougall called the meeting to order. Present: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Councillor Gordon MacDonald Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin Councillor Cyril MacDonald Councillor Steve Gillespie Councillor Eldon MacDonald Councillor Glenn Paruch Councillor Steve Parsons Councillor James Edwards Councillor Ken Tracey Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger Councillor Darren O'Quinn Councillor Lorne Green Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works Paul MacDonald, Manager of Facilities Kristen Knudskov, Planner Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant Angela Ross, Administrative Assistant Tanya Nicholson, Recording Secretary Absent: N/A Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 2 of 17 The Council met In-Camera earlier this date pursuant to Section 22 (2) (a) of the Municipal Government Act. Summary of Decisions Roll Call O' Canada Moment of Silent Reflection 1. Administration of Oath of Office and Allegiance: Steve Gillespie — Councillor, District 4: Mayor McDougall administered the Oath of Office and Allegiance for Councillor Steve Gillespie. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes from: ➢ Special Council—September 28, 2020 Carried. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve the November 24, 2020 Council Agenda and Addendum as presented. Carried. 4. ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR: Councillor Earlene MacMullin was acclaimed to serve as Deputy Mayor, commencing immediately for a one-year term as per the Deputy Mayor Policy. 5. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: 5.1 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim November as National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and November 19th, 2020, as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 3 of 17 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd): 5.2 James Delorey Day: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council declare December 7a', 2020 as James Delorey Day in the CBRM. Carried. 5.3 Fun2 Loy Kok Institute of Taoism 50th Anniversary: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council hereby proclaim November 7a', 2020 as Taoist Tai Chi arts 50a' Anniversary Day in the CBRM, in recognition of Fung Loy Kok's remarkable journey of 50 years. Carried. 5.4 Restorative Justice Week - 2020: Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of November 15a' to 21", 2020 as "Restorative Justice Week" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. 5.5 Centre of Discovery and Innovation at CBU: Motion that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council go on the record supporting CBU with their initiative for the Centre for Discovery and Innovation, and request that staff to write a letter on behalf of Mayor and Council to the local MPs and MLAs asking them to act and support this project. Carried 5.6 Term Limits for Municipal Mayor and Council: Motion that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council request staff to write a letter on behalf of Mayor and Council to Municipal Affairs asking them to advise Council on the best course of action going forward. Carried ADDENDUM: 5.7 United Way Cape Breton Givin-Tuesday: Motion that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council hereby recognize December P', 2020 as GivingTuesday in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 4 of 17 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 6. PLANNING ISSUES: 6.1 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: a) Case 1074 — Land Use Bylaw Text and Map Amendment Request from 3264937 Nova Scotia Limited to Allow Motor Vehicle Sales on PID 15046881 (Kings Road, Howie Center; District 4): Motion for approval to advertise Notice of a Public Hearing to consider amending the Land Use Bylaw regarding the request from 3264937 Nova Scotia Limited, to allow motor vehicle sales on PID 15046881, Kings Road, Howie Center, Case 1074. Carried. 6.2 REQUEST FOR PLANNING STRATEGY AMENDMENTS: a) Case 1075 — Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use Bylaw and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Request by Carlene Scafidi to Allow More than One Main Residential Building on a Lot: Note:Minutes corrected as per January 26,2021 Meeting Motion to approve Option 42 to request staff to conduct a Public Participation Program to consider the request to allow more than one main residential building on a lot. Defeated. Motion to approve Option 43 to uphold the policy and decline the request to allow more than one main residential building on the subject property. Carried. b) Case 1076 — North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Text Amendment from Kevin Colford to Amend Parking Requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506; District 5): Motion to request staff to conduct a Public Participation Program for Case 1076 —North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Text Amendment Request from Kevin Colford to Amend Parking Requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506). Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 5 of 17 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) Planning Issues (cont'd) 6.3 Naming of Glace Bay Rail to Trail: Motion that the former Glace Bay Rail be named the Coal Town Trail. Carried. 7. BUSINESS ARISING: 7.1 Council—May 26, 2020: a) Municipal Grants Policy: Motion to approve the staff recommendation that CBRM provide its share (50%) of the request to those 8 organizations that did not receive matching funding from the Province of Nova Scotia to help with their basic operating costs; noting that the total cost would be $21,000 for those 5 organizations that met the criteria and were already approved; and $15,000 for the 3 organizations for which information is pending, as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 18, 2020. Staff was also requested to send a letter to the Provincial Government requesting further information as to how the Province plans to support non-profit organizations through their financial and operating challenges during the pandemic. It was agreed that all local MLAs are to be copied on the letter. Carried. 7.2 In Camera Council—November 24, 2020: a) Food& Beverage Operations —Glace Bay Arena: Motion that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the lease agreement as negotiated with 3341020 Nova Scotia Ltd. for the Food and Beverage Operations of the Glace Bay Miners Forum, as presented. Carried. 8. REPORTS: For Information Only 8.1 CBRM Financial Statements to September 30, 2020: The Chief Financial Officer provided an overview of the CBRM Financial Statements to September 30, 2020. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 6 of 17 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) Reports (cont'd) 8.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation Financial Statements to September 30, 2020: The Chief Executive Officer of the Port of Sydney Development Corporation provided an overview of their financial statements to September 30, 2020. 9. CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: 9.1 Trust Fund Amendment—Port of Sydney: Motion that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) Grant Amendment dated October 1, 2020 to allow the Port of Sydney Development Corporation to use funds in the Trust Fund for operations; and that Council authorize the Port of Sydney Development Corporation to utilize these funds to offset losses from COVID-19 based on the amended Budget for COVID-19 Conditions 31-March-21 as presented. Carried. 9.2 Request to Deem CBRM Property Surplus (PID 15879190) — MacQueen's Lane, Round Island: Motion to to declare PID 15879190—MacQueen's Lane, Round Island surplus to the needs of the municipality. Carried. 9.3 COVID-19 Property Tax Financing Program Policy—Amendments: Motion to to approve the amendments to section 4.4.3 of the Policy to change the application deadline from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Carried. 9.4 Appointment of Nominating Committee: Motion that the following Councillors accepted the nomination to serve on the Nominating Committee with Mayor McDougall: Councillor Eldon MacDonald Councillor Steve Gillespie Councillor Gordon MacDonald Councillor Steve Parsons Councillor Glenn Paruch Carried. ADJOURNMENT Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 7 of 17 The Council met In-Camera earlier this date pursuant to Section 22 (2) (a) of the Municipal Government Act. Mayor McDougall called the Council meeting to order and welcomed Council, staff, and the viewing public. She noted there is a tremendous amount of work ahead in the next four years and the priority is keeping the community safe and making sure businesses and services are being supported as much as possible during COVID-19. Mayor McDougall noted the positives in our community with the relocation/construction of NSCC and the conclusion of operational review for a new library. The Mayor also noted over the next couple of months there will be orientation for Council on their roles, educating on diversity and inclusion, creative ways of forming leadership, green solutions and infrastructure, parliamentary procedures, and a strategic planning process which will be a community-based education process. Mayor McDougall stated that Council is going to be organized, accountable to the public, and goal-orientated. Roll Call O' Canada Moment of Silent Reflection Councillor O'Quinn recognized the passing of a former Mayor of New Waterford and former CBRM Councillor, Ray Kavanagh, and offered condolences to his family and friends. Councillor Bruckschwaiger recognized the passing of former CBRM Councillor Lee McNeil and offered heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. 1. Administration of Oath of Office and Allegiance: Steve Gillespie — Councillor, District 4: Mayor McDougall administered the Oath of Office and Allegiance for Councillor Steve Gillespie. At this point in the meeting, Mayor McDougall extended gratitude to Paul MacDonald, Manager of Facilities, and his team for accommodating Council at Centre 200 for the meetings with social distancing considerations. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 8 of 17 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Tracey, approval of the Minutes from: ➢ Special Council—September 28, 2020 Motion Carried. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve the November 24, 2020 Council Agenda and Addendum as presented. Motion Carried. 4. Election of Deputy Mayor: Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk explained the election/selection process as outlined in the Deputy Mayor Policy. Mayor McDougall then called for nominations for the Office of Deputy Mayor. Councillor Green nominated Councillor MacMullin. Councillor MacMullin accepted the nomination. The Mayor called for further nominations. Hearing none, Councillor MacMullin was declared Deputy Mayor and Mayor McDougall offered her congratulations. 5. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: 5.1 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness: Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim November as National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and November 19a', 2020, as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 9 of 17 PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd): 5.2 James Delorey Day: Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council declare December 7a', 2020 as James Delorey Day in the CBRM. Motion Carried. 5.3 Fun2 Loy Kok Institute of Taoism 50th Anniversary: Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council hereby proclaim November 7a', 2020 as Taoist Tai Chi arts 50a' Anniversary Day in the CBRM, in recognition of Fung Loy Kok's remarkable journey of 50 years. Motion Carried. 5.4 Restorative Justice Week—2020: Motion: Moved by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim the week of November 15�' to 21", 2020 as "Restorative Justice Week" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. 5.5 Centre for Discovery and Innovation—CBU: Motion: Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Green, that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council go on the record supporting CBU with their initiative for the Centre for Discovery and Innovation, and request that staff to write a letter on behalf of Mayor and Council to the local MPs and MLAs asking them to act and support this project. Motion Carried. 5.6 Term Limits for Municipal Mayor and Council: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Parsons, that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council request staff to write a letter on behalf of Mayor and Council to Municipal Affairs asking them to advise Council on the best course of action going forward. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 10 of 17 PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd): ADDENDUM: 5.7 United Way Cape Breton Givin2Tuesday: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and CBRM Council hereby recognize December 1st, 2020 as GivingTuesday in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Motion Carried. 6. PLANNING ISSUES: 6.1 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: a) Case 1074 — Land Use Bylaw Text and Map Amendment Request from 3264937 Nova Scotia Limited to Allow Motor Vehicle Sales on PID 15046881 (Kings Road, Howie Center; District 4): Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner advised that the Planning & Development Department received an amendment request from 3264937 Nova Scotia Limited to allow motor vehicle sales on PID 15046881 (Kings Road, Howie Center). If approved, the site is intended to act as a supplemental location to an existing licensed dealership. The property is zoned Rural CBRM and motor vehicle sales are not permitted within the Rural CBRM zone. Motion: Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Edwards, approval to advertise Notice of a Public Hearing to consider amending the Land Use Bylaw regarding the request from 3264937 Nova Scotia Limited, to allow motor vehicle sales on PID 15046881, Kings Road, Howie Center, Case 1074. Discussion: • Location of proposed development • Timeline for Public Hearing—possibly January • Public Forum vs. Public Hearing processes • Public participation challenges during COVID-19 Motion Carried. Mayor McDougall noted that in terms of Public Participation, it is important during COVID-19 that Council discuss best practices to maintain the engagement with the public. She advised that a parliamentary procedure session will be held and there will be an opportunity to discuss Council and Committee meeting structure. A January meeting schedule will be available soon. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 11 of 17 PLANNING ISSUES (Cont'd): 6.2 REQUEST FOR PLANNING STRATEGY AMENDMENTS: a) Case 1075 - Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use Bylaw and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Request by Carlene Scafidi to Allow More than One Main Residential Building on a Lot: Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner advised the Planning & Development Department received an amendment request from Carlene Scafidi to allow more than one main residential building on a lot that is currently occupied by a two-unit dwelling addressed 21-23 MacLeod Street, South Bar. The accessory building to the rear of the dwelling has been converted into a single detached dwelling without a Building and Development Permit. Ms. Knudskov noted under Part 2, Section 27 of the CBRM Land Use Bylaw, a single detached dwelling is not permitted on the same lot as any other dwelling, except within a Mobile Home Park Zone or under a condominium development. Note:Minutes corrected as per January 26,2021 Meeting Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve Option 42 to request staff to conduct a Public Participation Program to consider the request by Carlene Scafidi to allow more than one main residential building on a lot. Following a lengthy discussion, the Mayor called for the vote. Motion Defeated. The following motion was then put forward: Motion: Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Edwards, to approve Option 43 to uphold the policy and decline the request to allow more than one main residential building on the subject property. Discussion: Staff clarified that Option 3 will be communicated back to the applicant that their request was declined, and it was noted this issue would be part of the future comprehensive review of planning policy and bylaws. Motion Carried unanimously. with r'ouneillor Green and r,.,,neil or El on AlneDonnld voting in favour of the motion-. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 12 of 17 PLANNING ISSUES—Request for Municipal Planning Strategy Amendments (Cont'd): b) Case 1076 — North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Text Amendment Request from Kevin Colford to Amend Parking Requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506; District 5): Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, advised the Planning & Development Department received a request from Kevin Colford to amend parking requirements in the North End of Sydney. Mr. Colford has applied to convert the Sacred Hearth Church located at 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506) into a business hall to host events including weddings, conferences, dinner theatre, concerts, and other similar events. The proposed development is unable to meet the parking requirements of the North End Sydney Secondary Land Use Bylaw; therefore, a permit cannot be issued for this development. Ms. Knudskov noted that under Policy 8 of the North End Sydney Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy, provincially registered heritage buildings are exempt from parking lot development and site plan approval requirements. The applicant is pursuing provincial heritage status for the Sacred Heart Church and currently, provincial representatives are unable to provide any assurances to the Planning Department regarding the expected outcome of the application. Motion: Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Green, to request staff to conduct a Public Participation Program for Case 1076 —North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Text Amendment Request from Kevin Colford to Amend Parking Requirements for 217 George Street, Sydney (PID 15058506). Discussion: • If provincial heritage property status was granted, a permit for 80 parking spots would not be required • The application for the provincial heritage property designation status could take up to 2 years to process • Text Amendment must be approved before the permit is issued • Stop work order was issued in March 2020 • Planning Department to provide next steps to Council after the Public Participation Program Motion Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 13 of 17 PLANNING ISSUES (Cont'd): 6.3 Naming of Glace Bay Rail to Trail: Mr. Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development, advised that CBRM originally expressed interest in the acquisition of properties making up the former rail corridor between Gardiner Road and Tower Road in August 2017. CBRM has no policy for naming trails or active transportation corridors, however the Civic Addressing Policy does provide general guidance on naming such as consultation within the community and the Trail Advisory Group conducted a Public Survey earlier this year to seek input on the naming of the trail. Motion: Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor O'Quinn, that the former Glace Bay Rail be named the Coal Town Trail. Motion Carried. 7. BUSINESS ARISING: 7.1 Council—May 26, 2020: a) Municipal Grants Policy: Ms. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer, advised there was a motion of Council to deviate from the current Municipal Grants Policy to allow for nonprofit and charitable organizations to apply for funding to address shortfalls in their operating funds given their inability to fundraise with the pandemic. She noted there was one stipulation that the Province of Nova Scotia provide matching funds but unfortunately that didn't happen for several organizations. There were 5 organizations that met the criteria outlined in the terms of need and provided the appropriate financial information; and 3 others who we are still waiting for information. Motion: Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve the staff recommendation that CBRM provide its share (50%) of the request to those 8 organizations that did not receive matching funding from the Province of Nova Scotia to help with their basic operating costs; noting that the total cost would be $21,000 for those 5 organizations that met the criteria and were already approved; and $15,000 for the 3 organizations for which information is pending, as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated November 18, 2020. Staff was also requested to send a letter to the Provincial Government requesting further information as to how the Province plans to support non-profit organizations through their financial and operating challenges during the pandemic. Discussion: It was agreed that all local MLAs are to be copied on the letter. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 14 of 17 BUSINESS ARISING (Cont'd): 7.2 In Camera Council—November 24, 2020: a) Food& Beverage Operations —Glace Bay Miners Forum: Mr. Paul MacDonald, Manager of Facilities, brought forward the following recommendation from the In Camera meeting. Motion: Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Tracey, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the lease agreement as negotiated with 3341020 Nova Scotia Ltd. for the Food and Beverage Operations of the Glace Bay Miners Forum, as presented. Motion Carried. 8. REPORTS: 8.1 CBRM Financial Statements to September 30, 2020: Ms. Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, provided an overview of the CBRM Financial Statements including: • First set of statements provided to Council for this current fiscal year. • The approved budget reflected reductions in various areas anticipated to be affected by COVID-19 CBRM met or exceeded the Annual Budget in many areas Surplus in taxes is solely related to deed transfer tax revenue results to date • Department figures are less than the anticipated budget COVID-19 costs are over budget to date • Travel expenses are under budget • Midway point of operating budget last year CBRM used 45.1% compared to this year at 43.6% • Money received from the Government of Canada's Safe Restart Agreement to aid municipalities with incremental COVID cost pressures and loss of revenues are not included in financial report. • CBRM planned to use reserve funds to offset net COVID-19 losses if needed Following Ms. Campbell's overview, Council discussed the following: • Timeline of receiving financials in a non-election year • Difference between unconditional and conditional Transfers For information only. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 15 of 17 REPORTS (cont'd): 8.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation Financial Statements to September 30, 2020: Ms. Marlene Usher, CEO of Port of Sydney Development Corporation, advised Council of an error under expense for cruise activities, $1,295,000 should have been $47,650 in the financial statements and noted the biggest loss was under revenue for cruise activities. She noted the deficit is significantly higher because September and October were projected to be the months for the highest cruise revenue. Discussion included the following: • 2021 cruise bookings Vessel capacity 50% rather than 90% • Board requested to prepare budget on with cruise activity For information only. 9. CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: 9.1 Trust Fund Amendment—Port of Sydney: Ms. Marlene Usher, CEO — Port of Sydney Development Corporation, provided an overview of the Trust Fund Amendment for the Port of Sydney including the following: • Trust fund represents funds remaining from the Sydney Harbour Dredge in 2012 that was transferred to the Port by ACOA. • The transfer agreement from ACOA to the Port restricted the use of funds to repair and maintenance of the confined disposal facility, installation of Navigation Aids, and other port projects. • In 2016 ACOA requested the Port to keep in trust$819,000 of the remaining fund specifically for the installation of Navigation Aids. • As a result of COVID-19, 75% of revenue was lost and no financial assistance was received, and ACOA permitted to use the trust fund for operating deficits. • Expenditures were cut by $1.7 million. • Some staff voluntarily took a 20%pay cut, others have foregone any pay increase or annual increment that was due, and the remaining staff were laid off. • 2022 budget has not yet been approved and has been prepared with the assumption that the cruise traffic will not return. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 16 of 17 CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES: Trust Fund Amendment — Port of Sydney Cont'd : Motion: Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) Grant Amendment dated October 1, 2020 to allow the Port of Sydney Development Corporation to use funds in the Trust Fund for operations; and that Council authorize the Port of Sydney Development Corporation to utilize these funds to offset losses from COVID-19 based on the amended Budget for COVID-19 Conditions 31-March-21 as presented. Discussion: • Different ways to utilize the Port to increase revenue • Challenges relating to the Second Berth not being operational • Working with the Canadian Navy and Coast Guard to provide services • Development Plan to come back to Council • PSDC not eligible for Federal COVID-19 funding because of its affiliation with CBRM • This year's payment for the outstanding debt owing to CBRM deferred due to COVID-19 Motion Carried,with Councillor Edwards voting in the negative. 9.2 Request to Deem CBRM Property Surplus (PID 15879190) — MacQueen's Lane, Round Island: Mr. Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor, advised that CBRM received a letter of interest asking CBRM to consider selling a parcel of vacant land located at Round Island. The property isn't in CBRM's surplus inventory, but the Land Registry confirmed it is CBRM owned. Motion: Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Edwards, to declare PID 15879190 —MacQueen's Lane, Round Island surplus to the needs of the municipality. Motion Carried. 9.3 COVID-19 Property Tax Financing Program Policy -Amendments: Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer,provided background information. Motion: Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, to approve the amendments to section 4.4.3 of the Policy to change the application deadline from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Motion Carried. Continued... Council Minutes November 24, 2020 Approved February 9, 2021 17 of 17 CORPORATE SERVICES ISSUES (Cont'd): 9.4 Appointment of Nominating Committee: Ms. Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, advised there is an annual requirement to appoint the Nominating Committee in accordance with Section 12 of Policy RC4 committees and upon appointment, the Nominating Committee shall convene and nominate persons to serve on the standing committees and external agencies/committees. Motion: Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Tracey, that the following Councillors be appointed to serve on the Nominating Committee with the Mayor: • Councillor Eldon MacDonald • Councillor Steve Gillespie Councillor Gordon MacDonald Councillor Steve Parsons Councillor Glenn Paruch Motion Carried. Meeting adiourned at 8:58 p.m. Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan /tcn Municipal Clerk