HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes - February 18, 2020 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY
Council Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2020
6:04 p.m.
Council Chambers
2nd Floor, City Hall
320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS
Mayor Clarke called the meeting to order.
Present: Mayor Cecil P. Clarke
Councillor Clarence Prince
Councillor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Esmond Marshall
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Deputy Mayor Ivan Doncaster
Councillor Amanda McDougall
Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger
Councillor Jim MacLeod
Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Demetri Kachafanas, Regional Solicitor
Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development
Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works
John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Michael Seth, Fire Chief and Director of Fire and Emergency Services
Ray Boudreau, Senior Manager of Public Works
Allan Clarke, Manager, Buildings & Parks
Gilbert McIntyre, Deputy Fire Chief
Matt Viva, Manager of Wastewater Operations
Karen Neville, Senior Planner/Heritage Officer
Sheila Kolanko, Senior Paralegal/Property Manager
Kristen Knudskov, Planner
Greg Campbell, Water System Engineer
Sheilah MacDonald, Communications Officer—Mayor's Office
Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant
Tanya Nicholson, Recording Secretary
Absent: Councillor Ray Paruch(Leave of Absence)
Councillor George MacDonald (Regrets)
Councillor Kendra Coombes
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February 18, 2020 Approved April 7, 2020 2 of 20
The Council met In-Camera earlier this date pursuant to Section 22 (2) (c) and (e) of the
Municipal Government Act.
Summary of Decisions
Roll Call
O' Canada
Moment of Silent Reflection
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Council—December 10, 2019
➢ Council—January 21, 2020
Motion to approve the February 18, 2020 Council Agenda as presented. Carried.
3.1 World Water Day:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Cecil P. Clarke and Council hereby proclaim Sunday, March
22nd, 2020, as "World Water Day" in the Cape Breton Municipality and residents are
encouraged to practice responsible and sustainable use of water. Carried.
3.2 Storytelling Day:
Motion that storytelling be officially recognized by the Cape Breton Regional
Municipality as a significant cultural resource deserving of support and that March 21st
2020 be declared as annual Cape Breton Storytelling Day. Carried.
3.3 International Mother Lan2ua2e Day:
Motion that Mayor Cecil P. Clarke and Council of the Cape Breton Regional
Municipality encourage all residents to show their support for all languages spoken by
the people who find hope in Cape Breton as we uphold human rights and freedom of
language and voice by proclaiming Friday, February 21, 2020, as "International Mother
Language Day"here in the CBRM. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
4.1 FINAL APPROVAL —Public Hearin
a) Zoning Amendment Application Case 1065 — Overnight Childcare
—3386 Hinchey Avenue, New Waterford(PID 15482961):
Motion for final approval of zoning amendment application 41065 by Ashley Curry to
permit overnight childcare at 3386 Hinchey Avenue, New Waterford, PID 15482961, as
outlined in the staff Report dated February 18, 2020. Carried.
b) Case 1066 — Zoning Amendment Application for a 3 Unit
Apartment(PID 15276074) by SGH Holdings Ltd:
Motion for final approval of zoning amendment application 41066 by SGH Holdings
Ltd. to amend the zoning of PID 15276074 (28, 36, 28 Christy Lane, River Ryan) to
permit a 3 Unit Apartment Building as outlined in the staff Report February 18, 2020.
c) Zoning Amendment 1068 — NSCC and Street Closure for PID
15705759, Esplanade, Sydney:
i) Public Hearing to consider the Zoning Amendment Application
Case 1068 as outlined in the staff Report.
Motion for final approval of the By-law amending the zoning for properties located on
the Esplanade, Sydney, identified in Schedule A outlined in the staff report dated
February 10, 2020, Case 1068. Carried.
ii) Public Hearing to consider a formal street closure for road parcel
identified as PID 15705759, pursuant to section 315 of the
Municipal Government Act.
Motion to approve the closure of the public street/right-of-way identified as PID
15705759 outlined in the staff report dated February 10, 2020. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
a) Request from Island Folk Cider House to Amend the
Secondary Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to
Permit Serving of Alcoholic Beverages Produced Off Site at 52
Nepean Street, Sydney(PID 15889330):
Motion to direct staff to proceed with a Public Participation Program to consider an
amendment to the North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Development
Agreement to permit serving alcoholic beverages produced off-site at Island Folk Cider
House, 52 Nepean Street, Sydney (PID 15889330). Carried.
5.1 By-laws:
a) Second/Final Reading—Public Hearing:
i) Amendments to the Responsible Animal Husbandry By-
Motion that the amendments to the Responsible Animal Husbandry By-law as outlined in
the staff Report dated February 10, 2020, be approved for second/final reading. Carried.
b) First Reading: N/A
6.1 Hawk's Dream Field:
A presentation was provided on Hawk's Dream Field.
Motion to approve, in principle, the Hawk's Dream Field proposal and to refer the
funding application to the 2020-21 Budget deliberations. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
7.1 Wash Brook Flood Mitigation Proiect Update—Pond 5:
An update was provided on the Wash Brook Flood Mitigation Project Update—Pond 5.
For Information Only.
8.1 The Washbrook Greenway Coalition:
A presentation was provided on the Washbrook Greenway Coalition.
For Information Only.
9.1 Proposed Fire Station 1 Location:
Motion to approve the location at Pitt and George Street, Sydney, for Fire Station 1.
9.2 2020 Municipal and CSAP Elections—Returning Officer/Assistant
Returning Officer:
Motion to approve the appointment of the Municipal Clerk as the Returning Officer and
that the Regional Solicitor be designated as the Assistant Returning Officer for the 2020
Municipal and CSAP Elections. Carried.
10.1 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting—January 20, 2020:
a) Dominion Italian Hall— 14 Gatto Street, Dominion:
Motion that Council initiate the process for registering Dominion Italian Hall located at
14 Gatto Street, Dominion (PID 15376445) as a Municipal Heritage Property.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting—January 20, 2020 (Cont'd):
b) Grand Narrows Waterfront—415 Grand Narrows Drive, Grand
Motion that Council initiate the process for registering the property located at 415 Grand
Narrows Drive, Grand Narrows (PID 15606445), as well as the ferry dock infrastructure,
as a Municipal Heritage Property. Carried.
c) Saint Joseph's Catholic Parish Church—2735 Trout
Brook Road, Albert Bridle:
Motion that Council initiate the process for registering Saint Joseph's Catholic Parish
Church located at 2735 Trout Brook Road, Albert Bridge (PID 15341035) as a Municipal
Heritage Property. Carried.
d) Bernie's Bakery—12 Meadow Street, Whitney Pier:
Motion that Council initiate the process for registering Bernie's Bakery located at 12
Meadow Street, Whitney Pier (PID 15136088) as a Municipal Heritage Property.
10.2 General Committee Meeting—February 4, 2020:
a) Request for Release of Covenant: PID 15021736 — Manning
Street, North Sydney:
Motion that staff be directed to prepare a Release of Covenant and authorize Mayor and
Clerk to execute the said Release to have the Restrictive Covenant removed from the
property (PID 15021736) and to allow Ben Blufarb to sell his property free and clear of
such building restriction. Carried.
b) Local Travel Policies —Elected Officials:
Motion to approve the amendments to the Travel Expense Policy for Elected Officials to
reimburse travel based on actual mileage claims, as outlined in the staff Memo dated
February 10, 2020. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
10.3 In Camera Council Meeting—February 18, 2020:
a) CBRPS Personnel Matter:
Motion to appoint Robert Walsh as Acting Police Chief effective immediately.
11.1 CBRM to December 31, 2019:
For Information Only.
11.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to December 31, 2019:
For Information Only.
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The Council met In-Camera earlier this date pursuant to Section 22 (2) (c) and (e) of the
Municipal Government Act.
Roll Call
O' Canada
Moment of Silent Reflection
Councillor Gillespie and Councillor Eldon MacDonald recognized the passing of former
Sydney Businessman, Al Pace, and offered condolences to his family on behalf of Mayor
and Council.
Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, approval of the
Minutes from:
➢ Council—December 10, 2019
➢ Council—January 21, 2020
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor MacMullin, to approve the
February 18, 2020 Council Agenda as presented.
Motion Carried.
3.1 World Water Day:
Moved by Deputy Mayor Doncaster, seconded by Councillor Marshall, that CBRM
Mayor Cecil P. Clarke and Council hereby proclaim Sunday, March 22nd, 2020, as
"World Water Day" in the Cape Breton Municipality and residents are encouraged to
practice responsible and sustainable use of water.
Motion Carried.
3.2 Storytelling Day 2020:
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Prince, that storytelling be
officially recognized by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality as a significant cultural
resource deserving of support and that March 21st, 2020 be declared as annual Cape
Breton Storytelling Day.
Motion Carried.
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3.3 International Mother Lan2ua2e Day:
Moved by Councillor Marshall, seconded by Councillor MacMullin, that Mayor Cecil P.
Clarke and Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality encourage all residents to
show their support for all languages spoken by the people who find hope in Cape Breton
as we uphold human rights and freedom of language and voice by proclaiming Friday,
February 21, 2020, as "International Mother Language Day"here in the CBRM.
Motion Carried.
4.1 FINAL APPROVAL —Public Hearin
a) Zoning Amendment Application Case 1065 — Overnight Childcare
—3386 Hinchey Avenue, New Waterford(PID 15482961):
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on this issue.
Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor McDougall, final approval of
zoning amendment application 41065 by Ashley Curry to permit overnight childcare at
3386 Hinchey Avenue, New Waterford, PID 15482961, as outlined in the staff Report
dated February 18, 2020.
Public Hearing:
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the Application.
Ms. Loretta.Littlejohn spoke on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Mr. Hart was in attendance
and is a neighbour who resides at 3393 Ellsworth Avenue. Mr. Hart is not opposed to the
development but is opposed to the fencing presently being built on a portion of Mr.
Hart's land.
Following the Public Hearing, some of the topics discussed included:
• This development is in an existing dwelling
• Installation of a fence does not require a permit
• Planning Department encourages property owners to build fences inside the property
line so the owner can maintain both sides of fence
• Initiating a civil matter—consulting a lawyer
Mayor Clarke noted the fencing concern and requested that staff bring this to the
applicant's attention.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone else present to speak for or against the
amendments, seeing that there was no one, Mayor Clarke called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
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b) Case 1066 — Zoning Amendment Application for a 3 Unit
Apartment(PID 15276074) by SGH Holdings Ltd:
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on the issue.
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor MacLeod, final approval
of zoning amendment application 41066 by SGH Holdings Ltd. to amend the zoning of
PID 15276074 (28, 36, 28 Christy Lane, River Ryan) to permit a 3 Unit Apartment
Building as outlined in the staff Report February 18, 2020.
Public Hearing:
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the amendments,
seeing that there was no one, Mayor Clarke called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
c) Zoning Amendment Application 1068 — NSCC and Street Closure
for PID 15705759, Esplanade, Sydney:
i) Public Hearing to consider the Zoning Amendment Application
Case 1068 as outlined in the staff Report.
Ms. Karen Neville, Senior Planner,provided background information on the issue.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor MacMullin, final
approval of the By-law amending the zoning for properties located on the Esplanade,
Sydney, identified in Schedule A outlined in the staff report dated February 10, 2020,
Case 1068.
Public Hearin,:
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the amendment,
seeing there was no one, Mayor Clarke then called for the vote.
Motion Carried.
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ii) Public Hearing to consider a formal street closure for road parcel
identified as PID 15705759, pursuant to section 315 of the
Municipal Government Act.
Ms. Karen Neville, Senior Planner,provided background information on the issue.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Prince, to approve the
closure of the public street/right-of-way identified as PID 15705759 outlined in the staff
report dated February 10, 2020.
Public Hearin,:
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the street closure.
Mr. Frank King provided his concerns related to the following:
• Providing alternative access to the children's playground or relocation of equipment
• Survey for artifacts
• Access to waterfront
Mr. Rob Leblanc —Fathom Studio, project consultant, noted the following:
• No plan to retain the playground
• Archeological survey
• Public waterfront access
Mayor Clarke noted there is a planned extension of the Sydney Boardwalk to Wentworth
Park that the Province agreed to assume as part of the project.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone else present to speak for or against the street
closure, seeing there was no one, Council debate took place.
District 12 Councillor suggested moving the playground equipment to the Whitney Pier
Youth Centre.
Motion Carried.
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a) Request from Island Folk Cider House to Amend the Secondary
Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to Permit Serving
of Alcoholic Beverages Produced Off Site at 52 Nepean Street,
Sydney (PID 15889330):
Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on the issue.
Moved by Councillor McDougall, seconded by Councillor MacMullin, to direct staff to
proceed with a Public Participation Program to consider an amendment to the North End
Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to permit serving
alcoholic beverages produced off-site at Island Folk Cider House, 52 Nepean Street,
Sydney (PID 15889330).
• Reasons beer cannot be sold at this cider house.
• Council support for the business/plan
• When the Secondary Planning Strategy was approved in 2006, residents indicated that
they did not want beverage room establishments in North End Sydney
• No change in establishment hours of operation
• Establishment licencing
• Residents can provide input during the Public Participation Program
• Partnership with local brewery
• Another report would not delay in opening the cidery
• All information required by Council has been provided.
Motion Carried.
5.1 By-laws:
a) Second/Final Reading—Public Hearings:
i.) Amendments to the Responsible Animal Husbandry By-law:
Ms. Karen Neville, Senior Planner,provided background information on the issue.
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BY-LAWS & MOTIONS — Second / Final Reading - Public Hearing —Amendments to the
Responsible Animal Husbandry By-law(Cont'd):
Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Prince, that the amendments to
the Responsible Animal Husbandry By-law as outlined in the staff Report dated February
10, 2020, be approved for second/final reading.
Public Hearin,:
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the repealing By-
• Ursulina Crocker — resident of Allens Drive, North Sydney, spoke in favour of the
amendment to the By-law and provided her concerns related to the following:
o Constant noise from roosters and other animals from neighbour's property
o Feels like a prisoner in her own home
o Roosters belong on farms not in urban areas
o Lack of respect from neighbor
o Odour
• Bev Kirk —Rural resident, spoke against the amendment to the By-law and provided
her concerns related to the following:
0 4H group activities by her granddaughter involve roosters
o Banning roosters is not going to solve problems with inconsiderate neighbours
• Meg Carroll —Resident of Catalone, spoke against the amendment to the By-law and
provided her concerns related to the following:
o She breeds various types of poultry for food, show, and sale
o She hatches baby chickens for school projects
The Mayor asked if there was anyone else present to speak for or against the By-law
amendments, seeing that there was no one, the Council debate took place.
After the Public Hearing, some of the topics Council discussed included the following:
• Good animal husbandry is not being practiced
• Enforcement of current By-law
• Food security
• These amendments will ban roosters from urban properties only (i.e. properties
having access to municipal sewer)
• Land Use By-law implications
• Department of Agriculture jurisdiction for farming
Motion Carried.
b) First Reading: N/A
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6.1 Hawk's Dream Field:
Mayor Clarke welcomed Ms. Lisa McNeil—Campbell and Ms. Toni McNeil who
provided a presentation on the Hawk's Dream Field and highlighted the following:
• Hawk's Dream Field dedicated in memory of Walter McNeil
• Accessible for all ages with abilities and disabilities in the CBRM
Upgrades including:
o Turfing of field
o Lighting
o Waking track, baseball themed splash pad, bocce ball courts
o Washroom, canteen and storage facility
o History corner
o Donor Wall
o Potential for an "Accessible Cluster"
• Lifetime of Changing Abilities
• Mascot"Hecky the Hawk" in honour of Hec Andrews
• Three phases of the plan (Fall 2020 —Spring 2022)
• Funding
Growing support
Following the presentation, the following motion was put forward.
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor McDougall, to approve,
in principle, the Hawk's Dream Field proposal and to refer the funding application to the
2020-21 Budget deliberations.
Motion Carried.
Mayor Clarke thanked Ms. Lisa McNeil-Campbell and Ms. Toni McNeil for the
presentation and congratulated them on the Hawk's Dream Field project.
7.1 Wash Brook Flood Mitigation Proiect Update—Pond 5:
Mr. Matt Viva, Manager of Wastewater Operations, provided background information
and an update on the Wash Brook Flood Mitigation Project—Pond 5. Mr. Viva advised
the original Pond 5 concept consisted of six (6) berms that would result in eleven (11)
crossings of the Baille Ard trail system. He noted that a workshop was held in October
and the Baille Ard Trail Association presented a concept drawing that would result in less
disturbance of crossings of the trail system. CBRM then directed the consultant to use the
modified berms along with an evaluation of its flood reduction potential.
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REPORTS -Wash Brook Flood Mitigation Proiect Update—Pond 5 (Cont'd):
Mr. Viva noted that in determining the course of the project, a number of variables were
considered when comparing the original Pond 5 to the modified Pond 5 and some of the
key findings included:
• The modified Pond 5 shows less but similar flood reduction potential as the
original concept
• The modified Pond 5 shows approximately 12 meters of disturbance to the trail
system compared to 360 meeters of disturbed trail with the original concept
• The modified Pond 5 can be fully constructed at no cost to CBRM under the
Disaster Financial Assistance funding program, while the original concept will
require CBRM financial assistance
• With the construction of modified Pond 5, opportunities will exist to provide
enhanced flood protection should the need arise in the future.
Mr. Viva noted that in order to adhere to Public Safety Canada's Disaster Financial
Assistance funding criteria, the Ghilhomes Lake and Pond 5 flood mitigation structures
must be completed during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
Following the presentation, Council discussed the trail extension.
Mayor Clarke thanked Mr. Viva for his presentation.
8.1 The Washbrook Greenway Coalition:
Mayor Clarke welcomed Mr. Wayne McKay, Spokesperson, who provided a presentation
on the Washbrook Greenway Coalition and highlighted the following:
• Virtual walk through Sydney
• Washbrook Greenway as an AT Route
• As part of the Brooks Loop
• Stakeholder Groups
• The Greenway Guiding Principles
• Connections to Municipal, Provincial and Federal Strategies
• Washbrook Greenway Coalition vision, mission, and initial action plan
• Plan Development
• Uplands
• Stakeholder Consultation
• Next Steps
Following the presentation, Council discussed the following:
• Previous 10-year Active Transportation Plan, Committee and current AT budget
• Funding for green and blue infrastructures
• Feedback from Municipal Climate Change Action Plan Workshop
• Trails are an asset to communities
Mayor Clarke thanked Mr. McKay for his presentation.
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9.1 Proposed Fire Station 1 Location:
Mr. Allan Clarke, Manager, Buildings & Parks, advised that in consultation with CBRM
Fire Services, the International Association of Fire Fighters, and CBRM Building
Maintenance Division, Dillon Consulting reviewed two potential sites for the new Fire
Station 1. He noted the first location is PID 15061484 and 15458763, which is located at
the corner of Pitt and George Street and the second location is PID 15066905, which is
located on the corner of George Street and Glenwood Street.
Mr. Clarke advised that Dillon Consulting and the Fire and Buildings officials reviewed
both locations and they agreed the site on Pitt and George Street as the preferred location
that meets all requirements, such as square footage, accessibility, setbacks and parking.
After the recommendation was made, Council discussed the following:
• Two drive-through bays
Consultation with area businesses
CBRM accepting expert recommendation rather than public recommendation for
an emergency building site
CBRM working on alternate parking solution
After discussion, the following motion was brought forward:
Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve
the location at Pitt and George Street, Sydney, for Fire Station 1.
• Include a showcase area within the new fire station for tourists
• Provincial negotiations for station replacement costs and project budget
• The new building will be located only on CBRM property
• Bentinck Street to remain as a one-way street
• Consultation with area businesses
• Three story building (firehouse)will be attached to the 2 drive-through bays
• Current rentals by Fire Services on Townsend Street and Grand Lake Road
• Parking issues to be part of negotiations
Motion Carried.
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9.2 2020 Municipal and CSAP Elections — Returning Officer/Assistant
Returning Officer:
Ms. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer, advised the 2020 Municipal and Conseil
Scolaire Acadien Provincial (CSAP) elections will be held in Nova Scotia on Saturday,
October 17a' and one of the first decisions a municipality must make in accordance with
Section 4 of the Municipal Elections Act (MEA) is the appointment of a Returning
Officer and Assistant Returning Officer.
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to approve the
appointment of the Municipal Clerk as the Returning Officer and that the Regional
Solicitor be designated as the Assistant Returning Officer for the 2020 Municipal and
CSAP Elections.
Motion Carried.
10.1 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting—January 20, 2020:
a) Dominion Italian Hall— 14 Gatto Street, Dominion:
Karen Neville, Heritage Officer/Senior Planner, provided background information on this
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor McDougall, that Council
initiate the process for registering Dominion Italian Hall located at 14 Gatto Street,
Dominion (PID 15376445) as a Municipal Heritage Property.
Motion Carried.
b) Grand Narrows Waterfront — 415 Grand Narrows Drive,
Grand Narrows:
Karen Neville, Heritage Officer/Senior Planner, provided background information on this
Moved by Councillor Marshall, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that Council
initiate the process for registering the property located at 415 Grand Narrows Drive,
Grand Narrows (PID 15606445), as well as the ferry dock infrastructure, as a Municipal
Heritage Property.
Motion Carried.
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BUSINESS ARISING — Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting — January 20, 2020
Cont'd :
C) Saint Joseph's Catholic Parish Church — 2735 Trout Brook
Road, Albert Bridle:
Karen Neville, Heritage Officer/Senior Planner, provided background information on this
Moved by Councillor McDougall, seconded by Councillor Marshall, that Council initiate
the process for registering Saint Joseph's Catholic Parish Church located at 2735 Trout
Brook Road, Albert Bridge (PID 15341035) as a Municipal Heritage Property.
Motion Carried.
d) Bernie's Bakery—12 Meadow Street, Whitney Pier:
Karen Neville, Heritage Officer/Senior Planner, provided background information on this
Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, that Council
initiate the process for registering Bernie's Bakery located at 12 Meadow Street, Whitney
Pier (PID 15136088) as a Municipal Heritage Property.
Motion Carried.
10.2 General Committee Meeting—February 4, 2020:
a) Request for Release of Covenant: PID 15021736 — Manning
Street, North Sydney:
Ms. Sheila Kolanko, Senior Paralegal/Property Manager, provided background
information on this issue.
Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Prince, that staff be directed to
prepare a Release of Covenant and authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute the said Release
to have the Restrictive Covenant removed from the property (PID 15021736) and to
allow Ben Blufarb to sell his property free and clear of such building restriction.
Motion Carried.
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BUSINESS ARISING—General Committee Meeting—February 4, 2020 (Cont'd):
b) Local Travel Policies —Elected Officials:
Ms. Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, provided background information on this
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor McDougall, to approve the
amendments to the Travel Expense Policy for Elected Officials to reimburse travel based
on actual mileage claims, as outlined in the staff Memo dated February 10, 2020.
• Notwithstanding clause
• Paid mileage for City Hall meetings
Motion Carried.
10.3 In Camera Council Meeting—February 18, 2020:
a) CBRPS Personnel Matter:
Councillor Jim MacLeod brought forward the following motion:
Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint Robert
Walsh as Acting Police Chief effective immediately.
Mayor Clarke noted the Director of Human Resources was responsible for overseeing
this matter due to a Conflict of Interest identified by the Chief Administrative Officer to
the Director of Human Resources, Mayor, and Chair of the Board of Police
Commissioners with regards to a direct family relationship.
He also noted that once appointed, the Acting Police Chief will be able to deal with other
staff-related issues, including vacancies.
Motion Carried.
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11.1 CBRM to December 31, 2019:
For Information Only.
11.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to December 31, 2019:
For Information Only.
Meeting adiourned at 9:14 p.m.
Mayor Cecil P. Clarke Deborah Campbell Ryan
/ten Municipal Clerk