HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY GENERAL COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, February 4, 2020 1:37 p.m. Council Chambers 2nd Floor, City Hall 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS Mayor Cecil P. Clarke called the meeting to order. Present: Mayor Cecil P. Clarke (left at 4:58 p.m.) Councillor Clarence Prince Councillor Earlene MacMullin Councillor Esmond Marshall Councillor Steve Gillespie Councillor Eldon MacDonald Deputy Mayor Ivan Doncaster (arrived at 2:28 p.m.) Councillor Amanda McDougall Councillor George MacDonald Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger Councillor Kendra Coombes Councillor Jim MacLeod Staff. Marie Walsh Sheila Kolanko Jennifer Campbell Kristen Knudskov Deborah Campbell Ryan Jillian Moore Demetri Kachafanas Krista Dove Wayne MacDonald Cindy Hynes Michael Ruus Chelsea Currie John MacKinnon Sheilah MacDonald Bill Murphy Sharon MacSween John Phalen Tanya Nicholson Kirk Durning Absent: Councillor Ray Paruch (Leave of Absence) General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 2 of 15 Summary of Decisions Roll Call 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve Minutes from: ➢ General Committee—January 7, 2020 Carried. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve the February 4h, 2020 General Committee Agenda as presented. Carried. 3. DELEGATION: 3.1 Clean Foundation re: Clean Energy Financing (PACE): A presentation was provided on Clean Energy Financing (PACE). The CFO indicated that she would incorporate the Clean Energy Financing (PACE) program in the staff Issue Paper regarding CBRM's ability to offer homeowner loans for installation or replacement of septic tanks. For Information only. 4. REPORTS: 4.1 PVSC 2020 Assessment Roll - CBRM: A report was provided on PSVC 2020 Assessment Roll —CBRM. For Information only. 4.2 Cape Breton Partnership -Update: An update was provided on the Cape Breton Partnership. For Information only. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 3 of 15 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) 5. PLANNING ISSUES: 5.1 REQUEST FOR MUNICIPAL PLANNING STRATEGY AMENDMET: a) Request from Island Folk Cider House to Amend the Secondary Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to Permit Serving of Alcohol Beverages Produced off Site at 52 Nepean Street, Sydney(PID 15889330): Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to direct staff to proceed with a Public Participation Program to consider an amendment to the North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to permit serving alcoholic beverages produced off-site at Island Folk Cider House, 52 Nepean Street, Sydney (PID 15889330). Carried. 5.2 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: a) Zoning Amendment Application 1069 — 3 Unit Apartment (PID 15855000) on McOdrum Street, Glace Bay by Richard and Nancy MacKinnon: Staff advised that this application was withdrawn by the applicant. 6. BUSINESS ARISING: 6.1 General Committee—September 3, 2019: a) CBRM Flyer By-Law: The Director of Planning & Development provided a staff report regarding a proposed CBRM Flyer By-Law. For Information Only. 6.2 General Committee—November 4, 2019: a) Renaming a Portion of William Street, North Sydney: Motion to approve the renaming of the segment of William Street as identified in red on Attachment A in the staff report dated February 4, 2020 to Steeles Street. Carried. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 4 of 15 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) BUSINESS ARISING (Cont'd): 6.3 Council Meeting—December 10, 2019: a) Local Travel Policies —Elected Officials: Motion that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the amendment to the local travel policy for elected officials to eliminate the taxable allowance and provide a non-taxable reimbursement based on actual mileage claimed, with clearly-defined parameters of what constitutes eligible travel, as outlined in Option 3 of the staff Issue Paper dated January 24, 2020. Carried. 7. CORPORATE SERVICE ISSUES: 7.1 CBRM Student Employment Policy: Motion to accept option 3 to maintain the status quo and continue to hire students under the current Student Employment Policy and structure. Carried. It was agreed that there will be further discussion regarding process and system improvements in terms of application selection, using an online application, and selection criteria. 7.2 Central Library: The Director of Parks, Recreation, Buildings and Facilities provided an update on the "Request for Library Consultant Proposal - Service, Programs and Operational Plan Development." For Information Only. 7.3 Request to Purchase — Richard and Sarah Gibbs: PID 15034283 — Gannon Road, North Sydney: Motion to declare the property comprised of approximately 4000 square feet and identified as PID 15034283 as surplus to the needs of the Municipality, provided a Sewer Line Easement is retained for that portion of the sewer line that crosses the subject property; and that the property be offered for sale to Richard and Sarah Gibbs pursuant to the Municipal Government Act and Property Management Policy. Carried. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 5 of 15 Summary of Decisions (Cont'd) CORPORATE SERVICE ISSUES (Cont'd): 7.4 Request for Release of Covenant: PID 15021736 — Manning Street, North Sydney: Motion that a recommendation be made to Council directing staff to prepare the necessary documentation required to have the Restrictive Covenant removed from the property on Manning Street, North Sydney, (PID 15021736), to allow Ben Blufarb to sell his property free and clear of such building restriction. Carried. 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 8.1 CBRM to December 31, 2019: For Information Only. 8.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to December 31, 2019: For Information Only. ADJOURNMENT General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 6 of 15 Roll Call 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor Coombes, approval of the Minutes from: ➢ General Committee—January 7, 2020 Motion Carried. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion: Moved by Councillor MacLeod, seconded by Councillor Coombes, to approve the February 4h, 2020 General Committee Agenda. Motion Carried. 3. DELEGATION: 3.1 Clean Foundation re: Clean Energy Financing (PACE): Mayor Clarke welcomed Ms. Katie Giles, Senior Lead, Clean Energy Initiatives, and she provided a presentation on the Clean Energy Financing and discussed the following: • Background on Clean Energy Financing (PACE) • What makes Clean Energy Financing different? • Clean Energy Financing Steps for Homeowners • Homeowner Service Fees • Upgrades • Renewable Energy and Solar PV • Participation and Energy Savings • Startup information • Municipal Process: o By-Law o Onboarding o Financing Payments • Onboarding Package • Marketing and Communications • Year one marketing and communications package • Customization • Video link—Clean Energy Financing Overview • Contact information Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 7 of 15 DELEGATION—Clean Foundation re: Clean Energy Financing (PACE) (Cont'd): After the presentation, Council discussed the following: • Federal and Provincial rebates • Average amount of homeowner loans • Is there a guarantee CBRM would receive their money back? • Monitoring repayment The CFO indicated that she would incorporate the Clean Energy Financing (PACE) program in the staff Issue Paper regarding CBRM's ability to offer homeowner loans for installation or replacement of septic systems Mayor Clarke thanked Ms. Giles for her presentation. For information only. 4. REPORTS: 4.1 PVSC 2020 Assessment Roll - CBRM: Mayor Clarke welcomed Mr. Lloyd MacLeod, Senior Valuation Manager, Mr. Dave Penny, Regional Manager, and Mr. Ken McKinnon, Technical Lead/Assessor of Property Valuation Corporation (PVSC). Mr. Penny provided a report on the PVSC 2020 Assessment Roll for CBRM which included the following: • Key Dates • PVSC Operational Cycle and Mandate • Property Data Collection • Assessment 101 • Important Assessment Dates Capped Assessment Program Overview CAP Eligibility • 2020 Assessment Roll and CBRM's 2020 Overview • Key Areas (change in average residential sale price by former unit) Sample 2020 Assessment Notice After the presentation, there was discussion on the average sale price per home in each of CBRM's jurisdictions and contact information for anyone with questions regarding their property assessments. Mayor Clarke thanked the representatives from the Property Valuation Services Corporation for their report. For Information Only. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 8 of 15 REPORTS (Cont'd): 4.2 Cape Breton Partnership —Update: Mayor Clarke welcomed Ms. Carla Arsenault, President and CEO of Cape Breton Partnership. Ms. Arsenault provided an update on the Cape Breton Partnership which included the following: Cape Breton—Unama'ki statistics CBRM Viability Study —Optimistic Population Projection Cape Breton Partnership's role in growing the population Opportunities • Related projects and services Welcome to Cape Breton website (https://welcometocapebreton.ca/) After the update, Council discussed the following: • Atlantic Immigration Pilot(AIP)Program statistics Supporting women in entrepreneurship • Mobilite Francophone initiative • Easy navigation of the Welcome to Cape Breton website Mayor Clarke thanked the representatives of the Cape Breton Partnership for the update. For Information Only. 5. PLANNING ISSUES: 5.1 REQUEST FOR MUNICIPAL PLANNING STRATEGY: a) Request from Island Folk Cider House to Amend the Secondary Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to Permit Serving of Alcohol Beverages Produced Off Site at 52 Nepean Street, Sydney(PID 15889330): Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, provided background information on this issue and noted that under current policy, Island Folk Cider House (IFCH) may only serve alcoholic beverages which are produced on site. Ms. Knudskov advised that IFCH would like to serve local beer and wine which they do not produce on site and require an amendment to the North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and North End Land Use Bylaw to do so. Ms. Knudskov noted the Planning & Development Department received two letters in support of the proposal. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 9 of 15 PLANNING ISSUES (Cont'd): Motion: Moved by Councillor McDougall, seconded by Councillor George MacDonald, that a recommendation be made to Council to direct staff to proceed with a Public Participation Program to consider an amendment to the North End Sydney Secondary Planning Strategy and Development Agreement to permit serving alcoholic beverages produced off-site at Island Folk Cider House, 52 Nepean Street, Sydney (PID 15889330). Discussion: • When the Secondary Planning Strategy was approved in 2006, residents indicated that they did not want beverage room establishments in North End Sydney • No change in hours of operation from what was approved last year • Similar alcohol content in cider and beer • Residents can speak during the Public Participation Program • Different liquor license is required • Only cider can be taken off site • Changing zoning in area to create beverage rooms • New businesses would need to go through a development agreement process Motion Carried. Following the motion, Council discussed the following: • Setting a precedence for other types of development • Amendment fees • Public consultation workshop • Review of Municipal Planning Strategy 5.2 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: a) Zoning Amendment Application 1069 —3 Unit Apartment (PID 15855000) on McOdrum Street, Glace Bay by Richard and Nancy MacKinnon: Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, advised this application has been withdrawn by the applicant. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 10 of 15 6. BUSINESS ARISING: 6.1 Council Meeting—October 9, 2019: a) CBRM Flyer By-Law: Mr. Michael Ruus, Director of Planning & Development, provided background information on this issue and advised that in order to regulate flyer distribution in CBRM, a new by-law would be needed and additional staff to administer it. CBRM staff would be required to perform the following duties: • Handle increased phone calls/complaints about the new flyer by-law • Physically respond to flyer by-law complaints • Issue warnings and tickets when appropriate • Follow through with legal proceedings on enforcement activities. Mr. Ruus also noted that given CBRM's current financial constraints, staff does not believe this is a priority service to be added at this time. Council then discussed the following: • Lack of staff to enforce new by-laws due to financial constraints • Bring flyer by-law issue to budget • Increasing by-law officers in CBRM • Police Officer assigned to Illegal Dumping could be responsible to deal with flyer distribution companies who leave excessive flyers in driveways, mailboxes, etc. (issuing summary offence tickets) • Process to cancel flyer delivery with Cape Breton Post • Flyers are a revenue generator and good for business, however the delivery system is a problem. For Information Only. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 11 of 15 BUSINESS ARISING (Cont'd): 6.2 General Committee—November 4, 2019: a) Renaming a Portion of William Street, North Sydney: Ms. Kristen Knudskov, Planner, advised the Planning and Development Department was notified of an issue with the configuration of William Street, North Sydney. A new single detached dwelling is approved for the lot and it should be assigned a civic address of 8 Williams Street, however, there is an existing dwelling addressed 8 William Street on the adjacent street segment. As directed by the General Committee, staff arranged for a public meeting on November 25, 2019. In consultation with the local Councillor, it was determined that given the large number of seniors residing along the segment between Peppett Street and Foreman Street, the segment of William Street as indicated in red on Attachment A to the staff report should be renamed instead. Motion: Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Prince, to approve the renaming of the segment of William Street as identified in red on Attachment A in the staff report dated February 4, 2020 to Steeles Street. Discussion: During discussion, Councillor MacMullin questioned the status of 18 Felixs Lane on Attachment A, and Planner Knudskov said that she would look into it and get back to her. Ms. Knudskov also clarified that civic numbers 5 to 32 William Street are subject to the renaming. Motion Carried. 6.3 Council Meeting—December 10, 2019: a) Local Travel Policies —Elected Officials: Ms. Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer, provided background information on this issue and reviewed the results of the jurisdictional scan of the travel policies for 15 municipal units. The sample included all other Cape Breton municipalities, all municipalities whose geographic region exceeds 2,000 km2 (included the 2 regional municipalities of HRM and Queens), as well as other voluntary respondents of the Association of Municipal Administrators of Nova Scotia. The following motion was then put forward: Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 12 of 15 BUSINESS ARISING — Council Meeting — December 10, 2019 — Local travel Policies — Elected Officials (Cont'd): Motion: Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Coombes, that a recommendation be made to Council to approve the amendment to the local travel policy for elected officials to eliminate the taxable allowance and provide a non-taxable reimbursement based on actual mileage claimed, with clearly-defined parameters of what constitutes eligible travel, as outlined in Option 3 of the staff Issue Paper dated January 24, 2020. Discussion: • Similar policy to other levels of government • Provides for more accountability and transparency • Eligible and non-eligible travel expenses would be part of policy change • CAO approval for milestone events • Financial reporting for public disclosure • Process for submitting receipts • Travel budget reduced over last couple of years • MP and MLA travel expenses available on line Motion Carried. 7. CORPORATE SERVICE ISSUES: 7.1 CBRM Student Employment Policy: Mr. Kirk Durning, Manager of Recreation, provided an overview of the current CBRM Student Employment Policy including: • Hiring process under current CBRM Student Employment Policy • Issues with the current hiring structure • Best practices across Canada • Benefits of hiring recreation staff through normal recruitment process • Options for consideration Council then discussed the following: • No request from Council for this Issue Paper • It was time to review the Student Employment Policy • Hire Recreation students through normal recruitment and interview process • Need for more staff trained in specific areas of recreation • General summer lottery students would be hired by districts Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 13 of 15 CORPORATE SERVICE ISSUES—CBRM Student Employment Policy(Cont'd): Motion: Moved by Councillor Prince, seconded by Councillor MacLeod, to accept option 3 and maintain the status quo and continue to hire students under the current Student Employment Policy and structure. Discussion: • Lottery provides for equal opportunity • Councillors have the option to select students • Job lottery only opportunity for some students to secure summer employment • Online application process • Make lottery process more efficient • Students who do not have transportation should be accommodated • Reduced funding in Canada Summer Jobs Program • Additional staff time required for interview hiring process • Students returning for the second year would not require an interview or training • Lack of students at lottery draw in some districts • Providing more programs in the Coaching Association of Canada Multi-Sport Module and Fundamental Movement Skills and working with children with disabilities • Specific skills required in Recreation Department • Increased minimum wage and budget are factors for student hiring • Number of students hired in 2019 • Federal Student Application Process Motion Carried. After the motion was carried, it was agreed that there will be further discussion regarding process and system improvements in terms of application selection, using an online application, and selection criteria. 7.2 Central Library: Mr. Bill Murphy, Director Parks, Recreation, Buildings & Facilities, provided follow-up information on the status of the Central Library project. He gave background information and noted CBRM has requested the following two additional items to be incorporated into the "Request for Library Consultant Proposal — Service, Programs and Operational Plan Development" attached in the Agenda package: 1. That the buildings square footage to be used in the study be scalable. 2. That the level of effort for the study be included as a maximum $75K. At this point, Mayor Clarke left the meeting and Deputy Mayor Doncaster assumed the Chair. Continued... General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 14 of 15 CORPORATE SERVICE ISSUES—Central Library(Cont'd): After Mr. Murphy's presentation, Council discussed the following: Study will provide estimated cost for operation • The need to focus on capital funding as well CBRM feels the Provincial funding formula is not fair Study results may be available for the 2020 budgeting process • Each level of government committed $25K to funding the study For information only. 7.3 Request to Purchase — Richard and Sarah Gibbs: PID 15034283 — Gannon Road, North Sydney: Ms. Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, advised CBRM received a letter of interest from Michael Tobin, Solicitor on behalf of Richard and Sarah Gibbs, requesting CBRM consider selling a vacant lot of land lying adjacent to his client's property at 142 Gannon Road, North Sydney. An internal review has been completed and staff has determined there is no issue with selling the subject property to Mr. Tobin's client provided CBRM retains a Sewer Line Easement. Motion: Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Marshall, to declare the property comprised of approximately 4000 square feet and identified as PID 15034283 as surplus to the needs of the Municipality, provided a Sewer Line Easement is retained for that portion of the sewer line that crosses the subject property; and that the property be offered for sale to Richard and Sarah Gibbs pursuant to the Municipal Government Act and Property Management Policy. Motion Carried. 7.4 Request for Release of Covenant: PID 15021736 — Manning Street, North Sydney: Ms. Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, advised CBRM received a written request from Michael Tobin, Solicitor, on behalf of Ben Blufarb, asking CBRM to release a building restrictive covenant attached to his client's property. The covenant restricts the purchaser, or their successor, to the construction of a residential dwelling at any time on the subject lands. Motion: Moved by Councillor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that a recommendation be made to Council directing staff to prepare the necessary documentation required to have the Restrictive Covenant removed from the property on Manning Street, North Sydney, (PID 15021736), to allow Ben Blufarb to sell his property free and clear of such building restriction. Motion Carried. General Committee Minutes February 4, 2020 Approved March 3, 2020 Page 15 of 15 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 8.1 CBRM to December 31, 2019: For Information Only. 8.2 Port of Sydney Development Corporation to December 31, 2019: For Information Only. Adjourned at 5:14 p.m. Mayor Cecil P. Clarke Deborah Campbell Ryan /tcn Municipal Clerk