HomeMy WebLinkAbout182402-Donkin-Wastewater-Pre-Design-Summary-Report-Final 182402.00 / 187116.00 ● Final Report ● March 2020 Environmental Risk Assessments & Preliminary Design of Seven Future Wastewater Treatment Systems in CBRM Donkin Wastewater Interception & Treatment System Preliminary Design Summary Report Prepared by: Prepared for: Donkin WW Interception & Treatment System Preliminary Design Summary Report-Draft March 27, 2020 Darrin McLean James Sheppard Darrin McLean Issue or Revision Date Issued By: Reviewed By: Prepared By: This document was prepared for the party indicated herein. The material and information in the document reflects HE’s opinion and best judgment based on the information available at the time of preparation. Any use of this document or reliance on its content by third parties is the responsibility of the third party. HE accepts no responsibility for any damages suffered as a result of third party use of this document. 164 Charlotte St. PO Box 567 Sydney, NS B1P 6H4 March 27, 2020 Matt Viva, P.Eng. Manager Wastewater Operations Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS B1P 7B9 Dear Mr. Viva: RE: Donkin Wastewater Interception & Treatment System – Preliminary Design Summary Report Enclosed, please find, for your review, a copy of the first draft of the Preliminary Design Summary Report for the Donkin Wastewater Interception & Treatment System. This report presents a description of proposed wastewater interception and treatment infrastructure upgrades for the Donkin Wastewater system, as well as an estimate of the capital, operating costs, and replacement costs for the proposed infrastructure. In addition, estimated costs of upgrades and assessments related to the existing wastewater collection system are provided. Also, a desktop geotechnical review of the wastewater treatment facility site is provided, along with an archaeological resources impact assessment review for all sites of proposed wastewater infrastructure. Finally, an Implementation Timeline is provided, which outlines a tentative schedule for implementation of the various proposed wastewater system upgrades. If you have any questions or require clarification on the content presented in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours very truly, Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Prepared by: Reviewed by: Darrin McLean, MBA, FEC, P.Eng. James Sheppard, P.Eng. Senior Municipal Engineer Civil Infrastructure Engineer Direct: 902-539-1330 (Ext. 3138) Direct: 902-562-9880 E-Mail: dmclean@cbcl.ca E-Mail: jsheppard@dillon.ca Project No: 182402.00 (CBCL) 187116.00 (Dillon) HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report i Contents CHAPTER 1 Introduction & Background ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Description of Existing Wastewater Collection System ...................................................... 1 1.4 Service Area Population ...................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 2 Wastewater Interceptor System ................................................................................. 3 2.1 Description of Proposed Wastewater Interceptor Infrastructure ...................................... 3 2.2 Interception Infrastructure Land/Easement Acquisition Requirements ............................ 3 2.2.1 Lift Station Sites ...................................................................................................... 3 2.2.2 Linear Infrastructure ............................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 3 Existing Wastewater Collection System Upgrades / Assessments ................................ 5 3.1 Sewage Pump Station Upgrades ......................................................................................... 5 3.2 Asset Condition Assessment Program ................................................................................ 5 3.3 Sewer Separation Measures ............................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 4 Wastewater Treatment System .................................................................................. 6 4.1 Recommended Wastewater Treatment Facility ................................................................. 6 4.2 Wastewater Treatment Facility Land Acquisition Requirements ....................................... 7 4.3 Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Desktop Geotechnical Review .................................. 7 CHAPTER 5 Wastewater System Archaeological Resources Impact Assessment ............................. 9 5.1 Archaeological Resources Impact Assessment ................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 6 Wastewater Infrastructure Costs .............................................................................. 11 6.1 Wastewater Interception & Treatment Capital Costs ...................................................... 11 6.2 Wastewater Interception & Treatment Annual Operating Costs ..................................... 12 6.3 Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Costs..................................................... 12 6.4 Existing Wastewater Collection System Upgrades / Assessment Costs ........................... 14 CHAPTER 7 Project Implementation Timeline ............................................................................. 15 7.1 Implementation Schedule ................................................................................................. 15 Appendices A Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief B Donkin Wastewater Treatment System Pre-Design Brief C Donkin Environmental Risk Assessment Report D Donkin Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Desktop Geotechnical Review E Donkin Wastewater System Archaeological Resources Impact Assessment HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Harbour Engineering Joint Venture (HEJV) was retained by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) to provide engineering services associated with the preliminary design of wastewater interception and treatment infrastructure for the community of Donkin, Nova Scotia as part of the greater Environmental Risk Assessment and Preliminary Design of 7 Future Wastewater Treatment Systems in CBRM project. This report presents a description of the proposed infrastructure upgrades for the Donkin Wastewater system, as well as an estimate of the capital, operating and replacement costs for the proposed infrastructure. In addition, estimated costs of upgrades and assessments related to the existing wastewater collection system are provided. Also, a desktop geotechnical review of the wastewater treatment facility site is provided, along with an archaeological resources impact assessment review for all sites of proposed wastewater infrastructure. Finally, an Implementation Timeline is provided, which outlines a tentative schedule for implementation of the various proposed wastewater system upgrades. 1.2 Background The wastewater collection system in the community of Donkin, as in many communities throughout CBRM, currently discharges untreated wastewater to the Atlantic Ocean. The evolution of the existing wastewater collection and disposal systems in CBRM included the creation of regions of a community which were serviced by a common wastewater collection system tied to a local marine outfall. Such design approaches have traditionally been the most cost-effective manner of providing centralized wastewater collection, and the marine environment has long been the preferred receiving water given the available dilution. Due to a changing regulatory environment, CBRM is working toward intercepting and treating the wastewater in these communities prior to discharge. The Donkin system has been classified as low risk under the federal Wastewater System Effluent Regulations (WSER) under the Fisheries Act, requiring implementation of treatment systems by the year 2040. 1.3 Description of Existing Wastewater Collection System The Community of Donkin is primarily serviced by a gravity sewer system, ranging in size from 200 to 375mm in diameter. There is one lift station within the existing Donkin wastewater collection system, located on the Donkin Highway, across the street from Civic #383. The lift station was upgraded in HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 2 2010, to a Flygt fiberglass submersible station. There is an overflow from the station to an adjacent brook. The station does not have backup power. The existing collection system conveys sewage to a single pipe outfall located at Borden’s Cove/Schooner Pond. The outfall is 375mm in diameter and is concrete encased. The pipe obvert is set at the low, low water elevation and terminates approximately 31m from the shore. 1.4 Service Area Population For Donkin, the service area population was estimated to be 471 people in 256 residential units. The population of the CBRM has been declining and this trend is expected to continue. Recent population projection studies predict a 17.8% decrease in population in Cape Breton County between 2016 and 2036. For this reason, no allocation has been made for any future population growth. For the purpose of preliminary design, wastewater infrastructure has been sized based on the current population and measured flow data. While this may seem overly conservative, due to significant amounts of inflow and infiltration (I&I) observed in sewer systems in the CBRM, a given population decrease will not necessarily result in a proportional decrease in wastewater flow. Therefore, basing the design on current conditions is considered the most reasonable approach. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 3 CHAPTER 2 WASTEWATER INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM 2.1 Description of Proposed Wastewater Interceptor Infrastructure The proposed wastewater interceptor system for the Donkin Wastewater System includes the following major elements:  A new sewage pumping station will be constructed near the end of Bastable Street, which will redirect flow from the existing outfall to the proposed WWTP.  Treated flow will be conveyed back to the existing outfall via a 375 mm diameter gravity sewer. A detailed description of the proposed wastewater interceptor system, including preliminary layout drawings is provided in Appendix A. 2.2 Interception Infrastructure Land/Easement Acquisition Requirements 2.2.1 Lift Station Sites Construction of a new sewage pumping station and WWTP access road will require a property easement on land privately owned by Simon Edward Baxter as shown in Table 1 below. The installation of the linear infrastructure and access road will also require acquisition of another parcel of land privately owned by Simon Edward Baxter as shown in Table 2. It should be noted that the same parcel of land is required for construction of the proposed WWTP. Table 1 - Lift Station/Access Road Site Land Easement Requirements PID# Property Owner Assessed Value Description Purchase Entire Lot (Y/N) 15064694 Simon Edward Baxter $4,900 Access Road Lift Station N Table 2 – Linear Infrastructure/ Access Road/ WWTP Site Land Acquisition Requirements PID# Property Owner Assessed Value Description Purchase Entire Lot (Y/N) 15494248 Simon Edward Baxter $7,600 WWTP / Access Road/ Linear Infrastructure Y HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 4 2.2.2 Linear Infrastructure and Access Road Installation of remaining linear infrastructure such as new gravity sewer piping and manholes will not require property acquisition as these features are to be installed on property already owned by the CBRM. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 5 CHAPTER 3 EXISTING WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM UPGRADES / ASSESSMENTS 3.1 Sewage Pump Station Upgrades HEJV has reviewed the existing Donkin Collection System for potential upgrades to the existing sewage pumping stations. There is currently one pump station in the community of Donkin, which was upgraded in 2010. The Donkin WWTP has been classified as a low priority system and has an implementation deadline of 2040. Considering that 2040 is 21 years in the future, plans should be made to upgrade the existing pump station as part of the interception work to be completed in the community. Due to age, the necessity to upgrade the existing station may occur prior to the implementation of the interceptor sewer project. Therefore, the condition of the station should be verified at the time of detailed design to determine if an upgrade is required. 3.2 Asset Condition Assessment Program To get a better sense of the condition of the existing Donkin sewage collection system, HEJV recommends completing a sewage collection system asset condition assessment program in the community. The program would carry out an investigation involving two components: 1. Visual inspection and assessment of all manholes in the collection system; 2. Video inspection of 20% of all sewers in the system The program should be completed with the issuance of a Collection System Asset Condition Assessment Report that would summarize the condition of the various assets inspected and include opinions of probable costs for required upgrades. 3.3 Sewer Separation Measures CBRM should consider completing further sewer separation investigation efforts in Donkin. The program would review catch basins that are currently connected or possibly connected to existing sanitary sewers. The program should also include the costing of the installation of new storm sewers to disconnect catch basins from the existing sanitary sewer. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 6 CHAPTER 4 WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM 4.1 Recommended Wastewater Treatment Facility The recommended wastewater treatment facility for Donkin is an aerated lagoon system. In aerated lagoons, oxygen is supplied by mechanical aeration, which in newer systems is typically subsurface diffused aeration. They have average retention times ranging from 5 to 30 days, with 30 days being common in Atlantic Canada. The WWTP would provide the following general features: 1. Preliminary treatment involving a manually-cleaned bar screen; 2. Secondary treatment involving three aerated lagoon basins divided into four aerated cells and one quiescent settling zone by means berms or floating baffles; 3. An aeration system consisting of blowers and low pressure air distribution piping; 4. Disinfection of the treated wastewater with the use of an ultraviolet (UV) disinfection unit; 5. A small process building to provide space for blowers, UV disinfection equipment, basic office space, laboratory space, instrumentation equipment, and a washroom; 6. Permanent backup power supply generator; 7. Site access and parking, along with site fencing; and, 8. Extension of the existing outfall pipe. The proposed site of the Donkin WWTP is located near the end of Bastable Street in Donkin. The design loads for the proposed WWTP are as shown in the table below. Table 2 - WWTP Design Loading Summary Parameter Average Day Peak Day Design Population 471 Flow (m3/day) 360 400 CBOD Load (kg/day) 38 46 TSS Load (kg/day) 42 50 TKN Load (kg/day) 6 8 A detailed description of the proposed wastewater treatment system, including preliminary layout drawings is provided in Appendix B. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 7 The associated Environmental Risk Assessment Report, which outlines effluent criteria for the proposed wastewater treatment facility for Donkin is provided in Appendix C. 4.2 Wastewater Treatment Facility Land Acquisition Requirements Construction of the proposed wastewater treatment facility will require property acquisitions as shown in the table below. Table 3 – LS/WWTP Land Acquisition Requirements PID# Property Owner Assessed Value Description Purchase Entire Lot (Y/N) 15494248 Simon Edward Baxter $7,600 WWTP Y 4.3 Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Desktop Geotechnical Review A desktop review of the geotechnical conditions was carried out for the WWTP. The review was completed prior to finalizing the preliminary design study, and focused on the property immediately adjacent to the site that was ultimately proposed for the WWTP. However, the general observations made in the report are likely also applicable to the adjacent property. As the report recommended intrusive geotechnical investigation prior to detailed design, the desktop study will not be revised at this time. In general, the review involved a field visit to the site to observe the general conditions and a desktop review of available documents with the intent of commenting on the following issues:  site topography;  geology (surficial ground cover, probable overburden soil and bedrock type);  geotechnical problems and parameters;  previous land use (review of aerial photographs);  underground/surface mining activities; and  proposed supplemental ground investigation methods (test pits and/or boreholes) The following geotechnical issues were noted in the report: 1. There is evidence of the erodibility of subsurface soils and bedrock exposure along the Atlantic coastline and a Coastal Protection Plan will be required for the site. 2. The area southwest of the proposed construction site was undermined due to historical coal mining activities and there is a potential for undocumented bootleg pits/mines in the area. 3. There is the potential for a layer of limestone to be present underlying the surficial ground and alternating layers of bedrock below the site. Limestone is water soluble and has the potential to develop karsts voids (sinkholes). 4. It is anticipated that the overburden soil will be in a very moist to wet condition near the surface, in particular near marshy/boggy areas on the site. This will create some problems during site preparation and construction. A Surficial and Groundwater Control Plan should be developed for the site. 5. The presence of uncontrolled fills is suspected on the southern corner of the site due to historical activities on the site for the installation of a sanitary sewer discharge line into the harbour. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 8 The review recommends an intrusive borehole program on the site to further define the subsurface conditions including verifying the presence or absence of authorized and/or bootleg mining activities undertaken in the area, as well as the potential of future subsidence that could impact structures constructed on the site. The goal of the supplemental geotechnical ground investigation would be to collect pertinent information pertaining to the subsurface conditions within the footprint of the proposed new facility. This information would then be used to develop geotechnical recommendations for use in the design and construction of the new facility. The report recommended that borehole locations be selected based upon the location of buried infrastructure and to provide adequate coverage of the site. It recommended that representative soil samples be collected continually throughout the overburden material of each of four boreholes advanced at the site. Additionally, it is recommended that during the investigation samples of the bedrock should be collected continuously to a depth of at least 30 metres or more, in two of the four boreholes. The intent of the bedrock coring would be to:  verify the presence or absence of underground mine workings (both authorized commercial activities and/or bootleg pits);  increase the odds of advancing the borehole through the roof of any mine working (to determine the potential void space) and not into a supporting pillar (if applicable); and  accurately characterize the bedrock for design of either driven or drilled piles, if needed. It recommended that the remaining two boreholes be terminated either at 12 metres depth below ground surface or once refusal on assumed bedrock is encountered (whichever comes first). It should be noted that if pillar extraction took place, fractures will likely extend 20 metres above mine workings. If this is the case, drill return water may be lost and rock wedges may be encountered. This would inhibit coring and an alternative method of drilling through fractured rock may have to be pursed. A copy of the Donkin WWTP site geotechnical review report is provided in Appendix D. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 9 CHAPTER 5 WASTEWATER SYSTEM ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5.1 Archaeological Resources Impact Assessment Davis MacIntyre & Associates Limited has conducted a phase I archaeological resource impact assessment at sites of proposed wastewater infrastructure for the Donkin Wastewater System. The assessment included a historic background study and reconnaissance in order to determine the potential for archaeological resources in the impact area and to provide recommendations for further mitigation, if necessary. The assessment found that much of the study area is wetland interspersed with a few forested areas. However, the field reconnaissance did indicate one area where potential historic cultural resources may be present at the end of an old road and beyond a levelled clearing. The clearing may have been the site of an earlier structure which may have been demolished and the surrounding area levelled. Beyond the treeline, two probable cultural depressions were noted which lie within the proposed impact area. Avoidance is always the preferred method of mitigation where impact to archaeological resources is possible. If avoidance is not possible, it is recommended that the area surrounding the earthen depressions be subjected to subsurface testing at 5-meter intervals in order to determine the significance, age, and/or function of these features. The proposed Donkin WWTP development site falls within zones that are known for prevalent Carboniferous fossil flora, and there is a possibility that fossil fauna may be present as well in rare instances. Although fossils as well as archaeological material fall under the Special Places Protection Act, as archaeologists rather than paleontologists it is difficult to accurately state the possible significance of these fossil flora and rare fossil fauna. It is recommended that, if available, a qualified palaeontologist or geologist be contracted to examine any bedrock exposed during the project excavation, and to determine the need for any further paleontological monitoring. If additional areas that were not assessed are expected to be impacted, the study recommended that an assessment of the new impact area be conducted. If any archaeological resources are encountered at any time during ground disturbance, it is required that all activity cease and the Coordinator of Special Places (902-424-6475) be contacted immediately regarding a suitable method of mitigation. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 10 The study recommended that, if available, a qualified palaeontologist or geologist be contracted to examine any bedrock exposed during the project excavation, and to determine the need for any further paleontological monitoring. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 11 CHAPTER 6 WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS 6.1 Wastewater Interception & Treatment Capital Costs An opinion of probable capital cost for the recommended wastewater interception and treatment system for Donkin is presented in the table below. Table 4 - Donkin Wastewater Interception & Treatment System Capital Costs Project Component Capital Cost (Excluding Taxes) Wastewater Interception System $411,780 Wastewater Interception System Land Acquisition $10,000 Subtotal 1: $421,780 Construction Contingency (25%): $103,000 Engineering (10%): $42,000 Total Wastewater Interception: $566,780 Wastewater Treatment Facility $6,130,000 Wastewater Treatment Facility Land Acquisition $12,500 Subtotal 2: $6,142,500 Construction Contingency (25%): $1,533,000 Engineering (12%): $736,000 Total Wastewater Treatment: $8,411,500 Total Interception & Treatment System: $8,978,280 HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 12 6.2 Wastewater Interception & Treatment Annual Operating Costs An opinion of probable annual operating costs for the recommended wastewater interception and treatment system for Donkin is presented in the table below. Table 5 - Donkin Wastewater Interception & Treatment System Operating Costs Project Component Annual Operating Cost (Excluding Taxes) Wastewater Interception System General Linear Maintenance Cost $500 General Lift Station Maintenance Cost $2,500 Employee O&M Cost $4,000 Electrical Operational Cost $1,000 Total Wastewater Interception Annual Operating Costs: $8,000 Wastewater Treatment Facility Staffing $50,000 Power $13,400 Sludge Disposal $1,100 Maintenance Allowance $3,000 Total Wastewater Treatment Annual Operating Costs: $67,500 Total Interception & Treatment System Annual Operating Costs: $75,500 6.3 Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Costs The CBRM wishes to create a Capital Replacement Fund to which annual contributions would be made to prepare for replacement of the wastewater assets at the end of their useful life. The calculation of annual contributions to this fund involves consideration of such factors as the type of asset, the asset value, the expected useful life of the asset, and the corresponding annual depreciation rate for the asset. In consideration of these factors, the table below provides an estimate of the annual contributions to a capital replacement fund for the proposed new wastewater interception and treatment system infrastructure. This calculation also adds the same contingency factors used in the calculation of the Opinion of Probable Capital Cost, to provide an allowance for changes during the design and construction period. The actual Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions will be calculated based on the final constructed asset value, the type of asset, the expected useful life of the asset, and the corresponding annual depreciation rate for the asset type. Please note that costs shown below do not account for annual inflation and do not include applicable taxes. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 13 Table 6 - Donkin Wastewater Interception & Treatment System Capital Replacement Fund Description of Asset Asset Value Asset Useful Life Expectancy (Years) Annual Depreciation Rate (%) Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Wastewater Interception System Linear Assets (Piping, Manholes and Other) $109,080 75 1.3% $1,418 Pump Station Structures (Concrete Chambers, etc.) $136,215 50 2.0% $2,724 Pump Station Equipment (Mechanical / Electrical) $166,485 20 5.0% $8,324 Subtotal $411,780 - - $12,466 Construction Contingency (Subtotal x 25%): $3,117 Engineering (Subtotal x 10%): $1,247 Wastewater Interception System Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Costs: $16,829 Wastewater Treatment System Treatment Linear Assets (Outfall and Yard Piping, Manholes and Other) $4,446,000 75 1.3% $58,000 Treatment Structures (Concrete Chambers, etc.) $205,000 50 2.0% $5,000 Treatment Equipment (Mechanical / Electrical, etc.) $1,479,000 20 5.0% $74,000 Subtotal $6,130,000 - - $137,000 Construction Contingency (Subtotal x 25%): $34,250 Engineering (Subtotal x 12%): $16,440 Wastewater Treatment System Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Costs: $187,690 Total Wastewater Interception & Treatment Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Costs: $204,519 HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 14 6.4 Existing Wastewater Collection System Upgrades / Assessment Costs The estimated costs of upgrades and assessments related to the existing wastewater collection system as described in Chapter 3 are shown in the table below. Table 7 - Existing Wastewater Collection System Upgrades / Assessment Costs Item Cost Sewage Pump Station Upgrades Pump Station Infrastructure (controls, pumps, etc.) $185,000 Backup Power Generation $48,000 Engineering (12%) $28,000 Contingency (25%) $58,000 Total $319,000 Collection System Asset Condition Assessment Program Condition Assessment of Manholes based on 78 MHs $33,000 Condition Assessment of Sewer Mains based on 1.4 kms of infrastructure $28,000 Total $61,000 Sewer Separation Measures Separation based on 7.3 kms of sewer @ $45,000/km $329,000 Engineering (10%) $33,000 Contingency (25%) $82,000 Total $444,000 Total Estimated Existing Collection System Upgrade and Assessment Costs $824,000 HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report 15 CHAPTER 7 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE 7.1 Implementation Schedule Figure 1 provides a tentative schedule for implementation of wastewater system upgrades for Donkin, including proposed wastewater interception and treatment infrastructure as well as upgrades to and assessment of the existing collection system. For the Low Risk systems such as Donkin, it is expected that implementation of proposed upgrades will proceed on a staggered basis over the next 20 years as dictated by funding availability. As each of these systems have the same target deadline, the prioritization will likely depend on not only the availability of funding but also external factors. As the prioritization of the low risk systems is not currently known, the project implementation schedule has been tentatively outlined on a generalized basis (Year 1, Year 2, etc.) rather than with specified deadlines. The schedule has been structured such that asset condition assessments and investigations to locate sources of extraneous water entering the system would be carried out in Year 1. The two subsequent years are allotted for design/construction of recommended upgrades. However, it is conceivable that this could be completed in one year, depending on the scope of work required. It is proposed that, during the following year, a follow-up wastewater flow metering program would be carried out to confirm design flows for new infrastructure and gauge the effect of upgrades to the existing collection system. The subsequent four years after the follow-up flow metering program have been allotted to carry out design/construction of the new interception and treatment system. However, it is conceivable that this work could be completed within three (3) years. This results in a tentative implementation schedule that covers an eight (8) year timeline, which as noted above could be compressed to six (6) years to align with typical funding programs for major infrastructure. It should be noted that, although the process of pursuing the acquisition of properties and easements required to construct the proposed wastewater upgrades is not shown on the Project Implementation Schedule, it is recommended that the CBRM pursue these acquisitions prior to the commencement of detailed design. No. Project Component Period: Jan ‐ Mar Apr ‐ Jun Jul ‐ Sept Oct ‐ Dec Jan ‐ Mar Apr ‐ Jun Jul ‐ Sept Oct ‐ Dec Jan ‐ Mar Apr ‐ Jun Jul ‐ Sept Oct ‐ Dec Jan ‐ Mar Apr ‐ Jun Jul ‐ Sept Oct ‐ Dec Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: Schedule: Cash Flow: 9 Carry out tendering, construction, commissioning and initial systems operations for proposed  wastewater treatment infrastructure $8,117,100 7 Carry out tendering, construction, commissioning and initial systems operations for proposed  wastewater interception infrastructure $549,980 8 Carry out detailed design for proposed wastewater treatment infrastructure $294,400 5 Carry out tendering, construction and commissioning for recommended upgrades to the existing  collection system $738,600 6 Carry out detailed design for proposed wastewater interception infrastructure $16,800 3 Carry out Sewer Separation Investigation Study to locate sources of extraneous water entering the  collection system $15,000 4 Carry out detailed design for recommended upgrades to the existing collection system based on  previous assessments $24,400 1 Carry out asset condition assessment of all manholes in the existing collection system $33,000 2 Carry out video inspection and assessment of selected sanitary sewers in the existing collection system $28,000 Figure 1 ‐ Project Implementation Schedule Donkin Wastewater System Year:1234 HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report Appendices APPENDIX A Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 187116 ●Final Brief ●April 2020 Environmental Risk Assessments & Preliminary Design of Seven Future Wastewater Treatment Systems in CBRM Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief Prepared by: HEJVPrepared for: CBRM March 2020 March 27, 2020 275 Charlotte Street Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada B1P 1C6 Tel: 902-562-9880 Fax: 902-562-9890 _________________ DONKIN COLLECTION SYSTEM FINAL SUBMISSION/ek ED: 16/04/2020 12:45:00/PD: 16/04/2020 12:46:00 April 16, 2020 Matthew D. Viva, P.Eng. Manager of Wastewater Operations Cape Breton Regional Municipality 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS B1P 7B9 Dear Mr. Viva: RE: Environmental Risk Assessments & Preliminary Design of Seven Future Wastewater Treatment Systems in CBRM – Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief Harbour Engineering Joint Venture (HEJV) is pleased to submit the following Collection System Pre-Design Brief for your review and comment. This Brief summarizes the interceptors and local sewers that will form the proposed wastewater collection system for the community of Donkin. The collection system will convey sewer to/from a future Wastewater Treatment Facility that will be located northeast of Bastable Street, adjacent to Bordens Cove. The Brief also outlines the design requirements and standards for the required collection system infrastructure components. We look forward to your comments on this document. Yours very truly, Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Prepared by: Reviewed by: James Sheppard, P.Eng. Darrin McLean, MBA, FEC, P.Eng. Civil Infrastructure Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Direct: 902-562-9880 Direct: 902-539-1330 E-Mail:jsheppard@dillon.ca E-Mail:dmclean@cbcl.ca Project No: 187116 (Dillon) and 182402.00 (CBCL) March 27, 2020 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief i Contents CHAPTER 1 Introduction & Background ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 System Background ........................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2 Design Parameters & Standards .................................................................................... 3 2.1 General Overview ........................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Design Standards ............................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER 3 Wastewater Interceptor Pre- Design ............................................................................. 5 3.1 General Overview ........................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Design Flows .................................................................................................................. 5 3.2.1 Theoretical Flow ................................................................................................. 6 3.2.2 Observed Flow .................................................................................................... 6 3.2.3 Flow Conclusions & Recommendations ............................................................... 7 3.2.4 Wet Weather Conditions Assessment ................................................................. 8 3.3 Interceptor System ......................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Combined Sewer Overflows............................................................................................ 9 3.5 Pumping Stations ........................................................................................................... 9 3.5.1 Pumping Design Capacity .................................................................................. 10 3.5.2 Safety Features ................................................................................................. 10 3.5.3 Wetwell ............................................................................................................ 11 3.5.4 Station Piping.................................................................................................... 11 3.5.5 Equipment Access ............................................................................................. 11 3.5.6 Emergency Power ............................................................................................. 11 3.5.7 Controls ............................................................................................................ 12 CHAPTER 4 Existing Collection System Upgrades ........................................................................... 13 4.1 Sewage Pump Station Upgrades ................................................................................... 13 4.2 Asset Condition Assessment Program ........................................................................... 13 4.3 Sewer Separation Measures ......................................................................................... 13 CHAPTER 5 Pipe Material Selection and Design ............................................................................. 14 5.1 Pipe Material ................................................................................................................ 14 CHAPTER 6 Land and Easement Requirements .............................................................................. 15 6.1 WWTP Site ................................................................................................................... 15 6.2 Linear Infrastructure and Access Road .......................................................................... 15 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief ii CHAPTER 7 Site Specific Constraints ............................................................................................... 16 7.1 Construction Constraints .............................................................................................. 16 7.2 Access Requirements.................................................................................................... 16 CHAPTER 8 Opinion of Probable Costs ........................................................................................... 17 8.1 Opinion of Probable Costs – New Wastewater Collection Infrastructure ....................... 17 8.2 Opinion of Operations and Maintenance Costs ............................................................. 17 8.3 Opinion of Existing Collection System Upgrades and Assessment Costs ........................ 18 8.4 Opinion of Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions ......................................... 19 CHAPTER 9 References ................................................................................................................... 20 Tables Table 2-1 Sewer Design Criteria ............................................................................................... 3 Table 2-2 Pumping Station Design Criteria ............................................................................... 4 Table 3-1 Theoretical Flow Summary ....................................................................................... 6 Table 3-2 Flow Monitoring Location Summary ......................................................................... 7 Table 3-3 Average Dry Weather and Design Flows Results ....................................................... 7 Table 3-4 Observed Flows during Rainfall Events...................................................................... 8 Table 5-1 Comparison of Pipe Materials ................................................................................. 14 Table 6-1 WWTP Land Acquisition Details .............................................................................. 15 Table 6-2 Linear Infrastructure Land Acquisition Details ......................................................... 15 Table 8-1 Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs ............................................................ 17 Table 8-2 Estimated Existing Collection System Upgrade and Assessment Costs..................... 18 Table 8-3 Estimated Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions.................................... 19 Appendices Appendix A –Drawings Appendix B – Flow Master Reports Appendix C – Opinion of Probable Design & Construction Costs Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION &BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Harbour Engineering Joint Venture (HEJV) has been engaged by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) to carry out Environmental Risk Assessments (ERAs) and Preliminary Design of seven future wastewater treatment Systems in the CBRM. The future wastewater collection and treatment systems will serve the communities of Glace Bay, Port Morien, North Sydney & Sydney Mines, New Waterford, New Victoria, Louisbourg and Donkin, which currently have no wastewater treatment facilities. The preliminary design of the wastewater interceptor systems are being completed as an addition to the existing wastewater systems in each community. In general, the proposed interceptor sewers will convey wastewater from the existing outfalls to the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in each location. The complexity of each system is directly related to the number of outfalls, geographic size and topography of each community. In general, the scope of work on the interceptor system generally includes the following: ®Determination of design wastewater flows; ®Making recommendations on the best sites for proposed wastewater treatment facilities; ®Development of the most appropriate and cost-effective configurations for wastewater interception; and, ®Estimation of capital and operations costs for recommended wastewater components. This document relates to the interceptors and local gravity sewers that will form the wastewater interceptor system for the proposed WWTP in the community of Donkin. This brief outlines the design requirements and standards for the required infrastructure components. Information regarding the preliminary design of the proposed wastewater treatment facility for Donkin will be provided in a separate Design Brief. 1.2 System Background The Community of Donkin is primarily serviced by a gravity sewer system, ranging in size from 200 to 375mm in diameter. There is one lift station within the existing Donkin wastewater collection system, located on the Donkin Highway, across the street from Civic #383. The lift station was upgraded in 2010, to a Flygt fiberglass submersible station. There is an overflow from the station to an adjacent brook. The station does not have backup power. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 2 The existing collection system conveys sewage to a single pipe outfall located at Borden’s Cove/Schooner Pond. The outfall is 375mm in diameter and is concrete encased. The pipe obvert is set at the low, low water elevation and terminates approximately 31m from the shore. A drawing of the existing Donkin sewer system is located in Appendix A for reference. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 3 CHAPTER 2 DESIGN PARAMETERS &STANDARDS 2.1 General Overview The development of a wastewater interceptor system for each of the communities is highly dependent upon the selection of appropriate design parameters. HEJV has reviewed applicable design standards and has developed the preliminary design of the interceptor sewer to meet and exceed these industry standards. 2.2 Design Standards The design of the interceptor system has been based on the following reference documents and standards: ®Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment, and Disposal (ACWGM) (Environment Canada, 2006); and ®Water Environment Federation: Manual of Practice FD-4, Design of Wastewater and Stormwater Pumping Stations. The key design criteria that have been established for this project are presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Sewer Design Criteria Description Unit Design Criteria Source Comments Hydraulic Capacity l/s Location dependent HEJV Flow has been set to the Peak Rate for the sewershed. Material of gravity pipe PVC or Reinforced concrete CBRM See discussion in Chapter 5 Hydraulic design gravity Manning’s Formula ACWGM n = 0.013 Maximum spacing between manholes m 120 for pipes up to and including 600 mm and 150 for pipes over 600 mm ACWGM Gravity pipe minimum design flow velocity m/s 0.6 ACWGM Gravity pipe maximum flow velocity m/s 4.5 ACWGM Pipe crossings separation mm 450 minimum Minimum separation must also meet Nova Scotia Environment (NSE) requirements. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 4 Description Unit Design Criteria Source Comments Horizontal pipe separation gravity pipe to water main m 3.0 ACWGM Can be laid closer if the installation meets the criteria in Section Gravity pipe minimum depth of cover m 1.5 HEJV Subject to Interferences Gravity pipe maximum depth of cover m 4.5 HEJV Subject to Interferences. Increased depth may be considered where warranted Table 2-2 provides a summary of the key design criteria for the Pumping Stations. Table 2-2 Pumping Station Design Criteria Description Unit Design Criteria Source Comments Pump cycle time 1 hour 5 < cycle <10 WEF/ ACWGM Number of pumps Minimum of two. Must be able to pump design flow with the largest pump out of service. ACWGM Three minimum for stations with flows greater than 52 l/s. Inlet sewer One maximum ACWGM Only a single sewer entry is permitted to the wetwell. Header pipe diameter mm 100 minimum ACWGM Solids handling mm 75 (minimum)ACWGM Smaller diameter permissible for macerator type pumps. Emergency power generation To be provided for firm capacity of the facility.ACWGM Can employ overflow options per 3.3.1. Option to run one pump if conditions of are met. Pump station wetwell ventilation Air changes/ hour 30 (Wetwell) 12 (Valve Chamber)ACWGM Based on intermittent activation when operating in the wet well. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 5 CHAPTER 3 WASTEWATER INTERCEPTOR PRE-DESIGN 3.1 General Overview A drawing of the existing Donkin collection system has been included in Appendix A. The drawing was created using background data collected from various sources to depict the layout of the existing gravity network. The proposed wastewater interceptor system for Donkin will include a gravity sewer that will redirect flow from the existing outfall to a lift station. The lift station will convey flow to the proposed Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) site approximately 120 metres away. A gravity outlet sewer will be required to direct the treated flow from the proposed WWTP, back to the original outfall. For this Pre-Design Brief, HEJV has compiled a preliminary plan and profile drawing of the proposed linear infrastructure. The locations of the required linear infrastructure, outfall and WWTP have also been illustrated on the drawings and are included in Appendix A. 3.2 Design Flows HEJV completed a review of the theoretical and observed sanitary flows for the Donkin sewershed. The purpose of the assessment was to estimate average and design flows for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) and the preliminary design of the future WWTP and interception system. It is anticipated that the future WWTP for the community will be a stabilization pond with an engineered wetland. Since the flow is being conveyed to a stabilization pond, it makes sense to intercept all of the peak flow and divert it to the WWTP. The stabilization pond should be sized for the average daily flow in the community regardless of the intercepted flow rate. Intercepting the peak flow will end raw sewage being directly discharged at the existing Donkin Outfall. The stabilization pond with an engineered wet land, will offer some level of treatment to all flows directed to the WWTP versus setting an overflow before the WWTP based on an ADWF multiplier. Periods of higher flows, will cause the retention time in the pond to decrease, however, discharged flows would have been detained in the pond for some time (partially treated) before release. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 6 3.2.1 Theoretical Flow Theoretical flow was calculated based on design factors contained in the ACWGM. To estimate population, the number of private dwellings were estimated then multiplied by an average household size. An average value of 2.2 persons per household was used based on the average household size found in the 2016 Statistics Canada information for Cape Breton. The number of apartments, nursing homes, townhouses, and other residential buildings were estimated and considered in the population estimate. Population estimates are shown in Table 3-1. The peak design flow was calculated using the following equation (1): ܳ(݀)=ܲݍܯ 86.4 +ܫܣ (1) Where: Q(d) = Peak domesƟc sewage flow (l/s) P = PopulaƟon (in thousands) q =Average daily per capita domesƟc flow (l/day per capita) M = Peaking factor (Harman Method) I = unit of extraneous flow (l/s) A = Subcatchment area (hectares) ACWGM recommends an average daily domestic sanitary flow of 340 l/day per person for private residential dwellings. The unit of extraneous flow was assumed to be approximately 0.21 l/s/ha based on typical ranges outlined in ACWGM. The contributing sewershed was estimated to be 52 ha. The peaking factor used in Equation 1 was determined using the Harman Formula (2) shown below: Harman Formula ܯ =1+14 4+ܲ଴.ହ (2) The estimated average dry weather flow (ADWF) and peak design flows based on the ACWGM methods discussed above are presented in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Theoretical Flow Summary Estimated Area (ha)Estimated Population1 ADWF2 (l/s)Peak Design Flow3 (l/s) 58 540 2.12 20.87 1 2016 Cape Breton Census from StaƟsƟcs Canada 2Based on average daily sewer flows of 340 L/day/person (ACWGM 2006) 3EsƟmated using ACWGM equaƟon for peak domesƟc sewage flows (including extraneous flows and peaking factor) 3.2.2 Observed Flow One flow monitoring staƟon was installed in Donkin, near the end of Bastable Lane. The selected locaƟon is part of the ouƞall system that receives all of the Donkin sewer shed flow. Upon review of the flow data, a sharp increase in flows was observed shortly aŌer deployment (February 20th – March 13th). The average flow rate during the period was in the order of 15 L/s for this Ɵmeframe. The data also suggested that there was a conƟnual base flow of 6 l/s. In response, HEJV moved the flow monitor to another suitable manhole in the Donkin ouƞall system to verify the data. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 7 Immediately aŌer re-deployment, flow observaƟons seemed to return to the lower values reported before the Ɵme frame in quesƟon. This suggests that the logger was briefly over-esƟmaƟng flows in its original locaƟon. For this reason, the three week period has been removed from the dataset prior to compleƟng our analysis. A summary of the flow meter locaƟon and monitoring duraƟon is provided in Table 3- 2. Table 3-2 Flow Monitoring Location Summary Northing Easting Monitoring Start-End Dates Days of Data 5117614.066 4626479.151 February 15-April 2, 2018 47 Analysis for observed dry weather flows were completed using the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Sanitary Sewer Overflow Analysis and Planning (SSOAP) toolbox. The SSOAP toolbox is a suite of computer software tools used for capacity analysis and condition assessments of sanitary sewer systems. Flow and rainfall data were input into the SSOAP program, along with sewershed data. To determine average dry weather flow (ADWF), days that were influenced by rainfall were deleted. This was done in the SSOAP model by removing data from days that had any rain within the last 24 hours, more than 5 mm in the previous 48 hours, and more than 5 mm per day additional in the subsequent days (e.g. 10 mm in the last 3 days). Again, the subset of flow data without the three week period noted in earlier in this section was used in the SSOAP program. The calculated ADWF estimates are based on the subset of flow data without the three week period previously described in this section, evaluated using the SSOAP program are presented in Table 3-3, along with average and peak flow from raw monitored data. Table 3-3 Average Dry Weather and Design Flows Results ADWF From SSOAP Model (l/s)Average Daily Observed Flow (l/s)Peak Flow (l/s) 2.3 7.99 36.81 3.2.3 Flow Conclusions & Recommendations HEJV recommends that the flow rate for the design of the proposed interceptor sewer be designed to avoid excessive overflow events. Based on the data collected by HEJV, a flow of 18l/s has been recommended as the peak flow to be conveyed to the proposed WWTP. This flow equates to 7.75X’s ADWF. This flow is also illustrated below graphically to show the proposed peak flow against flow data collected by HEJV. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 8 3.2.4 Wet Weather Conditions Assessment To evaluate performance of the proposed interception system during wet weather conditions, metered flows during rainfall events have also been considered. The results of the wet weather flow assessment at the metered location is presented in Table 3-4. The calculated flows were compared to the recommended design flow to indicate if sewer overflow/surcharge conditions would be anticipated. Table 3-4 Observed Flows during Rainfall Events Monitoring Station Minor Rainfall Event (10-25 mm Daily Rainfall) # of Events Daily Average Flow (l/s) Expected Overflow1 (Y/N) Donkin 5 8-21 Y 1 Overflow expected when observed flow exceeds design flow The results in Table 3-4 suggest that the interception system will be able to accommodate the wet weather flows that were monitored during the flow gauging exercise. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 9 3.3 Interceptor System The proposed interceptor system for the Donkin WWTP is presented on the plan and profile drawing attached in Appendix A. The proposed interceptor system is made up of gravity connections to the existing collection system, a lift station, a forcemain to the wastewater treatment plant, and a gravity sewer to the outfall. The first step in laying out the interceptor sewer route was to determine the location of the future WWTP that will serve the community of Donkin. To accomplish this, the type of treatment process needed to be considered, along with the availability of land. At this time, HEJV has proposed an aerated lagoon for the proposed Donkin WWTP, as it offers an appropriate level of treatment at the lowest capital and operation cost for CBRM. HEJV reviewed the community of Donkin and surrounding areas for possible locations for the WWTP site. The review led to a location that consisted of PID’s 15494248 (privately owned by Simon Edward Baxter) and 15277353 (owned by Cape Breton Regional Municipality). This location provides a remote distance away from residential development. In this case, a remote distance is defined as being at least 150 m from isolated human habitation as required by ACWGM. The location also provides adequate distance as defined by ACWGM away from neighboring property boundaries. The proposed location of the WWTP has been shown on the existing sewer system drawing included in Appendix A. With the WWTP location selected, HEJV laid out the interceptor sewer. The major elements of the interceptor system include: ®A duplex submersible pump station that will be located on PID 15064694 near the end of Bastable Street. This pump station intercepts flow from the existing 250mm diameter sewer, and the existing 375mm diameter sewer that connects to the outfall. The pump station will convey flow northward to the proposed WWTP via a 150mm forcemain that is approximately 120m in length. ®Treated flow will be conveyed back to the existing outfall via a 375 mm diameter outlet gravity sewer for a length of approximately 75 metres. Flow Master reports for the proposed linear infrastructure, illustrated on Sheet 1 in Appendix A, have been included in Appendix B. 3.4 Combined Sewer Overflows A combined sewer overflow (CSO) should be utilized in the proposed interceptor system where flows directed to a pump station exceed the interception design rate defined in Section 3.2.3. For this system, it is recommended to integrate an overflow into the lift station instead of a separate CSO due to the design flows, and future population projections. 3.5 Pumping Stations As discussed, one (1) new pump station will be required in the proposed Donkin interceptor system to convey wastewater to the proposed WWTP. The pump station should be equipped with non-clog Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 10 submersible pumps with an underground wetwell. For this small duplex station, due to economics, a buried valve chamber to host the mechanical piping, valves, and flowmeter will be provided. All electrical and controls will be kept in the adjacent WWTP. A hydraulic analysis should be completed on the forcemain to determine if surge valves are warranted, in addition to the VFDs that are discussed in Section 3.5.1. If required, the valves should be installed prior to the forcemain exiting the pump station to protect the pipe against unwanted surge forces. Standard pump station schematics have been presented in Appendix A for illustrative purposes. 3.5.1 Pumping Design Capacity The station will be designed to pump the intercepted flows defined in Section 3.2.3 with the largest pump out of service as per ACWGM. All pumps will be supplied and operated with variable frequency drives (VFD). A VFD will provide the following benefits to the pumping system: ®Energy savings by operating the pump at its best efficiency point; ®Prevent motor overload; ®Energy savings by eliminating the surge at pump start up; and, ®Water hammer mitigation. LS1 The pump station will be a duplex station with 150 mm diameter internal piping, and a 2.4 m diameter pre-cast wet well. The station will have one duty and one standby pump which each will each have a capacity of 20 l/s, with a TDH of 12.7 m. PUMP STATION SUMMARY Table 3-5 Pump Station Summary Lift Station Duty/ Standby Pumps ADWF (l/s) Maximum Design Flow (l/s) Pump Capacity (l/s, duty pump(s)) Station Piping Diameter (mm) TDH (m) at Maximum Design Flow Velocity in Forcemain (duty pump(s) running) Approximate Power Per Pump (Kw) LS1 1/1 4.2 18.0 20.0 150 12.7 1.07 3.4 3.5.2 Safety Features The station should report alarm conditions to the CBRM SCADA network. The station should also incorporate external visual alarms to notify those outside of an alarm condition. External audible alarms should not be used as the station is in a populated area and disturbance to the local community should be kept to a minimum. All access hatches should include safety grating similar to Safe-Hatch by Flygt. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 11 3.5.3 Wetwell The wetwell should be constructed with a benched floor to promote self-cleansing and to minimize any potential dead spots. The size of the wetwell should be based on factors such as the volume required for pump cycling, dimensional requirements to avoid turbulence problems, the vertical separation between pump control points, the inlet sewer elevation, capacity required between alarm levels, overflow elevations, the number of pumps and the required horizontal spacing between pumps. The operating wetwell volume for the pump station should be based on alternating pump starts between available pumps while reducing retention times to avoid resultant odours from septic conditions. At this time HEJV recommends a precast unit for the station. Based on the conditions discussed above, the sizing for each of the wetwells is presented below. Table 3-6 Wetwell Sizing Summary Pumping Station Size and Shape (m) Depth (m) LS-ND1 2.4 Circular 4.3 3.5.4 Station Piping Pump station piping should be ductile iron class 350 with coal tar epoxy lining or stainless steel with diameters as indicated in Table 3-5. Threaded flanges or Victaulic couplings should be used for ductile iron pipe joints, fittings and connections within the station. Pressed or rolled vanstone neck flanges should be used for stainless steel pipe joints, fittings and connections. Piping layout should be designed to provide minimum friction loss and to provide easy access to all valving, instrumentation and equipment for the operators. A common flow meter on the discharge header should be provided to monitor flows. 3.5.5 Equipment Access Pump installation and removal should be achieved using a lifting davit and electric hoist that would access the pumps through hatches located above the pumps. Due to maintenance issues associated with exterior davit sockets and portable davits, a weather-tight enclosure should be provided to protect the davit when it is not in use, or provisions should be made to house it in the adjacent WWTP building All valves and flow monitoring equipment should be located in a common below grade valve chamber. This valve chamber should be weather-tight, and would be complete with a drain to remove any intruding water. 3.5.6 Emergency Power The station shoulf be equipped with a backup generator sized to provide power to all equipment, and accessories during power interruptions. An automatic power transfer switch should transfer the Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 12 station’s power supply to the generator during a power disruption and should return to normal operation when power has been restored. The generator should be supplied with noise suppression equipment to limit disruption to existing neighbours. It is assumed at this time that backup power will be shared with the adjacent WWTP. 3.5.7 Controls It is assumed that a local control panel for the station will be located inside the adjacent WWTP. The local control panel would be a custom panel designed to be integrated into the CBRM SCADA network. The panel should provide a Hand/Off/Auto control selector to allow for manual control of the station. The control system should report remotely to CBRM’s SCADA system including alarm conditions. Control instrumentation and equipment should include the following: ®Level sensors/transmitters in the wetwell; ®Flow meter/transmitter on the discharge forcemain(s); ®Pressure transmitter; ®Surge valve position indication (if required); ®Level alarms; ®Pump fault; and, ®Overflow level measurement (either side of weir plate). The level in the wetwell utilizing ultrasonic level instruments should control the operation of the pumps. A second ultrasonic level instrument should be used to record overflow events. Auxiliary floats will provide high and low level alarms as well as back-up control in the event of a failure in the ultrasonic equipment. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 13 CHAPTER 4 EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM UPGRADES 4.1 Sewage Pump Station Upgrades HEJV has reviewed the existing Donkin Collection System for potential upgrades to the existing sewage pumping stations. There is currently one pump station in the community of Donkin, which was upgraded in 2010. The Donkin WWTP has been classified as a low priority system and has an implementation deadline of 2040. Considering that 2040 is 21 years in the future, plans should be made to upgrade the existing pump station as part of the interception work to be completed in the community. Due to age, the necessity to upgrade the existing station may occur prior to the implementation of the interceptor sewer project. Therefore, the condition of the station should be verified at the time of detailed design to determine if an upgrade is required. 4.2 Asset Condition Assessment Program To get a better sense of the condition of the existing Donkin sewage collection system, HEJV recommends completing a sewage collection system asset condition assessment program in the community. The program would carry out an investigation involving two components: ®Visual inspection and assessment of all manholes in the collection system ®Video inspection of 20% of all sewers in the system The program should be completed with the issuance of a Collection System Asset Condition Assessment Report that would summarize the condition of the various assets inspected and include opinions of probable costs for required upgrades. 4.3 Sewer Separation Measures CBRM should consider completing a sewer separation investigation program for Donkin. The program would review catch basins that are currently connected or possibly connected to existing sanitary sewers. The program should also include the costing of the installation of new storm sewers to disconnect catch basins from the existing sanitary sewer. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 14 CHAPTER 5 PIPE MATERIAL SELECTION AND DESIGN 5.1 Pipe Material Four pipe materials (Ductile Iron, HDPE, PVC, and Reinforced Concrete) were considered for this project and were evaluated against various factors. Ductile Iron (DI), HDPE and PVC were reviewed for a suitable forcemain material for the project. PVC and Reinforced Concrete were reviewed against each other for a suitable gravity pipe material. A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the different materials is presented in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 Comparison of Pipe Materials Pipe Material Advantages Disadvantages Ductile Iron ·Is forgiving with regard to problems caused by improper bedding ·Thinnest wall, greatest strength ·Standard testing method ·CBRM staff and contractors are familiar with installation of DI forcemains ·Pipe and fittings are susceptible to corrosion ·High weight ·Installation cost is high HDPE ·Excellent corrosion resistance of pipe ·Long laying lengths (where practical) ·Relatively easy to handle ·Requires good bedding ·Requires butt fusing ·Careful handling is required due to abrasion ·Long distances of open trench ·Not designed for vacuum conditions ·Installation cost is high if long lay lengths are not possible PVC ·CBRM standard ·Excellent corrosion resistance of pipe ·Standard testing method ·Light weight ·High impact strength ·CBRM staff and contractors are familiar with installation of PVC forcemains ·Cost competitive ·Requires good bedding ·Must be handled carefully in freezing conditions Reinforced Concrete ·High strength ·Standard testing method ·CBRM staff and contractors are familiar with installation ·Heavy – harder to handle ·Susceptible to attached by H2S and acids when not coated ·Requires careful installation to avoid cracking ·Short laying lengths Based on the above comparison, HEJV recommends that the gravity sewer and forcemain piping for the Donkin interceptor sewer be PVC. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 15 CHAPTER 6 LAND AND EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS HEJV has reviewed the requirements for land acquisition and easements. A portion of the proposed interceptor system and WWTP will be constructed within CBRM owned land parcels. However, portions of the treatment plant are shown on private property. In addition an access road and an outlet from the WWTP would need to be constructed on privately owned lands. 6.1 WWTP Site As discussed in Section 3.3, the WWTP will be located on a parcel of land privately owned by Simon Edward Baxter. HEJV recommends purchasing the entire lot, due to the size of the development and the permanence of the development. Presented below in Table 6-1 are some of the pertinent details of the parcel of land required to build the WWTP. Table 6-1 WWTP Land Acquisition Details PID Property Owner Assessed Value Description Purchase Entire Lot (Y/N) 15494248 Simon Edward Baxter $7,600 WWTP Site Y 6.2 Linear Infrastructure and Access Road The installation of the linear infrastructure and access road will require an easement on two parcels land privately owned by Simon Edward Baxter. The remaining linear infrastructure will be installed within CBRM owned land and the parcel of land that HEJV has recommended for purchase in Table 6-2. Details on the required easement area are as follows: Table 6-2 Linear Infrastructure Land Acquisition Details PID Property Owner Assessed Value Description Size Required Purchase Entire Lot (Y/N) 15064694 Simon Edward Baxter $4,900 Access Road Lift Station 900m2 N Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 16 CHAPTER 7 SITE SPECIFIC CONSTRAINTS During the preliminary design of the interceptor system, HEJV has reviewed the site for the pipe routing for potential constraints. HEJV reviewed construction constraints, environmental constraints and access requirements for the proposed interceptor infrastructure. The next sections of the Design Brief briefly touch on items that were found during HEJV’s review. 7.1 Construction Constraints HEJV has reviewed the preliminary design of the interceptor system from a construction constraints perspective. A large ditch exists in the area of the proposed access road near the end of Bastable Street. Depending on the time of year that construction takes place; a water management system may need to be implemented in order to construct the access road. 7.2 Access Requirements The WWTP location is somewhat remote and will require an access road to be constructed along with an entrance gate for security purposes. Access road requirements for the WWTP site will be further detailed in the Donkin WWTP Pre-Design Brief. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 17 CHAPTER 8 OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTS 8.1 Opinion of Probable Costs – New Wastewater Collection Infrastructure An opinion of Probable Design & Construction Costs for new wastewater collection system infrastructure has been completed for the project. A detailed breakdown of the estimate has been provided in Appendix C. The estimate is made up of the linear infrastructure design, lift station design, construction costs and associated land acquisition costs required to collect and convey the sanitary sewer in Donkin to the proposed WWTP. For land acquisition costs, HEJV has used a ratio of the amount of land that is affected by the required easement/property acquisition multiplied by the assessed value of the entire lot. The Opinion of Probable Design and Construction Costs for the interceptor sewer for Donkin is $566,180. This is considered to be a Class ‘C’ cost estimate, accurate to within plus or minus 30%. 8.2 Opinion of Operations and Maintenance Costs HEJV completed an Opinion of Operational Costs for the interceptor system using data provided by CBRM for typical annual operating costs of their existing submersible lift stations, typical employee salaries, Nova Scotia Power rates, and experience from similar stations for general maintenance. The opinion of operational costing includes general lift station maintenance costs, general linear maintenance costs, employee operation and maintenance costs, electrical operational costs, and backup generator operation and maintenance costs. A breakdown of costs has provided in Table 8-1. Table 8-1 Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs The general station maintenance cost presented above includes pump repairs (impellers, bearings, and seals), electrical repairs and instrumentation repairs and servicing. The general linear maintenance cost for the interceptor system has been estimated to be $500 per year in 2019 dollars. This includes flushing, inspection, and refurbishment of structures along the linear portion of the collection system. Item Costs General Lift Station Maintenance Cost $2,500/yr General Linear Maintenance Cost $500/yr Employee O&M Cost $4,000/yr Electrical Operational Cost $1,000/yr Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 18 Employee O&M costs were averaged from data provided by CBRM. It was determined that staffing to maintain their existing lift stations requires an average of 100 hours of effort per submersible lift station per year. For the electrical operation basic electrical loads for instrumentation were assumed. Electrical demand from the pumping system was determined based on the yearly average flow of the station. 8.3 Opinion of Existing Collection System Upgrades and Assessment Costs Opinions of probable cost have been provided to complete the work that was discussed in Chapter 4. For sewage pumping stations, the opinion of probable cost includes a full retrofit of the existing station including new pumps, controls and backup power generation. The need to upgrade the station should be verified at detailed design, as discussed in Chapter 4. Lift station upgrade costs are presented in Table 8-2. HEJV has provided an allowance of 12% on the cost of construction for engineering and 25% for contingency allowance. An opinion of probable costs has been provided for the collection system asset condition assessment program described in Chapter 4. These costs include the video inspection and flushing of 20% of the existing sanitary sewer network, visual inspection of manholes, traffic control and the preparation of a collection system asset condition assessment report. For sewer separation measures, budgetary pricing has been calculated by reviewing recent costs of sewer separation measures in CBRM involving installation of new storm sewers to remove extraneous flow from existing sanitary sewers. These costs have been translated into a cost per lineal meter of sewer main. This unit rate was then applied to the overall collection system. The cost also includes an allowance of 10% on the cost of construction for engineering and 25% for contingency allowance. Estimates of costs for upgrades to and assessment of the existing collection system as outlined in Table 8-1 are considered to be Class ‘D’, accurate to within plus or minus 45%. Table 8-2 Estimated Existing Collection System Upgrade and Assessment Costs Item Cost Sewage Pump Station Upgrades Pump Station Infrastructure (controls, pumps, etc.)$185,000 Backup Power Generation $48,000 Engineering (12%)$28,000 Contingency (25%)$58,000 Total $319,000 Collection System Asset Condition Assessment Program Condition Assessment of Manholes based on 78 MH’s $33,000 Condition Assessment of Sewer Mains based on 1.4km’s of infrastructure $28,000 Total $61,000 Sewer Separation Measures Separation based on 7.3km’s of sewer @ $45,000/km $329,000 Engineering (10%)$33,000 Contingency (25%)$82,000 Total $444,000 Total Estimated Existing Collection System Upgrade and Assessment Costs $824,000 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 19 8.4 Opinion of Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions The CBRM wishes to create a Capital Replacement Fund to which annual contributions would be made to prepare for replacement of the assets at the end of their useful life. The calculation of annual contributions to this fund involves consideration of such factors as the type of asset, the asset value, the expected useful life of the asset, and the corresponding annual depreciation rate for the asset. In consideration of these factors,Table 8-3 provides an estimation of the annual contributions to a capital replacement fund for the proposed new wastewater collection and interception infrastructure. Table 8-3 Estimated Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions Description of Asset Asset Value Asset Useful Life Expectancy (Years) Annual Depreciation Rate (%) Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Linear Assets (Piping, Manholes and Other)$109,080 75 1.3%$1,418 Pump Station Structures (Concrete Chambers, etc.)$136,215 50 2.0%$2,724 Pump Station Equipment (Mechanical / Electrical)$166,485 20 5.0%$8,324 Subtotal $411,780 --$12,466 Contingency Allowance (Subtotal x 25%):$3,117 Engineering (Subtotal x 10%):$1,247 Opinion of Probable Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution:$16,830 Note: Annual contribuƟons do not account for annual inflaƟon. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 20 CHAPTER 9 REFERENCES Environment Canada (2006) –Atlantic Canada Wastewater Gidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment and Disposal. Harbour Engineering Inc. (2011).Cape Breton Regional Municipality Wastewater Strategy 2009. Nova Scotia Environment (2018).Environment Act. Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (2013).Water Utility Accounting and Reporting Handbook. UMA Engineering Ltd. (1994). Industrial Cape Breton Wastewater Characterization Programme – Phase II. Water Environment Federation (2009),Design of Wastewater and Stormwater Pumping Stations Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 21 APPENDIX A Drawings PROPOSED LOCATION FOR THE DONKIN WWTP EXISTING OUTFALL D#1 1 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENTS & PRELIMINARY DESIGN JRS JRS TAB TAB 18-7116 1:3000 FEBRUARY 2020 HA R B O U R E N G I N E E R I N G J O I N T V E N T U R E , 2 7 5 C H A R L O T T E S T R E E T , S Y D N E Y , N S , B 1 P 1 C 6 A B C ISSUED FOR REVIEW ISSUED FOR DRAFT DESIGN BRIEF ISSUED FOR FINAL DESIGN BRIEF 02/27/18 10/15/18 02/28/20 JRS JRS JRS DONKIN EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM DATE DESIGN DRAWN PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. No.DATE BYISSUED FOR written permission from Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. than those intended at the time of its preparation without prior Do not scale dimensions from drawing. Report any discrepancies to Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. Verify elevations and/or dimensions on drawing prior to use. Conditions of Use REVIEWED BY CHECKED BY Do not modify drawing, re-use it, or use it for purposes other SCALEj o i n t v e n t u r e MACLE A N S T CENTRE AVE BA S T A B L E S T EXISTING OUTFALL (D#1) (CBRM)15494255 (CBRM) 15495021 (GLEN MUNROE RUTHANNE MUNROE) 15064694 (SIMON EDWARD BAXTER) PROPOSED 375Ø GRAVITY SEWER OUTLINE OF PROPERTY REQUIRING AN EASEMENT OUTLINE OF PROPERTY REQUIRING ACQUISITION PROPOSED 150Ø FORCEMAIN PROPOSED WWTP SITE 15494248 (SIMON EDWARD BAXTER) 15277353 L.S.#1 2 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENTS & PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF 7 FUTURE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS IN CBRM JRS JRS TAB TAB 18-7116 AS NOTED FEBRUARY 2020 HE J V , 2 7 5 C H A R L O T T E S T R E E T , S Y D N E Y , N S , B 1 P 1 C 6 A B ISSUED FOR DRAFT DESIGN BRIEF ISSUED FOR FINAL DESIGN BRIEF 10/15/18 02/28/20 JRS JRS DONKIN INTERCEPTOR PLAN/PROFILE PLAN 1:2500 PROFILE HOR:1:2500\VERT:1:500 DATE DESIGN DRAWN PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. No.DATE BYISSUED FOR written permission from Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. than those intended at the time of its preparation without prior Do not scale dimensions from drawing. Report any discrepancies to Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. Verify elevations and/or dimensions on drawing prior to use. Conditions of Use REVIEWED BY CHECKED BY Do not modify drawing, re-use it, or use it for purposes other SCALEj o i n t v e n t u r e 1 P01 ___ 1 P01 ___ FORCEMAIN DRAIN PIPE SUBMERSIBLE PUMP (TYP.2) CHECK VALVE PLUG VALVE FLOW METER PLUG VALVE CHECK VALVE PLUG VALVE INLET BAFFLE IN L E T DRAIN PIPE DRAIN PIPE OVERFLOW PIPE PUMP GUIDE RAILS DISCHARGE PIPE SUPPORTS PUMP LIFTING CHAIN TO EXTEND AND ATTACH TO CHAMBER LID (TYP.3) WET WELL BENCHING CONCRETE MUD SLAB CLEAR STONE BEDDING (TYP.) PRECAST CONCRETE BASE, RISERS AND COVER (TYP.) HORIZONTAL LEVEL REGULATOR HANGER SUBMERSIBLE PUMP PUMP FLOAT (TYP.) PUMP CABLE SUPPORT ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER C/W STAINLESS STEEL MOUNTING BRACKET CHECK VALVE DRAIN LINE FROM VALVE CHAMBER 10 0 2% SLOPE2% SLOPE NOTE: INLET BAFFLE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARIFY INLET OVERFLOW j o i n t v e n t u r e NTS DATE DESIGN DRAWN PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. No.DATE BYISSUED FOR written permission from Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. than those intended at the time of its preparation without prior Do not scale dimensions from drawing. Report any discrepancies to Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. Verify elevations and/or dimensions on drawing prior to use. Conditions of Use REVIEWED BY CHECKED BY Do not modify drawing, re-use it, or use it for purposes other SCALE FIL E N A M E : C : \ P R O J E C T W I S E \ W O R K I N G D I R E C T O R Y \ P R O J E C T S 2 0 1 8 \ 5 4 M S R \ D M S 3 0 8 0 5 \ P O R T M O R I E N P U M P S T A T I O N D R A W I N G B L O C K . D W G P L O T T E D B Y : R O D G E R S , M A T T H E W PL O T D A T E : 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 - 2 5 @ 2 : 4 1 : 3 1 P M P L O T S C A L E : 1 : 2 . 5 8 5 P L O T S T Y L E : C A N R A I L - M A R Y R I V E R . C T B 18-7116ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENTS & PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF 7 FUTURE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS IN CBRM FEBRUARY 2020 MSR JRS P01 MSR JRS PLAN AND SECTION DONKIN DUPLEX PUMP STATION WET WELL PLAN SECTION 1 0 ISSUED FOR DRAFT DESIGN BRIEF 02/28/2020 JRS Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 22 APPENDIX B Flow Master Reports Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief 23 APPENDIX C Opinion of Probable Design & Construction Costs OPINION OF PROBABLE COST, CLASS 'C' Preliminary Collection Project Manager:D. McLean and Interception Infrastructure Costs Only Est. by: J. Sheppard Checked by: D. McLean Donkin, NS PROJECT No.:187116 (Dillon) 182402.00 (CBCL) UPDATED:April 16, 2020 NUMBER UNIT Linear Infrastructure $108,480.00 250 mm Diameter PVC Gravity Sewer 10 m $330.00 $3,300.00 375 mm Diameter PVC Gravity Sewer 85 m $360.00 $30,600.00 150 mm Diameter HDPE Forcemain 125 m $300.00 $37,500.00 Precast Manhole (1200mm dia.)3 each $5,500.00 $16,500.00 Connection to Existing Main (typ)2 each $8,000.00 $16,000.00 Closed Circuit Televsion Inspection 10 m $8.00 $80.00 Trench Excavation - Rock 50 m3 $60.00 $3,000.00 Trench Excavation - Unsuitable Material 50 m3 $10.00 $500.00 Replacement of Unsuitable with Site Material 25 m3 $10.00 $250.00 Replacement of Unsuitable with Pit Run Gravel 25 m3 $30.00 $750.00 LS#1 $302,700.00 Pump Station 1 l.s.$250,000.00 $250,000.00 Site Work 1 l.s.$50,000.00 $50,000.00 Mass Excavation - Rock 30 m3 $60.00 $1,800.00 MassExcavation - Unsuitable Material 30 m3 $10.00 $300.00 Replacement of Unsuitable with Site Material 15 m3 $10.00 $150.00 Replacement of Unsuitable with Pit Run Gravel 15 m3 $30.00 $450.00 SUBTOTAL (Construction Cost)$411,180.00 Contingency Allowance (Subtotal x 25 %)$103,000.00 Engineering (Subtotal x 10 %)$42,000.00 Land Acquisition $10,000.00 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST (Including Contingency)$566,180.00 UNIT COSTITEM DESCRIPTION THIS OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTS IS PRESENTED ON THE BASIS OF EXPERIENCE, QUALIFICATIONS, AND BEST JUDGEMENT. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTABLE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICIES, MARKET TRENDS, NON-COMPETITIVE BIDDING SITUATIONS, UNFORSEEN LABOUR AND MATERIAL ADJUSTMENTS AND THE LIKE ARE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF HEJV. AS SUCH WE CANNOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE THAT ACTUAL COSTS WILL NOT VARY FROM THE OPINION PROVIDED. PREPARED FOR: Cape Breton Regional Municipality EXTENDED TOTALS QUANTITY TOTAL March 27, 2020 HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report Appendices APPENDIX B Donkin Treatment System Pre-Design Brief 182402.00 ● Final Brief ● April 2020 Environmental Risk Assessments & Preliminary Design of Seven Future Wastewater Treatment Systems in CBRM Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Design Brief Prepared by:Prepared for: March 2020 Final April 20, 2020 Darrin McLean Mike Abbott Dave McKenna Laura Jenkins Draft for Review Darrin McLean Mike Abbott Dave McKenna Laura Jenkins Issue or Revision Date Issued By: Reviewed By: Prepared By: This document was prepared for the party indicated herein. The material and information in the document reflects HEJV’s opinion and best judgment based on the information available at the time of preparation. Any use of this document or reliance on its content by third parties is the responsibility of the third party. HEJV accepts no responsibility for any damages suffered as a result of third party use of this document. 182402.00 March 27, 2020 182402 RE 001 FINAL WWTP PREDESIGN DONKIN APR-20 .DOCX ED: 20/04/2020 12:20:00/PD: 20/04/2020 12:20:00 275 Charlotte Street Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada B1P 1C6 Tel: 902-562-9880 Fax: 902-562-9890 April 20, 2020 Matt Viva, P.Eng. Manager Wastewater Operations Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) 320 Esplanade Sydney, NS B1P 7B9 Dear Mr. Viva: RE: Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Design Enclosed, please find a copy of the Preliminary Design Brief for the Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The report presents an evaluation of treatment process alternatives for the Donkin WWTP, and a preliminary design based on the recommended Aerated Lagoon treatment process. If you have any questions or require clarification on the content presented in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours very truly, Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Prepared by: Reviewed by: Laura Jenkins, P.Eng Mike Abbott, P.Eng., M.Eng. Process Engineer Manager Process Engineering Direct: 902-421-7241 (Ext. 2510) E-Mail: ljenkins@cbcl.ca Reviewed by: Dave McKenna, P.Eng., M.Eng. Associate / Technical Service Lead Project No: 182402.00 (CBCL Limited) 187116.00 (Dillon Consulting Limited) March 27, 2020 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design i Contents CHAPTER 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Background ................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2 Existing Conditions ................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Description of Existing Infrastructure ........................................................................... 4 2.2 Flow Characterization ................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Wastewater Quality Characteristics ............................................................................. 5 2.4 Wastewater Loading Analysis ....................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER 3 Basis of Design ...................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Service Area Population ................................................................................................ 8 3.2 Design Flows and Loads ................................................................................................ 8 3.3 Effluent Requirements .................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Design Loads ................................................................................................................. 9 CHAPTER 4 Treatment Process Alternatives ........................................................................... 11 4.1 Preliminary and Treatment ......................................................................................... 11 4.2 Secondary Treatment ................................................................................................. 11 4.2.1 Site-Specific Suitability .................................................................................... 12 4.2.2 Description of Candidate Processes for Secondary Treatment ...................... 13 4.3 Disinfection ................................................................................................................. 16 4.4 Sludge Management ................................................................................................... 18 4.5 Secondary Treatment Option Evaluation ................................................................... 18 4.5.1 Qualitative Evaluation Factors ........................................................................ 18 4.5.2 Recommended Secondary Treatment Process ............................................... 19 CHAPTER 5 Preliminary Design .............................................................................................. 20 5.1 Preliminary Design Drawings ...................................................................................... 20 5.2 Unit Process Descriptions ........................................................................................... 20 5.2.1 Preliminary Treatment .................................................................................... 20 5.2.2 Secondary Treatment ..................................................................................... 20 5.2.3 Disinfection ..................................................................................................... 22 5.2.4 Sludge Management ....................................................................................... 23 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design ii 5.3 Facilities Description .................................................................................................. 23 5.3.1 Civil and Site Work .......................................................................................... 23 5.3.2 Architectural ................................................................................................... 24 5.3.3 Mechanical ...................................................................................................... 25 5.3.4 Electrical Service and Emergency Power ........................................................ 25 5.3.5 Lighting ........................................................................................................... 25 5.3.6 Instrumentation .............................................................................................. 26 5.4 Staffing Requirements ................................................................................................ 26 CHAPTER 6 Project Costs ....................................................................................................... 27 6.1 Opinion of Probable Capital Cost ................................................................................ 27 6.2 Opinion of Probable Operating and Life Cycle Cost .................................................... 27 6.3 Opinion of Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions ..................................... 29 CHAPTER 7 References .......................................................................................................... 30 Appendices A Flow Data B Environmental Risk Assessment C Conceptual Plant Layout Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Harbour Engineering Joint Venture (HEJV) was retained by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) to provide engineering services associated with the preliminary design of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for the community of Donkin, Nova Scotia as part of the greater Environmental Risk Assessment and Preliminary Design of 7 Future Wastewater Treatment Systems in CBRM project. This report will present preliminary design options for the new WWTP, as well as a detailed discussion of the processes involved and their associated costs. 1.2 Background The wastewater collection system in the community of Donkin, as in many communities throughout CBRM, currently discharges untreated wastewater to the Atlantic Ocean. The evolution of the existing wastewater collection and disposal systems in CBRM included the creation of regions of a community which were serviced by a common wastewater collection system, tied to a local marine outfall. Traditionally, such design approaches have been the most cost-effective manner of providing centralized wastewater collection, and the marine environment has long been the preferred receiving water given the available dilution. Due to a changing regulatory environment, CBRM is working toward intercepting and treating the wastewater in these communities prior to discharge. 1.3 Objectives The objectives of this report will be to: • Establish design parameters for a new WWTP; • Evaluate treatment process alternatives; and • Present a preliminary engineering design with capital and operating cost estimates, for a new WWTP to meet the design requirements. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 4 CHAPTER 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 Description of Existing Infrastructure The Donkin wastewater collection system consists of approximately 7.3 km of gravity sewer, one lift station, and 0.5 km of force main. All wastewater is directed to a 375 mm sewer that collects wastewater from the end of Bastable and North Streets and conveys it to the discharge point. The single lift station is located on the Donkin Highway across the street from Civic #383, and was upgraded in 2010. All wastewater is ultimately discharged untreated into the Atlantic Ocean at Borden’s Cove via a concrete-encased outfall. The outfall is extended to a point where the obvert of the pipe is set at a low water level, approximately 31 m off shore, according to the Donkin Sewage Disposal System As- Constructed Drawings completed by C.A. Campbell Consultants Limited in 1976. 2.2 Flow Characterization A flow meter was installed in the sewer system from March 13 through to May 1, 2018. The meter location was just upstream of the discharge and encompasses the entire wastewater system. Flow meter data is plotted in Appendix A. The data was analyzed and the results are provided in Table 2.1. Per capita flows are calculated assuming a current population of 471 people, and area-based flows are calculated using a total area of 56.7 ha. Table 2.1: Metered ADWF Flow Category Metered Flow (m³/day) Per Capita Flow (L/cap/day) Areal Flow (m³/ha/d) Average Dry Weather Flow 199 422 3.5 Average Day Flow 466 989 8.2 Maximum Month Flow 628 1333 11.1 The Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) was defined as the average flow for the days that met the following criteria: • No rain recorded in the previous 24 hours; • No more than 5 mm in the previous 48 hrs; and Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 5 • No more than 5 mm per day, additional, in all previous days (e.g., no more than 10 mm altogether in the last 3 days). The per capita measured ADWF is of 422 L/person/day. This is reasonable for dry weather flow (compared to a reference value of 340 L/person/day), and indicates relatively low influence of extraneous flows from inflow and infiltration (I&I) during dry weather. The Average Day Flow (ADF) was calculated using all available metered flow data, including rain events. The Maximum Month Flow (MMF) was calculated as the maximum flow measured during 30 consecutive days (April 1 – 30, 2018, which happened to coincide with a calendar month). The peak day flow (PDF) for the metering period is provided in Table 2.2, measured as the maximum flow in a 24-hour period. The PDF of 5,875 m3/d occurred during a large rain event (50.8 mm according to Sydney A rain gauge, or 79.1 mm according to Sydney CS rain gauge); however, it was less than a 1 in 2-year rain event. Table 2.2: Metered PDF 48hr Rainfall (mm) PDF (m3/d) PDF (L/p/d) PDF (m3/ha/d) 51 5,875 12,473 103.6 The peak day flow is significant both in terms of a multiple of ADWF and per unit ha. The peak hour flow was 473 m3/hr (131.5 L/s), as compared to an ADF of 466 m³/d (19.4 m³/hr). These flows were metered after a 48-hour rainfall of 51 mm, strongly indicating that there is likely one or more significant sources of inflow to the collection system. Efforts should be made to locate and minimize the source(s) of inflow prior to detailed design, in order to reduce the capital cost and size of the treatment plant. Roof leaders or sump pumps draining to the sewer may be contributing to this peak flow. 2.3 Wastewater Quality Characteristics HEJV collected one untreated wastewater sample upstream of the outfall in 2018, and the results are summarized in Table 2.3. For simplicity, only the parameters of relevance to the preliminary design are included. Refer to the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) report located in Appendix B for the complete analytical results. Table 2.3: 2018 Wastewater Characterization Results Parameter Units April 2018 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) mg/L 90 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 9.7 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) as N mg/L 2.9 Unionized Ammonia mg/L 0.0096 pH – 7.08 Total Phosphorus mg/L 1.5 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 50 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 6 Parameter Units April 2018 E. coli MPN/ 100mL >240,000 Total Coliforms MPN/ 100mL >240,000 CBRM collected a number of untreated wastewater samples from 2015 through 2018 and the results are summarized in Table 2.4. Three samples from 2015 were removed from the data set with high CBOD and TSS concentrations that were not considered to be representative of domestic wastewater. None of the more recent samples displayed these characteristics. Table 2.4: CBRM Wastewater Characterization Samples Parameter Average Maximum Number of Samples CBOD5 (mg/L) 81 370 60 TSS (mg/L) 79 890 60 Total Ammonia (mg/L) 5.1 7.9 9 Unionized Ammonia (mg/L) 0.008 0.014 11 pH (unitless) 6.8 7.0 9 2.4 Wastewater Loading Analysis The theoretical per person loading rates listed in Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual (ACWGM) (ABL Environmental Consultants Limited, 2006) are 0.08 kg CBOD/person/day and 0.09 kg TSS/person/day. The reference theoretical TKN loading rate of 0.0133 kg TKN/person/day is stated in Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc, 2003) Loads were calculated from three samples with concurrent flow data available. These samples were collected in the D1 sewershed as identified in the Donkin Environmental Risk Assessment located in Appendix B. The average value for 2018 was also calculated based on the calculated average flow rate of the D1 sewershed (including all measured extraneous flows), and the average 2018 D1 concentration data. These values are shown in Table 2.5, below. Table 2.5: Calculated and Theoretical Loading Rates Calculated Load CBOD (kg/cap/d) TSS (kg/cap/d) TKN (kg/cap/d) March 15, 2018 (D1) 0.04 0.03 – March 29, 2018 (D1) 0.03 0.03 – April 13, 2018 (D1) 0.03 0.03 – April 24, 2018 (D1) 0.04 0.02 0.005 April 27, 2018 (D1) 0.01 0.01 – Average 2018 (D1) 0.05 0.03 – Average 2015-2018 (D1) 0.08 0.08 – Theoretical Loading 0.08 0.09 0.013 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 7 For CBOD, TSS and TKN data from 2015, the theoretical loading rates appear to be higher than the current data, however, concentrations in 2018 are lower than in previous years, and so may not be representative. The reason for this is unknown, and the loading rates for previous years have significant uncertainty because the flows were not measured; however, using the average concentrations in combination with the metered ADF gives loading rates very similar to theoretical rates. We recommend that additional sampling and concurrent flow monitoring is undertaken to better establish the design loads prior to detailed design. For design loading conditions, the theoretical values were used for CBOD, TSS, and TKN. The design loading rates are shown in Table 2.6, below. Table 2.6: Design Loading Rates Parameter Value Population 471 CBOD (kg/cap/d) 0.08 TSS (kg/cap/d) 0.09 TKN (kg/cap/d) 0.013 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 8 CHAPTER 3 BASIS OF DESIGN 3.1 Service Area Population The primary method used to estimate future wastewater flows and loads is to project current per capita flows and loads based on estimates of future population. The service area population for Donkin was obtained based on the 2016 Census data from CBRM’s GIS database using the following procedure: Each residential unit within the service area boundary from CBRM’s structure database was multiplied by the average household size for the census dissemination area that it falls within. For Donkin, the service area population was estimated to be 471 people in 256 residential units. The population of the CBRM has been declining and this trend is expected to continue. The latest population projection study, completed in 2018 by Turner Drake & Partners Ltd., predicted a 17.8% decrease in population in Cape Breton County between 2016 and 2036. For this reason, no allocation has been made for any future population growth. For the purpose of this pre-design study, WWTP sizing will be based on the current population and measured flow data. While this may seem overly conservative, due to significant amounts of inflow and infiltration (I&I) observed in sewer systems in the CBRM, a given population decrease will not necessarily result in a proportional decrease in wastewater flow. Therefore, basing the design on current conditions is considered the most reasonable approach. As the target date for this WWTP is 2040, consideration should be given to re-evaluating the population and wastewater flows if a significant amount of time has passed between completion of the pre-design study and the project moving to the detailed design stage. 3.2 Design Flows and Loads As discussed in the Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief (Harbour Engineering Joint Venture, 2019), all flows will be conveyed to a central pump station that discharges to the proposed WWTP. The Collection System Pre-Design Brief reported average wet weather flows of 8 – 20 L/s; therefore, the pump station was sized for a maximum flow rate of 18 L/s. The pump station will provide some storage to dampen effects of short term peak flows and is to be equipped with an overflow to by- pass the WWTP during significant wet weather events or inflow. With a controlled pumped discharge, the average daily flow rate and maximum monthly flow rate of the WWTP were calculated without the effects of the significant weather events during the flow monitoring period. The design average daily flow rate and maximum monthly flow rate of the WWTP are calculated to be 360 and 400 m3/day, respectively, shown in Table 3.1, below. They are rounded for ease of use. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 9 Table 3.1: WWTP Design Flows Parameter Value Average Dry Weather Flow (m³/day) 200 Average Daily Flow (m³/day) 360 Maximum Monthly Flow (m³/day) 400 Peak Day Flow (m³/day) 1,550 (18 L/s) Peak Hour Flow (m³/hr) 64.8 3.3 Effluent Requirements The effluent requirements will include the federal Wastewater System Effluent Regulations (WSER) limits, along with provincial effluent requirements determined by Nova Scotia Environment (NSE), and presented in the future NSE Approval to Operate for the WWTP. An ERA which determined effluent discharge objectives for parameters not included in the WSER is found in Appendix B. The receiving water for the Donkin WWTP is Borden’s Cove in the Atlantic Ocean. The ERA generally followed Technical Supplement 3 of the Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent – Standard Method and Contracting Provisions for the Environmental Risk Assessment. Dilution modelling was conducted to determine the maximum 1 day average effluent concentration, with a mixing zone boundary of 100 m for all parameters of concern with the exception of E. coli for primary contact recreation. The E. coli concentration was analyzed at the edge of the 100 m mixing zone for secondary contact recreation, and at Schooner Pond Beach for primary contact recreation. Refer to Table 5.1 in the ERA attached in Appendix B for Effluent Discharge Objectives (EDOs) determined by the ERA, and for further information on the development of these values. The effluent requirements are summarized in Table 3.2 along with the source of the criteria. As EDOs are calculated values, they are not round whole numbers that are typical of effluent requirements; therefore, we have included both the EDOs and values that are more suited as effluent requirements in the table. Table 3.2: Design Effluent Requirements Parameter EDO Required By Effluent Limit CBOD5 (mg/L) 25 WSER 25 TSS (mg/L) 25 WSER 25 Un-ionized Ammonia (as NH3-N, mg/L) 1.25 WSER 1.25 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC, mg/L) 0.02 WSER 0.02 E. coli (E. coli/ 100 mL) 262,069 NSE 200 3.4 Design Loads The wastewater concentrations vary significantly as was shown in Sections 2.3 and 2.4. For design purposes, we are going to use the calculated per person loads shown in Table 2.6. The maximum month loads are assumed to be 1.2 times the average loads for all constituents. The resulting loads are shown below in Table 3.3. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 10 Table 3.3: Design Loading Summary Parameter Average Day Max. Month Design Population 471 Flow (m3/day) 360 400 CBOD Load (kg/day) 38 46 TSS Load (kg/day) 42 50 TKN Load (kg/day) 6 8 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 11 CHAPTER 4 TREATMENT PROCESS ALTERNATIVES Achieving the effluent criteria described in the preceding chapter requires the selection of an overall wastewater treatment process that includes a secondary treatment process. Secondary treatment processes are predominantly aerobic biological processes designed to convert the finely dispersed and dissolved organic matter in wastewater into flocculent settleable biological cell tissue (biomass), which can be removed by sedimentation. These biological processes are the most efficient in removing organic substances that are either dissolved or in the colloidal size range (too small to settle out), whereas primary treatment processes are the most efficient in removing larger particles of suspended solids which can be removed by sedimentation, fine screening, or filtration. 4.1 Preliminary and Treatment A variety of secondary treatment process options will be evaluated. Preliminary treatment processes are typically used in advance of secondary treatment processes to remove objectionable materials and inorganic particles from the wastewater prior to treatment. These processes may include screening or coarse solids reduction, and grit removal. Preliminary treatment requirements are dependent upon the secondary treatment technology that is selected. For land-based treatment technologies, pre-treatment requirements can range from no preliminary treatment, to a screen or grinder, to grit removal. The influent wastewater is conveyed to the WWTP site via a centralized pump station as outlined in the Donkin Collection System Pre- Design Brief (Harbour Engineering Joint Venture, 2019). Considerations for this site include that the Donkin WWTP will be a CBRM satellite facility, so minimizing maintenance visits is desirable; however, including a coarse bar screen would remove litter and other large, non-biodegradable solids from the incoming flow. For this reason we have included a manually-raked coarse bar rack, but it may be possible to operate without preliminary treatment, if preferred. 4.2 Secondary Treatment There are many types of secondary treatment processes available, most of which can be classified as either suspended growth or attached growth systems. Suspended growth systems use aeration and mixing to keep microorganisms in suspension, and achieve a relatively high concentration of these microorganisms (biomass) through the recycling process of biological solids. Attached growth systems provide surfaces (media) on which the microbial layer can grow, and expose this surface to wastewater for adsorption of organic material, and to the atmosphere and/or artificial aeration for Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 12 oxygen. A listing of specific secondary treatment processes and the category to which they belong is presented in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Secondary Treatment Processes Process Category Specific Process Suspended Growth Activated Sludge Extended Aeration Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Oxidation Ditch Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Attached Growth Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) Trickling Filter Biological Activated Filter (BAF) Moving Bed Bio-Reactor (MBBR) Land-Based Stabilization Basin Aerated Lagoon Constructed Wetlands HEJV has worked on projects using the majority of the technologies in Table 4.1 so we are able to use our considerable practical experience to narrow down the list of available technologies to those best satisfying the project constraints. 4.2.1 Site-Specific Suitability The main constraints at this site will influence which of the available options are best suited for the Donkin WWTP: effluent requirements, site conditions, cost effectiveness, and ease of operation. Each of these items are discussed below. EFFLUENT REQUIREMENTS The effluent requirements summarized in Section 3.3 can be met by all of the listed technologies in Table 4.1, with the exception of the land-based processes which may require a settling pond or constructed wetland for additional polishing of the effluent. SITE CONDITIONS All of the land-based options require a significant amount of available land, with the stabilization basin requiring a large amount of land, and the aerated lagoon requiring a moderate amount of land. Constructed wetlands usually require even more land than stabilization basins, and work best as a polishing process. Based on a preliminary review, a stabilization basin may be restricted by the presence of wetlands, identified by provincial mapping, and setbacks and separation distances from neighbouring residents. A location to the northeast of Bastable Street has been identified as the preferred location of the Donkin WWTP, since the existing outfall currently discharges in this area. The site selection is described in the Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Report (Harbour Engineering Joint Venture, Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 13 2019). HEJV recommends CBRM purchase the privately owned PID 15494248, and CBRM owned PID 15277353. This location is remote from residential development, as defined as being at least 150 m from isolated human habitation as required by the ACWGM (ABL Environmental Consultants Limited, 2006). The location also provides adequate distance from neighboring property boundaries as defined by ACWGM. The existing Donkin Sewer System and Donkin Interceptor Plan/Profile Drawings in the Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief (Harbour Engineering Joint Venture, 2019) detail the proposed location of the new Donkin WWTP. In the preferred location there are two identified coal seams; the Bouthillier and Back Pit seams. Both of these seams have not officially been mined as the seams are quite thin; for this reason it is unlikely any bootleg mining operations would have taken place. COST EFFECTIVENESS Of the processes listed in Table 4.1, many can be eliminated based on their cost effectiveness compared to the other processes. The land-based treatment process options are generally the most cost-effective to construct and operate, provided the technology is appropriate for the size of the plant and there is sufficient available land suitable for construction. EASE OF OPERATION The operational requirements of both aerated lagoons and stabilization basins are much less involved than a mechanical treatment plant. Of the two land based processes, stabilization basins require less maintenance and operations due to the absence of an aeration system and blowers. 4.2.2 Description of Candidate Processes for Secondary Treatment Based on the preceding analysis, the following processes should be given further consideration: • Stabilization Basin; and • Aerated Lagoon. Each of these processes are described below. As the treatment system will be a land-based system (lagoon), the hydraulic retention time will be sized for the maximum monthly flow and average loads at winter temperatures. The aeration component (if applicable), will be sized for summer temperatures. Individual facility components such as piping and the UV disinfection system may be sized for different peak flows as appropriate. Design temperatures for winter and summer are assumed to be 0.5°C and 20°C, respectively. Winter conditions will govern the process requirements for lagoon size owing to the observed high flows and loads in combination with the coldest temperatures. Warm water temperatures during summer will determine aeration system requirements such as blower size, headers, number of grids, and diffusers for the lagoons. STABILIZATION BASIN In stabilization basins, oxygen is supplied to the wastewater by algal respiration and directly from the atmosphere, without mechanical aerators. Most of the oxygen from algal respiration is Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 14 produced near the surface, because the algae require sunlight. Diffusion of oxygen and mixing from the wind are also highest near the surface. If a stabilization basin is shallow enough, it can be aerobic throughout, but the most common type in this region is facultative. In a facultative stabilization basin, the surface is aerobic, the middle has declining oxygen levels, and the bottom layer is anaerobic, allowing for sludge digestion. Facultative stabilization basins are typically 1.5– 1.8 m deep, and have retention times in the range of 25 to 180 days, with 180 days being common in Atlantic Canada. Only the facultative stabilization basin will be assessed (subsequently referred to in this report as “Stabilization Basin”). Organic loading rates for areas with an average winter air temperature of less than 0°C are typically in the range of 11–22 kg BOD5/ha/d. They have at least two cells, while larger lagoons may have more cells to minimize short circuiting. Effluent suspended solids can be seasonally high due to algae, but stabilization basins may be followed by a constructed wetland for effluent polishing. The stabilization basin is sized using the formula from ACWGM shown below in Equation 4.1 and Equation 4.2, where Le is the effluent CBOD concentration (mg/L), Li is the influent CBOD concentration (mg/L), KT is the reaction rate constant at temperature T (°C), T is the reaction temperature (°C), t is the total retention time (days), n is the number of cells in series, and θ is a temperature activity coefficient assumed to be 1.036. The resulting volume is targeting an effluent concentration around 20 mg/L in winter, and includes allowances for sludge storage and ice formation. Equation 4.1 𝐿௘ =𝐿௜ ቀ1+𝐾்𝑡𝑛ቁ௡ Equation 4.2 𝐾் =𝐾ଶ଴𝜃ሺ்ିଶ଴ ሻ A stabilization basin conceptual option has been developed based on the projected design flow and loads, as well as on the design parameters listed in Table 4.2. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 15 Table 4.2: Stabilization Basin Design Parameters Parameter Value Average Day Flow (m3/d) 360 Number of Cells 2 Reaction Rate Constant K₂₀ (/d) 0.055 Temperature – Winter/Summer (°C) 0.5 / 20 Total Volume (m³) 26,000 Retention Time at Average Flow (days) 72 Water Depth + Freeboard (m) 1.5 + 1 Side Slope 3:1 Area (at waterline, m²) 23,000 (2.3 ha) Cell dimensions, per cell (at waterline, L x W, m) 65 x 177 Organic Loading Rate 16.6 kg/ha/d Sludge allowance (m) 0.15 Ice allowance (m) 0.15 Wetlands can be used to provide additional removal of TSS. Constructed wetlands are inundated land areas with water depths typically less than 0.6 m that support the growth of emergent plants such as cattail, bulrush, reeds, and sedges. The wastewater flows gradually through the vegetation and solids settle out in the wetland. In cold climates, the operating depth is normally increased in the winter to allow for ice formation on the surface, and to provide the increased detention time required at colder temperatures. A conceptual wetland option has been developed based on the projected design flow and loads, as well as on the design parameters listed in Table 4.3. Table 4.3: Polishing Wetland Design Parameters Parameter Value Average flow (m3/day) 360 Retention Time (days) 1 Wetland Type Free Water Surface Water Depth (m) 0.6 Total Area of Wetland Cells (m2) 600 AERATED LAGOON In aerated lagoons, oxygen is supplied by mechanical aeration, which in newer systems is typically subsurface diffused aeration. They have average retention times ranging from 5 to 30 days, with 30 days being common in Atlantic Canada. They accept higher loading rates than stabilization basins, are typically at least 3 m deep, require less land, and are typically less susceptible to odours. They also have higher operational costs. They can be either completely or partially mixed. Completely- mixed aerated lagoons are rarely cost effective because they use significantly more energy than partially-mixed aerated lagoons and require additional solids separation infrastructure; therefore, only the partially-mixed aerated lagoon will be assessed (subsequently referred to in this report as Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 16 “Aerated Lagoon”). These aerated lagoons can include a quiescent zone as part of the main treatment cells, or may be followed by a polishing pond or wetland to reduce suspended solids prior to discharge. The required retention times are calculated using Equations 4.1 and 4.2, above. The resulting volume is targeting an effluent concentration around 20 mg/L in winter, and includes an allowance for sludge storage. A conceptual level cost estimate has been developed for this option based on the projected design flow and loads, as well as on the design parameters listed in Table 4.4. Table 4.4: Aerated Lagoon Design Parameters Parameter Value Maximum monthly flow (m3/d) 400 Number of Cells 4 aerated cells, 1 settling zone Reaction Rate Constant K₂₀ (/d) 0.276 Temperature – Winter/Summer (°C) 0.5 / 20 Retention Time in Treatment Volume at Average Flow/Max Month (days) 22 / 20 Treatment Volume (m³) 8,000 Total Volume including settling and sludge allowance (m³) 10,000 Water Depth + Freeboard (m) 3 + 1 Side Slope 3:1 Area (at top of berm, m²) 7,600 4.3 Disinfection Disinfection at WWTPs is typically provided using either chlorination or ultraviolet (UV) disinfection. Due to the total reduced chlorine (TRC) limit in the WSER, use of chlorine disinfection requires a dechlorination system. In addition, a UV disinfection system is preferable from a safety perspective, and minimizes chemical handling. The UV system has been sized to achieve effluent limits of 200 E. coli/100mL. UV disinfection is a physical disinfection process that targets microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoa by destroying their ability to reproduce. Pathogen inactivation is directly linked to UV dose, which is the product of the average UV intensity, and the duration of exposure, or retention time. Any factor affecting light intensity or retention time will also affect disinfection effectiveness. Some of the key parameters that affect UV intensity include water quality issues such as: • UV transmission; • Suspended solids; • Presence of dissolved organics, dyes, etc.; • Hardness; and • Particle size distribution. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 17 Other factors affecting UV performance include sleeve cleanliness, age of lamps, upstream treatment processes, flow rate, and reactor design. Flows from either the aerated lagoon or stabilization basin system will flow continuously by gravity to the UV disinfection unit. Disinfection will take place in a single channel located in a building and due to the low design UV transmission (%UVT) from these options, two banks of lamps are required. The lamps are oriented horizontally and parallel to the direction of flow. The disinfected effluent would flow by gravity to the outfall. The design parameters for the UV disinfection system are summarized in the Table 4.5 below. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 18 Table 4.5: UV Disinfection Design Parameters Parameter Design Value Number of Design Channels 1 Number of Banks 2 Number of Lamps per Bank 24 Total Number of Lamps 48 Peak Flow Capacity (m3/d) 1,555 Effluent TSS (mg/L) <25 Minimum Transmission (%UVT) 40 Effluent E. coli (MPN/100 mL) 200 4.4 Sludge Management Sludge Management is an important variable to consider when investigating treatment options, as sludge handling and disposal costs can constitute a large portion of a WWTP’s annual operating budget. With either an aerated lagoon or stabilization basin, sludge is removed from the treatment process on an infrequent basis compared to mechanical treatment plants. Sludge must be removed periodically from the treatment system and disposed of at an approved facility. Sludge management costs are greatly dependent on the quantity and quality of sludge produced. Due to their long retention times and in-situ digestion, the two land-based technologies under consideration are expected to produce less sludge than a mechanical treatment system. Waste sludge volume from an aerated lagoon or stabilization basin in this sewershed is expected to be approximately 800 m3 sludge in 10 years. Sludge management options include composting, geotextile bag stabilization, and digestion, at either local or regional facilities. The recommended sludge management approach for all of CBRM’s facilities is being evaluated as a separate component of this project. Due to the relative size of the Donkin WWTP and the infrequent requirement for sludge removal, no sludge thickening, or solids handling has been included for this plant. 4.5 Secondary Treatment Option Evaluation Both options were laid out on the site. The overall footprint of the stabilization basin is much larger than that of the aerated lagoon, affecting the volume of borrow required on site as well as the footprint encroaching on existing wetlands. Due to the following site constraints, including regulatory setbacks from residential areas, eroding coastline, and nearby wetlands, a stabilization basin could not reasonably fit on the site and would not make it an economically feasible option. Therefore, only the aerated lagoon option was carried out for capital and operating cost estimates. In the event that existing wetland area is affected, compensation wetlands are required to be constructed with the approval of Nova Scotia Environment. 4.5.1 Qualitative Evaluation Factors In addition to cost, there are a number of other factors to consider when evaluating the technology options that are less easily quantified. These factors are summarized in Table 4.6, and additional Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 19 discussion is provided below. Qualitative factors have been rated 1 or 2 for each technology with 1 being the best and 2 being the worst. Table 4.6: Secondary Process Qualitative Evaluation Factors Factor Aerated Lagoon Stabilization Basin Local Experience with Process 2 1 Operational Simplicity 2 1 Sludge Production 2 1 Site Aesthetics 1 2 In terms of local experience with the treatment process, CBRM have experience with stabilization basins at Meadowbrook, Tower Road, Reserve Mines (Centreville), Birch Grove, and also with an aerated lagoon at Southwest Brook. When considering operational simplicity, although both processes are fairly straightforward, the stabilization basin option has the benefit of not having an aeration component. Each of the secondary treatment processes evaluated will produce sludge that will have to be removed from the process. The longer HRT provided in the stabilization basin will result in a slightly lower sludge production than the aerated lagoon. When considering site aesthetics, the aerated lagoon is more compact than the stabilization basin and is less susceptible to odours. The preferred site has wetlands identified on provincial mapping that limit the available footprint to accommodate a stabilization basin. The separation distance required for a stabilization basin in the ACWGM is 150 m from isolated residences, and 300 m from built-up areas. Stabilization basins are also susceptible to odour problems. Land procurement would be somewhat simpler with the aerated lagoon because it can be built on fewer properties, without having to buy land from so many owners to put together a parcel large enough to accommodate the larger footprint of the stabilization basin. As previously discussed, the site topography, regulatory setbacks from residential areas, eroding coastline, and nearby wetlands limit the feasibility of a stabilization basin fitting on the site and make it not an economically feasible option. Stabilization basins do have a number of advantages, including extensive CBRM experience, lower sludge production, and operational simplicity, but these would not offset the significant aesthetic, regulatory disadvantages, and cost implications in this case. Therefore, the aerated lagoon option will be carried forward for pre-design. 4.5.2 Recommended Secondary Treatment Process HEJV recommends an aerated lagoon for the Donkin WWTP. The selection of this process was ultimately determined by costs, site topography, land procurement considerations, and aesthetics, including ACWGM separation distances, odour risks, and proximity to neighbouring properties. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 20 CHAPTER 5 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 5.1 Preliminary Design Drawings Preliminary layouts for the proposed treatment system and locations of individual unit processes are shown in the “Preliminary Design” drawings, found in Appendix C. The processes depicted in these drawings are consistent with those recommended in the previous chapter of this report. The drawings contained in the appendix are presented in Table 5.1, below. Table 5.1: Preliminary Design Drawings Drawing Number Description C01 General Arrangement C02 Proposed WWTP C03 Sewer Profiles and Lagoon Sections 5.2 Unit Process Descriptions Drawing C01 and C02 in Appendix C include a site plan showing the location of the proposed new WWTP. Further description of the proposed treatment units follows. 5.2.1 Preliminary Treatment All wastewater will be conveyed to a central pump station that will discharge to the WWTP site. The pump station will discharge into an influent chamber positioned at the inlet of the plant. The influent chamber will be concrete and drop the flow to the elevation to be gravity fed to the lagoon under the lagoon’s surface. As the Donkin WWTP site is a satellite plant, CBRM has requested that the level of maintenance and operations be reduced as much as reasonably and practically possible. Including a coarse bar screen in the influent chamber would remove litter and other large solids from the incoming flow, and prevent them from having to be removed from the surface of the lagoon later on. For this reason, we have included a manually-raked coarse bar rack, but it may be possible to operate without preliminary treatment, if preferred. 5.2.2 Secondary Treatment The secondary treatment process will consist of three aerated lagoon basins divided into four aerated cells and one quiescent settling cell by means of berms or floating baffles. All cells will be partially mixed, with the exception of the settling zone. The first two cells will operate in parallel, followed by the last two cells in series. This will allow any of the basins to be independently isolated for sludge removal or for maintenance. Enough air will be provided to the aerated cells to meet Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 21 CBOD removal requirements and opportunistic nitrogen removal during the summertime. Control over process flows within the treatment plant will be provided through effluent weirs in the control manholes and the effluent chamber that will control the discharge flow and the water levels in the aerated lagoon basins. Each aerated cell will provide an average of 5 days of retention time at the maximum monthly design flows. All of the readily biodegradable CBOD and most of the slowly biodegradable CBOD will be consumed in the first four cells, and a significant portion of solids will become solubilized and treated in the first four cells. The fourth cell will also contain an effluent polishing zone and will be separated from the third cell by means of a floating curtain or baffle, anchored at the top and weighted at the bottom. The floating baffles serve to minimize hydraulic short circuiting. The settling zone is a non-aerated cell, sized for one day of retention, which is suitable for further settling of TSS and some further degradation of pollutants. The settling zone hydraulic retention time is approximately one day of storage at maximum monthly design flows, and is short enough to minimize algae growth during the warmest months. The aerated lagoon will be configured to allow bypassing for emergency maintenance. Table 5.2 outlines the aerated lagoon design parameters. Table 5.2: Secondary Treatment – Aerated Lagoon Design Summary Parameter Design Value Maximum Monthly Flow (m3/d) 400 No. of Cells 4 aerated cells, 1 settling zone Total Volume (m3) 10,000 Volume (m3, per aerated cell) 2,000 Retention Time at Average Flow/Max Month (days) 22 / 20 Depth (m) 3.00 Freeboard (m) 1.00 Side Slope 3:1 Total Area (at top of berm, m²) 7,600 Peak Oxygen Required (kg O2/day) 150 Peak Air Required (SCFM) 250 A subsurface investigation is required to investigate soil conditions, assess bearing capacity, and determine the depth to groundwater and bedrock. For the purposes of this report and due to the evidence of nearby wetlands, we have assumed that the water table is at the elevation of grade. If bedrock or groundwater elevations are found to vary from the surface, then the aerated lagoon grade line and collection system layout may need to be adjusted to accommodate the site conditions; this may reduce quantity of fill requirements. For the purpose of this pre-design it is assumed a 60 mil HDPE membrane liner is required, and that some localized drainage may be required to lower the groundwater level underneath the lagoon. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 22 AERATION SYSTEM The aeration system will include fine bubble diffusers suspended from floating laterals. Fine bubble aeration is more efficient compared to coarse bubble aeration due to the increased surface area of the bubbles, the longer time it takes for the bubbles to rise to the surface, and coarse bubble aeration is more efficient than surface aeration. There are a number of advantages with this type of system including: • Improved performance and energy efficiency over coarse bubble or mechanical aeration systems; • Resistance to fouling; • System is retrievable; • Equipment can be installed or diffusers replaced while the lagoons are in operation; • System is less sensitive to undulations in the lagoon bottom; • Improved air distribution, mixing and control capability; and • Individual diffuser chains can be isolated for greater operational flexibility. Low pressure air will be delivered by blowers through a system of headers, manifolds, distribution pipe, and floating laterals. The floating laterals will extend across the lagoon cells and deliver process air to membrane diffusers that are suspended from the laterals. Diffuser location and distribution of air will be tapered to provide increased aeration at the beginning of the process and less air farther into the treatment process. Cell #1 and Cell #2 (parallel) will contain the highest density of diffusers and will be governed by process air requirements. Cell #3 and Cell #4 will have significantly lower diffuser density (number of diffusers per square meter) that will be gradually tapered as governed by process air requirements. The plant has been designed to operate with one duty blower, and a second standby blower in the event of failure of the duty blower. It is recommended that the blowers operate with variable frequency drives (VFDs). VFDs improve process control by controlling the speed of the blower, and can thereby provide energy savings, and reduce wear and tear on motors. Space will be allowed for a third blower in the event of future demand. 5.2.3 Disinfection Effluent leaving the settling cell will flow continuously by gravity to the ultraviolet (UV) disinfection unit. The UV disinfection unit will be installed in a single stainless steel channel located in the proposed process building. The UV system will consist of two banks of UV lamps. The lamps are oriented horizontally and parallel to the direction of flow and contain 24 lamps per bank for a total of 48 lamps. The UV weir height is a factor in setting the hydraulic grade line for the rest of the treatment process. The design parameters for the UV disinfection system are summarized in Table 5.3. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 23 Table 5.3: UV Disinfection Design Summary Parameter Design Value Average Flow (m3/d) 360 Peak Flow Capacity (m3/d) 1550 Number of Channels 1 Number of Banks 2 Number of Lamp per Bank 24 Total Number of Lamps 48 Effluent TSS (mg/L) <25 Minimum UV Transmission (%UVT) 40 Effluent Fecal Coliforms (MPN / 100 mL) 200 5.2.4 Sludge Management Sludge must be removed periodically from the treatment system and disposed of at an approved facility. Sludge management costs are greatly dependent on the quantity and quality of sludge produced. Approximately 1,600 kg of solids are expected to accumulate in 15 – 20 years of operation. It is assumed that the solids will be dredged approximately every 15 years. Sludge management options include composting, geotextile bag stabilization, and digestion, at either local or regional facilities. The recommended sludge management approach for all of CBRM’s facilities is being evaluated as a separate component of this project. Due to the relative size of the Donkin WWTP and the infrequent requirement for sludge removal, it is expected that no local sludge management facility will be located at this plant. 5.3 Facilities Description The WWTP project will include the following facilities, which are further described below: • Site access and parking; • Site fencing; • Aerated lagoon cells and a settling cell; • Yard piping; and • Process building, containing the following items: o Blowers; o UV disinfection area; o Instrumentation and Controls; o Sample location; o Administration and storage area; and o Washroom and sump with submersible pump. 5.3.1 Civil and Site Work Civil and site work will include grading, drainage and site improvements. An access road will be constructed around the perimeter of the WWTP to provide vehicle access. A laydown area for desludging equipment will be included. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 24 A significant amount of imported fill will likely be required to give the required vertical separation to assumed bedrock and groundwater at this site. The top of berm will be at an elevation of 16.7 m, and the bottom of the aerated lagoon will be at 12.7 m. It should be noted that the existing Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual is currently under review, and it is possible that this review may change the requirement of a one meter buffer clearance from the bottom elevation of the lagoon to the water table with the installation of a liner. If the Guidelines are revised, the volumes of imported fill would be reduced, subsequently providing significant cost savings. However, for the purpose of this pre-design report the water table was assumed to be at grade level, due to the presence of nearby provincially mapped wetlands. Yard piping will be HDPE for the air piping, and 200 mm diameter SDR 28 PVC for buried influent and effluent pipework. All valves will be accessible to the operator. An impermeable 60 mil HDPE membrane liner has been carried in the cost estimate. Security fencing will surround the lagoon cells and process building, installed at the top outside edge of the berm. The Environmental Risk Assessment that was carried out for this system was completed on the basis of a discharge through an outfall into the receiving environment approximately 100 m from the shore to achieve the recommended one metre depth above the pipe. The existing outfall only extends approximately 32 m from the shore and the top of the pipe is at the low-water level; therefore, we have included for outfall extension work. It is possible that the existing outfall is considered to be acceptable by NSE and no further extension required, pending further assessment of the environmental risk of this approach. However, for the purpose of this pre-design report an extension of the existing outfall until the invert has a one metre depth clearance of the low water level. The new outfall would likely include a new HDPE outfall pipe, stone mattress, concrete pipe anchors, and armour stone protection. The approximate routing of the proposed treated wastewater outfall is shown on Drawing C03 – Site Works Plan in Appendix C. 5.3.2 Architectural The exterior wall system will be masonry block with polystyrene insulation to meet the requirements of the current building code. The exterior face of the building envelope will be a brick veneer similar to other WWTPs within CBRM. The roof will be a 5:12 pitched roof with pre- engineered wooden trusses, complete with steel roofing. Interior doors and frames will be galvanized steel with a factory applied paint finish. Windows and louvers will be anodized aluminum to match existing features. Interior walls will be concrete block with an industrial enamel finish. Interior metal surfaces will be painted with epoxy paint and exterior metal will be finished with ultraviolet-resistant urethane paint. Process Area ceilings will be finished with an industrial enamel paint. Process Area floors will be concrete and will be finished with either a concrete floor hardener or an industrial high build epoxy finish depending on requirements. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 25 5.3.3 Mechanical Potable water will be required at the site, and will be provided from an approximately 250 m water service connection to the distribution system on Bastable Street. Wastewater will be pumped from a sump using a submersible pump to the influent chamber at the head of the plant. Heating and ventilation will be provided by electric unit heaters and an exhaust fan. Mechanical systems will be designed in accordance with NFPA 820, 2016 edition, which describes the hazard classification of specific areas and processes, and prescribes ventilation criteria for those areas. Table 5.4 summarizes the proposed classification for new facilities. Table 5.4: Classification of Building Areas Location Classification UV Room Unclassified Blower Room Unclassified 5.3.4 Electrical Service and Emergency Power There is 3-phase electrical service available on the Donkin Highway at the end of Bastable Street and it will need to be extended to the site. The WWTP will be equipped with a backup generator to maintain functionality of critical process equipment, including lift station, blowers, UV disinfection, and flow measurement instrumentation, and building services including freeze-protection heating. An automatic power transfer switch will transfer the process building’s power supply to the generator during a power disruption and will return to normal operation when power has been restored. The emergency generator will be located outside the Process Building in a weather proof enclosure and complete with noise suppression. 5.3.5 Lighting Exterior lighting will consist of building mounted luminaires illuminating areas immediately adjacent the building, as well as pole mounted area lighting for access roadways and parking area. Exterior lights will be LED where available or to suit application. Exterior lighting fixtures shall be vandal resistant and outdoor rated. The interior lighting system will be designed for lighting performance and illuminance levels in accordance with the Illuminating Engineering Society (IESNA) Lighting Handbook, 10th Edition. Interior lights will be fluorescent, LED or metal halide to suit the application. Emergency and exit lights will be installed along egress routing and around exit doors to meet the requirements of the National and Provincial Building Codes. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 26 5.3.6 Instrumentation All equipment should be controlled via local control panels mounted inside the Process Building in close proximity to the related equipment. The control panels for the UV Disinfection unit equipment, flow meter, and blowers should be vendor supplied and designed to be integrated with CBRM Electrical, Controls, and SCADA Standards. The controls for the central pump station discharging to the WWTP, equipped with duplex pumping system, will be located in the process building and will have a dedicated control panel equipped with flow controls and level alarms. 5.4 Staffing Requirements Staffing at wastewater treatment plants will vary depending on a number of factors including the following: • Plant classification (I, II, III or IV); • Plant size and treatment capacity; • Laboratory requirements; • Complexity of the unit processes; • Level of automation; • Maintenance of peripheral facilities such pumping stations, collection systems, septage receiving, etc.; • Sensitivity of the receiving waters; and • Variation in flows and loads to the plant i.e. Industrial, municipal, storm water component. Based on the Points Classification System in the ACWGM (Appendix A), the proposed WWTP is likely to be ranked as a Class I level treatment plant by the regulators, and require at least a Class I operator to oversee the WWTP. Class I plants of this size typically require about 1200 hours of maintenance per year, or approximately half of a full-time position. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 27 CHAPTER 6 PROJECT COSTS 6.1 Opinion of Probable Capital Cost An opinion of probable capital cost for the recommended treatment process option is presented in Table 6.1, detailed on the next page. Please note that the costs of interception and pumping are extra and are detailed in Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief (Harbour Engineering Joint Venture, 2019). Please note that the capital costs given are in 2019 dollars, and would typically be inflated at a rate of approximately 3% per year going forward to the intended construction year (or indexed using the actual construction cost index ratio if calculating the probable construction cost at a specific point after 2019). 6.2 Opinion of Probable Operating and Life Cycle Cost An annual operating cost estimate for the recommended treatment process option is presented in Table 6.2. Table 6.2: Operating Cost Estimate Category Annual Operation Cost Staffing $50,000 Power $13,400 Sludge Disposal $1,100 Maintenance Allowance $3,000 Total $67,500 Project Manager: D. McLean Est. by: A. Thibault/L. Jenkins PROJECT No.: 187116 (Dillon) 182402.00 (CBCL) UPDATED: February 28, 2020 1.0 662,000$ allow 1 115,000$ 115,000$ allow 10% 546,800$ 2.0 3,784,000$ m2 24,000 5$ 120,000$ m3 excavated 200 20$ 4,000$ Fill - Borrow m3 filled 200 10$ 2,000$ Fill - Imported m³ filled 76,000 30$ 2,280,000$ Liner and baffles m2 8,300 12$ 99,600$ m3 54 40$ 2,160$ m 200 400$ 80,000$ Inlet/Outlet Chamber allow 2 20,000$ 40,000$ m 350 340$ 119,158$ m 220 600$ 132,000$ m 80 100$ 8,000$ m 200 150$ 30,000$ m 200 60$ 12,000$ ea.7 6,000$ 42,000$ m 530 100$ 53,000$ allow 1 20,000$ 20,000$ allow 1 20,000$ 20,000$ allow 1 20,000$ 20,000$ Outfall Upgrade allow 1 700,000$ 700,000$ 3.0 44,000$ m3 of baseslab 20 650$ 13,000$ m3 of concrete 30 900$ 27,000$ allow 10% 4,000$ 4.0 70,000$ m2 wall area 151 170$ 25,704$ m2 wall area 138 323$ 44,514$ 5.0 47,000$ m2 building area 90 409$ 36,799$ allow 10,000$ 6.0 44,000$ m2 building area 90 40$ 3,600$ m2 building area 90 65$ 5,850$ m2 building area 90 43$ 3,874$ m2 building area 90 108$ 9,684$ m2 building area 90 15$ 1,350$ each 3 2,000$ 6,001$ each 2 1,100$ 2,200$ each 2 2,200$ 4,400$ m2 building area 90 75$ 6,750$ 7.0 280,000$ each 1 195,750$ 195,750$ each 1 63,855$ 63,855$ each 1 20,000$ 20,000$ 8.0 238,000$ m2 building area 90 470$ 42,300$ allow 30% of equipment 30% 84,000$ allow 40% of equipment 40% 112,000$ 9.0 961,000$ allow 15% of project cost 15% 676,050$ allow 3% of project cost 3% 135,210$ allow 150,000$ 6,130,000$ A 25% 1,533,000$ B 12% 736,000$ C 12,500$ 8,411,500$ 15%1,262,000$ 9,673,500$ Note 1 A Design Development Contingency is to allow for necessary increases of qty's; construction costs; as the work is better defined Note 2 A Construction Contingency is to allow for cost of additional work over and above the contract Awarded price. Note 3 The Escalation/Inflation allowance is for increases in construction costs from time the budget to Tender Call Note 4 The Location Factor is for variances between constr. costs at the location of the project & historical costs data Form CBCL 034.Rev 0 Generator UNIT UNIT COST Reinstatement Gravel (beneath slabs) Ditching Water Service Gravel Road Pressure sewer from sump in process building Yard pipework (200 mm PVC) Flow measurement Table 6.1 PREPARED FOR:OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST Class C Preliminary Budget Cape Breton Regional MunicipalityDonkin, NS Total Site Works EST. QUANTITY Wastewater Treatment System Costs Only ITEM / No.DESCRIPTION Dewatering Sediment Control Mobilization, Bonds, Insurance, P.C. Mngmt Contractor Overhead & Fees Clear Grub; Site Preparation Excavation Chainlink Fence and Gates Manholes Aeration Header (200 mm HDPE) Finishes/Doors/Windows Miscellaneous Metals Items Masonry Carpentry, Assessories and Fixtures Louvers Painting Epoxy Coating Floor Finishes (Lab, Office, Admin Area) Interior Masonry Concrete Roof (Pre-Eng Wood Trusses and steel roofing) Foundation and Exterior Building Walls Slab on Grade (building) Miscellaneous Concrete Items Exterior Masonry Metals & Roofing Electrical Power Supply & Distribution Process Mechanical Windows (exterior - single) Doors (single swing steel) Construction Contingency General Conditions CONTINGENCIES and ALLOWANCES Instrumentation & Control Process Installation UV Disinfection System Door (double swing steel) Other Interior Finishes, Misc Process Equipment Supply Aeration Equipment Mechanical HVAC and Plumbing THIS OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTS IS PRESENTED ON THE BASIS OF EXPERIENCE, QUALIFICATIONS, AND BEST JUDGEMENT. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTABLE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. MARKET TRENDS, NON-COMPETITIVE BIDDING SITUATIONS, UNFORSEEN LABOUR AND MATERIAL ADJUSTMENTS AND THE LIKE ARE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF HEJV. AS SUCH WE CANNOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE THAT ACTUAL COSTS WILL NOT VARY FROM THE OPINION PROVIDED. Taxes (HST) TOTAL DIRECT & INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST (Exluding Contingencies and Allowances) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN COST without HST TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN COST with HST Land Purchase Engineering Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 29 6.3 Opinion of Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions The CBRM wishes to create a Capital Replacement Fund to which annual contributions would be made to prepare for replacement of the wastewater assets at the end of their useful life. The calculation of annual contributions to this fund involves consideration of such factors as the type of asset, the asset value, the expected useful life of the asset, and the corresponding annual depreciation rate for the asset, as per the accounting practices for asset depreciation and Depreciation Funds recommended in the Water Utility Accounting and Reporting Handbook (Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, 2013). In consideration of these factors, Table 6.3 provides an estimation of the annual contributions to a capital replacement fund for the proposed new wastewater treatment system infrastructure. This calculation also adds the same contingency factors used in the calculation of the Opinion of Probable Capital Cost, to provide an allowance for changes during the design and construction period of the WWTP. The actual Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions will be calculated based on the final constructed asset value, the type of asset, the expected useful life of the asset, and the corresponding annual depreciation rate for the asset type. Table 6.3: Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contributions Description of Asset Asset Value Asset Useful Life Expectancy (Years) Annual Depreciation Rate (%) Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution Treatment Linear Assets (Outfall and Yard Piping, Manholes and Other) $4,446,000 75 1.3% $58,000 Treatment Structures (Concrete Chambers, etc.) $205,000 50 2.0% $5,000 Treatment Equipment (Mechanical / Electrical, etc.) $1,479,000 20 5.0% $74,000 Subtotal $6,130,000 - - $137,000 Construction Contingency (Subtotal x 25%): $35,000 Engineering (Subtotal x 12%): $17,000 Opinion of Probable Annual Capital Replacement Fund Contribution: $189,000 Table Notes 1. Annual contributions do not account for annual inflation. 2. Costs do not include applicable taxes. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP Preliminary Design 30 CHAPTER 7 REFERENCES ACWGM. (2006). Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment and Disposal. Environment Canada. CBCL Limited. (2018). Glace Bay Harbour Coastal Study – Final Report. Halifax: CBCL Limited. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. (2019). Donkin Collection System Pre-Design Brief. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture. (2019). New Victoria Collection System Pre-Design Brief. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (2003). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. (2013). Water Utility Accounting and Reporting Handbook. UMA Engineering Limited. (1994). Industrial Cape Breton Wastewater Characterization Programme – Phase II. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Appendices APPENDIX A Flow Data 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 800 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Mar/13 Mar/20 Mar/27 Apr/03 Apr/10 Apr/17 Apr/24 May/01 Precipitation Flow (m³/d) Snow on Ground (cm)Rainfall (mm)Metered Flow Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Appendices APPENDIX B Environmental Risk Assessment 182402.00 ● Report ● April 2020 Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant Environmental Risk Assessment Final Report Prepared by: Prepared for: March 2020 Final April 14, 2020 Darrin McLean Karen March Holly Sampson Draft for Review June 27, 2018 Darrin McLean Karen March Holly Sampson Issue or Revision Date Issued By: Reviewed By: Prepared By: This document was prepared for the party indicated herein. The material and information in the document reflects HE’s opinion and best judgment based on the information available at the time of preparation. Any use of this document or reliance on its content by third parties is the responsibility of the third party. HE accepts no responsibility for any damages suffered as a result of third party use of this document. 182402.00 March 27, 2020 275 Charlotte Street Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada B1P 1C6 Tel: 902-562-9880 Fax: 902-562-9890 _________________ 182402 RE 001 FINAL WWTP ERA DONKINKM2.DOCX/mk ED: 14/04/2020 15:01:00/PD: 14/04/2020 15:01:00 April 14, 2020 Matt Viva, P.Eng. Manager Wastewater Operations Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS B1P 7B9 Dear Mr. Viva: RE: Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant ERA – Final Report Enclosed, please find a copy of the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) Report for the Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The report outlines Environmental Quality Objectives (EQOs) for all parameters of potential concern listed in the Standard Method for a “very small” facility. Environmental Discharge Objectives (EDOs) were also calculated for all parameters of potential concern. If you have any questions or require clarification on the content presented in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours very truly, Harbour Engineering Prepared by: Reviewed by: Holly Sampson, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Karen March, M.Sc. Intermediate Chemical Engineer Environmental Scientist Direct: 902-539-1330 Phone: 902-450-4000 E-Mail: hsampson@cbcl.ca E-Mail: kmarch@dillon.ca Project No: 182402.00 March 27, 2020 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA i Contents CHAPTER 1 Background and Objectives ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Facility Description .............................................................................................................. 2 CHAPTER 2 Initial Wastewater Characterization ............................................................................ 4 2.1 Substances of Potential Concern ........................................................................................ 4 2.1.1 Whole Effluent Toxicity ........................................................................................... 5 2.2 Wastewater Characterization Results ................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER 3 Environmental Quality Objectives ............................................................................... 7 3.1 Water Uses .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Ambient Water Quality ....................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic Approach ....................................................................... 10 3.3.1 General Chemistry/ Nutrients .............................................................................. 10 3.3.2 E. coli ..................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 4 Mixing Zone Analysis ................................................................................................. 16 4.1 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.1 Definition of Mixing Zone ..................................................................................... 16 4.1.2 Site Summary ........................................................................................................ 18 4.1.3 Far-Field Modeling Approach and Inputs ............................................................. 18 4.2 Modeled Effluent Dilution ................................................................................................ 21 CHAPTER 5 Effluent Discharge Objectives .................................................................................... 24 5.1 The Need for EDOs ............................................................................................................ 24 5.2 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic EDOs .............................................................................. 24 5.3 Effluent Discharge Objectives ........................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 6 Compliance Monitoring ............................................................................................. 26 CHAPTER 7 References ................................................................................................................ 27 Appendices A Laboratory Certificates Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 1 CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES 1.1 Introduction Harbour Engineering (HE) was engaged by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) to complete an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for the proposed Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). As this is a proposed WWTP that has not yet been designed, this ERA was completed with the objective that it serve as a tool to establish effluent criteria for the design of a new WWTP. For this reason, the ERA was completed without the frequency of testing required by the Standard Method outlined in Technical Supplement 3 of the Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent (Standard Method) for initial wastewater characterization. With the exception of the initial wastewater characterization sampling frequency, the ERA was otherwise completed in accordance with the Standard Method. 1.2 Background The Canada-wide Strategy (CWS) for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent was adopted by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) in 2009. The Strategy is focused on two main outcomes: Improved human health and environmental protection; and, improved clarity about the way municipal wastewater effluent is managed and regulated. The Strategy requires that all wastewater facilities discharging effluent to surface water meet the following National Performance Standards (NPS) as a minimum: • Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand for five days (CBOD5) – 25 mg/L; • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) – 25 mg/L; and • Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) – 0.02 mg/L. The Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER) came into effect in 2012 under the Fisheries Act. The WSER include the above NPS as well as the following criteria: • Unionized ammonia – 1.25 mg/L, expressed as nitrogen (N), at 15°C ± 1°C. The CWS requires that facilities develop site-specific Effluent Discharge Objectives (EDOs) to address substances not included in the NPS that are present in the effluent. EDOs are the substance concentrations that can be discharged in the effluent and still provide adequate protection of human health and the environment. They are established by conducting a site-specific ERA. The ERA includes characterization of the effluent to determine substances of concern, and characterization of the Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 2 receiving water to determine beneficial water uses, ambient water quality, assimilative capacity, and available dilution. A compliance monitoring program is then developed and implemented to ensure adherence to the established EDOs for the facility. 1.3 Facility Description The proposed Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will be constructed adjacent to Bastable Street. Treated effluent will be discharged to the Atlantic Ocean at the location of the existing outfall in Borden’s Cove as indicated on Figure 1.2. The service population of Donkin is 471 people in 256 residential units, based on 2016 census data. Figure 1.1 Site Location Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 3 Figure 1.2 WWTP Location The theoretical domestic wastewater flow is an average of 160 m3/day with a peak of 640 m3/day based on a per capita flow of 340 L/person/day and a peaking factor of 4 calculated using the Harmon formula. The sewer system was flow metered from March 13 to May 1, 2018. The meter location is just upstream of the discharge and encompasses the entire wastewater system. The average dry weather flow was 200 m3/day (425 L/p/d or 93 IG/p/d). The average daily flow during the metering period was 466 m3/day (989 L/p/d or 218 IG/p/d). The maximum daily flow during the metering period was 4781 m3/day. This occurred during a large rain event (50.8mm according to Sydney A rain gauge, or 79.1mm according to Sydney CS rain gauge). For the purposes of this ERA, the average daily flow for the metering period of 466 m3/day will be used. However, this flow is likely higher than the average annual flow as the flow was only metered for seven weeks, which occurred during a wet period: March and April 2018. It also included flow data from the April 28 rain event, which was significant. If this rain event was omitted, the average flow during the metering period would be 300 m3/day. As the population in this area is declining, accounting for a projected population increase during the life of the plant was not necessary. The preliminary design of the WWTP was completed based on a design average daily flow of 360 m3/d and a maximum month flow of 400 m3/day. As these values are less than the flowrate initially used in the ERA, the ERA modelling will not be revised based on the design numbers. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 4 CHAPTER 2 INITIAL WASTEWATER CHARACTERIZATION 2.1 Substances of Potential Concern An initial characterization program covering a one-year period is typically required by the Standard Method to describe the effluent and identify substances of concern. As there is no existing WWTP for this system, and the ERA is being conducted for the purpose of determining effluent objectives for the design of a new WWTP, only one sample event was completed of the untreated wastewater. Sample results of the untreated wastewater were also available for some of the parameters of potential concern from three-years of monthly sampling conducted by CBRM from 2015 through 2017. Substances of potential concern are listed in the Standard Method based on the size category of the facility. The proposed design capacity of the new WWTP will be finalized during the pre- design study, but for the purposes of the ERA, the average daily flow during the metering period of 466 m3/day will be used. As discussed previously, the actual average annual daily flow is expected to be lower than this. Therefore, the WWTP is classified as a “very small” facility based on an average daily flow rate that is less than or equal to 500 m3/day. The substances of potential concern for a “very small” facility, as per the Standard Method, are detailed in Table 2.1. There were no additional substances of potential concern identified to be monitored as there is no industrial input to the wastewater system. Table 2.1 Substances of Potential Concern for a Very Small Facility Substance Group Substances General Chemistry/ Nutrients Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) if chlorination is used Total Ammonia Nitrogen Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Total Phosphorus (TP) pH Temperature Pathogens E. coli Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 5 2.1.1 Whole Effluent Toxicity Wastewater effluent potentially contains a variety of unknown or unidentified substances for which guidelines do not exist. In order to adequately protect against these unknown substances, Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests are typically conducted to evaluate acute (short-term) and chronic (long- term) effects. The Standard Method requires the following toxicity tests be conducted quarterly: • Acute toxicity – Rainbow Trout and Daphnia Magna; and • Chronic Toxicity – Ceriodaphnia Dubia and Fathead Minnow. A draft for discussion, Mixing Zone Assessment and Report Template, dated July 6, 2016 that was prepared by a committee of representatives of the environment departments in Atlantic Canada noted that only Ceriodaphnia dubia testing is required for chronic toxicity. If the test does not pass, a fathead minnow test is required. As the wastewater in this system is currently untreated, and the purpose of the ERA is to determine effluent discharge objectives for the design of a new WWTP, no WET tests were conducted at this time. 2.2 Wastewater Characterization Results The results of the initial untreated wastewater characterization sample collected by Harbour Engineering (HE) is provided in Table 2.2. A summary of the results of the untreated wastewater characterization samples collected by CBRM from 2015 through 2017 are summarized in Table 2.3. Table 2.2 Initial Wastewater Characterization Results Parameter Units 24-Apr-18 CBOD5 mg/L 90 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 9.7 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) as N mg/L 2.9 Unionized ammonia(1) mg/L 0.0096 pH pH 7.08 Total Phosphorus mg/L 1.5 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 50 E. coli MPN/ 100mL >240,000 Total Coliforms MPN/ 100mL >240,000 Note: (1) The value of unionized ammonia was determined in accordance with the formula in the WSER, the concentration of total ammonia in the sample, and the pH of the sample. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 6 Table 2.3 CBRM Wastewater Characterization Samples Parameter Units Average Maximum Number of Samples CBOD5 mg/L 111.2 370 36 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) as N mg/L 5.3 8.4 11 Unionized Ammonia mg/L 0.008 0.014 11 pH units 6.7 7 11 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 273.5 4100 36 As mentioned previously, although the frequency of testing specified by the Standard Method was not met, the ERA will be completed with the available data. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 7 CHAPTER 3 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OBJECTIVES Generic Environmental Quality Objectives (EQOs) are generated from established guidelines, typically the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER), the Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CEQGs) and other guidelines specified by jurisdiction. Site-specific EQOs are established by adjusting the generic EQOs based on site-specific factors, particularly ambient water quality. For example, if the background concentration of a substance is greater than the guideline value (generic EQO), the background concentration is used as the site-specific EQO. However, substances where the EQO is based on the WSER are not adjusted based on ambient water quality. Furthermore, there are some guidelines that are dependent on characteristics of the receiving water like pH or temperature. Effluent is required to be non-acutely toxic at the end of pipe and non-chronically toxic at the edge of the mixing zone. EQOs can be determined by three different approaches: • Physical/chemical/pathogenic – describes the substance levels that will protect water quality; • Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) – describes the proportion of effluent that can enter the receiving water without causing toxicological effects (both acute and chronic); and • Biological criteria (bio-assessment) – describes the level of ecological integrity that must be maintained. This assessment follows the physical/chemical/pathogenic approach from the Standard Method outlined in the CCME guidelines. The bio-assessment is not included in the Standard Method as it is still being developed (CCME, 2008). 3.1 Water Uses EQOs are numerical values and narrative statements established to protect the receiving water – in this case, Borden’s Cove in the Atlantic Ocean. The first step in determining EQOs is to define the potential beneficial uses of the receiving water. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 8 The following beneficial water uses have been identified for the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Donkin: • Direct contact recreational activities like swimming and wading at the beach in nearby Schooner Pond (approximately 1.2km away), shown on Figure 3.1; • Secondary contact recreational activities like boating and fishing; and • Ecosystem health for fisheries and marine aquatic life. There is no molluscan shellfish harvesting zone in the vicinity of the outfall. The outfall is situated in a molluscan shellfish closure zone boundary extending from Point Aconi to Schooner Pond (approximately 720m from the discharge). The closure zone boundary is shown on Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Location of Outfall 3.2 Ambient Water Quality Generic EQOs are first developed based on existing guidelines and then adjusted based on site- specific factors, particularly background water quality. Water quality data was obtained for two locations in the Atlantic Ocean along the coast of Cape Breton. The locations were chosen in an attempt to be representative of ambient water quality outside the influence of the existing untreated wastewater discharges in CBRM. Samples were collected by HE on May 11, 2018, and the sample locations are summarized as follows and presented in Figure 3.2: • BG-1: Near Mira Gut Beach. • BG-2: Wadden’s Cove. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 9 Figure 3.2 Ambient Water Quality Sample Locations A third sample was collected north of Port Morien but the results were not considered representative of background conditions as sample results indicated the sample was impacted by wastewater. Samples were collected as grab samples from near shore using a sampling rod. A summary of the ambient water quality data is shown in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Ambient Water Quality Data Parameter Units BG1 BG2 AVG Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD) mg/L <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 0.19 0.20 0.20 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) mg/L <0.050 <0.050 <0.05 unionized ammonia mg/L <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 pH pH 7.73 7.68 7.71 Total Phosphorus (TP) mg/L 0.037 0.032 0.035 TRC(1) mg/L NM NM NM TSS mg/L 58 5.0 32 E. coli MPN/100mL 52 86 69 Total Coliforms MPN/100mL 16000 6900 11450 Note: (1) NM = Parameter not measured. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 10 3.3 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic Approach The physical/chemical/pathogenic approach is intended to protect the receiving water by ensuring that water quality guidelines for particular substances are being met. EQOs are established by specifying the level of a particular substance that will protect water quality. Substance levels that will protect water quality are taken from the CEQGs associated with the identified beneficial water uses. If more than one guideline applies, the most stringent is used. Typically the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines (CWQGs) for the Protection of Aquatic Life are the most stringent and have been used for this assessment. The Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water have also been used to provide limits for pathogens (E. coli). The guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life provide recommendations for both freshwater and marine (including estuarine) environments. Since the receiving water for the proposed Donkin WWTP is a marine environment, the marine guidelines were used, where available. Site-specific EQOs are derived in the following sections for each substance of potential concern. 3.3.1 General Chemistry/ Nutrients The following general chemistry and nutrients parameters were identified as substances of potential concern for a very small facility: CBOD, un-ionized ammonia, total ammonia, total nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus, pH, and total residual chlorine (TRC). EQOs for these substances are established in the following sections. Oxygen Demand Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) is a measure of the oxygen required to oxidize organic material and certain inorganic materials over a given period of time (five days). It has two components: carbonaceous oxygen demand and nitrogenous oxygen demand. Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) measures the amount of biodegradable carbonaceous material in the effluent that will require oxygen to break down over a given period of time (five days). The CBOD5 discharged in wastewater effluent reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in the receiving water. Dissolved oxygen is an essential parameter for the protection of aquatic life; and the higher the CBOD5 concentration, the less oxygen that is available for aquatic life. Traditionally performance standards have been set for BOD5; however, the WSER dictate a limit for CBOD5. This is due to the variable effects of nitrogenous oxygen demand on the BOD5 test. There are no CWQGs for the protection of aquatic life for CBOD5 in freshwater or in marine waters. However, because CBOD5 affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen, the CWQG for dissolved oxygen should be considered. The CWQG for freshwater aquatic life dictates that the dissolved oxygen concentrations be greater than 9.5 mg/L for early life stages in cold water ecosystems. The CWQG for marine aquatic life is a minimum of 8 mg/L. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 11 The background dissolved oxygen concentrations were not measured in the receiving water. However, the concentration of CBOD5 discharged in accordance with the WSER criteria should not cause the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration to vary outside of the normal range. Based on an average annual temperature of 6.9 °C (from Bedford Institute of Oceanography Area 4VN), the solubility of oxygen in seawater is approximately 9.5 mg/L. Assuming the background concentration of DO is saturated, there can be a drop of 1.5 mg/L for the DO to be a minimum concentration of 8 mg/L. For an ocean discharge, the maximum DO deficit should occur at the point source. Assuming a deoxygenation rate of 0.33/day based on a depth of approximately 2m at the discharge location, and assuming a reaeration coefficient of 0.61/day based on a depth of approximately 2m and an average tidal velocity of 0.112 m/s. The maximum concentration of CBOD that would result in a drop in DO of 1.5 mg/L can be calculated. The tidal dispersion coefficient has been assumed to be 150 m2/s. The concentration of CBOD potentially affecting DO was calculated to be 23.7 mg/L. Therefore, the WSER criteria of 25 mg/L CBOD at discharge should not cause the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration to vary outside of the normal range as initial dilution would result in a concentration much lower than 23.7 mg/L CBOD. The background level of CBOD was less than the detection limit of 5 mg/L. Total Ammonia and Un-ionized Ammonia The CWQG for the protection of aquatic life for total ammonia in freshwater is presented as a table based on pH and temperature. There is no CWQG for ammonia in marine water. Total ammonia is comprised of un-ionized ammonia (NH3) and ionized ammonia (NH4+, ammonium). Un-ionized ammonia is more toxic than ionized ammonia and the toxicity of total ammonia is related to the concentration of un-ionized ammonia present. The amount of un-ionized ammonia is variable depending on pH and temperature, which is why the total ammonia guideline is given by pH and temperature. Table 3.2 shows the CWQGs for total ammonia, as reproduced from the guidelines. Table 3.2 CWQG for Total Ammonia (mg/L NH3) for the Protection of Aquatic Life (freshwater) Temp (˚C) pH 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 10 0 231 73.0 23.1 7.32 2.33 0.749 0.250 0.042 5 153 48.3 15.3 4.84 1.54 0.502 0.172 0.034 10 102 32.4 10.3 3.26 1.04 0.343 0.121 0.029 15 69.7 22.0 6.98 2.22 0.715 0.239 0.089 0.026 20 48.0 15.2 4.82 1.54 0.499 0.171 0.067 0.024 25 33.5 10.6 3.37 1.08 0.354 0.125 0.053 0.022 30 23.7 7.5 2.39 0.767 0.256 0.094 0.043 0.021 Notes: • It is recommended in the guidelines that the most conservative value be used for the pH and temperature closest to the measured conditions (e.g., the guideline for total ammonia at a temperature of 6.9˚C and pH of 7.9 would be 1.04 mg/L); • According to the guideline, values falling outside of shaded area should be used with caution; and • Values in the table are for Total Ammonia (NH3); they can be converted to Total Ammonia Nitrogen (N) by multiplying by 0.8224. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 12 The CWQG for total ammonia in freshwater is 0.499 mg/L or 0.41 mg/L NH3 as nitrogen, which is based on an average background pH of 7.7 and a maximum monthly average temperature of 17.7 °C. The USEPA saltwater guideline for total ammonia is 2.7 mg/L based on a temperature of 17.7 °C, a pH of 7.7 and a salinity of 30 g/kg. The USEPA guideline of 2.7 mg/L will be used as the EQO for total ammonia. As ammonia is a component of total nitrogen (TN), the actual effluent concentration may be limited by the TN EDO rather than the total ammonia EDO. However, as the TN EQO is based on concern of eutrophication and not a continuous acceptable concentration for the protection of aquatic life, both EDOs will be presented separately in the ERA. The WSER requires that un-ionized ammonia concentrations be less than 1.25 mg/L at the discharge point. For the purposes of this study, the EQO for un-ionized ammonia was chosen based on the WSER (1.25 mg/L at discharge). Total Suspended Solids (TSS) The WSER specifies a limit of 25 mg/L for TSS at the end of the pipe. The CWQG for the protection of aquatic life in marine water for total suspended solids (TSS) is as follows: • During periods of clear flow, a maximum increase of 25 mg/L from background levels for any short-term exposure (e.g., 24-h period). Maximum average increase of 5 mg/L from background levels for longer term exposures (e.g., inputs lasting between 24 h and 30 d). • During periods of high flow, a maximum increase of 25 mg/L from background levels at any time when background levels are between 25 and 250 mg/L. Should not increase more than 10% of background levels when background is ≥ 250 mg/L. The background concentration of TSS was an average of 32 mg/L. A maximum average increase of 5mg/L from background levels would result in an EQO of 37 mg/L. As this is greater than the WSER criteria, the WSER criteria of 25 mg/L at discharge will apply as the EDO. The background TSS measurement is higher than would typically be expected in a marine environment, which may be due to the near shore location of the samples. However, in a worst case scenario where the background TSS concentration was 0 mg/L, application of the WSER criteria at the end of pipe would always be the more stringent criteria provided there is greater than five times dilution. Total Phosphorus and TKN There are no CWQGs for the protection of aquatic life for phosphorus or Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. However, in both freshwater and marine environments, adverse secondary effects like eutrophication and oxygen depletion can occur. Guidance frameworks have been established for freshwater systems and for marine systems to provide an approach for developing site-specific water quality guidelines. These approaches are based on determining a baseline condition and evaluating various effects according to indicator variables. The approach is generally very time and resource intensive, but can be completed on a more limited scale to establish interim guidelines. The Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document (CCME, 2007) provides a framework as well as case studies for establishing nutrient criteria for nearshore marine systems. This document provides a Trophic Index for Marine Systems (TRIX), below. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 13 Table 3.3 Criteria for evaluating trophic status of marine systems (CCME, 2007) Trophic Status TN (mg/m3) TP (mg/m3) Chlorophyll a (μg/L) Secchi Depth (m) Oligotrophic <260 <10 <1 >6 Mesotrophic ≥260-350 ≥10-30 ≥1-3 3-≤6 Eutrophic ≥350-400 ≥30-40 ≥3-5 1.5-≤3 Hypereutrophic >400 >40 >5 <1.5 The background concentrations of TKN and TP were measured as 0.2 mg/L and 0.035 mg/L, respectively, which corresponds to a eutrophic status based on the phosphorus concentration. The uppermost limit for this trophic status is a TN concentration of 0.4 mg/L and a TP concentration of 0.04 mg/L. This document provides another index (NOAA) to determine the degree of eutrophication of the marine system, below. Table 3.4 Trophic status classification based on nutrient and chlorophyll (CCME, 2007) Degree of Eutrophication Total Dissolved N (mg/L) Total Dissolved P (mg/L) Chl a (μg/L) Low 0 - ≤0.1 0 - ≤0.01 0 - ≤5 Medium >0.1 - ≤1 >0.01 - ≤0.1 >5 - ≤20 High >1 >0.1 >20 - ≤60 Hypereutrophic - - >60 However, the concentrations in Table 3.4 are based on dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus and the background concentrations are for TKN and total phosphorus. For nitrogen, with a background concentration of 0.2 mg/L for TKN, an assumption that the dissolved nitrogen background concentration is anywhere between 50 and 100% of the TKN background concentration would result in classification as “medium” based on Table 3.4. For phosphorus, with a background concentration of 0.035 mg/L, an assumption that the dissolved background concentration is anywhere between 29 and 100% of the total background concentration would result in classification as “medium” based on Table 3.4. To maintain the same degree of eutrophication, the total dissolved nitrogen and total dissolved phosphorus in the receiving water should not exceed the upper limit of the “medium” classification which is 1 mg/L for Total Dissolved Nitrogen and 0.1 mg/L for Total Dissolved Phosphorus. In order to determine the upper limit of the “medium” eutrophication range based on total phosphorus and TN concentrations, an assumption must be made as to the percentage of the nitrogen and phosphorus that exists in the dissolved phase, both in the receiving water and in the effluent. As a measure of conservatism, an assumption was made that 100% of the total nitrogen and phosphorus exist in a dissolved phase. This allows for the upper limits of the “medium” classification to be used directly as the EQO which results in an EQO of 1 mg/L for TN and 0.1 mg/L for total phosphorus. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 14 The Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document (CCME, 2007) presents both of the above criteria for assessing trophic status and does not provide a recommendation for use of one rather than the other. However, the framework presents a case study to establish nutrient criteria for the Atlantic Shoreline of Nova Scotia, and the NOAA index is used. Therefore, that index will be used for the purpose of this study. pH The CWQG for the protection for aquatic life for marine waters is 7.0 to 8.7. This pH range will be applied as the EQO. Total Residual Chlorine The WSER requires that TRC concentrations be less than 0.02 mg/L. For the purposes of this study, the EQO/EDO of 0.02 mg/L for TRC was chosen based on this regulation. 3.3.2 E. coli Pathogens are not included in the CCME WQGs for the protection of aquatic life. The Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality specify a maximum E. coli concentration of 200 E. coli/100 mL for freshwater for primary contact recreation and 1000 E. coli/100 mL for secondary contact recreation. The Health Canada guideline for Canadian Recreational Water Quality for primary and secondary contact recreation in marine water is based on enterococci rather than E. coli. However, historical Nova Scotia Environment has set discharge limits for E. coli rather than enterococci for marine discharges. The background concentration of E. coli was 69 E. coli/100 mL. An EQO of 200 E. coli/ 100mL will apply for primary contact recreation at the beach in Schooner Pond Cove. An EQO of 1000 E. coli/ 100mL based on the Canadian Recreational Water Quality guideline for secondary contact for freshwater will apply elsewhere in the receiving water. 3.3.3 Summary Table 3.5 below gives a summary of the generic and site-specific EQOs determined for parameters of concern. The source of the EQO has been included in the table as follows: • WSER – wastewater systems effluent regulations; • Background – Site-specific EQO based on background concentration in receiving water; • CWQG Marine – CCME Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life Marine; • USEPA Saltwater – United States Environmental Protection Agency National Recommended Water Quality Criteria – Aquatic Life Criteria – Saltwater Criterion Continuous Concentration; • CGF, Marine – Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document; • HC Primary Contact – Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality – Primary Contact Recreation; and • HC Secondary Contact – Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality – Secondary Contact Recreation. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 15 Table 3.5 EQO Summary Parameter Generic EQO Background Selected EQO Source CBOD5(1) (mg/) 25 <5.0 25 WSER TN (mg/L) 1 0.2 1 CGF, Marine Total NH3-N (mg/L) 2.7 <0.05 2.7 USEPA Saltwater Un-ionized NH3-N(1) (mg/L) 1.25 <0.0007 1.25 WSER pH 7.0 – 8.7 7.71 7.0 – 8.7 CWQG Marine TP (mg/L) 0.1 0.035 0.1 CGF, Marine TRC(1) (mg/L) 0.02 NM 0.02 WSER TSS(1) (mg/L) 25 32 25 WSER E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) 200 69 200 HC Primary Contact E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) 1000 69 1000 HC Secondary Contact Notes: Bold indicates EQO is a WSER requirement. (1) EQO applies at the end of pipe. (2) Although the EQO for ammonia has been calculated to be 2.7 mg/L, an EQO of 1 mg/L for total nitrogen would govern. However, as the EQO for TN is based on eutrophication, EDOs will be developed for all parameters separately. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 16 CHAPTER 4 MIXING ZONE ANALYSIS 4.1 Methodology 4.1.1 Definition of Mixing Zone A mixing zone is the portion of the receiving water where effluent dilution occurs. In general, the receiving water as a whole will not be exposed to the immediate effluent concentration at the end- of-pipe but to the effluent mixed and diluted with the receiving water. Effluent does not instantaneously mix with the receiving water at the point of discharge. Depending on conditions like ambient currents, wind speeds, tidal stage, and wave action, mixing can take place over a large area – up to the point where there is no measureable difference between the receiving water and the effluent mixed with receiving water. The mixing process can be characterized into two distinct phases: near-field and far-field. Near- field mixing occurs at the outfall and is influenced by the configuration of the outfall (e.g. pipe size, diffusers, etc.). Far-field mixing is influenced by receiving water characteristics like turbulence, wave action, and stratification of the water column. Within the mixing zone, EQOs may be exceeded but acutely toxic conditions are not permitted unless it is determined that un-ionized ammonia is the cause of toxicity. If the un-ionized ammonia concentration is the cause of toxicity, there may be an exception (under the WSER) if the concentration of un-ionized ammonia is less than or equal to 0.016 mg/L, expressed as N, at any point that is 100 m from the discharge point. Outside of the mixing zone, EQOs must be achieved. The effluent is also required to be non-chronically toxic outside of the mixing zone. The allocation of a mixing zone varies from one substance to another – degradable substances are allowed to mix in a portion of the receiving water whereas toxic, persistent, and bio-accumulative substances (such as chlorinated dioxins and furans, PCBs, mercury, and toxaphene) are not allowed a mixing zone. A number of general criteria for allocating a mixing zone are recommended in the Strategy, including the following: • The dimensions of a mixing zone should be restricted to avoid adverse effects on the designated uses of the receiving water system (i.e., the mixing zone should be as small as possible); • Conditions outside of the mixing zone should be sufficient to support all of the designated uses of the receiving water system; Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 17 • A zone of passage for mobile aquatic organisms must be maintained; • Placement of mixing zones must not block migration into tributaries; • Changes to the nutrient status of the water body as a result of an effluent discharge should be avoided; eutrophication or toxic blooms of algae are unacceptable impacts; • Mixing zones for adjacent wastewater discharges should not overlap; and • Adverse effects on the aesthetic qualities of the receiving water system (e.g. odour, colour, scum, oil, floating debris) should be avoided (CCME, 1996). The limits of the mixing zone may be defined for the following three categories of aquatic environments based on their physical characteristics: • streams and rivers; • lakes, reservoirs and enclosed bays; and • estuarine and marine waters. Where several limits are in place, the first one to be reached sets the maximum extent of the mixing zone allowed for the dilution assessment. Nutrients and fecal coliforms are not allocated any maximum dilution. For fecal coliforms, the location of the water use must be considered and protected by the limits of the mixing zone. Based on these general guidelines, mixing zone extents must be defined on a case-by-case basis that account for local conditions. It may also be based on arbitrary mixing zone limits for open water discharges, e.g. a 100 m(1) or 250 m(2) radius from the outfall and/or a dilution limit. A Draft for Discussion document “Mixing Zone Assessment and Report Templates” dated July 7, 2016, prepared by a committee of representatives of the environment departments in Atlantic Canada, provides guidance regarding mixing zones for ERAs in the Atlantic Provinces. This document recommends that for ocean and estuary receiving waters a maximum dilution limit of 1:1000 be applied for far- field mixing. Finally, the assessment shall be based on ‘critical conditions’. For example, in the case of a river discharge (not applicable here), ‘critical conditions’ can be defined as the seven-day average low river flow for a given return period. The Standard Method provides the following guidance on EDO development: “…reasonable and realistic but yet protective scenarios should be used. The objective is to simulate the critical conditions of the receiving water, where critical conditions are where the risk that the effluent will have an effect on the receiving environment is the highest – it does not mean using the highest effluent flow, the lowest river flow, and the highest background concentration simultaneously.” 1 Environment Canada, 2006 - Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment, and Disposal 2 NB Department of Environment & Local Government, 2012 Memo. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 18 As the critical low flow condition is used for the receiving water, the WWTP effluent will be modelled based on an annual average flow, rather than a maximum daily or hourly flow, as applying a critical high flow condition for the effluent simultaneously with a critical low flow condition in the receiving water would result in overly conservative EDOs as this scenario doesn’t provide a reasonable or realistic representation of actual conditions. 4.1.2 Site Summary The WWTP is assumed to discharge through an outfall pipe perpendicular to the shoreline in shallow water, extended to a depth estimated at -1.0 m below low tide. The low tide and -1.0 m depth contours were estimated based on navigation charts. The total average effluent discharge is modeled as a continuous point source of 466 m3/day. The major coastal hydrodynamic features of the area are as follows: • Along-shore currents along the open coastline are in phase with the tide, i.e. the current speed peaks at high and low tide; and • At the outfall site, breaking waves and associated longshore currents will contribute to effluent dispersion during storms. For this assessment, we have assumed calm summer conditions (i.e. no waves), when effluent dilution would be at a minimum. 4.1.3 Far-Field Modeling Approach and Inputs The local mixing zone is limited by the water depth at the outfall of approximately -1.0 m Chart Datum and by the presence of the shoreline. Since the outfall is in very shallow water, the buoyant plume will always reach the surface upon release from the outfall3. Far-field mixing will then be determined by ambient currents, which is best simulated with a hydrodynamic and effluent dispersion model. We implemented a full hydrodynamic model of the receiving coastal waters using the Danish Hydraulic Institute’s MIKE21 model. MIKE21 is ideally suited to the study of outfall discharges in shallow coastal areas where complex tidal and wind-driven currents drive the dispersion process. The model was developed using navigation charts, tidal elevations, and wind observations for the area. A similar model had been used by CBCL for CBRM in the past: • In 2005 for the assessment of the past wastewater contamination problem at Dominion Beach, which led to the design of the WWTP at Dominion4; and • In 2014 for ERAs at the Dominion and Battery Point WWTPs. The hydrodynamic model was calibrated to the following bottom current meter data: • 1992 current meters (4 locations) located in 10 m-depth for the study by ASA5 on local oceanography and effluent dispersion; and • 2006 current meters (2 locations) off the Donkin peninsula for the CBCL study of mine effluent dispersion. 3 Fisher et al., 1979. Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters. Academic Press, London. 4 CBCL Limited, 2005. Dominion Beach Sewer Study. Prepared for CBRM. 5 ASA Consulting Limited, 1994. “Industrial Cape Breton Receiving Water Study, Phase II”. Prepared for The Town of Glace Bay. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 19 Calibration consisted of adjusting the following parameters: • Bottom friction; and • Model spatial resolution in the area of the current meters. Numerical Model Domain with Locations of Current Meter Observations and Modeled Outfall Location are shown in Figure 4.1. Inputs and calibrated outputs are shown in Figure 4.2. The modelled current magnitudes at New Waterford, Glace Bay, and Donkin are in relatively good agreement with observations, which is satisfactory to assess the overall dilution patterns of effluent from the outfall. The effect of waves was not included in the model, and therefore the modeled effluent concentration near the outfall is expected to be conservatively high. Figure 4.1 Numerical Model Domain with Locations of Current Meter Observations and Modeled Outfall Location Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 20 Figure 4.2 Time-series of Hydrodynamic Model Inputs and Calibration Outputs Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 21 4.2 Modeled Effluent Dilution Snapshots of typical modeled effluent dispersion patterns are shown on Figure 4.3. Statistics on effluent concentrations were performed over the one-month model run, and over a running seven- day averaging period. Composite images of maximum and average effluent concentrations are shown on Figure 4.4. Effluent concentration peaks at any given location are short-lived because the plume is changing direction every few hours depending on tides and winds. Therefore, a representative dilution criteria at the mixing zone limit is best calculated using an average value. We propose to use the one-day average effluent concentration criteria over the one-month modeling simulation that includes a representative combination of site-specific tides and winds. The diluted effluent plume often reaches the shoreline 100 m to the West of the outfall as well as the shoreline farther away to the south and the northwest at low concentrations. Maximum concentrations 100 m away from the outfall are typically encountered to the South at low tide, and to the North at high tide. The 100 m distance from the outfall to the shoreline is within the brackets of mixing zone radiuses defined by various guidelines. We propose that this distance be used as mixing zone limit. The maximum daily average effluent concentration 100 m away from the outfall over the simulation period is 0.165 % (Table 4.1). Therefore we propose that a 606:1 dilution factor be used for calculating EDOs based on the maximum 1-day average effluent concentration at 100 m from the discharge. Table 4.1 Modelled Dilution Values 100 and 200 m away from the Outfall Distance away from the outfall Hourly maximum effluent concentration Maximum 1-day average effluent concentration Maximum 7-day average effluent concentration 1-Month average effluent concentration 100 m 1.567 % (64:1 Dilution) 0.165 % (606:1 Dilution) 0.138 % (725:1 Dilution) 0.105 % (952:1 Dilution) 200 m 0.362 % (276:1 Dilution) 0.080 % (1250:1 Dilution) 0.068 % (1471:1 Dilution) 0.035 % (2857:1 Dilution) Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 22 Figure 4.3 Snapshots of Typical Modeled Effluent Dispersion Patterns Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 23 Figure 4.4 Composite Images of Modeled Hourly Maximum (top) and Maximum 7-Day Average Effluent Concentrations (middle) with Concentration Time-Series (bottom) Note: 100-m radius (black) and 200-m radius (grey) circle shown around outfall. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 24 CHAPTER 5 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE OBJECTIVES 5.1 The Need for EDOs Effluent Discharge Objectives (EDOs) represent the effluent substance concentrations that will protect the receiving environment and its designated water uses. They describe the effluent quality necessary to allow the EQOs to be met at the edge of the mixing zone. The EQOs are established in Chapter 3; see Table 3.5 for summary of results. EDOs should be calculated where reasonable potential of exceeding the EQOs at the edge of the mixing zone has been determined. Typically, substances with reasonable potential of exceeding the EQOs have been selected according to the simplified approach: If a sample result measured in the effluent exceeds the EQO, an EDO is determined. As there are a limited number of parameters considered as substances of potential concern for very small and small facilities, EDOs will be developed for all substances of potential concern. 5.2 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic EDOs For this assessment, EDOs were calculated using the dilution values obtained at the average daily flow of 466 m3/day that was measured during the metering period. This resulted in a dilution of 606:1 at the edge of a 100 m mixing zone. The model shows a dilution of 2000:1 at Schooner Pond Beach based on the maximum hourly concentration. Parameters for which there is a WSER criteria were not allowed any dilution and therefore the EDO equals the WSER Criteria. The Standard Method does not allocate any maximum dilution for nutrients and fecal coliforms. For nutrients, it recommends a case-by-case analysis. For fecal coliforms, the location of the water use must be protected by the limits of the mixing zone. The dilution values were used to obtain an EDO by back-calculating from the EQOs. When the background concentration of a substance was less than the detection limit, the background concentration was not included in the calculation of the EDO. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 25 5.3 Effluent Discharge Objectives Substances of concern for which an EDO was developed are listed in Table 5.1 below with the associated EQO, maximum measured wastewater concentration, and the associated EDO. Table 5.1 Effluent Discharge Objectives at Proposed Design Conditions Parameter Maximum Wastewater Concentration Background Selected EQO Source Dilution Factor EDO CBOD (mg/L) 1400 <5.0 25 WSER - 25 TN (mg/L) 9.7 0.2 1 CGF, Marine 606 488 Total NH3-N (mg/L) 8.4 <0.05 2.7 USEPA Saltwater 606 1636 Unionized NH3 (mg/L) 0.014 0 1.25 WSER - 1.25 TP (mg/L) 1.5 0.03 0.1 CGF, Marine 606 40 TRC (mg/L) NM NM 0.02 WSER - 0.02 TSS (mg/L) 4100 31.5 25 WSER - 25 E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) >240,000 69 200 HC Primary Contact 2000 262,069 E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) >240,000 69 1000 HC Secondary Contact 606 564,255 Based on the EDOs calculated above, sample results for the following parameters exceeded the EDO in at least one wastewater sample: • CBOD5; • TSS; and • E. coli. These parameters will meet the EDOs at the discharge of the new WWTP through treatment. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 26 CHAPTER 6 COMPLIANCE MONITORING The Standard Method utilizes the results of the ERA to recommend parameters for compliance monitoring according to the following protocol: • The WSER requirements for TSS, CBOD and unionized ammonia must be monitored to ensure they are continuously being achieved. Minimum monitoring frequencies are specified in the guidelines based on the size of the facility. Monitoring of these substances cannot be reduced or eliminated; • Nutrients, such as phosphorus and ammonia, and pathogens for which an EDO was developed should be included in the monitoring program with the same sampling frequency as TSS and CBOD5; • For additional substances, the guidelines require that all substances with average effluent values over 80% of the EDO be monitored; • If monitoring results for the additional substances are consistently below 80% of the EDO, the monitoring frequency can be reduced; • If average monitoring results subsequently exceed 80% of the EDO, monitoring frequency must return to the initial monitoring frequency; and • If monitoring results are below 80% of the EDO for at least 20 consecutive samples spread over a period of at least one-year, monitoring for that substance can be eliminated. Although the Standard Method results in recommending parameters for compliance monitoring, the provincial regulator ultimately stipulates the compliance monitoring requirements as part of the Approvals to Operate. In New Brunswick, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government has been using the results of the ERA to update the compliance monitoring program listed in the Approval to operate when the existing Approvals expire. At this time, it is premature to use the results of this ERA to provide recommendations on parameters to monitor for compliance, as the purpose of this ERA was to provide design criteria for design of a new WWTP. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 27 CHAPTER 7 REFERENCES ASA Consulting Limited (1994). “Industrial Cape Breton Receiving Water Study, Phase II”. Prepared for The Town of Glace Bay. BC Ministry of Environment (2006). A Compendium of Working Water Quality Guidelines for British Columbia. Retrieved from: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wat/wq/BCguidelines/working.html CBCL Limited (2005). Dominion Beach Sewer Study. Prepared for CBRM. CCME (2008). Technical Supplement 3. Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent. Standard Method and Contracting Provisions for the Environmental Risk Assessment. CCME (2007). Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document. CCME Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines Summary Table. Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. Environment Canada (2006). Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment and Disposal Environment Canada (Environment Canada) (1999). Canadian Environmental Protection Act Priority Substances List II – Supporting document for Ammonia in the Aquatic Environment. DRAFT –August 31, 1999. Fisher et al. (1979). Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters. Academic Press, London. Fisheries Act. Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations. SOR/2012-139. Health Canada (2012). Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality. Retrieved from: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/water-eau/guide_water-2012-guide_eau/index-eng.php Mixing Zone Assessment and Report Template Draft only – For discussion (July 7, 2016) NB Department of Environment & Local Government, (2012). Memo. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 28 Thomann, Robert V. and Mueller, John A (1987). Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control. UMA (1994). Industrial Cape Breton Wastewater Characterization Program, Phase II. USEPA. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria for Saltwater. Retrieved from: http://water.epa.gov/scitech/swguidance/standards/criteria/current/index.cfm Prepared by: Reviewed by: Holly Sampson, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Karen March, M.Sc. Intermediate Chemical Engineer Environmental Scientist Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Appendices APPENDIX A Laboratory Certificates Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Appendices APPENDIX C Conceptual Plant Layouts j o i n t v e n t u r e C01 CONCEPT DRAWING j o i n t v e n t u r e C02 CONCEPT DRAWING j o i n t v e n t u r e C03 CONCEPT DRAWING HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report Appendices APPENDIX C Donkin Environmental Risk Assessment 182402.00 ● Report ● April 2020 Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant Environmental Risk Assessment Final Report Prepared by: Prepared for: March 2020 Final April 14, 2020 Darrin McLean Karen March Holly Sampson Draft for Review June 27, 2018 Darrin McLean Karen March Holly Sampson Issue or Revision Date Issued By: Reviewed By: Prepared By: This document was prepared for the party indicated herein. The material and information in the document reflects HE’s opinion and best judgment based on the information available at the time of preparation. Any use of this document or reliance on its content by third parties is the responsibility of the third party. HE accepts no responsibility for any damages suffered as a result of third party use of this document. 182402.00 March 27, 2020 275 Charlotte Street Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada B1P 1C6 Tel: 902-562-9880 Fax: 902-562-9890 _________________ 182402 RE 001 FINAL WWTP ERA DONKINKM2.DOCX/mk ED: 14/04/2020 15:01:00/PD: 14/04/2020 15:01:00 April 14, 2020 Matt Viva, P.Eng. Manager Wastewater Operations Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS B1P 7B9 Dear Mr. Viva: RE: Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant ERA – Final Report Enclosed, please find a copy of the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) Report for the Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The report outlines Environmental Quality Objectives (EQOs) for all parameters of potential concern listed in the Standard Method for a “very small” facility. Environmental Discharge Objectives (EDOs) were also calculated for all parameters of potential concern. If you have any questions or require clarification on the content presented in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours very truly, Harbour Engineering Prepared by: Reviewed by: Holly Sampson, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Karen March, M.Sc. Intermediate Chemical Engineer Environmental Scientist Direct: 902-539-1330 Phone: 902-450-4000 E-Mail: hsampson@cbcl.ca E-Mail: kmarch@dillon.ca Project No: 182402.00 March 27, 2020 Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA i Contents CHAPTER 1 Background and Objectives ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Facility Description .............................................................................................................. 2 CHAPTER 2 Initial Wastewater Characterization ............................................................................ 4 2.1 Substances of Potential Concern ........................................................................................ 4 2.1.1 Whole Effluent Toxicity ........................................................................................... 5 2.2 Wastewater Characterization Results ................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER 3 Environmental Quality Objectives ............................................................................... 7 3.1 Water Uses .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Ambient Water Quality ....................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic Approach ....................................................................... 10 3.3.1 General Chemistry/ Nutrients .............................................................................. 10 3.3.2 E. coli ..................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 4 Mixing Zone Analysis ................................................................................................. 16 4.1 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.1 Definition of Mixing Zone ..................................................................................... 16 4.1.2 Site Summary ........................................................................................................ 18 4.1.3 Far-Field Modeling Approach and Inputs ............................................................. 18 4.2 Modeled Effluent Dilution ................................................................................................ 21 CHAPTER 5 Effluent Discharge Objectives .................................................................................... 24 5.1 The Need for EDOs ............................................................................................................ 24 5.2 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic EDOs .............................................................................. 24 5.3 Effluent Discharge Objectives ........................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 6 Compliance Monitoring ............................................................................................. 26 CHAPTER 7 References ................................................................................................................ 27 Appendices A Laboratory Certificates Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 1 CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES 1.1 Introduction Harbour Engineering (HE) was engaged by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) to complete an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for the proposed Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). As this is a proposed WWTP that has not yet been designed, this ERA was completed with the objective that it serve as a tool to establish effluent criteria for the design of a new WWTP. For this reason, the ERA was completed without the frequency of testing required by the Standard Method outlined in Technical Supplement 3 of the Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent (Standard Method) for initial wastewater characterization. With the exception of the initial wastewater characterization sampling frequency, the ERA was otherwise completed in accordance with the Standard Method. 1.2 Background The Canada-wide Strategy (CWS) for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent was adopted by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) in 2009. The Strategy is focused on two main outcomes: Improved human health and environmental protection; and, improved clarity about the way municipal wastewater effluent is managed and regulated. The Strategy requires that all wastewater facilities discharging effluent to surface water meet the following National Performance Standards (NPS) as a minimum: • Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand for five days (CBOD5) – 25 mg/L; • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) – 25 mg/L; and • Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) – 0.02 mg/L. The Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER) came into effect in 2012 under the Fisheries Act. The WSER include the above NPS as well as the following criteria: • Unionized ammonia – 1.25 mg/L, expressed as nitrogen (N), at 15°C ± 1°C. The CWS requires that facilities develop site-specific Effluent Discharge Objectives (EDOs) to address substances not included in the NPS that are present in the effluent. EDOs are the substance concentrations that can be discharged in the effluent and still provide adequate protection of human health and the environment. They are established by conducting a site-specific ERA. The ERA includes characterization of the effluent to determine substances of concern, and characterization of the Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 2 receiving water to determine beneficial water uses, ambient water quality, assimilative capacity, and available dilution. A compliance monitoring program is then developed and implemented to ensure adherence to the established EDOs for the facility. 1.3 Facility Description The proposed Donkin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will be constructed adjacent to Bastable Street. Treated effluent will be discharged to the Atlantic Ocean at the location of the existing outfall in Borden’s Cove as indicated on Figure 1.2. The service population of Donkin is 471 people in 256 residential units, based on 2016 census data. Figure 1.1 Site Location Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 3 Figure 1.2 WWTP Location The theoretical domestic wastewater flow is an average of 160 m3/day with a peak of 640 m3/day based on a per capita flow of 340 L/person/day and a peaking factor of 4 calculated using the Harmon formula. The sewer system was flow metered from March 13 to May 1, 2018. The meter location is just upstream of the discharge and encompasses the entire wastewater system. The average dry weather flow was 200 m3/day (425 L/p/d or 93 IG/p/d). The average daily flow during the metering period was 466 m3/day (989 L/p/d or 218 IG/p/d). The maximum daily flow during the metering period was 4781 m3/day. This occurred during a large rain event (50.8mm according to Sydney A rain gauge, or 79.1mm according to Sydney CS rain gauge). For the purposes of this ERA, the average daily flow for the metering period of 466 m3/day will be used. However, this flow is likely higher than the average annual flow as the flow was only metered for seven weeks, which occurred during a wet period: March and April 2018. It also included flow data from the April 28 rain event, which was significant. If this rain event was omitted, the average flow during the metering period would be 300 m3/day. As the population in this area is declining, accounting for a projected population increase during the life of the plant was not necessary. The preliminary design of the WWTP was completed based on a design average daily flow of 360 m3/d and a maximum month flow of 400 m3/day. As these values are less than the flowrate initially used in the ERA, the ERA modelling will not be revised based on the design numbers. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 4 CHAPTER 2 INITIAL WASTEWATER CHARACTERIZATION 2.1 Substances of Potential Concern An initial characterization program covering a one-year period is typically required by the Standard Method to describe the effluent and identify substances of concern. As there is no existing WWTP for this system, and the ERA is being conducted for the purpose of determining effluent objectives for the design of a new WWTP, only one sample event was completed of the untreated wastewater. Sample results of the untreated wastewater were also available for some of the parameters of potential concern from three-years of monthly sampling conducted by CBRM from 2015 through 2017. Substances of potential concern are listed in the Standard Method based on the size category of the facility. The proposed design capacity of the new WWTP will be finalized during the pre- design study, but for the purposes of the ERA, the average daily flow during the metering period of 466 m3/day will be used. As discussed previously, the actual average annual daily flow is expected to be lower than this. Therefore, the WWTP is classified as a “very small” facility based on an average daily flow rate that is less than or equal to 500 m3/day. The substances of potential concern for a “very small” facility, as per the Standard Method, are detailed in Table 2.1. There were no additional substances of potential concern identified to be monitored as there is no industrial input to the wastewater system. Table 2.1 Substances of Potential Concern for a Very Small Facility Substance Group Substances General Chemistry/ Nutrients Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) if chlorination is used Total Ammonia Nitrogen Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Total Phosphorus (TP) pH Temperature Pathogens E. coli Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 5 2.1.1 Whole Effluent Toxicity Wastewater effluent potentially contains a variety of unknown or unidentified substances for which guidelines do not exist. In order to adequately protect against these unknown substances, Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests are typically conducted to evaluate acute (short-term) and chronic (long- term) effects. The Standard Method requires the following toxicity tests be conducted quarterly: • Acute toxicity – Rainbow Trout and Daphnia Magna; and • Chronic Toxicity – Ceriodaphnia Dubia and Fathead Minnow. A draft for discussion, Mixing Zone Assessment and Report Template, dated July 6, 2016 that was prepared by a committee of representatives of the environment departments in Atlantic Canada noted that only Ceriodaphnia dubia testing is required for chronic toxicity. If the test does not pass, a fathead minnow test is required. As the wastewater in this system is currently untreated, and the purpose of the ERA is to determine effluent discharge objectives for the design of a new WWTP, no WET tests were conducted at this time. 2.2 Wastewater Characterization Results The results of the initial untreated wastewater characterization sample collected by Harbour Engineering (HE) is provided in Table 2.2. A summary of the results of the untreated wastewater characterization samples collected by CBRM from 2015 through 2017 are summarized in Table 2.3. Table 2.2 Initial Wastewater Characterization Results Parameter Units 24-Apr-18 CBOD5 mg/L 90 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 9.7 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) as N mg/L 2.9 Unionized ammonia(1) mg/L 0.0096 pH pH 7.08 Total Phosphorus mg/L 1.5 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 50 E. coli MPN/ 100mL >240,000 Total Coliforms MPN/ 100mL >240,000 Note: (1) The value of unionized ammonia was determined in accordance with the formula in the WSER, the concentration of total ammonia in the sample, and the pH of the sample. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 6 Table 2.3 CBRM Wastewater Characterization Samples Parameter Units Average Maximum Number of Samples CBOD5 mg/L 111.2 370 36 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) as N mg/L 5.3 8.4 11 Unionized Ammonia mg/L 0.008 0.014 11 pH units 6.7 7 11 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 273.5 4100 36 As mentioned previously, although the frequency of testing specified by the Standard Method was not met, the ERA will be completed with the available data. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 7 CHAPTER 3 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OBJECTIVES Generic Environmental Quality Objectives (EQOs) are generated from established guidelines, typically the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER), the Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CEQGs) and other guidelines specified by jurisdiction. Site-specific EQOs are established by adjusting the generic EQOs based on site-specific factors, particularly ambient water quality. For example, if the background concentration of a substance is greater than the guideline value (generic EQO), the background concentration is used as the site-specific EQO. However, substances where the EQO is based on the WSER are not adjusted based on ambient water quality. Furthermore, there are some guidelines that are dependent on characteristics of the receiving water like pH or temperature. Effluent is required to be non-acutely toxic at the end of pipe and non-chronically toxic at the edge of the mixing zone. EQOs can be determined by three different approaches: • Physical/chemical/pathogenic – describes the substance levels that will protect water quality; • Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) – describes the proportion of effluent that can enter the receiving water without causing toxicological effects (both acute and chronic); and • Biological criteria (bio-assessment) – describes the level of ecological integrity that must be maintained. This assessment follows the physical/chemical/pathogenic approach from the Standard Method outlined in the CCME guidelines. The bio-assessment is not included in the Standard Method as it is still being developed (CCME, 2008). 3.1 Water Uses EQOs are numerical values and narrative statements established to protect the receiving water – in this case, Borden’s Cove in the Atlantic Ocean. The first step in determining EQOs is to define the potential beneficial uses of the receiving water. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 8 The following beneficial water uses have been identified for the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Donkin: • Direct contact recreational activities like swimming and wading at the beach in nearby Schooner Pond (approximately 1.2km away), shown on Figure 3.1; • Secondary contact recreational activities like boating and fishing; and • Ecosystem health for fisheries and marine aquatic life. There is no molluscan shellfish harvesting zone in the vicinity of the outfall. The outfall is situated in a molluscan shellfish closure zone boundary extending from Point Aconi to Schooner Pond (approximately 720m from the discharge). The closure zone boundary is shown on Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Location of Outfall 3.2 Ambient Water Quality Generic EQOs are first developed based on existing guidelines and then adjusted based on site- specific factors, particularly background water quality. Water quality data was obtained for two locations in the Atlantic Ocean along the coast of Cape Breton. The locations were chosen in an attempt to be representative of ambient water quality outside the influence of the existing untreated wastewater discharges in CBRM. Samples were collected by HE on May 11, 2018, and the sample locations are summarized as follows and presented in Figure 3.2: • BG-1: Near Mira Gut Beach. • BG-2: Wadden’s Cove. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 9 Figure 3.2 Ambient Water Quality Sample Locations A third sample was collected north of Port Morien but the results were not considered representative of background conditions as sample results indicated the sample was impacted by wastewater. Samples were collected as grab samples from near shore using a sampling rod. A summary of the ambient water quality data is shown in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Ambient Water Quality Data Parameter Units BG1 BG2 AVG Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD) mg/L <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 0.19 0.20 0.20 Nitrogen (Ammonia Nitrogen) mg/L <0.050 <0.050 <0.05 unionized ammonia mg/L <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 pH pH 7.73 7.68 7.71 Total Phosphorus (TP) mg/L 0.037 0.032 0.035 TRC(1) mg/L NM NM NM TSS mg/L 58 5.0 32 E. coli MPN/100mL 52 86 69 Total Coliforms MPN/100mL 16000 6900 11450 Note: (1) NM = Parameter not measured. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 10 3.3 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic Approach The physical/chemical/pathogenic approach is intended to protect the receiving water by ensuring that water quality guidelines for particular substances are being met. EQOs are established by specifying the level of a particular substance that will protect water quality. Substance levels that will protect water quality are taken from the CEQGs associated with the identified beneficial water uses. If more than one guideline applies, the most stringent is used. Typically the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines (CWQGs) for the Protection of Aquatic Life are the most stringent and have been used for this assessment. The Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water have also been used to provide limits for pathogens (E. coli). The guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life provide recommendations for both freshwater and marine (including estuarine) environments. Since the receiving water for the proposed Donkin WWTP is a marine environment, the marine guidelines were used, where available. Site-specific EQOs are derived in the following sections for each substance of potential concern. 3.3.1 General Chemistry/ Nutrients The following general chemistry and nutrients parameters were identified as substances of potential concern for a very small facility: CBOD, un-ionized ammonia, total ammonia, total nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus, pH, and total residual chlorine (TRC). EQOs for these substances are established in the following sections. Oxygen Demand Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) is a measure of the oxygen required to oxidize organic material and certain inorganic materials over a given period of time (five days). It has two components: carbonaceous oxygen demand and nitrogenous oxygen demand. Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) measures the amount of biodegradable carbonaceous material in the effluent that will require oxygen to break down over a given period of time (five days). The CBOD5 discharged in wastewater effluent reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in the receiving water. Dissolved oxygen is an essential parameter for the protection of aquatic life; and the higher the CBOD5 concentration, the less oxygen that is available for aquatic life. Traditionally performance standards have been set for BOD5; however, the WSER dictate a limit for CBOD5. This is due to the variable effects of nitrogenous oxygen demand on the BOD5 test. There are no CWQGs for the protection of aquatic life for CBOD5 in freshwater or in marine waters. However, because CBOD5 affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen, the CWQG for dissolved oxygen should be considered. The CWQG for freshwater aquatic life dictates that the dissolved oxygen concentrations be greater than 9.5 mg/L for early life stages in cold water ecosystems. The CWQG for marine aquatic life is a minimum of 8 mg/L. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 11 The background dissolved oxygen concentrations were not measured in the receiving water. However, the concentration of CBOD5 discharged in accordance with the WSER criteria should not cause the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration to vary outside of the normal range. Based on an average annual temperature of 6.9 °C (from Bedford Institute of Oceanography Area 4VN), the solubility of oxygen in seawater is approximately 9.5 mg/L. Assuming the background concentration of DO is saturated, there can be a drop of 1.5 mg/L for the DO to be a minimum concentration of 8 mg/L. For an ocean discharge, the maximum DO deficit should occur at the point source. Assuming a deoxygenation rate of 0.33/day based on a depth of approximately 2m at the discharge location, and assuming a reaeration coefficient of 0.61/day based on a depth of approximately 2m and an average tidal velocity of 0.112 m/s. The maximum concentration of CBOD that would result in a drop in DO of 1.5 mg/L can be calculated. The tidal dispersion coefficient has been assumed to be 150 m2/s. The concentration of CBOD potentially affecting DO was calculated to be 23.7 mg/L. Therefore, the WSER criteria of 25 mg/L CBOD at discharge should not cause the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration to vary outside of the normal range as initial dilution would result in a concentration much lower than 23.7 mg/L CBOD. The background level of CBOD was less than the detection limit of 5 mg/L. Total Ammonia and Un-ionized Ammonia The CWQG for the protection of aquatic life for total ammonia in freshwater is presented as a table based on pH and temperature. There is no CWQG for ammonia in marine water. Total ammonia is comprised of un-ionized ammonia (NH3) and ionized ammonia (NH4+, ammonium). Un-ionized ammonia is more toxic than ionized ammonia and the toxicity of total ammonia is related to the concentration of un-ionized ammonia present. The amount of un-ionized ammonia is variable depending on pH and temperature, which is why the total ammonia guideline is given by pH and temperature. Table 3.2 shows the CWQGs for total ammonia, as reproduced from the guidelines. Table 3.2 CWQG for Total Ammonia (mg/L NH3) for the Protection of Aquatic Life (freshwater) Temp (˚C) pH 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 10 0 231 73.0 23.1 7.32 2.33 0.749 0.250 0.042 5 153 48.3 15.3 4.84 1.54 0.502 0.172 0.034 10 102 32.4 10.3 3.26 1.04 0.343 0.121 0.029 15 69.7 22.0 6.98 2.22 0.715 0.239 0.089 0.026 20 48.0 15.2 4.82 1.54 0.499 0.171 0.067 0.024 25 33.5 10.6 3.37 1.08 0.354 0.125 0.053 0.022 30 23.7 7.5 2.39 0.767 0.256 0.094 0.043 0.021 Notes: • It is recommended in the guidelines that the most conservative value be used for the pH and temperature closest to the measured conditions (e.g., the guideline for total ammonia at a temperature of 6.9˚C and pH of 7.9 would be 1.04 mg/L); • According to the guideline, values falling outside of shaded area should be used with caution; and • Values in the table are for Total Ammonia (NH3); they can be converted to Total Ammonia Nitrogen (N) by multiplying by 0.8224. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 12 The CWQG for total ammonia in freshwater is 0.499 mg/L or 0.41 mg/L NH3 as nitrogen, which is based on an average background pH of 7.7 and a maximum monthly average temperature of 17.7 °C. The USEPA saltwater guideline for total ammonia is 2.7 mg/L based on a temperature of 17.7 °C, a pH of 7.7 and a salinity of 30 g/kg. The USEPA guideline of 2.7 mg/L will be used as the EQO for total ammonia. As ammonia is a component of total nitrogen (TN), the actual effluent concentration may be limited by the TN EDO rather than the total ammonia EDO. However, as the TN EQO is based on concern of eutrophication and not a continuous acceptable concentration for the protection of aquatic life, both EDOs will be presented separately in the ERA. The WSER requires that un-ionized ammonia concentrations be less than 1.25 mg/L at the discharge point. For the purposes of this study, the EQO for un-ionized ammonia was chosen based on the WSER (1.25 mg/L at discharge). Total Suspended Solids (TSS) The WSER specifies a limit of 25 mg/L for TSS at the end of the pipe. The CWQG for the protection of aquatic life in marine water for total suspended solids (TSS) is as follows: • During periods of clear flow, a maximum increase of 25 mg/L from background levels for any short-term exposure (e.g., 24-h period). Maximum average increase of 5 mg/L from background levels for longer term exposures (e.g., inputs lasting between 24 h and 30 d). • During periods of high flow, a maximum increase of 25 mg/L from background levels at any time when background levels are between 25 and 250 mg/L. Should not increase more than 10% of background levels when background is ≥ 250 mg/L. The background concentration of TSS was an average of 32 mg/L. A maximum average increase of 5mg/L from background levels would result in an EQO of 37 mg/L. As this is greater than the WSER criteria, the WSER criteria of 25 mg/L at discharge will apply as the EDO. The background TSS measurement is higher than would typically be expected in a marine environment, which may be due to the near shore location of the samples. However, in a worst case scenario where the background TSS concentration was 0 mg/L, application of the WSER criteria at the end of pipe would always be the more stringent criteria provided there is greater than five times dilution. Total Phosphorus and TKN There are no CWQGs for the protection of aquatic life for phosphorus or Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. However, in both freshwater and marine environments, adverse secondary effects like eutrophication and oxygen depletion can occur. Guidance frameworks have been established for freshwater systems and for marine systems to provide an approach for developing site-specific water quality guidelines. These approaches are based on determining a baseline condition and evaluating various effects according to indicator variables. The approach is generally very time and resource intensive, but can be completed on a more limited scale to establish interim guidelines. The Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document (CCME, 2007) provides a framework as well as case studies for establishing nutrient criteria for nearshore marine systems. This document provides a Trophic Index for Marine Systems (TRIX), below. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 13 Table 3.3 Criteria for evaluating trophic status of marine systems (CCME, 2007) Trophic Status TN (mg/m3) TP (mg/m3) Chlorophyll a (μg/L) Secchi Depth (m) Oligotrophic <260 <10 <1 >6 Mesotrophic ≥260-350 ≥10-30 ≥1-3 3-≤6 Eutrophic ≥350-400 ≥30-40 ≥3-5 1.5-≤3 Hypereutrophic >400 >40 >5 <1.5 The background concentrations of TKN and TP were measured as 0.2 mg/L and 0.035 mg/L, respectively, which corresponds to a eutrophic status based on the phosphorus concentration. The uppermost limit for this trophic status is a TN concentration of 0.4 mg/L and a TP concentration of 0.04 mg/L. This document provides another index (NOAA) to determine the degree of eutrophication of the marine system, below. Table 3.4 Trophic status classification based on nutrient and chlorophyll (CCME, 2007) Degree of Eutrophication Total Dissolved N (mg/L) Total Dissolved P (mg/L) Chl a (μg/L) Low 0 - ≤0.1 0 - ≤0.01 0 - ≤5 Medium >0.1 - ≤1 >0.01 - ≤0.1 >5 - ≤20 High >1 >0.1 >20 - ≤60 Hypereutrophic - - >60 However, the concentrations in Table 3.4 are based on dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus and the background concentrations are for TKN and total phosphorus. For nitrogen, with a background concentration of 0.2 mg/L for TKN, an assumption that the dissolved nitrogen background concentration is anywhere between 50 and 100% of the TKN background concentration would result in classification as “medium” based on Table 3.4. For phosphorus, with a background concentration of 0.035 mg/L, an assumption that the dissolved background concentration is anywhere between 29 and 100% of the total background concentration would result in classification as “medium” based on Table 3.4. To maintain the same degree of eutrophication, the total dissolved nitrogen and total dissolved phosphorus in the receiving water should not exceed the upper limit of the “medium” classification which is 1 mg/L for Total Dissolved Nitrogen and 0.1 mg/L for Total Dissolved Phosphorus. In order to determine the upper limit of the “medium” eutrophication range based on total phosphorus and TN concentrations, an assumption must be made as to the percentage of the nitrogen and phosphorus that exists in the dissolved phase, both in the receiving water and in the effluent. As a measure of conservatism, an assumption was made that 100% of the total nitrogen and phosphorus exist in a dissolved phase. This allows for the upper limits of the “medium” classification to be used directly as the EQO which results in an EQO of 1 mg/L for TN and 0.1 mg/L for total phosphorus. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 14 The Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document (CCME, 2007) presents both of the above criteria for assessing trophic status and does not provide a recommendation for use of one rather than the other. However, the framework presents a case study to establish nutrient criteria for the Atlantic Shoreline of Nova Scotia, and the NOAA index is used. Therefore, that index will be used for the purpose of this study. pH The CWQG for the protection for aquatic life for marine waters is 7.0 to 8.7. This pH range will be applied as the EQO. Total Residual Chlorine The WSER requires that TRC concentrations be less than 0.02 mg/L. For the purposes of this study, the EQO/EDO of 0.02 mg/L for TRC was chosen based on this regulation. 3.3.2 E. coli Pathogens are not included in the CCME WQGs for the protection of aquatic life. The Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality specify a maximum E. coli concentration of 200 E. coli/100 mL for freshwater for primary contact recreation and 1000 E. coli/100 mL for secondary contact recreation. The Health Canada guideline for Canadian Recreational Water Quality for primary and secondary contact recreation in marine water is based on enterococci rather than E. coli. However, historical Nova Scotia Environment has set discharge limits for E. coli rather than enterococci for marine discharges. The background concentration of E. coli was 69 E. coli/100 mL. An EQO of 200 E. coli/ 100mL will apply for primary contact recreation at the beach in Schooner Pond Cove. An EQO of 1000 E. coli/ 100mL based on the Canadian Recreational Water Quality guideline for secondary contact for freshwater will apply elsewhere in the receiving water. 3.3.3 Summary Table 3.5 below gives a summary of the generic and site-specific EQOs determined for parameters of concern. The source of the EQO has been included in the table as follows: • WSER – wastewater systems effluent regulations; • Background – Site-specific EQO based on background concentration in receiving water; • CWQG Marine – CCME Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life Marine; • USEPA Saltwater – United States Environmental Protection Agency National Recommended Water Quality Criteria – Aquatic Life Criteria – Saltwater Criterion Continuous Concentration; • CGF, Marine – Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document; • HC Primary Contact – Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality – Primary Contact Recreation; and • HC Secondary Contact – Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality – Secondary Contact Recreation. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 15 Table 3.5 EQO Summary Parameter Generic EQO Background Selected EQO Source CBOD5(1) (mg/) 25 <5.0 25 WSER TN (mg/L) 1 0.2 1 CGF, Marine Total NH3-N (mg/L) 2.7 <0.05 2.7 USEPA Saltwater Un-ionized NH3-N(1) (mg/L) 1.25 <0.0007 1.25 WSER pH 7.0 – 8.7 7.71 7.0 – 8.7 CWQG Marine TP (mg/L) 0.1 0.035 0.1 CGF, Marine TRC(1) (mg/L) 0.02 NM 0.02 WSER TSS(1) (mg/L) 25 32 25 WSER E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) 200 69 200 HC Primary Contact E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) 1000 69 1000 HC Secondary Contact Notes: Bold indicates EQO is a WSER requirement. (1) EQO applies at the end of pipe. (2) Although the EQO for ammonia has been calculated to be 2.7 mg/L, an EQO of 1 mg/L for total nitrogen would govern. However, as the EQO for TN is based on eutrophication, EDOs will be developed for all parameters separately. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 16 CHAPTER 4 MIXING ZONE ANALYSIS 4.1 Methodology 4.1.1 Definition of Mixing Zone A mixing zone is the portion of the receiving water where effluent dilution occurs. In general, the receiving water as a whole will not be exposed to the immediate effluent concentration at the end- of-pipe but to the effluent mixed and diluted with the receiving water. Effluent does not instantaneously mix with the receiving water at the point of discharge. Depending on conditions like ambient currents, wind speeds, tidal stage, and wave action, mixing can take place over a large area – up to the point where there is no measureable difference between the receiving water and the effluent mixed with receiving water. The mixing process can be characterized into two distinct phases: near-field and far-field. Near- field mixing occurs at the outfall and is influenced by the configuration of the outfall (e.g. pipe size, diffusers, etc.). Far-field mixing is influenced by receiving water characteristics like turbulence, wave action, and stratification of the water column. Within the mixing zone, EQOs may be exceeded but acutely toxic conditions are not permitted unless it is determined that un-ionized ammonia is the cause of toxicity. If the un-ionized ammonia concentration is the cause of toxicity, there may be an exception (under the WSER) if the concentration of un-ionized ammonia is less than or equal to 0.016 mg/L, expressed as N, at any point that is 100 m from the discharge point. Outside of the mixing zone, EQOs must be achieved. The effluent is also required to be non-chronically toxic outside of the mixing zone. The allocation of a mixing zone varies from one substance to another – degradable substances are allowed to mix in a portion of the receiving water whereas toxic, persistent, and bio-accumulative substances (such as chlorinated dioxins and furans, PCBs, mercury, and toxaphene) are not allowed a mixing zone. A number of general criteria for allocating a mixing zone are recommended in the Strategy, including the following: • The dimensions of a mixing zone should be restricted to avoid adverse effects on the designated uses of the receiving water system (i.e., the mixing zone should be as small as possible); • Conditions outside of the mixing zone should be sufficient to support all of the designated uses of the receiving water system; Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 17 • A zone of passage for mobile aquatic organisms must be maintained; • Placement of mixing zones must not block migration into tributaries; • Changes to the nutrient status of the water body as a result of an effluent discharge should be avoided; eutrophication or toxic blooms of algae are unacceptable impacts; • Mixing zones for adjacent wastewater discharges should not overlap; and • Adverse effects on the aesthetic qualities of the receiving water system (e.g. odour, colour, scum, oil, floating debris) should be avoided (CCME, 1996). The limits of the mixing zone may be defined for the following three categories of aquatic environments based on their physical characteristics: • streams and rivers; • lakes, reservoirs and enclosed bays; and • estuarine and marine waters. Where several limits are in place, the first one to be reached sets the maximum extent of the mixing zone allowed for the dilution assessment. Nutrients and fecal coliforms are not allocated any maximum dilution. For fecal coliforms, the location of the water use must be considered and protected by the limits of the mixing zone. Based on these general guidelines, mixing zone extents must be defined on a case-by-case basis that account for local conditions. It may also be based on arbitrary mixing zone limits for open water discharges, e.g. a 100 m(1) or 250 m(2) radius from the outfall and/or a dilution limit. A Draft for Discussion document “Mixing Zone Assessment and Report Templates” dated July 7, 2016, prepared by a committee of representatives of the environment departments in Atlantic Canada, provides guidance regarding mixing zones for ERAs in the Atlantic Provinces. This document recommends that for ocean and estuary receiving waters a maximum dilution limit of 1:1000 be applied for far- field mixing. Finally, the assessment shall be based on ‘critical conditions’. For example, in the case of a river discharge (not applicable here), ‘critical conditions’ can be defined as the seven-day average low river flow for a given return period. The Standard Method provides the following guidance on EDO development: “…reasonable and realistic but yet protective scenarios should be used. The objective is to simulate the critical conditions of the receiving water, where critical conditions are where the risk that the effluent will have an effect on the receiving environment is the highest – it does not mean using the highest effluent flow, the lowest river flow, and the highest background concentration simultaneously.” 1 Environment Canada, 2006 - Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment, and Disposal 2 NB Department of Environment & Local Government, 2012 Memo. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 18 As the critical low flow condition is used for the receiving water, the WWTP effluent will be modelled based on an annual average flow, rather than a maximum daily or hourly flow, as applying a critical high flow condition for the effluent simultaneously with a critical low flow condition in the receiving water would result in overly conservative EDOs as this scenario doesn’t provide a reasonable or realistic representation of actual conditions. 4.1.2 Site Summary The WWTP is assumed to discharge through an outfall pipe perpendicular to the shoreline in shallow water, extended to a depth estimated at -1.0 m below low tide. The low tide and -1.0 m depth contours were estimated based on navigation charts. The total average effluent discharge is modeled as a continuous point source of 466 m3/day. The major coastal hydrodynamic features of the area are as follows: • Along-shore currents along the open coastline are in phase with the tide, i.e. the current speed peaks at high and low tide; and • At the outfall site, breaking waves and associated longshore currents will contribute to effluent dispersion during storms. For this assessment, we have assumed calm summer conditions (i.e. no waves), when effluent dilution would be at a minimum. 4.1.3 Far-Field Modeling Approach and Inputs The local mixing zone is limited by the water depth at the outfall of approximately -1.0 m Chart Datum and by the presence of the shoreline. Since the outfall is in very shallow water, the buoyant plume will always reach the surface upon release from the outfall3. Far-field mixing will then be determined by ambient currents, which is best simulated with a hydrodynamic and effluent dispersion model. We implemented a full hydrodynamic model of the receiving coastal waters using the Danish Hydraulic Institute’s MIKE21 model. MIKE21 is ideally suited to the study of outfall discharges in shallow coastal areas where complex tidal and wind-driven currents drive the dispersion process. The model was developed using navigation charts, tidal elevations, and wind observations for the area. A similar model had been used by CBCL for CBRM in the past: • In 2005 for the assessment of the past wastewater contamination problem at Dominion Beach, which led to the design of the WWTP at Dominion4; and • In 2014 for ERAs at the Dominion and Battery Point WWTPs. The hydrodynamic model was calibrated to the following bottom current meter data: • 1992 current meters (4 locations) located in 10 m-depth for the study by ASA5 on local oceanography and effluent dispersion; and • 2006 current meters (2 locations) off the Donkin peninsula for the CBCL study of mine effluent dispersion. 3 Fisher et al., 1979. Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters. Academic Press, London. 4 CBCL Limited, 2005. Dominion Beach Sewer Study. Prepared for CBRM. 5 ASA Consulting Limited, 1994. “Industrial Cape Breton Receiving Water Study, Phase II”. Prepared for The Town of Glace Bay. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 19 Calibration consisted of adjusting the following parameters: • Bottom friction; and • Model spatial resolution in the area of the current meters. Numerical Model Domain with Locations of Current Meter Observations and Modeled Outfall Location are shown in Figure 4.1. Inputs and calibrated outputs are shown in Figure 4.2. The modelled current magnitudes at New Waterford, Glace Bay, and Donkin are in relatively good agreement with observations, which is satisfactory to assess the overall dilution patterns of effluent from the outfall. The effect of waves was not included in the model, and therefore the modeled effluent concentration near the outfall is expected to be conservatively high. Figure 4.1 Numerical Model Domain with Locations of Current Meter Observations and Modeled Outfall Location Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 20 Figure 4.2 Time-series of Hydrodynamic Model Inputs and Calibration Outputs Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 21 4.2 Modeled Effluent Dilution Snapshots of typical modeled effluent dispersion patterns are shown on Figure 4.3. Statistics on effluent concentrations were performed over the one-month model run, and over a running seven- day averaging period. Composite images of maximum and average effluent concentrations are shown on Figure 4.4. Effluent concentration peaks at any given location are short-lived because the plume is changing direction every few hours depending on tides and winds. Therefore, a representative dilution criteria at the mixing zone limit is best calculated using an average value. We propose to use the one-day average effluent concentration criteria over the one-month modeling simulation that includes a representative combination of site-specific tides and winds. The diluted effluent plume often reaches the shoreline 100 m to the West of the outfall as well as the shoreline farther away to the south and the northwest at low concentrations. Maximum concentrations 100 m away from the outfall are typically encountered to the South at low tide, and to the North at high tide. The 100 m distance from the outfall to the shoreline is within the brackets of mixing zone radiuses defined by various guidelines. We propose that this distance be used as mixing zone limit. The maximum daily average effluent concentration 100 m away from the outfall over the simulation period is 0.165 % (Table 4.1). Therefore we propose that a 606:1 dilution factor be used for calculating EDOs based on the maximum 1-day average effluent concentration at 100 m from the discharge. Table 4.1 Modelled Dilution Values 100 and 200 m away from the Outfall Distance away from the outfall Hourly maximum effluent concentration Maximum 1-day average effluent concentration Maximum 7-day average effluent concentration 1-Month average effluent concentration 100 m 1.567 % (64:1 Dilution) 0.165 % (606:1 Dilution) 0.138 % (725:1 Dilution) 0.105 % (952:1 Dilution) 200 m 0.362 % (276:1 Dilution) 0.080 % (1250:1 Dilution) 0.068 % (1471:1 Dilution) 0.035 % (2857:1 Dilution) Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 22 Figure 4.3 Snapshots of Typical Modeled Effluent Dispersion Patterns Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 23 Figure 4.4 Composite Images of Modeled Hourly Maximum (top) and Maximum 7-Day Average Effluent Concentrations (middle) with Concentration Time-Series (bottom) Note: 100-m radius (black) and 200-m radius (grey) circle shown around outfall. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 24 CHAPTER 5 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE OBJECTIVES 5.1 The Need for EDOs Effluent Discharge Objectives (EDOs) represent the effluent substance concentrations that will protect the receiving environment and its designated water uses. They describe the effluent quality necessary to allow the EQOs to be met at the edge of the mixing zone. The EQOs are established in Chapter 3; see Table 3.5 for summary of results. EDOs should be calculated where reasonable potential of exceeding the EQOs at the edge of the mixing zone has been determined. Typically, substances with reasonable potential of exceeding the EQOs have been selected according to the simplified approach: If a sample result measured in the effluent exceeds the EQO, an EDO is determined. As there are a limited number of parameters considered as substances of potential concern for very small and small facilities, EDOs will be developed for all substances of potential concern. 5.2 Physical/ Chemical/ Pathogenic EDOs For this assessment, EDOs were calculated using the dilution values obtained at the average daily flow of 466 m3/day that was measured during the metering period. This resulted in a dilution of 606:1 at the edge of a 100 m mixing zone. The model shows a dilution of 2000:1 at Schooner Pond Beach based on the maximum hourly concentration. Parameters for which there is a WSER criteria were not allowed any dilution and therefore the EDO equals the WSER Criteria. The Standard Method does not allocate any maximum dilution for nutrients and fecal coliforms. For nutrients, it recommends a case-by-case analysis. For fecal coliforms, the location of the water use must be protected by the limits of the mixing zone. The dilution values were used to obtain an EDO by back-calculating from the EQOs. When the background concentration of a substance was less than the detection limit, the background concentration was not included in the calculation of the EDO. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 25 5.3 Effluent Discharge Objectives Substances of concern for which an EDO was developed are listed in Table 5.1 below with the associated EQO, maximum measured wastewater concentration, and the associated EDO. Table 5.1 Effluent Discharge Objectives at Proposed Design Conditions Parameter Maximum Wastewater Concentration Background Selected EQO Source Dilution Factor EDO CBOD (mg/L) 1400 <5.0 25 WSER - 25 TN (mg/L) 9.7 0.2 1 CGF, Marine 606 488 Total NH3-N (mg/L) 8.4 <0.05 2.7 USEPA Saltwater 606 1636 Unionized NH3 (mg/L) 0.014 0 1.25 WSER - 1.25 TP (mg/L) 1.5 0.03 0.1 CGF, Marine 606 40 TRC (mg/L) NM NM 0.02 WSER - 0.02 TSS (mg/L) 4100 31.5 25 WSER - 25 E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) >240,000 69 200 HC Primary Contact 2000 262,069 E. coli (MPN/ 100mL) >240,000 69 1000 HC Secondary Contact 606 564,255 Based on the EDOs calculated above, sample results for the following parameters exceeded the EDO in at least one wastewater sample: • CBOD5; • TSS; and • E. coli. These parameters will meet the EDOs at the discharge of the new WWTP through treatment. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 26 CHAPTER 6 COMPLIANCE MONITORING The Standard Method utilizes the results of the ERA to recommend parameters for compliance monitoring according to the following protocol: • The WSER requirements for TSS, CBOD and unionized ammonia must be monitored to ensure they are continuously being achieved. Minimum monitoring frequencies are specified in the guidelines based on the size of the facility. Monitoring of these substances cannot be reduced or eliminated; • Nutrients, such as phosphorus and ammonia, and pathogens for which an EDO was developed should be included in the monitoring program with the same sampling frequency as TSS and CBOD5; • For additional substances, the guidelines require that all substances with average effluent values over 80% of the EDO be monitored; • If monitoring results for the additional substances are consistently below 80% of the EDO, the monitoring frequency can be reduced; • If average monitoring results subsequently exceed 80% of the EDO, monitoring frequency must return to the initial monitoring frequency; and • If monitoring results are below 80% of the EDO for at least 20 consecutive samples spread over a period of at least one-year, monitoring for that substance can be eliminated. Although the Standard Method results in recommending parameters for compliance monitoring, the provincial regulator ultimately stipulates the compliance monitoring requirements as part of the Approvals to Operate. In New Brunswick, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government has been using the results of the ERA to update the compliance monitoring program listed in the Approval to operate when the existing Approvals expire. At this time, it is premature to use the results of this ERA to provide recommendations on parameters to monitor for compliance, as the purpose of this ERA was to provide design criteria for design of a new WWTP. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 27 CHAPTER 7 REFERENCES ASA Consulting Limited (1994). “Industrial Cape Breton Receiving Water Study, Phase II”. Prepared for The Town of Glace Bay. BC Ministry of Environment (2006). A Compendium of Working Water Quality Guidelines for British Columbia. Retrieved from: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wat/wq/BCguidelines/working.html CBCL Limited (2005). Dominion Beach Sewer Study. Prepared for CBRM. CCME (2008). Technical Supplement 3. Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent. Standard Method and Contracting Provisions for the Environmental Risk Assessment. CCME (2007). Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Nutrients in Nearshore Marine Systems Scientific Supporting Document. CCME Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines Summary Table. Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. Environment Canada (2006). Atlantic Canada Wastewater Guidelines Manual for Collection, Treatment and Disposal Environment Canada (Environment Canada) (1999). Canadian Environmental Protection Act Priority Substances List II – Supporting document for Ammonia in the Aquatic Environment. DRAFT –August 31, 1999. Fisher et al. (1979). Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters. Academic Press, London. Fisheries Act. Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations. SOR/2012-139. Health Canada (2012). Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality. Retrieved from: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/water-eau/guide_water-2012-guide_eau/index-eng.php Mixing Zone Assessment and Report Template Draft only – For discussion (July 7, 2016) NB Department of Environment & Local Government, (2012). Memo. Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Donkin WWTP ERA 28 Thomann, Robert V. and Mueller, John A (1987). Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control. UMA (1994). Industrial Cape Breton Wastewater Characterization Program, Phase II. USEPA. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria for Saltwater. Retrieved from: http://water.epa.gov/scitech/swguidance/standards/criteria/current/index.cfm Prepared by: Reviewed by: Holly Sampson, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Karen March, M.Sc. Intermediate Chemical Engineer Environmental Scientist Harbour Engineering Joint Venture Appendices APPENDIX A Laboratory Certificates HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report Appendices APPENDIX D Donkin Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Desktop Geotechnical Review October 22, 2018 SYD-00245234-A0/60.2 Mr. Terry Boutilier Dillon Consulting Limited 275 Charlotte Street Sydney, NS B1P 1C6 Re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Geotechnical Desktop Study Donkin Site Dear Mr. Boutilier: It is the pleasure of EXP Services Inc. (EXP) to provide Dillon Consulting Limited (Dillon) with this letter report summarizing the preliminary review completed by EXP on the potential site for the construction of a wastewater treatment facility in Donkin, Nova Scotia. Background A geotechnical desktop study is an essential tool used by engineers to identify and gather as much information as possible pertaining to the probable ground conditions at a proposed construction site without commissioning an intrusive ground investigation. The information obtained from the desktop study will identify potential problems, hazards and/or constraints associated with the probable ground conditions in the proposed area of construction, as well as provide geotechnical recommendations for new construction activities. When a walkover survey is completed in conjunction with the desktop study it will allow engineers to refine and enhance their understanding of each of the sites in relation to the topography, earth exposures, drainage conditions, etc. When completed together (the desktop study and the walkover survey), the findings will provide invaluable information in the early stages of the design at a negligible cost. It is the intent of the desktop study and walkover survey not only to look at the site, but also at its surroundings. Noted below are the key findings to be reported in any desktop study and walkover assessment: • site topography; • geology (surficial ground cover, probable overburden soil and bedrock type); • geotechnical problems and parameters; • previous land use (aerial photographs); Dillon Consulting Limited Wastewater Treatment Plant Geotechnical Desktop Study - Donkin Site SYD-00245234-A0 October 22, 2018 2 M:\SYD-00245234-A0\60 Project Execution\60.2 Reports\Donkin\Donkin_Site.docx • underground/surface mining activities; and • proposed supplemental ground investigation methods (test pits and/or boreholes). Subject Site Description and Topography The proposed site for the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is located near Bordens Head, off of Bastable Street in Donkin, Nova Scotia, and is identified by two Property Identification Numbers (PID) Numbers, 15277353 and 15495021. The subject property is relatively level, but rises slightly from the southwest toward the northeast. The property then drops off rapidly along the Atlantic coastline (cliff face). The property is bound by the Atlantic coastline along the northern and western perimeters of the site and forested/marsh areas along the eastern and southern perimeters of the site. Figure 1 depicted below outlines the proposed location of the site. Figure 1: Proposed location of the new WWTP in Donkin. Engineered Wetland Stabilization Ponds Dillon Consulting Limited Wastewater Treatment Plant Geotechnical Desktop Study - Donkin Site SYD-00245234-A0 October 22, 2018 3 M:\SYD-00245234-A0\60 Project Execution\60.2 Reports\Donkin\Donkin_Site.docx Published Geological Mapping (Surficial and Bedrock) Review of the surficial geological mapping of the study area indicated that the subsurface geology consists of a Stony Till Plain. This type of till is generally comprised of a stony, sandy matrix material with varying amounts of cobbles and boulders and can vary in thickness from 2 to 20 metres thick. Typically, these materials were released from the base of ice sheets during the melting process of the ice sheet. A review of the existing bedrock mapping for the area indicates that the site is underlain by materials from the late carboniferous period, which are identified in this area as material from the Sydney Mines Formations of the Morien Group. These formations are comprised of fluvial and lacustrine mudstone, shale, siltstone, limestone and coal. A review of historical mapping and online reference documents indicated that mining activities have been carried out extensively in an area west and southwest of the proposed construction site (but not directly under the site). The workings were the standard room and pillar coal extraction process. It should be noted that pillars may have been mined at some point during mining activities. Mapping indicates that the site is just north of the Backpit Seam and south of the Bouthillier Seam outcroppings. Existing Ground Conditions At the time of the investigation, the site was primarily covered in either densely wooded areas, peat bogs and/or marshy areas. All-terrain vehicle (ATV) trails were observed crisscrossing over the site (through wooded, peat bog and marshy areas), exposing the underlying glacial till and/or marshy soils. The overburden soil (glacial till) exposure was observed along the cliffside. The thickness of the overburden appears to be in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 metres thick (thicker accumulations are expected deeper inland). The glacial till was visually described as being a silty SAND with gravel and varying amounts of cobbles. Limestone cobbles were observed scattered across the site. The till mixture is in a compact state of relative density. The till should provide satisfactory bearing stratum for the support of shallow foundations with bearing capacities between 150 and 200 kPa. The underlying bedrock would provide a higher capacity for allowable bearing. Visual review of rutting of the peat bog and marshy areas revealed that these materials varied in thickness of 0.2 to 0.5 metres in depth. Thicker accumulations of these material are possible across the site. The peat bog and mossy area overburden materials are not suitable for construction and should be completely removed from the footprint of the facility. The bedrock underlying the till was also observed along the cliffside. The exposed bedrock consisted of alternating layers of shale, mudstone, sandstone and/or siltstone. The formations are consistent with the material identified in the regional mapping. The exposed bedrock along the Atlantic coastline is showing evidence of erosion. Dillon Consulting Limited Wastewater Treatment Plant Geotechnical Desktop Study - Donkin Site SYD-00245234-A0 October 22, 2018 4 M:\SYD-00245234-A0\60 Project Execution\60.2 Reports\Donkin\Donkin_Site.docx Geotechnical Problems and Parameters Summarized below are the key geotechnical problems of the site. • There is evidence of the erodibility of subsurface soils and bedrock exposure along the Atlantic coastline. A Coastal Protection Plan will be required for this site. • The area adjacent to the southwest of the site was undermined due to historical coal mining activities and there is a potential for undocumented bootleg pits/mines in the area. • There is the potential for a layer of limestone to be present underlying the surficial ground and alternating layers of bedrock below the site. Limestone is water soluble and has the potential to develop karsts voids (sinkholes). • It is anticipated that the overburden soil will be in a very moist to wet condition near the surface, in particular near the marshy/boggy areas. This will create some problems during site preparation and construction. A Surficial and Groundwater Control Plan should be developed for the site. • The presence of uncontrolled fills is suspected on the southern corner of the site due to historical activities on the site for the installation of a sanitary sewer discharge line into the harbour. Previous Land Use Aerial photographs from 1931 to 2018 have been reviewed and are summarized below. • An aerial photograph taken in 1931 depicts the site void of any structures. It was primarily covered in a marshy/swampy area with low lying vegetation and trees. A footpath traverses the site from along the southern border of the site. Mining activities and infrastructure are visible southwest of the site in the center of the Town. Residential dwellings were observed to the west and south of the site. • An aerial photograph taken in 1947 depicts little to no discernable change to the site since the 1931 photograph was taken. The infrastructure for the mine observed in the 1931 photograph appears to have been removed/dismantled. • An aerial photograph taken in 1953 depicts little to no discernable change to the site since the 1947 photographs was taken. Some larger trees, along the eastern edge of the site, have been cleared. • An aerial photograph taken in 1963 depicts little to no discernable change to the site since the 1953 photograph was taken. Vegetation and tree coverage bordering the subject site has increased in density. • An aerial photograph taken in 1973 depicts little to no change to the site since the 1963 photograph. • An aerial photograph taken in 1977 depicts little change to the site since the 1973 photograph was taken. The footpath bordering the southern perimeter of the site (identified as early as 1931) was expanded in its width and is connected to the north end of Bastable Street. An Dillon Consulting Limited Wastewater Treatment Plant Geotechnical Desktop Study - Donkin Site SYD-00245234-A0 October 22, 2018 5 M:\SYD-00245234-A0\60 Project Execution\60.2 Reports\Donkin\Donkin_Site.docx additional roadway/cut line was installed off Bastable Street (at the intersection with the footpath) and was extended westerly through Briffett Street and connected with North Street. • An aerial photograph taken in 1987 depicts little to no discernable change to the site since the 1977 photograph was taken. The roadway/cutline, off of Bastable Street and the former footpath, has been overgrown with vegetation. • Aerial photographs taken between 1993 and 2018 shows an increase in density of tree coverage on the site. Proposed Supplemental Ground Investigation Methods It is also recommended that a preliminary geotechnical investigation (land based drilling) be completed at the site to verify the presence or absence of authorized and/or bootleg mining activities undertaken in the area, as well as the potential of future subsidence that could impact structures constructed on the site. Ultimately, the goal of the supplemental geotechnical ground investigation is to collect pertinent information pertaining to the subsurface conditions within the footprint of the proposed new facility. This information will then be used to develop geotechnical recommendations for use in the design and construction of the new facility. Borehole locations should be selected based upon the location of buried infrastructure (sewer, water, electrical and fiber optic lines) and to provide adequate coverage of the site. It is proposed that representative soil samples be collected continually throughout the overburden material of each of the four boreholes advanced at the site. Additionally, it is recommended that during the investigation samples of the bedrock should be collected continuously to a depth of at least 30 metres or more, in two of the four boreholes. The intent of the bedrock coring is to: • verify the presence or absence of underground mine workings (both authorized commercial activities and/or bootleg pits). • increase the odds of advancing the borehole through the roof of any mine working (to determine the potential void space) and not into a supporting pillar (if applicable). • accurately characterize the bedrock for design of either driven or drilled piles, if needed. It is recommended that the remaining two boreholes be terminated either at 12 metres depth below ground surface or once refusal on assumed bedrock is encountered (whichever comes first). It should be noted that if pillar extraction took place, fractures will likely extend 20 metres above mine workings. If this is the case, drill return water may be lost and rock wedges may be encountered. This will inhibit coring and an alternative method of drilling through fractured rock may have to be pursed. A Geotechnical Engineer should oversee the advancement of each of the boreholes. A CME 55 track mounted geotechnical drill rig (or equivalent), equipped with bedrock coring equipment and a two- man crew (driller and helper), should be used to advance each of the boreholes. Representative soil samples should be attained from a 50 mm diameter standard split spoon sampler during Standard Penetrating Tests (SPT) conducted ahead of the casing and/or auger equipment. A preliminary Dillon Consulting Limited Wastewater Treatment Plant Geotechnical Desktop Study - Donkin Site SYD-00245234-A0 October 22, 2018 6 M:\SYD-00245234-A0\60 Project Execution\60.2 Reports\Donkin\Donkin_Site.docx assessment of each recovered sample should be completed for particle size, density, moisture content and color. The SPT should continue until refusal or contact with assumed bedrock. Bedrock should be confirmed through coring of the material using coring equipment and drill casing. Each core sample should be removed from the core barrel and placed into core boxes for identification. Upon completion of the intrusive portion of the program, all boreholes are to be plugged (at various depths within the borehole) using a bentonite plug and backfilled to grade using silica sand. It should be noted that continuous grouting (with neat cement and/or bentonite) may be required to backfill the boreholes to grade. The continuous grouting will protect water supplies from contamination sources; it can prevent the movement of water between aquifers; and prevent and stabilize the water soluble bedrock that may be present on the site. Following the installation and backfilling activities, the location and elevations are to be determined using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) survey equipment in the AST 77 coordinate system. This letter report is prepared for the Donkin site. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Buffett or Gary Landry at 902.562.2394. Sincerely, Sincerely, John Buffett, P.Eng., B.Sc., RSO Gary Landry, P.Eng., B.Sc. Project Engineer Project Manager EXP Services Inc. HEJV Donkin Wastewater System Pre-Design Summary Report Appendices APPENDIX E Donkin Wastewater System Archaeological Resources Impact Assessment