HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes May 18 2021 CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY
Council Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2021
6:03 p.m.
Via Video Conferencing
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall called the meeting to order.
Council: Mayor Amanda M. McDougall
Councillor Gordon MacDonald
Deputy Mayor Earlene MacMullin
Councillor Cyril MacDonald
Councillor Steve Gillespie
Councillor Eldon MacDonald
Councillor Glenn Paruch
Councillor Steve Parsons
Councillor James Edwards
Councillor Ken Tracey
Councillor Darren Bruckschwaiger
Councillor Darren O'Quinn
Councillor Lorne Green
Staff. Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
John MacKinnon, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor
Wayne MacDonald, Director of Engineering &Public Works
Bill Murphy, Director of Recreation, Parks, Grounds & Buildings
Chris March, Deputy Fire Chief
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager
Karen Neville, Senior Planner
Kristen Knudskov, Planner
Sharon MacSween, Senior Administrative Assistant
Angela Ross, Recording Secretary
Absent: N/A
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The Council met In Camera earlier this date(May 18, 202 1) and on May 3, 2021,pursuant
to Section 22 (2) (e) of the Municipal Government Act.
Summary of Decisions
Land Acknowledgement
Roll Call
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Council—April 20, 2021
Motion to approve minutes from:
➢ Special Council(Budget)—April 27 & 29, 2021
Motion to approve the May 18, 2021 Council Agenda and Addendum as presented.
Mayor McDougall advised that a request was received to reorder the agenda so that item
7.1 b)be dealt with after Item 3. AGREED
3.1 Davis Day—June 11th:
Motion that the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and
Council proclaim June l Ph, 2021 as Davis Day in the CBRM. Carried.
3.2 Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Week 2021:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council, recognize the
contributions made by the VON through their work in making our Province a better place
in which to live by proclaiming May 23rd to May 29h, 2021, as "VON Week"in the Cape
Breton Regional Municipality. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
3.3 Access Awareness Week 2021:
Motion that CBRM Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council hereby proclaim May 30a'
—June 5a', 2021 as Access Awareness Week in the CBRM and encourage residents to live
with the spirit of inclusion and champion accessibility for all. Carried.
*Item 7.1 b) was presented at this point of the meeting.
7.1 b) Property MacKessev Drive:
Motion to approve Option 1 for the purchase of the two lots for market value at a total cost
of$26,500, as outlined in the staff report dated May 2021. Carried.
4.1 Nova Scotia Power:
A presentation and update was provided on the current initiatives of Nova Scotia Power.
For information only.
5.1 Creative Economy Update:
A presentation was provided on the Creative Economy by the Cape Breton Partnership.
For information only.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd)
a) Case 1078 - Municipal Planning Strategy Amendment to Allow a
Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Rd, Sydney (PID 15105133 and
Motion for final approval of the Amending Bylaws found in Attachment C of the staff
Issue Paper dated May 10a', 2021 to allow a Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Rd, Sydney (PID
15105133 and 15270382). Carried.
b) Case 1079 - Motor Vehicle Sales at PID 15037278 (2248 Kings
Road, Howie Center; District 7):
Motion for final approval of the Amending Bylaw found in Attachment F of the staff Issue
Paper dated May l0a', 2021 to rezone PID 15037278 at 2248 Kings Road, Howie Center,
to the Kings Road Sales (KRS) zone to permit motor vehicle sales developments in the
Kings Road Sales (KRS) Zone—Case 1079. Carried.
a) Request to Purchase CBRM Land and Zoning Amendment
Application(Case 1081)by Menelik Hall Society-Laurier Street and
Tupper Street,Whitney Pier:
Motion that portions of PID 15547284, PID 15609902, PID 15609910 and PID 15609928
be declared surplus to the needs of the Municipality. Carried.
Motion to schedule a Public Hearing in accordance with the Municipal Government Act to
sell portions of PID 15547284, PID 15609902, PID 15609910 and PID 15609928 for the
sum of$1.00 to the Menelik Hall Society. Carried.
Motion for approval to advertise notice of a public hearing to consider the zoning
amendment application by the Menelik Hall Society to expand its service, as outlined in
Attachment C and Attachment E of the staff report dated April 27, 2021, at an upcoming
meeting of Council. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
b) Case 1082 - Rural CBRM and Rural CBRM - No Mobile Home
Zones (Staff Request):
Motion for approval to advertise Notice of a Public Hearing to be held at an upcoming
meeting of Council to consider the amendment to remove the Rural CBRM - No Mobile
Homes (RCB-NM) Zone from the Land Use Bylaw and to apply the Special Provision for
Grand Lake Road/Sydney Road within the Rural CBRM (RCB) Zone, as outlined in
Attachment C of the staff report dated April 22, 2021 - Case 1082. Carried.
7.1 Council—April 20, 2021:
a) Parking Area Request—CBRM Parking Meter Bylaw T-5:
Motion to proceed with option 3 as outlined in the staff report dated May 7, 2021 which is
to amend CBRM's Parking Meter Bylaw to create a process for the Designation of On-
Street Parking Spaces for Property Owners. Carried.
7.2 Nominating Committee—May 11, 2021
a) Report on Call for Expressions of Interest—Citizen Representatives
on Committees:
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint the
following eight(8) citizens to the Accessibility Advisory Committee:
• Candidate 41
• Candidate 42
• Candidate 43
• Candidate 44
• Candidate 45
• Candidate 46
• Candidate 47
• Candidate 48
Motion to appoint Councillor Cyril MacDonald and Councillor Steve Gillespie as the two
Council representatives on the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
BUSINESS ARISING - Nominating Committee — May 11, 2021 - Report on Call for
Expressions of Interest—Citizen Representatives on Committees (Cont'd):
Motion to appoint Candidate 410 to the Diversity Committee as the Gay, Lesbian and
Transgender Community representative. Carried.
7.3 In Camera Council—May 18, 2021
a) Membertou Policing Agreement—Renewal:
Motion to approve the renewal of the Agreement for the provision of policing services by
the Cape Breton Regional Police Service in the community of Membertou; and that the
Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign on behalf of CBRM, the associated Membertou
First Nation Quadripartite Agreement and the Funding Agreement with the Province of
Nova Scotia for the term April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023. Carried.
8.1 Issue Paper —Seaview Manor Resolutions:
Motion to approve the Resolution appointing members to the Board of Directors of
Seaview Manor as outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated May 13, 2021. Carried.
Motion to approve the Resolution guaranteeing the borrowing by Seaview Manor in the
amount of$200,000 for working capital. Carried.
8.2 Request for Street Closure -Portion of 8t''Street, New Waterford:
Motion , that staff of the Legal Department be directed to initiate a formal street closure
pursuant to Section 315 of the Municipal Government Act for that portion of 8th Street,
New Waterford, outlined in the maps (Attachments "B" and "C") of the staff Issue Paper
dated May 18, 2021, with the intention of deeming it surplus and to be conveyed to the
Province of Nova Scotia as part of transfer to land required for the New Waterford Hub
Project. Carried.
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Summary of Decisions (Cont'd):
8.3 Request to Deem Property Surplus -Portion of PID 15080195, St.
Bridget Street, Sydney:
Motion to declare a portion of PID 15080195, as outlined in blue on the map attached to
the staff Issue Paper dated May 18, 2021, as surplus to the needs of the Municipality and
be sold at market value to Wendy Gouthro. All costs will be the responsibilities of the
proposed purchaser and subject to lot consolidation and compliance with the Land Use By-
law and other applicable legislation and government requirements. Carried.
8.4 Request from New Aberdeen Revitalization Affordable Housing
Society for PID 15440514 —Ninth Street, Glace Bay; PID 15440696—
Tenth Street, Glace Bay; and PID 15438591 —Second Street, Glace
Bay (Vacant land):
Motion to convey the properties identified in the staff report dated May 18, 2021 as PID
15440514; PID 15440696 and 15438591 to the New Aberdeen Revitalization Society for
$1.00. The conveyance shall be subject to application for a building permit within one (1)
year. All costs will be the responsibility of the Society. Carried.
8.5 Borrowing Resolution, Lease Facility:
Motion to approve the renewal of a Lease Facility with a limit of$2,000,000 with the Bank
of Montreal for the 2021/2022 fiscal year to allow CBRM departments to opt to finance
equipment purchases through a capital lease agreement. Carried.
8.6 Borrowing Resolution, Operating:
Motion to approve the renewal of the Borrowing Resolution for the Operating Line of
Credit in the amount of$44,000,000 with the Bank of Montreal (BMO) for the 2021/2022
fiscal year to finance short term operations and bridge financing for capital projects.
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8.7 Resolution for Pre-Approval of Debt Issuance:
Motion to approve the amended resolution for the pre-approval of debt issuance in the
amount of$11,133,693 for capital projects completed up to March 31, 2020. Carried.
8.8 C200 Expansion Feasibility Study:
Motion to authorize, conditional on successfully securing 2/3 external funding, that staff
carryout out a feasibility study on a possible expansion to the existing building at Centre
200, Sydney N.S. Further, that the CBRM maximum contribution of $30,000.00 be
financed through an equal amount from the CAO and Department budgets. Carried.
9. Review of Action Items from the Meeting:
Mayor McDougall reviewed the list of action items from this meeting.
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The Council met In Camera earlier this date(May 18, 202 1) and on May 3, 2021,pursuant
to Section 22 (2) (e) of the Municipal Government Act.
Roll Call
Land Acknowledgement
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Parsons, approval of the following
Minutes as previously circulated:
➢ Council—April 20, 2021
Motion Carried.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, approval of the
following Minutes as previously circulated:
➢ Special Council(Budget)—April 27 & 29, 2021
Motion Carried.
Mayor McDougall advised that a request was received to reorder the agenda so that item
7.1 b)be dealt with after Item 3. AGREED
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve the
May 18'h, 2021 Council Agenda and the Addendum as presented.
Motion Carried.
3.1 Davis Day—June 11th:
Moved by Councillor O'Quinn, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that the Cape
Breton Regional Municipality's Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council proclaim June
I Ph, 2021 as Davis Day in the CBRM.
Motion Carried.
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3.2 Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Week 2021:
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that CBRM
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall and Council recognize the contributions made by the VON
through their work in making our Province a better place in which to live by proclaiming
May 23rd to May 29h, 2021, as "VON Week" in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.
Motion Carried.
3.3 Access Awareness Week 2021:
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, that CBRM Mayor
Amanda M. McDougall and Council hereby proclaim May 30d'—June 5d', 2021 as Access
Awareness Week in the CBRM and encourage residents to live with the spirit of inclusion
and champion accessibility for all.
Motion Carried.
*Item 7.1 b was presented at this point of the meeting.
7.1b) Property MacKessey Drive:
Bill Murphy, Director of Recreation, Parks, Grounds & Buildings, provided background
information on the issue. The existing properties include a playground established by a
community group in the late 1980's and a dry hydrant on the lot which was installed by the
New Victoria Volunteer Fire Department. Director Murphy provided Council with 2
1. Purchase the two lots for the market value at a total cost of$26,500.
2. Relocate the existing dry hydrant at a cost of$9,346.25.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, to approve Option
1 for the purchase of the two lots for market value at a total cost of$26,500, as outlined in
the staff report dated May 2021.
Councillors discussed the importance of the playground site and referenced the bench
placed at that location to honour the memory of the late Cody Burke by his family. Deputy
Fire Chief March indicated that the hydrant is located in the safest place for the Fire Service
and the community, adding that it would be difficult to find another suitable location in
this area.
Motion Carried.
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4.1 Nova Scotia Power:
Peter Gregg, President and CEO of Nova Scotia Power, introduced Mark Sidebottom,
Chief Operating Officer; and Judith Ferguson, Executive Vice President of Legal,
Regulatory, Business Planning & Communications at Nova Scotia Power, who were also
in attendance.
During the presentation, the following was highlighted:
• Commitment to action on climate change,
Opportunities to green the electricity grid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
Opportunities to partner with CBRM, support communities through the transition,
and participate in CBRMs Municipal Planning Strategy.
After the presentation, some of the discussion included:
• Programs to procure renewable wind and solar energy
• How the choice is made for areas that are serviced each year
• Tracking the outages
Weather and climate change
• Where to invest on the grid
• Redevelopment of downtown, underground wiring and transformers
Mayor McDougall thanked Peter Gregg and Mark Sidebottom for their presentation.
5.1 Creative Economy Update:
Carla Arsenault, President and CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership, provided an update
on the creative economy in the community and activities taking place within the sector.
She highlighted the following:
• Economic impact of culture in Canada and in Nova Scotia
Cape Breton Partnership and the Creative Economy
• Examples of Creative Sector Partners in CBRM
Erin Flynn, Creative Economy Development Officer, described her role and the support
that she provides to the creative economy on the Island. She provided examples and
information on the following:
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PRESENTATION- Creative Economy Update (Cont'd):
• Past initiatives
o Advisory services for the creative sector
o Key priorities from the Creative Economy Leaders Workshop
• Current Initiatives
• Creative Sector Impact of COVID-19
• Creative Sector Advocacy
Erin Flynn shared a video with Council and noted that the Partnership worked with 16
creative sector organizations to develop the video campaign that highlights that local artists
and art organizations are still in need of ongoing innovative and sustainable support.
After the presentation, Mayor McDougall noted that the REN will be reporting to Council
on a regular basis and working to find solutions for the Creative Economy. During
discussion, Carla Arsenault agreed to provide to Council the Island Wide Strategy, CBRM
Creative Economy Plan, and reports along with the video that was shared.
Mayor McDougall thanked Carla Arsenault and Erin Flynn for their presentation.
a) Case 1078 - Municipal Planning Strategy Amendment to Allow a
Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Rd, Sydney (PID 15105133 and
Kristen Knudskov,Planner,provided background information on the issue and advised that
staff have drafted a series of amending bylaws based on Council's direction. She advised
that before Council makes a decision to amend the Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw,
a Public Hearing must be held. She advised that as mandated by Provincial Legislation,
the Public Hearing for the application was advertised in the newspaper, on the CBRM
Facebook page, including a mail-out to 136 property owners in the vicinity of 46 Cottage
Road property. Residents were invited to submit statements for Council to consider.
Planner Knudskov provided a breakdown of the submissions as outlined in the staff Issue
Paper dated May 10, 2021.
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Planning Strategy Amendment to Allow a Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Rd, Sydney (PID
15105133 and 15270382):
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, final approval of
the Amending Bylaws found in Attachment C of the staff Issue Paper dated May I O'h 2021
to allow a Medical Clinic at 46 Cottage Rd, Sydney (PID 15105133 and 15270382).
During discussion, some of the issues raised included:
• Public Hearing Submissions included in the agenda and those received after agenda
completion that were circulated to Council and posted to the CBRM website
• Public Hearing response turnout was higher with this application than the average
• Clarification of the motion
• Information regarding the Public Hearing not being received by some area residents
• Comments made to suggest postponing the decision until after the pandemic when
people could meet in person for the Public Hearing
• Parking in proximity to the proposed Medical Clinic
• CBRM is not responsible to regulate the number of staff at the proposed development
or number of residents who may live in a proposed rental space
• CBRM Policy and process followed for Public Hearings under the Municipal
Government Act
• The need for doctors in CBRM
• CBRM Comprehensive Review of Planning documents
Motion Carried.
b) Case 1079 - Motor Vehicle Sales at PID 15037278 (2248 Kings
Road, Howie Center; District 7):
Kristen Knudskov,Planner,provided background information on the issue and advised that
one (1) submission was received in opposition to the amendment, a copy of which was
provided to Council.
Moved by Councillor Edwards, seconded by Councillor Parsons, final approval of the
Amending Bylaw found in Attachment F of the staff Issue Paper dated May 10a', 2021 to
rezone PID 15037278 at 2248 Kings Road, Howie Center, to the Kings Road Sales (KRS)
zone to permit motor vehicle sales developments in the Kings Road Sales (KRS) Zone —
Case 1079.
Planner Knudskov explained the requirements for a Public Hearing under the MGA and
also advised in response to a question that there are no set back requirements in relation to
a build in proximity to water.
Motion Carried.
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a) Request to Purchase CBRM Land and Zoning Amendment
Application(Case 1081)by Menelik Hall Society-Laurier Street and
Tupper Street,Whitney Pier:
Karen Neville, Senior Planner,provided background information on the issue and advised
that the Planning and Development and Legal Departments have received requests from
the Menelik Hall Society to acquire CBRM property for$1.00 and to amend the zoning on
several properties to enable the Society to expand its service to the community. The
properties currently contain a travel way that are identified as essential to the needs of the
Municipality, and that the Engineering and Public Works Department indicated that CBRM
should retain the travel way as a public street.
Senior Planner Neville advised that in order to sell the properties for$1.00 and at less than
Market Value,the properties need to be declared as surplus and the Municipal Government
Act requires that a Public Hearing be held.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, that portions of PID
15547284, PID 15609902, PID 15609910 and PID 15609928 be declared surplus to the
needs of the Municipality.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, to schedule a Public
Hearing in accordance with the Municipal Government Act to sell portions of PID
15547284, PID 15609902, PID 15609910 and PID 15609928 for the sum of $1.00 to the
Menelik Hall Society.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Paruch, approval to advertise notice
of a public hearing to consider the zoning amendment application by the Menelik Hall
Society to expand its service, as outlined in Attachment C and Attachment E of the staff
report dated April 27, 2021, at an upcoming meeting of Council.
Motion Carried.
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b) Case 1082 - Rural CBRM and Rural CBRM - No Mobile Home
Zones (Staff Request):
Kristen Knudskov,Planner,provided background information on the issue and advised that
staff is requesting Council consider the amendment to clarify access provisions in the Rural
CBRM —No Mobile Homes (RCB-NM) and Rural CBRM (RCB) zones within the Land
Use Bylaw.
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Parsons, approval to advertise
Notice of a Public Hearing to be held at an upcoming meeting of Council to consider the
amendment to remove the Rural CBRM - No Mobile Homes (RCB-NM) Zone from the
Land Use Bylaw and to apply the Special Provision for Grand Lake Road/Sydney Road
within the Rural CBRM (RCB) Zone, as outlined in Attachment C of the staff report paper
dated April 22, 2021 - Case 1082.
Motion Carried.
In response to a question, Planner Knudskov clarified that there will be no changes to the
zoning for current properties. They are simply adding access provisions specific to
properties fronting on the Grand Lake Road and Sydney Road area into the RCB zone.
7.1 Council—April 20, 2021:
a) Parking Area Request—CBRM Parking Meter Bylaw T-5:
Karen Neville, Senior Planner,provided background information on the issue and advised
that staff have provided three options for Council's consideration regarding the request by
Breton Brewing based on a jurisdictional scan and regulatory options as follows:
1. CBRM Traffic Authority Designate Loading Zones
2. Property Owner Parking Permits
3. Designation of On-Street Parking Spaces for Property Owner
Senior Planner Neville advised that if Council wishes to proceed with one of these options,
a motion should be made for staff to proceed to draft any applicable bylaw amendments
and to schedule a Public Hearing.
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BUSINESS ARISING - Council—April 20, 2021 (Cont'd)
Parking Area Request—CBRM Parking Meter Bylaw T-5 (Cont'd):
Council discussion included the following:
Clarification of the area of downtown core
Current loading zones
Consultation with the Sydney Downtown Development Association
• Downtowns in other areas of CBRM
• Planned redevelopment of downtown Sydney
• Time sensitivity of the issue
Moved by Councillor Paruch, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to proceed with
option 3 as outlined in the staff report dated May 7, 2021 which is to amend CBRM's
Parking Meter Bylaw to create a process for the Designation of On-Street Parking Spaces
for Property Owners.
During discussion, some of the issues raised included:
• Parking Fees
• Loading Zones
• Responsibilities of permit holder if space becomes occupied by the public
• Areas that would be subject to the proposed amendment
• Parking and patios on Charlotte Street, Sydney
Motion Carried.
7.2 Nominating Committee—May 11, 2021:
a) Report on Call for Expressions of Interest—Citizen Representatives
on Committees:
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk, referenced the recommendations from the
Nominating Committee and advised that three (3) separate motions are required. She also
advised that once the positions have been accepted and the required background checks
have been completed, the names of the successful candidates will be publicly released at a
future Council meeting.
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BUSINESS ARISING Nominating Committee—May 11, 2021 (Cont'd)
Report on Call for Expressions of Interest—Citizen Representatives on Committees
Cont'd :
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint the
following eight(8) citizens to the Accessibility Advisory Committee:
• Candidate 41
• Candidate 42
• Candidate 43
• Candidate 44
• Candidate 45
• Candidate 46
• Candidate 47
• Candidate 48
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Gordon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons, to appoint
Councillor Cyril MacDonald and Councillor Steve Gillespie as the two Council
representatives on the Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Tracey, seconded by Councillor Gillespie, to appoint Candidate 410
to the Diversity Committee as the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Community
Motion Carried.
In response to a question, the Municipal Clerk clarified that a motion of Council was not
required to re-advertise for the Housing Authority Board as the Nomination Committee has
that authority and passed a motion regarding same.
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7.3 In Camera Council—May 18, 2021
b) Membertou Policing Agreement—Renewal:
Marie Walsh, Chief Administrative Officer,provided background information on the issue.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Green, to approve the
renewal of the Agreement for the provision of policing services by the Cape Breton
Regional Police Service in the community of Membertou; and that the Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to sign on behalf of CBRM, the associated Membertou First Nation
Quadripartite Agreement and the Funding Agreement with the Province of Nova Scotia for
the term April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023.
Motion Carried.
8.1 Issue Paper —Seaview Manor Resolutions:
Demetri Kachafanas, QC, Regional Solicitor, provided background information on the
issue and advised that the Seaview Manor Board has submitted two Resolutions for
approval of Council: one to appoint the members to the Board of Directors; and the other
is regarding a guarantee for borrowing.
Following the update, the role of CBRM in terms of Seaview Manor was discussed.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Tracey, to approve the
Resolution appointing members to the Board of Directors of Seaview Manor as outlined in
the staff Issue Paper dated May 13, 2021.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Councillor Tracey, seconded by Councillor Green, to approve the Resolution
guaranteeing the borrowing by Seaview Manor in the amount of $200,000 for working
In response to questions, clarification was provided by Eric Doucette, CEO for Seaview
Manor, regarding the timing for when funds approved for the working capital would be
used; and the Regional Solicitor explained the requirement for CBRM to act as Guarantor.
Motion Carried.
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Council agreed to continue the Council meeting beyond 9:00 p.m.
8.2 Request for Street Closure -Portion of 8t''Street, New Waterford:
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, provided background information on the issue and
advised that a letter of request was received on behalf of the Nova Scotia Lands Inc. seeking
a street closure for a portion of 8a' Street, New Waterford, to develop a green space across
8a' Street and to connect the new Hub on the Breton Education Centre property to the new
walking track/recreation facilities on MacKinnon's Field.
The Property Manager advised that Engineering and Public Works support the request,
provided easements related to CBRM's existing infrastructure, as well as any new
easement be acquired prior to transferring the property. She also added that the Recreation,
Parks Grounds & Buildings Department support the request.
The Planning Department has indicated that if Council proceeds with the requested street
closing, the travel way for 8a' Street will be disconnected which can be a cause of
confusion. Council should direct staff of the Planning and Development Department to
initiate a street renaming prior to officially closing that section of 8th Street.
Moved by Councillor O'Quinn, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, that staff of the
Legal Department be directed to initiate a formal street closure pursuant to Section 315 of
the Municipal Government Act for that portion of 8th Street, New Waterford, outlined in
the maps (Attachments "B" and"C") of the staff Issue Paper dated May 18, 2021,with the
intention of deeming it surplus and to be conveyed to the Province of Nova Scotia as part
of transfer to land required for the New Waterford Hub Project.
Discussion took place regarding aspects of street renaming and the follow up processes
regarding the same.
Motion Carried.
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8.3 Request to Deem Property Surplus -Portion of PID 15080195, St.
Bridget Street, Sydney:
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, provided background information on the issue and
advised that CBRM received a letter of interest asking CBRM to consider selling a portion
of CBRM property located in Sydney(PID 15080195)that is currently deemed an essential
for a natural drainage system along the Churchill Drive area leading to Membertou.
The Property Manager advised that an internal staff review determined that while CBRM
requires a large portion of this property for municipal purposes, staff found no reason not
to consider conveying the small section to Ms. Gouthro for her intended use. It was noted
that any proposed sale would be subject to lot consolidation with existing lands of Ms.
Gouthro and compliance with Land Use By-law and all other applicable legislation and
government regulations.
Moved by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, seconded by Councillor Parsons, to declare a
portion of PID 15080195, as outlined in blue on the map attached to the staff Issue Paper
dated May 18, 2021, as surplus to the needs of the Municipality and be sold at market
value to Wendy Gouthro. All costs will be the responsibilities of the proposed purchaser
and subject to lot consolidation and compliance with the Land Use By-law and other
applicable legislation and government requirements.
During discussion, it was noted that it appeared that a neighbouring property owner may
be encroaching on CBRM identified land.
Motion Carried.
8.4 Request from New Aberdeen Revitalization Affordable Housing Society
for PID 15440514—Ninth Street, Glace Bay; PID 15440696—Tenth
Street, Glace Bay; and PID 15438591 —Second Street, Glace Bay (Vacant
land :
Sheila Kolanko, Property Manager, provided background information on the issue and
advised that CBRM is in receipt of a request from the New Aberdeen Revitalization
Affordable Housing Society requesting CBRM convey 3 parcels of land for consideration
of$1.00. The properties are identified as PID 15440514;PID 15440696 and 15438591. All
parcels are in red on the maps and outlined in the staff Issue Paper dated May 18, 2021.
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Request from New Aberdeen Revitalization Affordable Housing Society (cont'd)
Moved by Councillor Bruckschwaiger, seconded by Councillor Green, to convey the
properties identified in the staff report dated May 18, 2021 as PID 15440514; PID
15440696 and 15438591 to the New Aberdeen Revitalization Society for $1.00. The
conveyance shall be subject to application for a building permit within one (1) year. All
costs will be the responsibility of the Society.
Motion Carried.
8.5 Borrowing Resolution, Lease Facility:
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer,provided background information on the issue
and advised that CBRM has in place a lease facility that carries a limit of $2,000,000.
CBRM's financial institution, the Bank of Montreal, requires CBRM to renew this lease
facility annually. The Bank of Montreal requires a motion from Council to renew this lease
facility for the 2021/2022 fiscal year.
Moved by Councillor Parsons, seconded by Councillor Eldon MacDonald, to approve the
renewal of a Lease Facility with a limit of $2,000,000 with the Bank of Montreal for the
2021/2022 fiscal year to allow CBRM departments to opt to finance equipment purchases
through a capital lease agreement.
In response to a question regarding a future tender process and the potential of a change in
the financial institution provider for CBRM that was discussed at the Audit Committee
meeting, Chief Financial Officer advised that regardless of the financial institution
providing service to CBRM, the resolution is required.
Motion Carried.
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8.6 Borrowing Resolution, Operating:
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer,provided background information on the issue
and advised that CBRM has in place a borrowing resolution for a$44,000,000 line of credit
and CBRM's financial institution, the Bank of Montreal, requires CBRM to renew this
operating line of credit annually.
Moved by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Cyril MacDonald, to approve the
renewal of the Borrowing Resolution for the Operating Line of Credit in the amount of
$44,000,000 with the Bank of Montreal (BMO) for the 2021/2022 fiscal year to finance
short term operations and bridge financing for capital projects.
Motion Carried.
8.7 Resolution for Pre-Approval of Debt Issuance:
Jennifer Campbell, Chief Financial Officer,provided background information on the issue
and advised that CBRM requires a pre-approval for Debenture Issuance for Municipal
Finance Corporation's 2021 Fall Debenture due to the fact that longer than 12 months have
elapsed since the original borrowing resolution approval and the required borrowing
amount has changed. A current resolution must be passed to meet MFC's debenture
participation requirements as outlined in the staff Memo dated May 6, 2021.
Moved by Deputy Mayor MacMullin, seconded by Councillor Green, to approve the
amended resolution for the pre-approval of debt issuance in the amount of$11,133,693 for
capital projects completed up to March 31, 2020.
In response to a question, the Chief Financial Officer advised that there were no cost
overruns on the projects it was simply a result of cost timing.
Motion Carried.
8.8 C200 Expansion Feasibility Study:
Bill Murphy, Director of Recreation, Parks, Grounds & Buildings, advised that the
objective of the Issue Paper is to request approval to carry out a feasibility study providing
a general perspective on operating costs on a possible addition of a 47,800,000 square ft.
multi-purpose recreation facility to the existing facility at Centre 200. The budget estimate
for the study would be $90,000.00. Discussions held with both levels of government
indicate there is interest in participating in the project. It is anticipated two-thirds of the
cost of the study will be recovered.
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C200 Expansion Feasibility Study(Cont'd):
In response to a question, Director Murphy clarified the motion and process moving
Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Paruch, that staff be authorized
Conditional on successfully securing 2/3 external funding, Council authorize staff to
carryout out a feasibility study on a possible expansion to our existing building at C200,
Sydney N.S. Further, that CBRM maximum contribution of $30,000.00 be financed
through an equal amount from the CAO and Department budgets.
• Funding for the Application
• Cost of the Project and funding formula
• Square footage of the addition
• Green fund Application
Motion Carried.
9. Review of Action Items from the Meeting:
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall advised that the REN will provide Council with some
resources from action lists from the work they have done in terms of support for artists and
the creative sector. Council will also work with CBRM staff to do some follow up on what
it is that we do as a Municipality in terms of supporting the creative sector and what are
the options going forward.
The Mayor recognized the hard work of the Nominating Committee and important
deliberations that have taken place. She added that a date has been set so that CBRM
Council and staff will meet with the Port Board members and staff to open important
communication to ensure they have a good working relationship going forward.
Meeting adiourned at 9:44 p.m.
Mayor Amanda M. McDougall Deborah Campbell Ryan
Municipal Clerk